WE NEED TO BE ALERT AS CONTAINMENT MEASURES EASED PAGE-8 (OPINION) Vol. VII, No. 105, 11th Waxing of Second Waso 1382 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Thursday, 30 July 2020 Union Government organizes Waso-robe offering ceremony in Nay Pyi Taw President U Win Myint and First Lady Daw Cho Cho offer the Waso-robe to Bhamo Sayadaw State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi donates the Waso-robe and offertories to Dr Bhaddanta Kumarabhivamsa in Nay Pyi Taw on 29 July 2020. PHOTO: MNA Thanlyin Minkyaung Monastery Sayadaw on 29 July 2020. PHOTO: MNA HE annual Waso-robe First Lady Daw Cho Cho, State abhivamsa. of the Union Election Com- was offered to members of the offering ceremony was Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu State Counsellor Daw Aung mission U Hla Thein, Deputy Sangha. Theld at the Sasana Maha Kyi and senior government of- San Suu Kyi presented a Wa- Commander-in-Chief of Defence The Waso-robe offering cer- Beikman of the Uppatasanti Pa- ficials. so-robe and offertories to the Services Commander-in-Chief emony was also attended by the goda in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday Before the ceremony, the leading Sayadaw of the Thanlyin (Army) Vice-Senior General Auditor-General of the Union, morning, with the offering of State Counsellor donated alms, Minkyaung monastery. Soe Win, Deputy Speaker of the Chairman of the Union Civil donation items to the venerable fruits, flowers, water and lights Next, the venerable sayad- the Pyithu Hluttaw U Tun Tun Service Board, the Chairman of sayadaws and Buddhist monks. to the Buddha image in the aws received Waso-robes and of- Hein, and Deputy Speaker of the Nay Pyi Taw Council, the The ceremony was graced Sasana Beikman. fertories donated by Vice Presi- the Amyotha Hluttaw U Aye Tha Chief of General Staff (Army, by members of the Sangha, in- After delivering a sermon dent U Myint Swe, Chief Justice Aung. Navy and Air), the Commander cluding the Chairman Sayad- and recitation of Paritta by of the Union U Htun Htun Oo, Members of the Sangha of Nay Pyi Taw Command, the aw of the State Sangha Maha members of the Sangha, Presi- Commander-in-Chief of Defence also accepted the Waso-robes deputy ministers and officials Nayaka Committee Bhamo dent U Win Myint and wife Daw Services Senior General Min and offertories donated by the from the Ministry of Religious Sayadaw Dr Bhaddanta Kumar- Cho Cho offered a Waso-robe Aung Hlaing, Chairman of the Union Ministers. Affairs and Culture.—MNA abhivamsa, and was attended and offertories to the Bhamo Constitutional Tribunal of the After sharing merits for the by President U Win Myint and Sayadaw Dr Bhaddanta Kumar- Union U Myo Nyunt, Chairman donations, “soon” (day meal) (Translated by Aung Khin) Republic of the Union of Myanmar Announcement of National-Level Central Committee for Prevention, Control and Treatment of COVID-19 10th Waxing of Second Waso 1382 ME 29 July 2020 IT is announced that the statements to public, or- ministries effective until 31 July 2020 for prevention, is required to continue containment of Coronavirus ders, notifications, and directives (excluding eased control and treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Disease 2019 (COVID-19) . restrictions) of Union-level organizations and Union (COVID-19) will be extended to 15 August 2020 as it INSIDE TODAY PARLIAMENT LOCAL BUSINESS LOCAL NEWS LOCAL NEWS Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Gold Pagodas, 1,830 star-tortoises approves ADB, JICA exports temples in Yangon bred in Bagan loans for Bago-Kyaikto back to Region reopen Lawkananda Wildlife expressway projects normal today Sanctuary in 2020 PAGE-2 PAGE-11 PAGE-10 PAGE-10 30 JULY 2020 2 PARLIAMENT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Pyidaungsu Hluttaw approves ADB, JICA loans for Bago-Kyaikto expressway projects YIDAUNGSU Hlut- nomic development, increase the for implementing phase 3 of the taw representatives capabilities of implementing bod- MSME Development Project. debated the proposal ies, become a part of the world’s Pof loans for implement- largest trade region and boost the Other debate on public debt ing the Bago-Kyaikto Express- image of the nation. Next, Hluttaw representa- way Project and the Bago-Kyai- The Speaker then called for tives debated the Joint Public kto Expressway New Section MPs interested in discussing the Accounts Committee report Development Project during the proposal to register their name (10/2020) on the Union Govern- 7th-day meeting of the Second Py- and said the debate is scheduled ment’s annual public debt report idaungsu Hluttaw’s 17th regular for 5 August. for 2018-2019 financial year. session yesterday. U Khin Cho from Hlaingbwe Debates continue on tax rev- constituency asked for ministries Approving both loan propos- enue, MSME loan that took out the highest amount als Afterwards, Hluttaw repre- of foreign loans to offer a report on The