UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS PUBLICATIONS & PRESENTATIONS JULY 1, 2010 – JUNE 30, 2011 Table of Contents Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences………………………………….. Page 3 School of Architecture…………………………………... Page 125 Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences…………………. Page 133 Walton College of Business……………………………... Page 253 College of Education and Health Professions…………… Page 270 College of Engineering…………………………………... Page 301 School of Law……………………………………………. Page 365 University Libraries……………………………………… Page 375 BUMPERS COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND LIFE SCIENCES Agricultural Economic and Agribusiness Alviola IV, P. A., and O. Capps, Jr. 2010 “Household Demand Analysis of Organic and Conventional Fluid Milk in the United States Based on the 2004 Nielsen Homescan Panel.” Agribusiness: an International Journal 26(3):369-388. Chang, Hung-Hao and Rodolfo M. Nayga Jr. 2010. “Childhood Obesity and Unhappiness: The Influence of Soft Drinks and Fast Food Consumption.” J Happiness Stud 11:261–275. DOI 10.1007/s10902-009-9139-4 Das, Biswa R., and Daniel V. Rainey. 2010. "Agritourism in the Arkansas Delta Byways: Assessing the Economic Impacts." International Journal of Tourism Research 12(3): 265-280. Dixon, Bruce L., Bruce L. Ahrendsen, Aiko O. Landerito, Sandra J. Hamm, and Diana M. Danforth. 2010. “Determinants of FSA Direct Loan Borrowers’ Financial Improvement and Loan Servicing Actions.” Journal of Agribusiness 28,2 (Fall):131-149. Drichoutis, Andreas C., Rodolfo M. Nayga Jr., Panagiotis Lazaridis. 2010. “Do Reference Values Matter? Some Notes and Extensions on ‘‘Income and Happiness Across Europe.” Journal of Economic Psychology 31:479–486. Flanders, Archie and Eric J. Wailes. 2010. “ECONOMICS AND MARKETING: Comparison of ACRE and DCP Programs with Simulation Analysis of Arkansas Delta Cotton and Rotation Crops.” The Journal of Cotton Science 14:26–33. Griffin, Terry and George Baird, IV. 2010. “Conveying the Role of Professional Farm Managers to Potential Clientele.” Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers 2010:193-198. Griffin, T. W., C. L. Dobbins, F. J. G. J. Florax, J. M. Lowenberg-DeBoer, T. J. Vyn. 2010. “Spatial Analysis of Precision Agriculture Data: Role for Extension. National Association ofCounty Agricultural Agents Journal. Ibarra, Alonso Aguilar, Armando Sanchez Vargas and Rodolfo M. Nayga, Jr. 2010. “Water Quality Concerns and Acceptance of Irradiated Food: A Pilot Study on Mexican consumers.” J Sci Food Agric 90:2342-2344. Li, Yarui, Eric J. Wailes, Andrew McKenzie and Michael Thomsen. 2010. “LL601 Contamination and Its Impact on U.S. Rice Prices.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 42,1(February):31-38. Loo, Ellen Van, Vincenzina Caputo, Rodolfo M. Nayga, Jr., Jean-Francois Meullet, Philip G. Crandall and Steven C. Ricke. 2010. “Effect of Organic Poultry Purchase Frequency on Consumer Attitudes Toward Organic Poultry Meat.” Journal of Food Science 75, 7:384-397. Journal compilation C 2010 Institute of Food Technologists doi: 10.1111/j.1750- 3841.2010.01775.x Meyer-Auricha, Andreas, Terry W. Griffin, Ruprecht Herbst, Antje Giebel, and Nawaz Muhammad. 2010. “Spatial Econometric Analysis of a Field-scale Site-specific Nitrogen Fertilizer Experiment on Wheat (Triticum aestuvum L.) Yield and Quality.” Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 74:73–79. Mwaijande, Francis A. Brink Kerr and Eric Wailes. 2010. “The Identification of Barriers to Agriculture-tourism Linkages in the U.S. Virgin Islands: Production, Marketing and Public Policy.” Journal of Poverty Alleviation and International Development. 1,1(December):81-103. Nalley, L. Lanier, and Andrew P. Barkley. 2010. “Using Portfolio Theory to Enhance Wheat Yield Stability in Low-Income Nations: An Application in the Yaqui Valley of Northwestern Mexico.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 35(2):334-347. Nalley, Lawton L., Andrew P. Barkley and Allen Featherstone. 2010. “The Genetic and Economic Impact of the CIMMYT Wheat Breeding Program on Local producers in the Yaqui Valley, Sonora Mexico.” Agricultural Economics 41:453-462. DOI: 10.1111/j.1574- 0862.2010.00457.x Nalley, L., M. Popp, and K. Brye. 2010. “ GHG Emissions and Sequestration Estimates of Arkansas Cotton.” Summaries of Arkansas Cotton Research. Research Series (582): 199-204. September. Popp, J., N. Kemper, W. Miller, K. McGraw and K. Karr. 2010. “The Economic Contribution of the Agricultural Sector to the Arkansas Economy in 2008.” University of Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station. Research Report 989. 46 pp. Popp, Michael, John Rupe and Craig Rothrock. 2010. “Economic Evaluation of Soybean Fungicide Seed Treatments.” American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers 2010:50- 62. Rom, C. R., M. E. Garcia, J. McAfee, H. Friedrich, H. S. Choi, D. T. Johnson, J. Popp and M. Savin. 2010. “The Effects of Groundcover Management and Nutrient Source during Organic Orchard Establishment.” Acta Hort. 873:105-113. Rom, C. R., M. E. Garcia, D. T. Johnson, J. Popp, H. Friedrich, and J. McAfee. 