1955 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 9419 United States relative to providing Santa By Mrs: FARRINGTON: PETITIONS. ETC. Clara, San Benito, and Santa Cruz Counties H. R. 7080. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Liu with a supply of water from the Central Val­ Cha Tsung Tsai, alias Mary Lau; to the Com­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions ley project; to the Committee on Interior and mittee on the Judiciary. and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk Insular Affairs. By Mr. GRANAHAN: and referred as fallows: Also, memorial of the Legislature of the H. R. 7081. A bill for the relief of Alexander 338. By Mr. DIGGS: Petition Of the board State of California, memorializing the Presi­ Golubintsev; to the Committee on the Ju­ of supervisors of the county of Wayne, dent and the Congress of the United States diciary. Mich., requesting that the Detroit-Wayne relative to the construction of proposed Na-. By Mr. KLEIN: Major Airport be utilized exclusively for com­ tional Forest Highway Route 74; to the Com- H. R. 7082. A bill for the relief of Pavol mercial air transport and other commercial mittee on Public Works. · Jozef Olas; to the Committee on the Ju­ air activities, and that this board recom­ diciary. mends that the Willow Run Airport be uti­ By Mr. LANKFORD: lized by all of the armed services; to the PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS H. R. 7083. A bill for the relief of Eftalia Committee on Interstate and Foreign G. Stathis and Ariadni Vassiliki G. Stathis; Commerce. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private to the Committee on the Judiciary. 339. By Mr. HOEVEN: Petition of 41 mem­ bills and resolutions were introduced and By Mr. O'NEILL: bers of Chapter 277, National Association of H. R. 7084. A b111 for the relief of Dr. Lucy Retired Civil Employees, Sioux City, Iowa, severally referred as follows: Lee; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. BENNETT of Florida: urging immediate hearings on legislation to By Mr. ROBSION of Kentucky: increase annuities for retired civil employees; H. R. 7074. A bill for the relief of Mr. and H. R. 7085. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Mrs. Charles H. Page; to the Committee on to the Committee on Post omce and Civii Frank O. Taafel; to the Committee on In­ Service. the Judiciary. terior and Insular Affairs. By Mr. BOSCH: By Mr. ROOSEVELT: 340. Also, petition of 73 saleswomen of H. R. 7075. A bill for the relief of Bunge H. R. 7086. A bill for the relief of. Joseph Younker-Davidson's Department Store, Sioux Corp., New York, N. Y.; to the Committee on Kirschner, Theresa Kirschner, Frank Kirsch­ City, Iowa, urging amendments to the Social the Judiciary. ner, and Mary Kirschner; to the Committee Security Act to lower the benefit age for By Mr. COOLEY: women; to the Com.mittee on Ways and on the Judiciary. Means. H. R. 7076. A bill for the relief of Mrs. By Mr. TEAGUE of California: Marta Lonyay Bagley; to the Committee on H. R. 7087. A bill for the relief of Pedro 341. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the the Judiciary. Diaz (Ramirez); to the Committee on the president, Kenosha Chapter American Lithu­ By Mr. DELANEY: Judiciary. anian Council, Kenosha, Wis., petitioning H. R. 7077. A bill for the relief of Serafino By Mr. ZELENKO: consideration of their resolution with refer­ Tercovich; to the Committee on the Ju­ H. R . 7088. A bill for the relief of Juliette ence to reaffirming their loyalty to the prin­ diciary. Rose Lee; to the Committee on the Judiciary. ciples of American democracy, and pledging H. R. 7078. A bill for the relief of Rodolfo By Mr. LANE: their support of the administration and the Nacinovich; to the Committee on the Ju­ H. Res. 290. Resolution providing that the Congress of the United States of America diciary. bill, H. R. 6987, and all accompanying papers in their efforts to bring about a lasting peace, H. R. 7079. A bill for the relief of Libero shall be referred to the United States Court freedom, and justice in the world; to the Mihaich; to the Committee on the Judiciary. of Claims; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Committee on Foreign Affairs. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS entitled "Cowards in the United States Con­ stitutional Educational League the Ameri­ Kamp and Americanism gress," he not only attacks the House Un­ can Legion has this to say: "The Constitu­ American Activities Committee in such a tional Educational League's main activity is EXTENSION OF REMARKS manner as to put him in contempt of Con­ pamphleteering. Pamphlets issued by the OF gress, but he also scurrilously attacks the group try to create religious hostility. In Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, an its accusations of Communist infiltration, it organization which all of us know has a long makes malicious and irresponsible charges HON. ARTHUR G. KLEIN and meritorious record in the fight against ·against responsible and respected groups and OF NEW YORK communism and other dictatorships. individuals who are working to strengthen IN THE HOUSE .OF REPRESENTATIVES Although Mr. Kamp denies that he is anti­ and improve our democracy. The league Tuesday, June 28, 1955 semitic, I would like to quote a statement )s a personal vehicle of Kamp's which sells .by him attacking the great Jewish organi­ its pamphlets at profiteering prices in order Mr. KLEIN. Mr. Speaker, under zation, B'nai B'rith: to insure a good living for him." (Sunday leave to extend my remarks, I include "Pro-Communists professionals have been Herald, Bridgeport, Conn., April 22, 1951.) herewith a statement made by our col­ in control of the Anti-Defamation League for While head of the Constitutional Educa­ many years. It has sponsored Communist­ tional League, Mr. Kamp published a pamph­ league, Mr. EBERHARTER, of Pennsylvania~ line speakers, its literature has been authored let entitled "The Fifth Column in Wash­ with regard to Joseph P. Kamp. by Communist-fronters, and its spy and ington," a copy of which was sent to every I personally think the most effective smear network has continually harassed and Member of the House and Senate. This way to handle a rabble-rouser such as .persecuted anti-Communists, while main­ publication seems to have enjoyed brisk sale this individual would be to disregard taining a 'phony' pose of anti-Communism." at meetings held under the auspices of the him completely. The only possible way . I think it might be interesting to Mem­ German-American Bund and the Christian to explain this character and others of bers of the House for me to briefly review Front. Ac~ording to Kamp, the real fifth .the record of this man, Joseph l{amp, who column apparently was an insidious band his ilk is to assume that the venom which apparently believes he is qualified to judge of Government employees, ranging from At­ they spew is the result of a psychotic the patriotism of an organization such as torney General Jackson (later United States personality. However, some of my col­ B'nai B'rith, and so blatantly proclaims his Supreme Court Justice) and Secretary of leagues who have met up with him feel judgments. This is a man, Mr. Speaker, who the Interior Harold Ickes to a charwoman that his activities should be exposed. has for years tried by various means to en­ employed in the Capitol Building, all of · I am happy to insert Representative .gender bigotry, hate, and intolerance in this whom Mr. Kamp designated as Communists EBERHARTER's remarks and emphasize country-all the characteristics which are or practically Communists. that I agree with him wholeheartedly: prevalent in totalitarian countries and so In the spring of 1933, while on a so-called abhorrent to all real Americans. lecture tour and in the course of one of KAMP AND AMERICANISM . In the fall of 1933, he organized a pro­ Kamp's speeches, he made statements about Mr. EBERHARTER. Mr. Speaker, I feel it my Fascist newspaper entitled "The Awakener." our Government that were apparently even duty to speak out in opposition to what I Until 1937, he was listed as the editor of . too un-American for the Constitutional consider one of the most vicious and un­ .this sheet, and on his staff was the known League. As a result he was toid he could patriotic attacks I have ever heard on lead:. Fascist propaga.ndist, Harold Lord Barney, not talk politics under the auspices of the ing Jewish organizations. I refer to the and also the notorious Lawrence Dennis, who league. Thereupon connections with the recent April issue of a pamphlet circulated authored "The Coming American Fascism." league were discontinued, but this severance under the title of "Headlines." This scur­ When "The Aw~kener" suspended publica­ only lasted until 1937. rilous sheet is dominated and disseminated tion, Joe Kamp wrote to a follower: "The Some of the titles of publications by Mr. by one Joseph P. Kamp, a leading hate . work will be carried on by the Constitutional . Kamp are an indication of his views, such monger ~ n ~he . United States. In an article Educational League." Of Kamp and the Con- as "Join the CIO and Help Built a Soviet CI-592 9420 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE June 28 America" ( 1937), "Vote CIO and Get ·a So­ I shall insert in the coming days, of to appraising carefully in each instance the viet America" (1944), "To Hell With GI Joe" which the first is taken from the intro­ need for na.tional participation, the Na­ ( 1944).
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