University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-15-1885 Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 09-15-1885 J. H. Koogler Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Koogler, J. H.. "Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 09-15-1885." (1885). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. iav XUESDAiy-MORNIi,- - VOL. 7. LAS VEGAS. N.,M( 1 SEPTEMBER 15, 1885. NO. 07- wv flood ha.f of lha race, arid ebb SPECIAL 'RAH FOR THE PURITAN. wining home. The largest lleet of NEW YORK DYtlAMITERS FIRST NATIONAL BANK iiniers ever nsenibled in Now York . Harbor fcr a similar sight" accompauled - I he yachts over the eu tire, The IJLtB course. " VEGAS. The Contest Between the Puritan Irene at tho finish was one of the The Windows of aiDrj -- Coods (Buoceasor to ttaynol'la BrM.) BAR&AINS grandest ever witnrssMl. Both yachts i and the Genesta " Storey New York, - - -- were ftlutwt by every vessel, and a gun . Authorized capital 1500 000 fronj, 'ort Wadsworth, Staterr Island. - - - -I- N- cracking ot cap qArrAL paid M '10OO0O FOR THE AMERICA'S CUP Ow., to tho the iron SHATTERED BY DYNAMITE. in of tho (eiu'sta's niainnvrfsl, the outside BU1CPLUS AND PUOFITS , U race is postponed until Wednesday. Vé 11 ESTATE, ' ' HAL v Ui:i'.', 1 Transacts a Geaeral DiuiJ ins Ittisittoss. Finally Decided in Favor of flic Ray at Prlghton The' Diabólica) Deed -1- 5V Bis Reach. Cummitted Nkw Yokk, Sept. 14. There were " Á '" Former f on February . 1, OFFICERS: OFFICKHS WISE, 12,000 admission' tickets paid frtr at the , J. KATKOT.DS, Proatdent. O. JDINKKL, Vire Prraftlent. A. A. J, II. N, and entrance to Brighton Beach race track J. tí. RA1NOLDS, Cashier. J. S. Aaalatitnt t'aabler. ' Aflrraa Extltiag Rae, Will, h Va 1WH-nro- rd today, find ' the concourse numbered Ané, at That Tl Rappcted to Have Bees re no deairablo realili'nefl hou for 1tr!-:otok- s Thnre by anlmmrnut Crowd .( Trople on Í Done by Vlmlfected Clerks In l.a Vetraa. ny? Hi'vauao tn the last many more who bought tickets before A Haniaa PIRF.CTOUS: lvnt pop- CHAKLKS BLANCHARD, ' O. J. piNKKL, J. B. PISHON, moiitbfi hM Iwrraaetl tho Atlradlng of Frery DetcriptloB I fnw oniiirmtion VrrU Sleuth M.aa4 .I tho Law Saceeed. la J. 8. KAYNULUH, . , IKFrSlWOS ulation nl mr f"Wl)i city ti Hucli an xtcnt coming.; ur courso they nil came KAYNoLIW. Oraphlc Driirrlpti.n t the Coutcnt-Olh- er i that hoiiHf buililliiK haa not, In lact, ooultl down to seo who would win "Big Brlugiac tho Crime to the Door ( Three tirDepository of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad. demand. In view or tho not, kwp apace with thr Kportlug New, ln ludlng Rarr and Bae of the Employed by IhlH faiti, wi? nave amucd a larirc numlwr of llueu" of the year, and which it proved Clerk; the Vina HILARIO . ' ROMKRO. BKNiUNO ROMERO. vi-r- dosirahln,' which we will Hall. V tuillinir lol. Itself on its intrinsic merits, lt'was tho . WbN SUrekey Attempted to Blow t'p. ai ll I'KKAP rlUCAStl and on th INSTALL WENT 1'LAN . Wo have also a fow very hl greatest race ever run under the same NbwYouk, Sept. 14 Tho prospect conditions. The stables on. the track YoBK.Sepfc. H. ROMERO & BRO, URSIUKNCE HOUSfcfl FOU 8ALK CHEAP. Nkw 14. The windows tbat the Puritan and Gonesta will be were closed at !J:'i0, and- - four armed ' ' Wholesale Dealers in conntuntly bring made by occu- of the dry goods atore ol Garry and Retail ChHinfos are able to have today the initial racu for men protected s! of fa- pants In resk'iMHMin, and those desiring w runt lhe aides each Brothers, at Grand and Alleu streets, Hlmuld .Ihi- - iiaoiea on our list. cup, over tho inside the their tbulAmerica'a ol vorite. Tho excitement was intense were shattered by an explosion ol New York Yacht Club's course, are during tho afternoon, and when Kree-lan- d MONEY LOAN. dynamite on February 1, and the ex- Dry Notions, Clothing TO quite favorable. The Signal Oflice at won, putting Corrigan's (Kansas plosion Ms, was supposed to hayo been in- COR. 6TH DOUGLAS AVE. Sandy reports a thirtoen-kn- ot liook City, Mo.,) colors, the green and the stigated by disaffected dry goods LAS VKGAP. breeze from the southwest, with a Boots white, in front and the third place, clerks. Detectives have been at work Hals, Caps, and Shoes, Carpels aorf Curtains. probability of contiuuaMon throughout NOTARY PUBLIC such a cheer rang out as made all on the oase ever lince, and their labors the day. things echo. It was a splendidly run race Following is the summary: have resulted in the arrest of Pater .A. Good Secured. GROCERIES, COUNTRY PRODUCE Start First race, tor maidens, Daily, aged 23 years, a , salesman, re- AT 14.