Our second Today's weather: century NO" PROfiT ORG Partly sunny; of excellence US POSTAG! chance of PAID showers,. .high 75. ::c Ne"""cHk Qpl Prrm•l No 2& TGIF Student Center, University of De~ware, Newark, Delaware 19716 Vol. 113 No. 30-= Friday, May 15, 1987 Budget Council seeks will top \ to keep police \ $1 billion \ First time out of politics ever in Del. by James Colvard According to Mayor William Staff Reporter M. Redd Jr., the possibility of by Debbie Kalvlnsky a charter change was sparked Staff Reporter A report on a possible change in Newark's charter, by a change in the Police Bill Delaware's 1987-1988 budget to allow c;ity employees to ac­ of Rights which removed will be the state's first to top tively campaign for can­ restrictions on the political ac­ one billion dollars. didates in city elections added tivity of police officers. According to Bob Dowd, fuel to the ongoing dispute bet­ The Police Bill of Rights chief of fiscal and policy ween the mayor and police establishes a uniform set of analysis, the new budget will · force at Monday's City Coun­ rights to forces throughout the · be $1,004,723,500- a substan­ cil meeting. state, and allows police to par­ tial increase over the present In its report, the City ticipate in political cam­ operating budget of Charter Committee recom­ paigns, according to James $928,961,300. mended no change in the cur­ Weldin of the Newark Frater­ The rise is due to a $34 rent charter, which forbids nal Order of Police. million increase in "one-time any city employee from serv­ Weldin was one of the prin­ items" for this budget, Dowd ing as: campaigR- manager' or ciple lobbyists for the bill, and explained. ~ . treasurer for a candidate, or presented the FOP's point of "One-time items are items from soliciting funds to aid a .view to the charter committee. ''1.I.T-. 1... -...J I ... -• ..,·-- -11 ~1.,..-cr that are included in the budget ~.:am.uoare tor cuy-umc~. which are not reoccuring," he The council was anxious to that the bill was a challenge to explained. take action on the possible the constitution," Weldin said. Dowd named the five "one­ charter change before the "It wasn't suprising the city of time items" that make up the State Legislature could ap­ Newark didn't accept it." $34 million increase: prove such a change without Newark is the only city in • $20 million for the North­ the approval of the city. Delaware which prohibits its South Relief Route for Route The committee also propos­ employees from political 13' ed a referendum, to take place activity. ~ $1 million for school in the fall, to get the consensus According to Redd, if the Police Bill of Rights changes, districts to buy supplies such THE REVIEW/lloyd Fox of city residents on the issue. as textbooks; A vote on the referendum was . so must the charter pro­ Flights of fancy - Adam Pietlock and Louis Svoboda of hibiting political activity for • $6 million for secondary Elkton enjoy a Saturday afternoon with their kite at Carpenter postponed until the next coun­ roads; State Park. cil meeting. continued to page 2 • $5 million for the Land and Water Conservation Fund; • $2 million for school and state building improvements. Students lobby for financial aid These funds were proposed for the new budget in January by Karen Kross ding includes the coordination committee, which will deter- chances of the joint finance .by Gov. Michael N. Castle. Staff Reporter efforts of the education com- mine the university budget, committee cutting the budget The upcoming fiscal year will "I'd like the legislators to mittee, appropriations com- has a fair representation in is slim, but an increase is extend from July 1987 to June take student opinion into con- mittee, finance committee and congress. questionable. 1988. But the funds will not sideration," said Lynn corrections committee. Armitage explained that one . reoccur in the following year's Boerschel (AS 88), organizer "I find the university fares way to increase the effects of He s~Id that .lobbyists need budget proposal, Dowd of Wednesday's lobbying trip very well [with the budget], lobbying is to attract in-state to convmce .legislators that at stressed. to Dover to increase state fun- and we've met the [univerSi- students to participate. least one-th~rd of. the studen_ts According to Dowd, the ding for the university. ty's] demands · well [in the One hundred thousand at the umversity stay. m university has received a "I feel the main reason for past]," said Tina Fallon, dollars worth of scholarships De~aware after graduation, recommendation from Castle our trip is to show that chairwoman of the state would be available for in-state which would trans~ate to mare for $65,541,000 in state funds. students care," added education committee, at the students,and$39,000wouldbe . vote~ for the legislators, he The General