THE MATCH BEGINS! - - - * - - - * FIRST 6 GAMES DRAWN * ( ~ P. 82) Q: UNITED STATES Volume XXI Number 4 April, 1966 EDITOR: J . F. Reinhardt THE MATCH BEGINS The title match between defending champion Tigran Petrosian and the challenger, CHE S S F E D E RATION Boris Spas.sky. began in Moscow on April 1l. The match will, if it goes the Cull distance, consist of twenty·four games. PRESIDENT As wc go to press, six games have been completed _ all of them draws. Lt. Col. E. B. Edmondson Spassky had white in the fi rst game and opened wi th L P·K4. Petrosian re­ plied with the Caro-Kann, defended well, and proposed a draw after Spassky's 37th VICE·PRESIDENT move. The offer was accepted. David Hoffmann The second game, with Petrosian as white, was a Queen's Gambit Declined. REGIONAL VICE·PRE SIDENTS Although the Champion had a favorable position and an extra pawn, he was unable to make headway, and the draw was agreed to after 50 moves of piay. NEW ENGLAND Stanley King Harold Dondls The fifth game of the match was a real test of Petrosian's famou~ defensive Ell Ho u rdon ability. Spassky, playing white, reached an advantageous position at the adjournment, EAS TERN Donald Schult~ LewIs E. Wood being a pawn ahead. Soviet experts believe that the Challenger missed a winning Uober! LaBelle line on his 50th move. After this, the defense pr oved impregnable and the game MID·A T LANT IC Wlll!~m Bragg was dr awn after 79 moves. Earl Clary E dward D. Streh le Following this long and difficult game, the sixth game wa~ a placid inter lude: SOUTHE RN Dr. Robert Froemke a grandmaster draw in only 15 moves. Peter Lahde Car r oll M. Crull G REA T L AKES Norbert Matthews Donalcl W. Hildlng Dr. Harvey McClellan N O RTH CEN TRAL Robert Lerner John Osness Ken Rykk~n * * * SOUTHWESTE RN W . W . Crew Ken neth Smith Park Bishop PAC IFIC Kenneth Jones Gordon Harrett THERE'S A USCF TOURNAMENT Col. Paul L. W e bb SECRETARY IN YOUR AREA - illurshall Rohland NATIONAL CHAIRMEN a nd OFFICERS SEE THE "TOURNAMENT LIFE" LISTINGS! ARM ED FORCES C H ESS .............. Robert Karch BUS INESS MA NAGER ............ ___.J . F . Reinhardt COLLEGE CHESS ............ ....................Paul C. Joss IN DUST RIAL CHESS ........... .5tanlcy W. D. KIng IN TERNATIO NAL A F FA IRS .. ...... Is:>ac Kashdan * * * Women's Inlcr nallona1... ........... Kathryn Slater JUNIOR CHESS. ........................••. .. .•.• Robert Erkes MASTERS AFFAI RS .. .. ...... .. .............. Robert Byrne MEMBERSHIP ." .............. ........ .......D onald Schult~ M EMBERSH IP SE CRETARy .. ............Grcta jo' uch s JOIN THE UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION NAT IONAL OPE N ............ ..... .......H erman Estr ada NOMIN ATIO NS .............. Dr. Aiel< Janu~hkow s ky USCF Is a non.p r ofit democratic organization, the official governing body and FIDE u nit for PRES IDE NTIAL ASSISTANT ... ... .... -'"'rcd Cr amer che~s In the USA. Anyone Interested In advanclng American Chc$s Is eligible lor membership. RAT INGS & PA IRINGS .. ... ..... ... ... Arpad 1:. £10 RAT ING STATISTIC IAN ......... .. .Wm. Golchbcrg Membership, Including CHESS LIFE suhscrlptlon . ellglblllty for USC}' ·rating. and all TAX DE DU CT IBILITY ..... ... ... ..... ... .Ilarold Dondis privileges: 1 yr.: S.OO; 2 yrs.: $9.50; 3 yu.: $13.50; Sustaining: $10.00 (be coming life Membership TO URNAMENT ADM ..... ....George Koltanowskl after 10 paymenl-!l); Life: $100.00. Family Membership (two or more famlly membeu at same TOURNAM ENT RU LES ....... .........J ames Sherwin address, only oue CHESS LIFE s ubscription): rates a8 above lor first family member, pllU T REASURER ...... .. ... ........ .. ... ........... .. ,MUlon Ruskin U. S. CHAMPIONSHI P._. .......... ... Maurlcc Kasper following for each addttional member: 1 yr.: $2.50; 2 yrs.: $4.75; 3 yrs .: $6.75. U.S. OPE N .... ......................... .......... ..... ... .W . B. Akin WOM EN'S CHESS ... ............................. Eva Aron.on CHESS LIFE Is published monthly by USCF and entered as second·class matter at E.ul Dubuque, illinois . Non_membcr I _yr. subscription: $4.00 ($5.00 outside USA); single COpy: 40t ($Oot WORLD CHESS FEDERATION outside USA). Change o f add ress: Allow four weeks notice; please e1ve us both t he new a~ (F.I.D.E.) and the old address, Including the numbers and dates on the top line of your stencil. Fred Cramer Vice·President, Zone 5 (U.S.A.) Address aU communications. and m ake all checks payable to: -------- UNITED ST ATES CHESS FEDERATIO N, 80 East 11th Street. NEW YORK ~, N. Y. 82 CHESS LIFE QUI!I!H'S GAMIIIT DECLIHED PAUL ROllEY LOUIS LEVY Marshall Chess Club Championship 1. H·KII3 .... ]1. BxN I(·B2 1. P·1I4 P..qBl 29. 8 ·1(4 Q ·B4 January-March, 1966 3. P·Q4 H·B3 30. Q·B7ch Q.K2 1. Waltar Browne ._. ___ ._. __ ._ ... _...... _...... W5 W' Dl WI L2 W9 L4 WI3 Wl1 61·21 4. P·K) P· Kl 3'. QxRP "N 2. paul Robey ........ _.. _... _............................ U W4 WS WIO WI Ll OS W, W13 6,·21 S. OH·en QH·Q] 32. Rxlt .. , 3. LoUis L.vy .......................................... _.... Wl0 WI 01 0' 09 W2 05 W4 L1 6 ." 4. 1I.Q3 B· K] 33. RoO. BltPCh 4. Hyman SCh ....id ...... _... _... _...... _...... _...... 014 L2 013 Wll 01 0' WI L3 WS 5 ~ 7. O,() 0.0 34. KxB 1II·81 t h 5. onld o;lnl.ls ..................................... _. __ L I WI4 L2 W1 WI3 W8 Ol 012 L4 5 ~ I . P..qN3 PoOH, 35. I( ·HI B· Bl , . Arnold Guadag ... ln l ............ .......... .. ...... _W2 LI Wt 03 LI 04 WI2 LII WI4 5 ~ t. B·H2 B·N2 36. Q·N4 101· 12 1. Edoar McCormick ....................................Wll 09 U L5 04 012 0'0 WI4 W3 5 ~ 10. Q·K2 P·B4 31. 