229,1963. GOLDIN, JUDAH, the Two Versi

229,1963. GOLDIN, JUDAH, the Two Versi

ABO AB, MOSES ROSENTHAL, JUDAH M., Two Early Jewish Polemicists on American Soil. XXXIV : 229,1963. ABOTDE RABBI NATHAN GOLDIN, JUDAH, The Two Versions of Abot de Rabbi Nathan. XIX: 97, 1945-46. ABRABANEL see ABRAVANEL ABRAHAM FINKEL, JOSHUA, An Arabic Story of Abraham. XII-XIII: 387, 1937-38. SANDMEL, SAMUEL, Philo's Place in Judaism: A Study of Conceptions of Abraham in Jewish Literature. XXV: 209, 1954; Part II, XXVI: 151, 1955. WACHOLDER, BEN ZION, Pseudo-Eupolemus' Two Greek Fragments on the Life of Abraham, XXXIV: 83, 1963. How Long Did Abram Stay in Egypt? A Study in Hellenistic, Qumran and Rabbinic Chronography. XXXV: 43, 1964. ABRAHAM BAR HIYYA Migdal־Tébuna u־MILLAS-VALLICROSA, JOSÉ M., La Obra Enciclopédica Yësodé Ha Ha-Emuná de R. Abraham bar Hiyyah Ha-Bargeloni. XXIII, Part One: 645, 1950-51. * III: 312, 1926; VI: 251-4, 1929. ' ABRAHAM BEN DAVID OF POSQUDERES תוספות ישנים וחידושי הראב״ד על פרק ראשון ופרק שני של מסכת ,WACHOLDER, BEN ZION .סה XXXVII: Hebrew Section, 1966 קידושין ABRAHAM HACOHEN לה XVI: Hebrew Section.1941 לתולדות קהילות בולונייה בתחילת המאה הט״ז ,SONNE, ISAIAH ABRAHAM IBN DAUD WOLFSON, HARRY AUSTRYN, Notes on Proofs of the Existence of God in Jewish Philosophy. 1:575, 1924. ABRAHAM NATHAN לתולדות בתי המדרש בירושלים במאה הי״ז (פעולתם של ר׳ יעקב חאגיז ,BENAJAHU, MEIR .א, XXI: Hebrew Section, 1948 .(ומשה בנו לטובתם ABRAVANEL, ISAAC MANN, JACOB, A Final Word to Krauss' "Nachbemerkung" {HUCA, Χ: 307). XI: 425,1936. MIHALY, EUGENE, Isaac Abravanel on the Principles of Faith. XXVI: 481, 1955. REINES, ALVIN J., Abrabanel on Prophecy in the Mor eh Nebukhim. I. XXXI: 107, 1960. II. Commentary to Chapter Thirty-three. XXXIII: 221, 1962; III. Commentary to Chapter Thirty-Five. XXXIV: 195, 1963; IV. (Part I) XXXV: 213, 1964; IV. (Part II) XXXVI: 125, 1965; V. XXXVII: 147, 1966. ACADEMIES see also EDUCATION ABERBACH, MOSHE, Educational Institutions and Problems During the Talmudic Age. XXXVII: 107, 1966. ACCENTS see also GRAMMAR; MASORAH SPERBER, ALEXANDER, Hebrew Phonology. XVI: 415, 1941. WERNER, ERIC, Preliminary Notes for a Comparative Study of a Catholic and Jewish Musical Punctuation. XV : 335, 1940. The Doxology in Synagogue and Church, a Liturgico-Musical Study. XIX: 275, 1945-46. The Conflict between Hellenism and Judaism in the Music of the Early Christian Church. XX: 407, 1947. WILENSKY, MICHAEL, About Manuscripts, XII-XIII: 559, 1937-38. *XIX: 329, 1945-1946. ADAM see also GENESIS APTOWITZER, V., Arabisch-Jüdische Schöpfungstheorien. VI: 205, 1929. AD AR LEWY, JULIUS, The Feast of the 14th Day of Adar. XIV: 127, 1939. ADAR, 28TH OF BAMMEL, ERNST, Der Achtundzwanzigste Adar. XXVIII: 109, 1957. ADLER, SAMUEL PHILIPSON, DAVID, Some Unpublished Letters of Theological Importance. II: 419, 1925. ADULTERY see also SEX; SOTAH PASSAMANECK, STEPHEN M., Some Medieval Problems in Mamzeruth. XXXVII: 121, 1966. ADULTS BAMBERGER, BERNARD J., Qetanah, Na'arah, Bogereth. XXXII: 281, 1961. 