Catholic Remembering Charities first Communion Ball Cathedral hosts first More than Communion $53,000 raised encore for families in celebration, need, page 2. page 4. www.ErieRCD.org BI-WEEKLY NEWS BULLETIN OF THEE DIOCESE OF ERIERIEE JJuneune 7, 2009 Church Calendar Events of the local, American and universal church ‘Love one another Feast days as I love you’ Four join ranks of permanent deacons By Jason Koshinskie serving their respective parish- FaithLife editor es immediately as they await their ministry assignments Four men were ordained from the bishop. permanent deacons for the “We thank your wives and Erie Diocese by Bishop Don- children who have accompa- ald Trautman during a Mass nied you on your journey of and ceremony on May 29 at faith and formation,” Bishop Bishop Donald Trautman welcomes newly ordained deacons (from left to right) Ron Fronzaglia, Joe Cicero, Kevin Kunik and Jim Kaschalk. Immaculate Heart St. Peter Cathedral in Erie. Trautman said to the dea- Sacred Heart con candidates during his of Jesus of Mary The cathedral was filled with the newly ordained dea- homily. “We thank them for me, but I who chose you and intimacy of his ordained dis- perform baptisms, preside at cons’ families, friends, parish- their prayers, understanding appointed you to go and bear cipleship. wakes and funerals, conduct June 7 Most Holy Trinity ioners, fellow deacons and and support. You have given fruit that will remain, so that “This diaconate ordina- prayer services and bring the priests. Christian witness in marriage whatever you ask the Father tion is a celebration of God’s Eucharist to the dying. June 9 St. Ephrem The new deacons include: and parenthood, and now you in my name he may give you.” mysterious love. Tonight, “Tonight, Christ sends you Joseph Cicero (St. John the will give new witness as an or- (John 15:16) Christ chooses you to be his on a mission of service and June 11 St. Barnabas Evangelist, Girard), Ronald dained servant—a deacon of “None of us merits ordina- ordained partner in the work charity to his people,” Bishop Fronzaglia (St. Francis Xavi- the church.” tion,” Bishop Trautman said. of the Gospel.” Trautman said. June 13 St. Anthony of Padua er, McKean), James Kaschalk In the evening’s Gospel, “None of us ever completely In the Catholic Church, After the laying on of (St. Mark the Evangelist, Law- Jesus commands his disciples qualifies. None of us deserves deacons proclaim the Gos- hands and the prayer of con- June 14 The Most Holy Body and rence Park) and Kevin Kunik to “love one another as I love being a co-worker of Christ. It pel message, preach in and secration, the newly ordained Blood of Christ (Blessed Sacrament, Erie). you.” (John 15:12) was Christ who took the ini- out of church, minister at the were invested with a stole and The deacons will begin “It was not you who chose tiative and called us into the Eucharist, witness marriages, dalmatic. June 19 Sacred Heart of Jesus June 20 Immaculate Heart of Mary Tomorrow’s priest: Deacon John Miller Editor’s note: This is the second of two Confirmations profiles on the candidates who will be ordained Deacon John Miller priests for the Erie Diocese on June 12. Age: 36 St. Francis of Hometown: Born in Pittsburgh, grew up in Assisi, Clearfield – By Jason Koshinskie FaithLife editor Greenville Saturday, June 13 at Home parish: St. Michael, Greenville 5:30 p.m. Deacon John Miller remembers first thinking about the priesthood when he Family: Parents, Dr. John and Barbara Miller; Our Lady of Fa- sister and brother-in-law, Jill and Matt Ross; tima, Farrell – Sun- was in fifth grade at St. Michael School in Greenville. At that time Father Stan Swa- nieces and nephews, Katie, Anna, Brian and day, June 14 at 7 p.m. John Michael; grandmother, Valjean Armor. Confirmation classes cha, then a priest at St. Michael Parish and include Our Lady of Fatima-St. Ann, Farrell; now pastor of St. Stanislaus in Sharon, was training Miller to be an altar server. Schools attended: St. Anthony, Sharon; St. Adalbert, Farrell; Holy ŹSt. Michael School, Greenville Trinity, Farrell; St. Stanislaus Kostka, Sharon. In eighth grade he found himself im- mersed in his religion class, which was ŹGreenville +igh School, Greenville taught by Msgr. Desmond McGee and Fa- ŹGrove &it\ &ollege, Grove &it\ ther Jeffery Noble. ŹMerc\hurst &ollege, (rie Ordination to the priesthood – “We studied the Gospels and had a quiz ŹPenn State 8niversit\, State &ollege each day on a chapter of a Gospel,” Mill- ŹSt. MarN Seminar\ Iormation program, (rie June 12 er said. “I found studying Jesus’ life and ŹGannon 8niversit\, (rie works really fascinating.” ŹSt. Mar\¶s Seminar\ and 8niversit\, Two men will be ordained to the priesthood by Baltimore Bishop Donald Trautman during a 7 p.m. Mass