-10- three-fourt- LOOK :30 THEM! New York, Sept. a. m. of a nulo, Biscuit won by siding in Teller Palace, Molrose", LA 3 VEGAS, (Northeast Cor, of Plaza) NEW MEXICO. a Bonsoir Tho Genesta and Punían have begun length, second, Milton third. Thomas Fitzpatrick, aged 27 years, IT WILL cos r YOU Time, 1:17J. a iheir race. The boats ou the et-N- o. started Second raco, for s, ono bookkeeper( living 164 Monroe port lack, tho Puritan socuring the mile, Treasure won by a neck, Punka street, and David Naughton. aged 86 by half a longth. After a ten socond, Joo Murry third. Time. 1:44. years, a salesman, of No. 98 MONEY TO I.OA!f ON APPROVED REAL ESTA SEíTRtTVi ' á -- Monroe Tí Swoepstakos, of 500 each, with $3,. ' ' 1 ' minute run in on the Long Island shore, '; : '1 - - 500 street. r - BY IB . , . Vi'o monn our linnionso utock of added, of which $1,000 to socoud. both boats almost simultaneously put ono and ono miles, Miss A combination of dry goods clerks, about for the Narrows, tho Puritan still fourth starters, Woodford. Freeland, Monogram. Bor- - known . as , the Equality Scottish Mortgage and Lánd Investment Company leading. The Puritan at 11 o'clock Association, san, Dwver, ittchulond , aud Modesty. Narrows, 1 holds its meetings at Orchard Hall, a - GOODS went through the leading the It was East ag'ainsV West arid South, r- FALL Genesta by half a mile. The shores of saloon, kept by Morris Gerston, No. ;QP M3ICO, LIMITED.' tho JJwors having Miss Woodford and at ! to Long Island and Staten Inland are Free-lan- 68 iy Authorized Capital.' $l,QOp.OOO. Issued, I'roiiounced by Critical lluyers be Richmond against Ed Uorrigau's d, Orchard street. li was snspecled i $500,000. crowded with people. lioats of every SATISKACTOUY IN QUALITY, Bud Mf('j, while K. C. Pate that one or more members of the land- MAKE APPLICATION TO description follow in tho wako ot the came in with Monogram A Green SATISFACTORY IX STYLE, contesting yachts. and lord's family knew much' about the Morris with Besan. It, was a great sex- crime, and some time after the explo- OKOROK J IIKI I,, M lunger, SATISFACTORY IN TRICE. Tho poo's wero tumultously run Vfit. Bbiedkic, Smooth Sea at Sandy Hook. tette sion a stranger began to frequent Soiioitor. The Lntett Styleaof Sanpt Hook, Sept. 14. The sea ofl' up and down each time, with a tre- Gersten' s saloon. He finally obtained mendous crowd surging in and out. The from the sons of the proprietor the fact Sandy Hook is smooth this morning. i .. NEWMARKETS Dwyer's Miss Woodford and Kiclmiond that they had heard threats that Garry f I'tJ 1 Free-lan- wind, which at dawn was blowing sold Corrlgau's d : l The pair, Brothers should be blown up the same Í )1),u.. .1, Russian Circulars & Cloaks fresh from the south, at noou is a ten- and Modesty. $1,000, Bersan$425 way that the dynamiters in London lo Monogram ia breeze. and $250. McLanghlin. was blow up , CHILDKEN. the Parliament House. On the FOR LAP1R9 AND ou Miss Woodford, Isaco Murphy on night of the exploiion, a man entered , Staple and f ancy On the Port Tack. Freeland, Filispatrick on Monogram,, the saloon and "banded "one of the CALV N :'E SK. Hamilton, Sept. 14. The Hayward on l'msaii, carrying four boys Fout Gersten a package and him ! asked i t ... Dry Goois anJ Dress Ms, yachts are sailing south on the port pounds extra. Potter on lliohruond and to give it to. David, H;- - Naughton, who Bluylock on Modesty. It is said this is was one of the men w ho was then tack. The wind is southwest and only ' in all the real talent in the jockey line the secret session Presently Naugh-to- n FLANNELS & NOTIONS. three miles an hour. The Puritan leads that cau be got together iu the Genesta about a quarter of a mile. America. came down itairsi accompanied, by Tlieio wns .a really fiiir go. Monogram, Daily and - Fitzpatrick.--Naughto- Richmond, Bfirsaa and Miss Woodford asked if : the parcel had been left for ) it i! ; ; N, ROSENTHAL Description of tf!e Course. L 4 , were bunched in tho stsrt.wilh Freeland lum, and the package was handed over.
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