1 AESOP GOTTHEIL, RICHARD J. H. An Unknown Hebrew Version of the Sayings of Aesop. V: 315, 1928; Supplement VI: 349, 1929. AFENDOPOLO, CALEB XXIV: Hebrew Section, 1952- מחברות כלב בן אליהו אפגדופולו הקראי ,BERNSTEIN, SIMON 53. AFGHANISTAN FISCHEL, WALTER J., Mulla Ibrahim Nathan (1816 1868), Jewish Agent of the British During the First Anglo-Afghan War.XXIX: 331, 1958. AFRICA see also EGYPT GINSBURGER, M., Deux Pourims Locaux. X: 445, 1930. PATAI, RAPHAEL, Hebrew Installation Rites. A Contribution to the Study of Ancient Near-Eastern-African Culture Contact. XX: 143, 1947. .IV: 449, 1927 תעודות מכתבי־יד ,TOLEDANO, JACOB MOSES AFTERLIFE ORLINSKY, HARRY M., Studies in the Septuagint of the Book of Job (Chap. ILL Continued). XXXII* 239 1961 AGGADAH see also TALMUD AND MIDRASH APTOWITZER, V., Asenath, the Wife of Joseph. A Haggadic, Literary Historical Study. 1:238, 1924. The Rewarding and Punishing of Animals and Inanimate Objects. On the Aggadic View of the World. Ill: 117, 1926. Arabisch-Jüdische Schöpfungstheorien. VI: 205, 1929. BAECK, LEO, Haggadah and Christian Doctrine. XXIII, Part One: 549, 1950-51. BAMBERGER, BERNARD J., Revelations of Torah after Sinai. An Aggadic Study. XVI: 97, 1941. BLANK, SHELDON, The Death of Zechariah in Rabbinic Literature. XII-XIII:327, 1937-38 C0H0N, SAMUEL S., Original Sin. XXI: 275, 1948. HELLER, BERNHARD, "Gott Wünscht das Herz." Legenden über Einfältige Andacht und über den Gefährten im Paradies. IV : 365, 1927. KATZ, ROBERT L., Empathy in Modern Psychotherapy and in the Aggada. XXX: 191,1959. KRAUSS, SAMUEL, Sprachliche Bemerkungen zum Texte des Sepher Ma'asijoth, ed. Gaster. IV: 345, 1927. MARMORSTEIN, ARTHUR, The Background of the Haggadah. VI: 141, 1929. ΝΕΜΟΥ, LEON, Al-Qirqisänfs Account of the Jewish Sects and Christianity.VII: 317, 1930. SANDMEL, SAMUEL, Philo's Place in Judaism: A Study of Conceptions of Abraham in Jewish Literature. XXV: 209, 1954; Part II. XXVI: 151, 1955. SCHOEPS, HANS JOACHIM, Simon Magus in der Haggadah? XXI: 257, 1948. SLONIMSKY, HENRY, The Philosophy Implicit in the Midrash. XXVII: 235, 1956. SONNE, ISAIAH, The Paintings of the Dura Synagogue. XX: 255, 1947. , ״מראש מקדמי ארץ נסוכה״-זולת על פטירת משה לר יהוסף האזובי ,.WEINBERGER, LEON J XXXVII: Hebrew Section^,1966. AGONY, PROPHETIC BLANK, SHELDON H., Traces of Prophetic Agony in Isaiah. XXVII: 81:1956. AGRAPHOS NOMOS HEINEMANN, ISAAK, Die Lehre vom Ungeschriebenen Gesetz im Jüdischen Schrifttum. IV: 149, 1927. AHAB, OMRI AND i MORGENSTERN, JULIAN, Amos Studies, Part III. The Historical Antecedents of Amos Prophecy. XV: 59, 1940. AHAD HA'AM (ASHER GINZBERG) AGUS, JACOB B., The Prophet in Modern Hebrew Literature. XXVIII: 289, 1957. AHIJAH COHEN, MARTIN Α., The Role of the Shilonite Pristhood in the United Monarchy of Ancient Israel. XXXVI: 59, 1965. AHRWEILER, BENDEL GINSBURGER, M., Bendel Ahrweiler. IV: 487, 1927. AKIBA GUTTMANN, ALEXANDER, Akiba, "Rescuer of the Torah." XVII: 395, 1942-43. WALLACH, LUITPOLD, A Palestinian Polemic Against Idolatry. XIX: 389, 1945-46. * I: 366; 485, 1924; II: 232-237, 1925; VI: 145, 153 if., 1929; XIX: 397, 1945-1946. 2 AKKADIAN see also ASSYRIOLOGY, CUNEIFORM HALLO, WILLIAM W., The Royal Inscriptions of Ur: A Typology. XXIII: 1, 1962. LEWY, JULIUS, A New Parallel between Häbirü and Hebrews. XV: 47, 1940. The Old West Semitic Sun-God Hammu. XVIII: 429, 1944. Amurritica. XXXII: 31, 1961. ROSENTHAL, FRANZ, Sedâkâ, Charity. XXIII, Part One: 411, 1950-51. AL-BARDANI, JOSEPH .צט, XVI: Hebrew Section, 1941 שרידי שירה מ״תקופת הזהב״ ,BERNSTEIN, SIMON AL-NAQAWA, ISRAEL CRONBACH, ABRAHAM, The Gradations of Benevolence. XVI: 163, 1941. ENELOW, HYMAN G., Midrash Hashkem Quotations in Alnaqua's Menorat Ha-Maor. IV: 311, 1927. AL-QIRQISANI see QIRQISANI AL-ROTI, MOSES .XI: 647, 1936 .