on Miller has taken his final quiz and is ready to live out the Gospel in the way he Ź7orre di Babele ,talian /anguage School, Friday, June 12 at St. Peter Cathedral in Erie. They Rome include: has been called. Miller, along with Deacon Daniel Hoff- ŹSeminario )iloso¿co )rancescano, Deacon Daniel Hoffman Bethlehem (Our Lady of Peace, Erie) man, will be ordained to the priesthood by Deacon John Miller Bishop Donald Trautman on Friday, June ŹSaints Peter and Paul Seminar\, Jerusalem Deacon John Miller 12 at St. Peter Cathedral in Erie during a 7 what priests do,” Miller said. Diocese’s Vocations Office (St. Michael, Greenville) p.m. Mass and ceremony. All the priests at Our Lady but decided to go to graduate In high school and most of college, Deacon assignments: of Peace were very helpful, he school where he continued ŹKenned\ &atholic +igh School, +ermitage Spring meeting of Miller said the thought of priesthood was added, especially Father Denny discerning his call. After fin- rare. But during his senior year at Grove Ź1otre Dame Parish, +ermitage Veltri, who would take time out ishing his grad studies, he ap- U.S. Conference of City College, he said he began asking God of his busy schedule as parochi- plied to seminary and moved Catholic Bishops – about what he is being called to do and al vicar to talk with him about back to Erie to begin his stud- started praying the rosary. Parish in Erie, where he attended church. the priesthood. ies. June 17-19 That’s when the thought of becoming To his surprise, the day he called was the It was there that Miller also While in seminary, Miller The U.S. bishops will convene a priest returned. While studying at Mer- same day an office worker decided to became friends with one of his said he was not only discern- for their annual spring meeting cyhurst College, Miller said he thought it quit, so Msgr. Ernest Daley decided to co-workers in the office and ing a call to the priesthood but June 17-19 in San Antonio, Texas. might be a good idea to see if there was an hire him. now classmate Dan Hoffman. office job available at Our Lady of Peace “Working there gave me a glimpse into Miller contacted the Erie See MILLER, page 2 Clergy appointments Pa. bishops launch Institute The Most Rev. Donald W. Trautman, STD, for Public Policy with Web site SSL, Bishop of Erie, announces the following clergy appointments: Site uses tools Msgr. Casimir Bogniak, appointed temporary to educate, parochial administrator of St. John the Baptist Parish, Erie. Effective June 8, 2009. evangelize Msgr. Richard Mayer, appointed temporary and advocate parochial administrator of Holy Rosary Parish, Erie. Effective June 12, 2009. Catholic issues Pennsylvania Msgr. Joseph Riccardo, appointed to the office Catholic Conference of dean of the DuBois Deanery through June 2010. Effective May 27, 2009. HARRISBURG — De- scribing new digital tech- Msgr. Bernard Urbaniak, appointed to the of- nologies as “truly a gift to The Pennsylvania Catholic publications and other occa- fice of dean of the Erie East Deanery through humanity,” Pope Benedict Conference (PCC) is the pub- sions for learning are planned June 2010. Effective May 27, 2009. XVI implores the faithful to lic affairs arm of the Catho- in order to help people pass “endeavor to ensure that the lic Church in Pennsylvania. the knowledge on to others. benefits they offer are put The institute is an initiative The Web site is a reposi- at the service of all human to bolster one of PCC’s long- tory of the articles, newslet- individuals and communi- standing missions of fostering ters and news alerts regularly ties, especially those who a public understanding of the published by the PCC. It also are most disadvantaged and church’s teaching and concern includes articles from the vulnerable.” In the spirit about issues within the public newspapers and magazines of this message for the 43rd policy arena. The bishops ex- of all 10 Pennsylvania dio- World Day of Communica- Bishop Trautman is transferring the Solemnity pect it to facilitate opportuni- ceses. Visitors are able to read tions, celebrated May 21, the ties for people to learn more statements from the bish- of Ss. Peter and Paul from Monday, June 29 Catholic bishops of Pennsyl- to Sunday, June 28 (13th Sunday in Ordinary about the Catholic perspective ops, download resources for vania launched www.pacath- on public affairs and bring to- church bulletins, and with a Time) so that the conclusion of the Pauline olic.org, the new, high-tech Year may be celebrated at Sunday liturgies gether experts to shed the light few clicks of the mouse, send Web site of the Pennsylvania of Catholic social teaching a message to their state legis- throughout the diocese.
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