Frisian Seeds BV De Werf 48 8401 JE Gorredijk The Netherlands [email protected] Seeds per gram Height cm Number Family English description Botanical name Additional info approx. approx. Herbs 10-0016 Herbs Anise Pimpinella anisum Annual 300 40 - 60 10-0051 Herbs Angelica Archangelica officinalis Perennial 180 100 - 200 20-0121 Herbs Basil - Type Genovese Ocimum basilicum Annual 700 20 - 50 20-0030 Herbs Basil Cinnamon Ocimum basilicum Annual 700 20 - 50 10-0004 Herbs Basil Dark Opal Ocimum basilicum Annual 700 20 - 50 10-0049 Herbs Basil Greek Ocimum basilicum Annual 700 20 - 50 10-0041 Herbs Basil Lemon Ocimum basilicum Annual 700 20 - 50 10-0021 Herbs Basil Lettuce Leaf Ocimum basilicum Annual 700 20 - 50 10-0026 Herbs Basil Red Ocimum basilicum Annual 700 20 - 50 10-0002 Herbs Borage (Starflower) Borago officinalis Annual 50 50 - 70 10-0025 Herbs Catnip Nepeta cataria Perennial 1500 40 - 50 10-0014 Herbs Chamomile (German) Matricaria recutita Annual 13000 30 - 50 10-0046 Herbs Chamomile (Roman) Anthemis nobilis Perennial 7000 25 - 35 10-0019 Herbs Chervil common Anthriscus cerifolium Perennial 400 30 - 60 10-0024 Herbs Chives Allium schoenoprasum Perennial 800 25 - 35 10-0035 Herbs Chives Garlic Allium tuberosum Perennial 300 40 - 50 10-0003 Herbs Coriander Coriandrum sativum Annual 100 80 - 120 10-0042 Herbs Coriander Calypso Coriandrum sativum Annual 100 80 - 120 10-0050 Herbs Cumin Cuminum cyminum Annual 300 25 - 35 10-0001 Herbs Dill Anethum graveolens Annual 700 80 - 120 10-0009 Herbs Fennel common Foeniculum vulgare Annual 160 70 130 10-0047 Herbs Fennel Sweet Florence Foeniculum vulgare dulce Annual 150 70 - 130 10-0048 Herbs Fenugreek Trigonella foenum Annual 50 40 - 60 10-0010 Herbs Hyssop Hyssopus officinalis Perennial 1000 35 - 45 10-0011 Herbs Lavender Lavandula officinalis Perennial 1000 35 - 45 10-0032 Herbs Lemon Balm Melissa officinalis Perennial 1800 55 - 65 Page 1 of 22 Frisian Seeds BV De Werf 48 8401 JE Gorredijk The Netherlands [email protected] Seeds per gram Height cm Number Family English description Botanical name Additional info approx. approx. 10-0043 Herbs Lovage Levisticum officinalis Perennial 300 150 - 180 10-0006 Herbs Pennyroyal (Squaw mint) Mentha pulegium Perennial 14000 20 - 35 10-0007 Herbs Peppermint Mentha piperita Annual 11000 60 - 70 10-0037 Herbs Spearmint Mentha spicata Perennial 11000 20 - 40 10-0027 Herbs Perilla leaves Red Perilla frutescens Annual 500 60 - 90 10-0012 Herbs Pot Marjoram - Oregano Origanum vulgare Perennial 7500 35 - 45 10-0033 Herbs Sweet marjoram Majorana hortensis Annual 4500 30 - 50 10-0020 Herbs Red Orach Atriplex hortensis Annual 120 50 - 150 10-0018 Herbs Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis Perennial 600 120 - 150 10-0031 Herbs Rue (common) Ruta graveolens Perennial 500 55 - 65 10-0013 Herbs Sage Salvia officinalis Perennial 120 40 - 80 10-0040 Herbs Summer savory Satureja hortensis Annual 1600 35 - 45 10-0034 Herbs Mountain savory Satureja montana Perennial 2000 40 - 60 10-0028 Herbs Sorrel Red Panda Rumex sanguineus Perennial 1000 30 - 40 10-0015 Herbs St. John's-wort Hypericum perforatum Perennial 7500 60 - 70 10-0022 Herbs Thyme (German) Thymus vulgaris Perennial 4000 