(אלרוטי) Roti־WILENSKY, MICHAEL, R. Mose Al About Manuscripts. XII-XIII : 559, 1937-38. ALALAKH, TEXTS FROM TSEVAT, MATITIAHU, Alalakhiana. XXIX: 109, 1958. ALEXANDRIA see also EGYPT הערה נוספת למאמרו של הרב .MANN, JACOB, Additional Note to Toledano's Article IV: 466,1927 י. מ. טולידאנו ,XII-XIII: 701 בתי הכנסיות העתיקים באלכסנדריה וסביבותיה ,TOLEDANO, JACOB MOSES 1937-38. ALGERIA GINSBURGER, M., Deux Pourims Locaux.X: 445, 1930. ALLEGORY HEINEMANN, ISAAK, Die Wissenschaftliche Allegoristik des Jüdischen Mittelalters. XXIII, Part One: 611, 1950-51. MARCUS, RALPH, A 16th Century Hebrew Critique of Philo. XXI: 29, 1948. SANDMEL, SAMUEL, Philo's Place in Judaism: A Study of Conceptions of Abraham in Jewish Literature. XXV: 209, 1954. Part II. XXVI: 151, 1955. ALTAR FIRE KRAUSS, SAMUEL, Service Tree in the Bible and Talmud and in Modern Palestine. 1:179,1924. AMERICANA BLAU, JOSEPH L., An American-Jewish View of the Evolution Controversy. XX: 617, 1947. GRINSTEIN, HYMAN B., The Minute Book of Lilienthal's Union of German Synagogues in New York. XVIII: 324, 1944. HONOR, LEO L., Educating Teaching Personnel for Jewish Schools. XXIII, Part Two: 617, 1950-51. KOHLER, KAUFMANN, The Hebrew Union College of Yesterday and a Great Desideratum in its Curriculum Today. Jubilee Volume: 71, 1925. KORN, BERTRAM W., Isaac Mayer Wise on the Civil War. XX: 635, 1947. Rabbis, Prayers, and Legislatures. XXIII, Part Two: 95, 1950-51. LIEBERMAN, MORRIS, Julian Morgenstern — Scholar, Teacher and Leader. XXXII: 1,1961. MARCUS, JACOB RADER, The Modern Religion of Moses Hart. XX: 585, 1947. David Neumark (Born August 3,1866, Died December 15,1924). XXXVII: Front, 1966. PHILIPSON, DAVID, The History of the Hebrew Union College 1875-1925. Jubilee Volume: 1, 1925. Personal Contacts with the Founder of the Hebrew Union College. XI: 1, 1936. PLAUT, W. GUNTHER, TWO Notes on the History of the Jews in America. XIV: 575, 1939. ROSENTHAL, JUDAHM., TWO Early Jewish Polemicists on American Soil. XXXIV: 229, 1963. SCHEIBER, ALEXANDER, Letters of Solomon Schechter to William Bacher and Ignace Goldziher. XXXIII: 255, 1962. XXVIII: Hebrew Section מכתבי יהושע העשיל שור לברוך פלזגטהל ,SPICEHANDLER, EZRA .א 1957 WEINRYB, BERNARD Ο., American Jewish Historiography, Facts and Problems. XXIII, Part Two: 221, 1950-51. *XVIII: 341 ff., 1944. AMIDAH see also LITURGY, PRAYER, SHEMONEH ESREH LIEBREICH, LEON J., The Insertions in the Third Benediction of the Holy Day Amidoth. XXXV: 79, 1964. 3 MANN, JACOB, Changes in the Divine Service of the Synagogue Due to Religious Perse- cutions. IV: 241, 1927. AMORITES LEWY, JULIUS, Amurritica. XXXII: 31, 1961. AMOS COHEN, SIMON, Amos Was a Navi. XXXII: 175, 1961. The Political Background of the Words of Amos. XXXVI: 153, 1965. MORGENSTERN, JULIAN, Amos Studies, Part I.XI: 19, 1936; Part II. The Sin of Uzziah, the Festival of Jerobeam, and the Date of Amos. XII-XIII: 1, 1937-38; Part III. The Historical Antecedents of Amos' Prophecy. XV: 59, 1940; Part IV. The Address of Amos — Text and Commentary. XXXII: 295, 1961. The Loss of Words at the Ends of Lines in Manuscripts of Biblical Poetry. XXV: 41, 1954. * XVII: 474-5, 1942-1943. AMSTERDAM ארבע תעודות בעברית ושתי כתובות מיוחדות מרבני הספרדים של אמשטרדם.EMMANUEL, ISAAC S .א XXXVI: Hebrew Section, 1965 ROTH, CECIL, The Strange Case of Hector Mendes Bravo.

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