2010. “High Tunnel Production of Organic Blackberries and Raspberries in Arkansas.” Acta Hort. 873:269- 276. Van de Velde, L., W. Verbeke, M. Popp, and G. Van Huylenbroeck. 2010. “The Importance of Message Framing for Providing Information About Sustainability and Environmental Aspects of Energy.” Energy Policy 38(10):5541-5549. Tan, Andrew K.G., Steven T. Yen and Rodolfo M. Nayga, Jr. 2010. “Socio-demographic Determinants of Gambling Participation and Expenditures: Evidence from Malaysia.” International Journal of Consumer Studies 34:316–325 Xue, Hong, Denise Mainville, Wen You, Rodolfo M. Nayga Jr. 2010. “Consumer Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Grass-fed Beef: Empirical Evidence from in-store Experiments.” Food Quality and Preference 21:857–866 Agricultural and Extension Education Edgar, L.D. and Cox, C.K. (2010, Winter). How do previous research themes in the Journal of Leadership Education fit into the National Research Agenda: Agricultural Education and Communication? Journal of Leadership Education, 9(1). Hudson, G.T., Sallee, C.W., Johnson, D.M., Wardlow, G.W., Edgar, D.W., and Davis, J.A. (2010). A mobile unit for demonstrating performance, efficiency, and emissions of biofueled engines. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 26(3): 521-525. Hunt, C.L., Johnson, D.M., and Edgar, D.W. (2010). Effects of diesel and biodiesel blends on engine performance and efficiency. Discovery: The Student Journal of the Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences, 11, 20-26. O’Bryan, C., Johnson, D.M., Shores-Ellis, K., Crandall, P., Marcy, J., Seideman, S., and Ricke, S. (2010). Designing an affordable usability test for e-learning modules. Journal of Food Science Education, 91): 6-10. Pennington, K.M. and Edgar, L.D. (2010). Industry professionals’ perceptions of crisis communications education needs for new professionals and best practices for Second Life© simulations. Discovery: The Student Journal of the Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences, 11, 33-39. Online at Sallee, C.W., Davis, J.A., Johnson, D.M., Edgar, D.W., and Wardlow, G.W. (2010). Effectiveness of biodiesel education program for secondary students. Journal of Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 26(5): 937-941. Agricultural Statistics Laboratory Amuri, N., K.R. Brye, E.E. Gbur, R. Oliver and J. Kelley (2010). Weed populations as affected by residue management practices in a wheat-soybean double crop production system. Weed Science, 58, 234-243. Brye, K.R. and E.E. Gbur (2010). Regional differences in soil carbon and nitrogen storage as affected by landuse and soil moisture regime. Soil Science, 175, 339-348. Daigh, A.L., K.R. Brye, A.N. Sharpley and E.E. Gbur (2010). Broiler litter composition as affected by water extractant, dilution ratio and extraction time. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 41, 2340-2357. Shivrain, V.K., N.R. Burgos, R.C. Scott, E.E. Gbur, L.E. Estorninos and M.R. McClelland (2010). Diversity of weedy red rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Arkansas, U.S.A. in relation to weed management. Crop Protection, 29, 721-730. Gitau, M.W., I. Chaubey, E.E. Gbur and J.H. Pennington (2010). Impacts of land use change and BMP implementation in a CEAP watershed: Northwest Arkansas. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 65, 353-368. Horax, R., N. Hettiarachchy, K. Over, P.Y. Chen and E. Gbur (2010). Extraction, fractionation and characterization of bitter melon seed proteins. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 83, 1892-1897. Howard, L.R., C. Castrodale, C. Brownmiller, and A. Mauromoustakos, (2010). Jam processing and storage effects on blueberry polyphenolics and antioxidant capacity. J. Agric. Food Chem. 58:4022-4029. Monrad, J., L.R. Howard, J.W. King, K. Srinivas, and A. Mauromoustakos (2010). Sub-critical solvent extraction from dried red grape pomace. J. Agric. Food Chem. 58:2862-2868. Wrather J. A., W.E. Stevens, E.D. Vories, T.L. Kirkpatrick, J.D. Mueller, and A. Mauromoustakos. (2010). The Use of root gall ratings to determine high risk zones in cotton fields infested by Meloidogyne incognita, Crop Science, 50(6): 2575-2579. Mattice, J.D, R.J. Norman and E.E. Gbur (2010). Analysis of river water for rice pesticides in eastern Arkansas from 2002-2008. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 65(2), 130-140. Bangarwa, S.K., J.K. Norsworthy, E.E. Gbur and J.D. Mattice (2010). Phenyl isothiocyanate performance on purple nutsedge under virtually impermeable film mulch. HortTech, 20, 402-408. Bangarwa, S.K., J.K. Norsworthy, R.L. Rainey and E.E. Gbur (2010). Economic returns to plasticulture tomato production from crucifer cover crops as a methyl bromide alternative for weed management. HortTech, 20, 764-771. Ondier, G., T.J. Siebenmorgen, and A. Mauromoustakos (2010). Low-temperature, low-relative humidity drying of rough rice. Journal of Food Engineering 100(3):545-550. Ondier, G., T.J. Siebenmorgen, and A. Mauromoustakos. (2010). Equilibrium moisture contents of rough rice dried using high-temperature, fluidized bed conditions. Technical Note: Trans. of the ASABE 53(5):1667-1672.
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