101·1(2 Q.B4 I . Andr.w Soltis ................ ... ............. ... ......... Wll L3 W7 LI W' L5 02 0'0 01' 41·41 II. QR·QI BPxP 31. R·N4 Q·Hlch 9. Wllli.m Golchberg ........ ... ... .. .............. .. Wt2 07 U WI4 01 Ll Lll L2 WID 4 ·5 11. I(PltP R·Bl 39. K·R2 R·Rlch 10. John Wutbrock ..................................... ... L3 013 W12 L1 011 014 01 08 L9 31 ·51 13. KR· Kl Q·B2 40. K·N3 ... 11. Oren Popovych ........................................ L7 011 LI4 L4 010 L13 W9 W6 01 31 ·51 14. H·K5 ••• 4'. Q.Q] R·R2 12. Ch;lrltt Rehberg ...................................... L9 011 Ll0 OU WI4 01 U 05 Ll 3 .. 15. PxP N.N 42. B·BI Q· N6Ch 13. oouglu P;lcler ........................................ LI DID 04 012 L5 Wll 014 Ll L2 3 .. 16. PltH N,,' 43. Q ·K3 Q ·B1 14. Theoclore Lorie ........................................ 04 L5 WI' L9 L12 010 013 L7 U 1, .., 17. Q.H4 H·B4 44. 101.02 Q ·N6ch Browne and Robey are playing a match for the titie, consisting of two games II. B·B2 KIII·QI 45. Q.K3 101·1011 n . R·K3 P ·N3 46. Q.Q2 Q.Rt (additional, if necessary). Also at stake is fi rst prize of $200 (second IS $1 (0). The 20. P· KR4 1'·I(R4 41. B· N2 Q·R7ch other players are listed in tie·break order . 21 . Q·1I4 Q·Bl 48. K·II1 R.Q2 1.l. R·H1 N·" 49. B.Q4 R·B2c h 23. Q-1II6 ,.. SO. I(·K3 Q·R4 Nola: We hillve- learned, iII$ WI go to p~S5, thillt PAUL ROeEY won the- fitst plaYoOff 24. RxPth 51. R·H3 Q.IU game- of the- match ;lnd th.t the m;ltch W;15 not continuld. Robey, the-re-fore. is the 25 . QxPc h I(•••·BI 52. Q· KI Q.KSch 26. Q·1II6ch 1( ·1(1 Resigns ne-w M;lrshall C.C. Ch;lmpion. 27. Q·H6ch I(·Q2 'UY LOPEZ ENGLISH OPENING PAUL ROBEY HYMAH SCHNEID BISGUIER WINS W . IIIIIOWNE H. SCHNEID P.QB4 P·K4 22 . Q.QI H·K4 P·I(4 .. 1. P' I(4 33. BxP R·R6 ,. N·QBl P.Q3 13. PIIP GREATER N.Y. OPEN 2. H·KII3 H·QII3 H·H3 ... ,.. ,. P·I(H3 P· KB4 14. B·1I4 QR·KI 3. 8 · 1.15 ,..QR3 ". N· R5 8 · N1 H·I(B] 25 . R· B' K·RI The Greater New York Open, held 4. B· R4 H· Bl N·II6 ,•.• N· Bl B· K2 16. Q ·Q2 N·1I2 April 1·3, had a t ur nout of 18 1 playe rs 5. 0·0 B· K::1 "31. RltH 0 ·0 0 ·0 21. QR.I(I P·QR4 I'.QN4 ... competing in three sections: Open, 6. R·Kl 3 • . Q· B3 •• P·Q4 P·1(5 21. H·IU R·KNI ,..Q3 "R> ,. 7. B·H3 39. R·H4 P· B1 N·I(I p·a] ]9. K·R1 H·K4 Booster, and Novice. The largest sec tion, I . P·1I3 0.0 40. R.Q P' BIIQ) • , " ·B4 30. Q.B2 H·B1 the Open, had J 15 plaYers-induding 17 t . P·KR3 I'.R3 41 . K· H2 Q·H4ch •• ... 10. p.II3 31. R·B3 R·1(5 masters and 35 experts. Winner was 10. P..q4 R.Kl 42. R·H4 Q·B3 11 . HxP N•••· Rl n . R·K3 11 . QN..q] B' Bl 41. P·R4 P·H3 ... Grand master Arthur Bisguier who held a 11. p.QRl H·B2 33. BIIR H·1(4 12. H·Bl 44. PIIPch n . R·Nl P.QN3 34. 11 ·112 ..N median edge over Iva n Theodorovitch N.QR4, ' ..
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