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(29th Floor), 630 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10020 BE SURE to clear all money-earning plans with your council finance committee or your lone troop commitee ·ship to: Name------------------------------ Street_______________________ ___ City_______________________ state ___ $4.80 $120.00 $7.20 Troop No. Phone..... ________ _ $2.70 $ 67.50 $4.50 Send Selling Aids Fo~:......------------- (No . Girls) Ship to Arrive (Allow 15 Days) ____________ $5.20 $130.00 $6.80 If you desire our free 7 page fulf·color brochure or more Information before ordering check here G MINIMUM ORDER 25 CASES. Not l ess than one case of $2.40 $ 60.00 $3.60 any one item, nor less than 25 cases total. TERMS: 1% discount \if paid In 15 days from date of invoice or for cash .,...tlf'o.rder. Full payment In 30 days. Vacuum Packed $1.70 $ 42.50 $4.30 ·• QUANTITY DISCOUNT: Over 750 cases. Prices apply continental U.S.A. only. 2 GlRL SCOUT LEADER EH•I)' month this column presents a dif­ 3. Comp<lr<.· notes and. where po:>~iblc. plan each year in our troop to cover about ficult situation from actual troop experience. juggle the order of the groups' meetings five categories, depending upon what the hut without naming the indivitfual or group to make best combined use of room. equip­ girls want and need that year. Because concerned. Send us your troop problems, ment, and ~tdvisers. of our ideal weather year round, we spend le;tdcrs! 4. Consider girl leadership of interest a lot of time out of doors. We start out witlt groups, parallel to patrol officrrs. cooking to prepare for camping, Inter switch Choosing badges There are also hadges best done b) in­ to biking and nature. dividuab. }.tanaging time for reporL~ ha~ The new fourth-grader doesn't 1..-now she \fore replies to tht '\oH•mlx-r problem: be<-n CO\ ered in a previous Prohlem Clinic. is working on a badge until she has attended Is it better to let each patrol choose a Including ,tll three approaches to badge one or t\vo cookouts. The Court of Honor badge ( which seems to us leaders like trr­ work in the ~ear is good. helps pick the datt'S, the patrob plan menus, ing to rw1 a three-ring circus), or to get also do shopping and plan kaper charts. The the entire troop to select one badge at a From .\Irs. C. 0. Cassdor/, Juuior lcmder, le;tdcrs designatt· \\h<'ther it wiU be a one­ time to work on? Ferndale, Jfich.: Patrol~ are prim..rih a pot or an indhiduall) cooked meal. Girls mt'nns of troop government; there's no rea­ do need bowtdarics. Also we supervise to see that each girl docs a different job than From M r.~ . Jolrn P. l/ertel, It1raca, N.Y.: son why u troop must do everything by pa­ You have taken the ri~ht first step: you do trols. \\ o h<IVC been developing a dif­ on the previous cookout. After two cookouts, let the girls select tlwir own h<tdgcs to work ferent approach to the p roblem und we arc the girTs who do not haw Cook, Outdoor on in troop. Yom prohk•m brings further all pleased with it. Cook, or Backyard Fun. usuall} fourth­ questions to m~ mincl. Are ~our girls Juniors Ont·e the vear is well under way <tnd graders, check what r·tcplirt>ments they need or Cadettes? junior, can lx inkrested in the nt·w girl, have hecome firml) estal;lisht>d to complete to earn the badge. Ae;ain the almost any ,uhject. tor tlw' are at an cx­ in tlw hoop, we take some timl' to discu~' Court of Honor help, <it-l'itk the date, but plorator~ age. Catkttt·' m.t~ he deep!