10 - 20 10-0017 Herbs Watercress Nasturtium officinale Perennial 5000 15 - 25 10-0045 Herbs Herb Mixture Several species Annual - - Artichoke 20-0257 Artichoke Artichoke Green Globe Cynara cardunculus 20 20-0252 Artichoke Artichoke Violet de Provence Cynara cardunculus 20 Asparagus 20-0182 Asparagus Asparagus Mary Washington Asparagus officinalis 60 Baby leaf varieties Page 2 of 22 Frisian Seeds BV De Werf 48 8401 JE Gorredijk The Netherlands [email protected] Seeds per gram Height cm Number Family English description Botanical name Additional info approx. approx. 20-0169 Baby leaf Radish Rambo Lactuca sativa 100 20-0207 Baby leaf Red Cabbage Lactuca sativa 300 20-0170 Baby leaf Mustard Red Brassica nigra 151 - 350 20-0150 Baby leaf Lettuce Baby Leaf Mixed Lactuca sativa 1000 Beetroot 20-0137 Beetroot Beetroot Bona Beta vulgaris 50 - 100 20-0147 Beetroot Beetroot Boltardy Beta vulgaris 50 - 100 20-0253 Beetroot Beetroot Bulls Blood Beta vulgaris 50 - 100 20-0100 Beetroot Beetroot Cylindra Beta vulgaris 50 - 100 20-0054 Beetroot Beetroot Detroit 2 Beta vulgaris 50 - 100 20-0262 Beetroot Beetroot Perfect 3 Beta vulgaris 50 - 100 Berry Lycium barbarum 20-0186 Goji Berry Goji Berry Lycium barbarum 1400 Physalis edulis 20-0227 Golden Berry Golden Berry Physalis edulis 1250 Physalis peruviana 20-0222 Goosberry Cape Goosberry Physalis peruviana 1250 Broccoli 20-0198 Broccoli Broccoli Calabrese green sprouting Brassica oleracea 250 Brussels sprouts 20-0127 Brussels sprouts Brussel sprouts Groninger Brassica oleracea 300 20-0254 Brussels sprouts Brussel sprouts Long Island Brassica oleracea 300 Page 3 of 22 Frisian Seeds BV De Werf 48 8401 JE Gorredijk The Netherlands [email protected] Seeds per gram Height cm Number Family English description Botanical name Additional info approx. approx. 20-0288 Brussels sprouts Brussels sprouts Rosella Brassica oleracea 300 Borecole (Kale) 20-0183 Borecole - Kale Borecole (Kale) Nero di Toscana Brassica oleracea 300 20-0221 Borecole - Kale Borecole (Kale) Red Russian Brassica oleracea 300 20-0161 Borecole - Kale Borecole (Kale) Scarlet Brassica oleracea 300 20-0285 Borecole - Kale Borecole (Kale) Westland Autumn Brassica oleracea 300 20-0237 Borecole - Kale Borecole (Kale) Green curled Brassica oleracea 300 Cabbage 20-0263 Cabbage Pointed cabbage Filderkraut Brassica oleracea 250 20-0139 Cabbage Red cabbage Mars Brassica oleracea 300 20-0259 Cabbage Savoy cabbage Perfection Brassica oleracea 300 20-0038 Cabbage Savoy cabbage Winter Prince Brassica oleracea 300 20-0231 Cabbage White cabbage Brunswick Brassica oleracea 300 20-0258 Cabbage White cabbage Glory van Enkhuizen Brassica oleracea 300 20-0045 Cabbage White cabbage Copenhagen Market 2 Brassica oleracea 300 Cardoon 20-0197 Cardoon Artichoke thistle - Cardoon Bianco Avoria Cynara cardunculus 25 Carrots 20-0174 Carrots Carrot Atomic Red Daucus carota 800 - 1300 20-0033 Carrots Carrot Autumn King 2 Daucus carota 800 - 1300 20-0213 Carrots Carrot Berlicum 2 Daucus carota 800 - 1300 20-0067 Carrots Carrot Cosmic Purple Daucus carota 800 - 1300 20-0155 Carrots Carrot Lobbericher Yellow Daucus carota 800 - 1300 Page 4 of 22 Frisian Seeds BV De Werf 48 8401 JE Gorredijk The Netherlands [email protected] Seeds per gram Height cm Number Family English description Botanical name Additional info approx. approx. 