Assembly will Boerschel, one of four students Dover General Assembly available for minority · contmued. decide whether the university who went to Dover. Building. students if the budget passes, "Delawareans are the best will receive. the ·money, he "We are asking for $970,000 "We can't forsee specifical- Armitage continued. representatives to get the in- explained. · .. more than last year, and ly what will happen [about the The Delaware Forecasting creased budget and the per­ Fifty-three million dollars $677,000 goes for line opera- budget]," said Philip J. Cor- Committee, made up of state sonal relationships are the would be used for university lions, which directly affects rozi, chairman of the state ap- committee chairs, will meet to most important part of getting "operations," such as salaries, our tuition," according to Lisa propriations committee. discuss the revenues next things done," Armitage he said. Wallace <BE 88), who said she "[The university] has a Wednesday, and that forecast explained. Dowd explained that most of obtained these figures from 50-50 chance of getting the in- will be used to build the final the remainder would be divid­ John Brook, university vice creased budget since every budget. The budget will !Je open for ed among several areas: president for government rela- other agency has also made Next Tuesday the joint questions from the public • $6 million for debt service; tions. Line operations include requests." finance committee will hold a Wednesday in Dover, but the • $2.2 million for scholarship salaries, benefits and pro- . Rick Armitage, associate to closed session to draft the budget won't officially pass continued to page 2 grams for professors. the university vice president, budget. until June 30, which is the last The process of getting fun- said the state joint finance According to Armitage, the day of the fiscal year. P~Z•TheReWew•ll~J~ISU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------... city seeks charter chan·ge What are you doing this Summer? The Office of -continued from page l operation of the city. saidtbatacrossthecountry,60 Instructional Technology has positions available for all other city employees. ..My position is exactly op- percent of city-manager style posite [of city officials]," said governments have restrictions experienced Pascal or Fortran programmers. Knowl­ uu•s a direct conflict of in­ terest," he said. Weldin. ..Since they have a on city employees par- edge of Mechanical Engineering and microcom­ Employees who .support a [hired] city manager, they ticipating in political puters is a plus. Hours are fJexib e. between 30-40 losing candidate could com­ don't need the supposed pro- campaigns. hours/week during the Summer. and 16-20 hoursl­ promise their working rela­ tection of the charter.'' ''It's not unusual t4rougbout H the mayor ran the city's the country," · Hughes said. week during the school year. Wages start from tionship with the candidates voted into office, Redd operations, Weldin explained, "but, unusual in Delaware." $3..80-$5.00. For- more infonnation. contact Skip explained. be would be more susceptible "'The fact that we are alone Haughay at 451~75. "The charter was put in to to the winds of the voters and doesn't make us wrong," said protect the public against un-­ the city officials. Redd. "I think it makes us due power or speculative coer­ City Solicitor Tom Hughes right" . · cion of one party by a~". be continued. .. $1 billion budget in '88 Y,.acious Dmuy ••u protects the public's right to have officials elected continued from page 1 by public will," he added. funds· ing, .. be said. uwe need to in­ S U P P E R -c l U 8 H the charter is changed, • $1' million for research. itiate some projects with the faculty Dining Roc.- Student Center Redd said. it would change State Representative Ada budget money to provide more relatiOns between city officials Leigh Soles <District 23), a tow income housing." FRIDAY. MAY 15. 1987 and city employees. mem~m~~omt~ce Neal said be was instrumen­ Councilwoman Loiuse Committee, said she will help tal in organizing and develop­ 6:00 p.L to 7:30 p.L Brothers (District 2) said write the budget starting ing the Main Towers, a low­ 11£1Q keeping the original charter is Tuesday. income housing project for the elderly in Newark. London Broi 1 Au Jus $6.50 not of great importance. ••1 do think some changes "If every other government will need to be made because Neal also helped establish 8 oz Strip Steak llaitre D'Hotel $8.65 in Delaware can have its the amount of revenue the Emmaus House on Con­ employees_participating [in predicted bas changed," Soles tinental Avenue, which pro­ Shri11p Stuffed with Crabmeat $8.85 elections], Why can't we'?" she said, "and also because of in­ vides emergency housing.
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