~ in­ bach:c•' .tml how thev relatt to the two each group docs it' own meal-planning, tcrt-sted in two 'lnill' different hadge<;. Ho''' Sign\, Then the girb ·each write out tht·ir according to what is net·decl. large is your troop? b tlw t-ontemplated fif't, wcond, and third choices of hadge., During their regular mectme; the Scouts badge lx-•t clone in a '111.11l group or a largt· they wont to work on. Using thew wnttcn play games, do simple dmmatics. sing songs, one" Is ~our meetin~ place atlequate for choicl's "' ·• guide. the troop is divided mtu etc.. so it i:. not difficult, at a certain a "three-ring circus"? Arc you planning had).!t· ,gmups of not morl· than "' girJ, point mid) car, if thnt· has heen enou~h to use am con~ult.mts who would be more e.1c:h. \\'ith the help of the troop committe<>. variety throughout the first months, to willing to giw tlwir tlml' and talents to we find <l qualified ad1tlt or older Girl ask girls to check the rt•tptirc.;mcnts of cer­ lwlp twenty girls instead of eight? Or eight Smut to lwlp t•ach t.•roup. tain badge~. The whol<> troop can decide mstcad of hveuh·? Attt-r t•verything b or!?;anizecl. tlw !?;TOttj>s if they have already completed any require­ The most imi>O• tanl consideration in an­ meet with their comultants to dl'dcle how ments and whether the\ would like to fini~h "'·ering yonr prohlt•m h: How do vou, thE' the~ will ~o ;thout doing the h<Hlge acth itic,. tilt' rest of tht• hadg~. If thev decide to leader. func·tion hE'st? Do von find several Croup' lllt't·t durin!! troop mrtt1u::s complete it. tht') pla'n when n~d bow and acti\ ities going on at 011c time stimulatin~. Tht·\· ,,),n meet .tt variou' otlu r t imt-' ha,·e it added to the troop planning calendar. or confusing? Do )Oll fct·l )Oil haYe tinlc and pbct·s, depending on the hatlge, tlw Girls are al:.o t•nc."'ural!t'<l to do badges and energ\ for '-( H'r,ll hnd::e' at one time? eroup, tud the c.-onsultant. 1f tht· consult.mt .tt homl' on their own. \\ hE-n a girl bas Or woulli more th.m on~ ht" ··.,preading can't <.-omt· to troop meetings. he ( foltht•f' completed, or think~ 'he has. :til require­ yourself too thin"? ,\!most any girl can he are grl'at lor tlus!) or ~he helps tl1e girls ments, she sign~ up on our troop calendar interested ;md nchie,·e well on a badge, phln acti,·ities the~ can do on tlwir own for a ·'show and tell." Usnalh· this is done whether the cntil'l: trnop i~ working on it <luring tht• mt-eting~. One advanta~e of a b~ sixth-graders and ~omc h.\: fifth-graders. or onlv her patrol. Om program is wonder­ small group is that the members can all fit ;>.;ot all fourth-graders are ready for this. full) flc"ible: girls c,m I ind flm ;tud achieve­ into n car to go somewhere i1 1 connl!t:tinn I am a great hc·lirvcr in lt-tting girls plan ment iu eitlwr nwthod. with tht' badge• work. :\s troop leatlt'l', T lnWt' Rnd do as mnch as they can successfully found it is wise if I don't work with a manage. The;. ,till nCt'<l a leader to help From jean Wir.\ig. ]wrior lroOIJ COilSIIltant, grou\1 m: self. This leaves mt> ht•t to ovcr­ guide and ehnnnel them. Here in Florida. if Stilltcater, ) f inn.: ~onw bad~l·~ lend them­ >t·t• t w .. tllree-rin~ circus" aml to k,·ep tr.•ck our girls took on•r l'lllnpldcly, our troop st:ln·, to work 1)\· .til tlw ~H·ulher~ of the o£ the p!O~Ie"' of each group. would cook out tlm·e weekend~ each montl1 troop together. T(u, i' .t goud Jill thod if .l A~ tlw e;irh complete each requir<·ment, and go campine; the fomlb week. l<trge majority of the gjr), .m· entltnsia_•tie the cou,ultant initials their 1/oudlmoks. \\'hen about a subject and i£ it does not duplic;lte they h.t\(' completed tht- whole h;tdl!l', I }'oung leader, disorderly troop .ICti\itic;; available oubtdt nf Sl·untiug. jnrn tht• {!rnup ami tlw comult.tnt tn r•'· However, something is nus,ed if vou never vil·w thl' work and to help eat·h girl decide \\ c hope man~ young leaders can offer help '"t: the "circus": a "two-riug circus.. if a wltt·thcr or not ~he has rcallv fulfillt•cl the on this prohlem: mother or a spl·ci;dist can help.
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