20-0154 Carrots Carrot Lunar White Daucus carota 800 - 1300 20-0034 Carrots Carrot Nantes 2 Daucus carota 800 - 1300 20-0852 Carrots Carrot Rote Riesen Daucus carota 800 - 1300 20-0853 Carrots Carrot Rote Stumpfe Daucus carota 800 - 1300 20-0021 Carrots Carrot Royal Chantenay 3 Daucus carota 800 - 1300 20-0148 Carrots Carrot Yellow Daucus carota 800 - 1300 Cauliflower 20-0031 Cauliflower Cauliflower Romanesco Natalino Brassica oleracea 300 20-0044 Cauliflower Cauliflower All year round Brassica oleracea 300 20-0180 Cauliflower Cauliflower Autumn Giant Brassica oleracea 300 20-0133 Cauliflower Cauliflower di Verona Tardivo Brassica oleracea 300 20-0214 Cauliflower Cauliflower Igloo Brassica oleracea 300 20-0219 Cauliflower Cauliflower Snowball Brassica oleracea 300 Celeriac / Celery 20-0201 Celeriac Celery Giant Prague Apium graveolens 2500 20-0041 Celery Celery Leaf common Apium graveolens 2500 20-0028 Celery Celery Tall Utah 52/70 Apium graveolens 2500 Chervil 20-0029 Chervil Chervil finely curled Anthriscus cerefolium 400 Chicory 20-0018 Chicory Chicory Pain de Sucre Cichorium intybus 600 20-0117 Chicory Chicory Spadona Cichorium intybus 600 20-0159 Chicory Chicory Rossa di Treviso Cichorium intybus 600 Page 5 of 22 Frisian Seeds BV De Werf 48 8401 JE Gorredijk The Netherlands [email protected] Seeds per gram Height cm Number Family English description Botanical name Additional info approx. approx. 20-0008 Chicory Red Leaved Chicory Palla Rossa 5 Cichorium intybus 650 20-0076 Chicory Chicory Biondissima di Trieste Cichorium intybus 650 20-0134 Chicory Chicory Castelfranco di Lusia Cichorium intybus 650 Chinese cabbage 20-0248 Chinese cabbage Chinese cabbage Wong Bok Brassica rapa pekinensis 300 20-0007 Chinese cabbage Chinese cabbage Kasumi F1 Brassica rapa pekinensis 300 Chinese pakchoi 20-0229 Chinese pakchoi Pakchoi Canton dwarf White Brassica rapa chinensis 350 Chinese spinach 20-0165 Chinese spinach Amaranth Red Garnet Amaranthus blitum 1400 Chinse chopsuey 20-0241 Chinese chopsuey Chopsuey green Shungiku Chrysanthemum coronarium 400 Collard Green 20-0002 Collard green Collard green Georgia Southern Brassica oleracea 300 Cucumber 20-0192 Cucumber Cucumber Beth Alpha Cucumis sativus 40 20-0110 Cucumber Cucumber Futura F1 Cucumis sativus 40 20-0191 Cucumber Cucumber Marketmore Cucumis sativus 40 20-0216 Cucumber Cucumber White Wonder Cucumis sativus 40 Eggplant Page 6 of 22 Frisian Seeds BV De Werf 48 8401 JE Gorredijk The Netherlands [email protected] Seeds per gram Height cm Number Family English description Botanical name Additional info approx. approx. 20-0181 Eggplant Egglant Long Purple Solanum melongena 300 20-0032 Eggplant Eggplant Bianca sfumata di rosa Round Solanum melongena 300 20-0101 Eggplant Eggplant Black Beauty Solanum melongena 300 20-0244 Eggplant Eggplant Lagada Solanum melongena 300 20-0246 Eggplant Eggplant Violet de Provence Solanum melongena 300 20-0135 Eggplant Eggplant Bonica F1 Solanum melongena 300 20-0005 Eggplant Eggplant Long Purple Solanum melongena
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