TISKOVINA Poštnina plačana pri pošti 1102 Ljubljana SREDIŠČE VAŠIH DOŽIVETIJ AT THE HEART OF YOUR EXPERIENCE Ljubljana, 1. 7.–1. 9. 2014 USTANOVITELJICA FESTIVALA LJUBLJANA ČASTNI POKROVITELJ LJUBLJANA FESTIVALA 2014 JE MESTNA OBČINA LJUBLJANA. / JE ŽUPAN MESTNE OBČINE LJUBLJANA ZORAN JANKOVIĆ. / THE LJUBLJANA FESTIVAL WAS FOUNDED THE HONORARY SPONSOR OF THE LJUBLJANA FESTIVAL 2014 BY THE MUNICIPALITY OF LJUBLJANA. IS THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF LJUBLJANA ZORAN JANKOVIĆ. SREDIŠČE VAŠIH DOŽIVETIJ AT THE HEART OF YOUR EXPERIENCE Ljubljana, 1. 7.–1. 9. 2014 Ljubljane našim sosedom in rednim obiskovalcem In this sense, we take pride not only in the Ljubljana V Križankah, Slovenski filharmoniji in Cankarjevem year. The fact that the distinguished guide Lonely Planet prireditev v sklopu Ljubljana Festivala je Carmina Festival itself; without a guilty conscience, we have domu bodo nastopili odlični dirigenti Nikša Bareza, recently put Ljubljana in second place among the top Burana, kot ji bomo lahko prisluhnili tudi na long claimed that the Festival has surpassed itself and George Pehlivanian, Vladislav Černušenko, Andres destination which every traveller should visit. I am sure uradnem odprtju festivala na Kongresnem trgu. that it has shaped cultural life not only in the capital Mustonen, Mariss Jansons; za vrhunska umetniška that the rich cultural life has contributed to this. but across the country. Poleg nacionalnih okvirov pa letos presegamo tudi doživetja bodo poskrbeli pianisti Boris Berezovski, Paul The programme of the Ljubljana Festival is diverse časovne. Prav v letu 2014 namreč praznujemo This time, we have gone beyond the borders of Slovenia. Badura-Skoda, Rostislav Krimer in Jean-Yves Thibaudet, and rich. The Summer Night in Congress Square will 2000 let Emone. Prireditve v čast izjemnemu In the light of friendship and good neighbourly relations, violinist Stefan Milenković, violinistka Lana Trotovšek, be followed by the Ljubljana Festival opening with jubileju že potekajo, vrhunec pa bodo dosegle prav this year’s summer Ljubljana Festival will also take place violist Jurij Bašmet, kraljica flamenka María Pagés, Carmina Burana, featuring over 300 performers med poletnim festivalom. at Piazza Unità d'Italia (Unity of Italy Square) in Trieste. koreografi Vasilij Medvedev, Valentina Turcu in Leo conducted by Uroš Lajovic, the Fire & Ice Project, as well Our neighbours and regular visitors to events during the Mujić, režiser Mykal Rand idr. Med vrhunce sodijo as by hosting the distinguished conductor Riccardo Vabim vas torej, da se podate na pot kulture in Festival will hear the performance of Carmina Burana gostovanje Moskovskih solistov, Filharmonije gledališča Muti and the exceptional mezzo-soprano singer Elīna zgodovine ter izberete svojo najljubšo kombinacijo which will also be performed at the official opening of Teatro Regio Torino, Simfoničnega orkestra Qingdao in Garanča. The excellent conductors Nikša Bareza, v pestri ponudbi naše čudovite, sproščene poletne the Ljubljana Festival on Congress Square. Kraljevega orkestra Concertgebouw iz Amsterdama, George Pehlivanian, Vladislav Chernushenko, Andres Ljubljane! ki velja za najboljši orkester na svetu, pa izvedba Mustonen, Mariss Jansons will perform at Križanke, the In addition to national boundaries, we have also gone ene najbolj melodičnih Wagnerjevih oper Lohengrin, Verjamem, da bo letošnje poletje za vsakogar Slovenian Philharmonic and Cankarjev dom. Pianists beyond the boundaries of time this year, because muzikal Evita z zvezdami angleškega West Enda, gala izmed vas – tudi zaradi festivalskih dogodkov – Boris Berezovsky, Paul Badura-Skoda, Rostislav Krimer SPOŠTOVANI LJUBITELJI Emona is celebrating its 2000th anniversary in 2014. baletni večer svetovnih zvezd, balet Nevarna razmerja. dolgo, lepo in polno nepozabnih spominov. Upam, SPOŠTOVANE LJUBITELJICE and Jean-Yves Thibaudet, violinists Stefan Milenković GLASBE, PLESA, UMETNOSTI Events in honour of this extraordinary anniversary are Po uradnem zaključku Ljubljana Festivala se poletje da boste domov ponesli tisti univerzalni občutek, ki IN LJUBITELJI KULTURE, and Lana Trotovšek, violist Yuri Bashmet, the queen already underway, and will reach their climax at the seli še v september s priljubljeno Slovensko popevko in IN VSEGA LEPEGA, ga delijo vsi jeziki in vsi narodi in ki ga je mogoče of flamenco, Maria Pagés, choreographers Vasilij time of the summer festival. v 62. izvedbi Ljubljana Festivala smo kar pet avtorskim muzikalom Cvetje v jeseni. v Mestni občini Ljubljana smo ponosni, da kljub razumeti le skozi oči umetnosti. dogodkov postavili na enega najlepših trgov v mestu, Medvedev, Valentina Turcu and Leo Mujić, director Mykal Therefore, I invite you to embark on a cultural and Hvala vsem, ki nas podpirate. Hvala