proposals to acquire sentatives discussed the Joint the number of loan agreements the loans was submitted by the Public Accounts Committe’s re- signed by year, the number of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat. PHOTO: MNA President and involves acquir- port on the tax revenue for the completed and ongoing process- ing a US$ 483.8 million loan from plained that the project also in- also heard Deputy Minister U first six months of 2019-2020 fi- es, the number of remaining pro- Asian Development Bank (ADB) volves upgrading the Thuwunna Maung Maung Win explain the nancial year for Union Ministries jects whose loan period has ended for the highway project and the Training Centre which will allow US$250 million loan from ADB for and institutions, sent by the Union and plans to move forward. 27.779 billion Japanese Yen from them to conduct wind tunnel tests, the COVID-19 Active Response Government. U Thaung Aye of Pyawbwe Japan International Cooperation vibration tests, testing equipment and Expenditure Support Pro- Tatmadaw Pyithu Hlut- constituency said no matter when Agency (JICA) for the develop- for bridge construction, and pro- gramme. With no opposition taw representative Major Daw the loan was taken out, it needs ment project. viding training to engineers at the from the assembly, the Speaker Aye Aye Mar said businesses to be used within the set regula- Deputy Minister for Con- same time. Furthermore, experts announced the proposal has been that failed to collect the full tax tions for the benefit of the nation. struction Dr Kyaw Linn and and volunteer teachers from Ja- approved. amount should be reviewed and He said the government and the Deputy Minister for Planning, pan will be providing vocational Next, Deputy Minister for businesses not included in the tax Hluttaw must perform checks on Finance and Industry U Maung training and engineering training Education U Win Maw Tun ex- exemption list should be strictly each other to ensure the loans are Maung Win first explained the at the centre as well. plained the proposal sent by the monitored for accountability. used for their intended purposes. ADB loan. Speaker U T Khun The Deputy Minister said President on Myanmar signing The matter was further de- The matter was further dis- Myat then called for a standing both projects are actually a single the ASEAN Mutual Recognition bated by U Saw Talay Saw from cussed by U Tun Tun of Pwintbyu vote where 336 out of the 552 at- entity and will be part of the East- Agreement Framework. The Shwegyin constituency, Tatmad- constituency, Tatmadaw Pyithu tending Hluttaw representatives West Economic Corridor starting Speaker called for MPs interest- aw Pyithu Hluttaw representative Hluttaw representative Col Aye stood up, thereby approving the from the city of Da Nang in Viet ed in discussing the proposal to Major Thant Zin, U Khin Cho from Lwin, Tatmadaw Pyithu Hluttaw proposal. Nam to Thilawa Special Econom- register their name and said the Hlaingbwe constituency, Tatmad- representative Major Zaw Win Deputy Ministers Dr Kyaw ic Zone in Yangon. debate is scheduled for 5 August. aw Amyotha Hluttaw representa- Naing, Tatmadaw Pyithu Hluttaw Linn and U Maung Maung Win Speaker U T Khun Myat then Deputy Minister for Invest- tive Major Zaw Tun, and U Bo Gyi representative Lt-Col Toe Lwin, then explained the JICA loan. called for a standing vote where ment and Foreign Economic Re- from Chauk constituency. Tatmadaw Amyotha Hluttaw rep- Dr Kyaw Linn said the Union 338 out of the 552 attending Hlut- lations U Bharat Singh explained Similarly, Tatmadaw Amyo- resentative Col Zaw Lwin, and U Government has approved of taw representatives stood up, that the agreement involves de- tha Hluttaw representative Lt- Bo Gyi from Chauk constituency. the JICA loan for the develop- thereby approving the proposal. veloped countries that can pro- Col Nyan Shwe, Daw Cho Cho The 8th-meeting of the 17th ment project during its (13/2020) vide a wider market and opportu- from Ottwin constituency, and regular session of the Second Py- meeting. He said they will follow Setting future date for loan, nities for high-quality investments Tatmadaw Pyithu Hluttaw rep- idaungsu Hluttaw will convene the recommendations of the as- ASEAN agreement proposal to stream into Myanmar. He said resentative Lt-Col Zaw Min Oo on 5 August.—Aung Ye Twin, Aye sembly. debate it will also enable our nation to debated the President’s proposal Aye Thant The Deputy Minister ex- The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw improve legal frameworks for eco- to acquire a ¥15 billion from JICA (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo) One new case of COVID-19 reported in Myanmar on 29 July, total figure reaches 351 MYANMAR’S COVID-19 positive cases reached 351 after 1 new case, who returned from Malaysia, was reported on 29 July according to Ministry of Health and Sports.
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