sponzorjem, Mestni Rand etc. will all enthuse audiences. The highlights of težkim gospodarskim razmeram vsako leto lahko Obilo kulturnih užitkov vam želim! Kongresnega. S tem sledimo osnovnemu namenu pomagamo omogočiti izmenjavo vrhunskih historical path, and choose your favourite combination festivalov, kot so ga pred desetletji določili snovalci občini Ljubljana in njenemu županu Zoranu Jankoviću. the Ljubljana Festival include the Moscow Soloists, the kulturnih izkušenj in užitkov ter tako nadaljevati in the diverse offer of our wonderful and relaxed prvih takšnih prireditev po Evropi in doma: vrhunsko Želimo si, da bi preživeli nepozabne počitnice tudi na Filarmonica Teatro Regio Torino, the Qingdao Symphony bogato in lepo tradicijo iz 50. let prejšnjega stoletja. Ljubljana in summer. umetnost približati ljudem – tako lokacijsko kot cenovno 62. Ljubljana Festivalu. Orchestra and the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra from Amsterdam, known as the best orchestra in the world, a Ljubljana Festival, ki je lani sprejel več kot 50.000 I believe that this summer will be long, delightful and (uvajamo stojišča, ki so za otroke brezplačna, in DEAR FRIENDS OF MUSIC, DANCE, vstopnice že za pet evrov). performance of one of Wagner's most melodic operas, obiskovalcev, bo letos razvajal naša ušesa in oči full of unforgettable memories for all of you, also Lohengrin, the musical Evita, featuring the stars of the vse do prvega septembra. Prepričan sem, da bodo ART AND EVERYTHING BEAUTIFUL thanks to the Ljubljana Festival events. I hope you will Ljubljana Festival bo tako prinesel v naše glavno mesto še English West End production, and a gala ballet evening priznani umetniki, predstave svetovnega formata in The Municipality of Ljubljana is proud to be able to take home that universal feeling which is shared by all več veselja in živahnosti in upam si trditi, da je tudi zaradi HONOURED LOVERS OF CULTURE, with the international stars Dangerous Liaisons Ballet. After cenovna dostopnost festivala – skupaj z organizatorji, facilitate an exchange of superb cultural experience languages and nations, and is comprehensible only njega poletje v njem pestrejše in bogatejše. To poleg five events during the 62nd Ljubljana Festival will take the official closing of the Ljubljana Festival, the summer ki se vsako leto trudijo ponuditi kakovosten, širok and pleasure each year, despite the harsh economic through the eyes of art. naših meščank in meščanov prepoznavajo ljudje zunaj place in Congress Square, one of the most beautiful will continue in September with the popular Slovenian in raznovrsten program – še dodatno spodbudili conditions, and thus continue the rich and beautiful I wish you abundant cultural pleasures. naše prestolnice in številni tujci, ki jih je prav poleti vsako squares in the city. This follows the basic purpose of Festival of Pop Music and the musical Blossom in the Fall. kulturni turizem pri nas in dvignili ugled Ljubljane kot leto več. Pomemben je podatek, da je priznani vodnik festivals as intended decades ago by the organisers and tradition which began in the 1950s. I would like to thank all of you who support us. Special zanimive turistične destinacije. Lonely Planet pred kratkim uvrstil Ljubljano na drugo creators of similar events in Europe and at home: to bring thanks go to all the sponsors, Municipality of Ljubljana We will be able to feast our ears and eyes at the mesto med desetimi destinacijami, ki bi letos morale biti top-quality art closer to people – in terms of location and V tem pogledu nas letos s ponosom ne navdaja le and the Mayor of Ljubljana, Zoran Janković. Ljubljana Festival, which up to September last year na seznamu svetovnih popotnikov. Upam si trditi, da je k cost (we introduced standing room free of charge for festival sam; o njem namreč že dolgo lahko brez has had over 50,000 visitors. I am convinced that temu pripomogla tudi bogata kulturna ponudba. children and tickets that start at 5 euros). We hope you spend an unforgettable time at the 62nd slabe vesti trdimo, da je presegel samega sebe acknowledged artists, world-famous events and the Ljubljana Festival. in da ne kroji le kulturnega življenja v prestolnici, affordability of the festival, together with the organisers, Ponudba našega festivala zagotovo bo bogata in The Ljubljana Festival will thus bring more joy and life to ampak po vsej državi. who each year strive to offer a high-quality, extensive pestra. Na Kongresnem trgu bo Poletni noči sledilo the city of Ljubljana, and I am sure that the summer will and diverse programme, will additionally stimulate odprtje festivala s Carmino Burano pod taktirko Uroša be more diverse and enriched thanks to this Festival. This Darko Brlek Tokrat smo šli tudi prek naših meja. V
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