V1 THE AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIAN BANK Of COMMERCE Offers you endless opportunities, for there is LIMITED. health, wealth and content to be won in this Autherlscd Capital (5.000.000 Capital Paid ap and Reserves • 12.C8S.30S great land. Aggregate Assets at 30th Jane. 1920 JU,789.590 Director*: SIR MARK SHKI.DON. K.H.K., Chairman ; But here, as elsewhere, success and fortune KHASK X. YAKWOOD: DUNCAN < AKSON : H. R. LVHAOHT. O.H.K mainly follow wise planning and thrifty Gkokgk J. 8l.v. LL.D.: IJKUT.COI. T la. F RLTI.KDOK. practice. General Malinger: C. M. C. SHANNON. Chief Inspector for New South Wale*: \V. G. HUM. Let Australia's own Bank help you both. Its officers are ready at all times to extend to Head Office, Sydney (Corner George and King Streets) BRANCHKti AND KKCKIVINO OFFICES AT 151 you any assistance within their power, und the FLACKS IN NKW SOUTH WALKS. Bank's efficient service will be available to you BRISBANK:—2HI Queen st. Chief Inspector for The N&vy League Journal Queensland-L. AVRVARD. Manager-U. H. HOWKI.I- in whatever district you make your home. BRA NCH KS A NI) KK< KIVINO OKKICKS A T 27 I'LACKS IN QUKKNSLAND. Vol.. VII. No. 5. SVDNKV, SEPTKMBKR, 1926. PKICK 3D. There is a Commonwealth Savings Bank M KI.HOURNK:—JW5 Collin««t. Manager-M. H. FINNRV. ADKLAIDK:—Uundlest. ManoRer—H. T. MoontR. Agency in every Post Office and full branches I'KKTH: —73 ST George* Terrace. Manager—A. C. DIBDIN in the principal towns. LONDON :—37 Thread neediest . K.C. i Manager—A. K. JKNKINH. The Trafalgar Lesson—Lest We Forget. Agents throughout the rest of Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand, and al all Chief Cities throughout the World ELSON was beloved by his ship's company, Napoleon's concentration and exercise of mind in fact by every Tar in his fleet and wor- on the sea and the projected invasion of England KVKKY DINSCRIPTION OK BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTKD. N shipped by the general public ashore. In at this period shows that his astute brain was FGuaronletd by the Commonwealth CoMrnmentJ those rude, hard years of struggle, when, for the most aware that sea-dominion was the open-sesame for part His Majesty's vessels were manned by "pressed his world-empire dreams. The British fleet had men," it would seem well-nigh impossible for a for long been a thorn in his side, blocking his over- leader to hold his men with such unwavering af- sea projects of conquest and vigilantly blockading fection and loyalty unless there was some very out- European coastlines that were under his sway. standing and humane quality of attraction in the To Napoleon the destruction of Nelson's fleet man himself. The secret of Nelson's genius, apart would have been a step—a certain and imperative from dogged determination and strength of will step in his gigantic scheme. ami decision, lay in a magnetic personality which appealed both to the learned and unlearned, the In the culminating victory off Trafalgar lustre PERMANENT seaman and landsman alike. and prestige were added to British arms; but it proved more than a mere victory and later was TRUSTEE COMPANY OF N.S.W. LTD. He emerged at a time when the meaning of seen to be the true and decisive factor, influencing sea-power was fast becoming dimly realised as a inexorably the course of subsequent events Ten Trustees — Executors — Attorneys—Agents. principle. Though ill-defined and nebulous it years later, after varying and diverse fortunes, Estates Under Control Exceed seems to have seized the groping national con- Napoleon, and all that he stood for, crumbled £11,000,000. sciousness ; deep down and in the background eventually into impotency. Napoleon in his hey Eoery department of the Company's business ia it ever loomed as an urgent necessity and reality. day over-ran Europe ; made and broke countries, controlled bq an experienced staff all of whom states and dynasties; but his nearest and bitterest Achieving Perhaps Nelson's greatest work was this victorious are at the disposal of clients. Ths experience of demonstration of the need to maintain sea-power if enemy went immune by reason of her ships and a the Company, extending ocer thirty-eight years, in Beauty and Permanence great leader. all matters conasctsd tcith trustee and executor- OMEBUILDERS everywhere are the growing Empire were to thrive in safety; of the ship, cannot bs expected of any priests executor. achieving permanent Ceiling necessity to establish in a whole-hearted manner Nelson's victories, therefore, apart from their H beauty, by installing Wunder- Absoluts security is afforded by epecial Act of lich Art Metal Ceilings. Reasonable adequate protection for the widening and in- brilliance and their invaluable contribution to Parliament icfelph renders the whole of the Com- prices and low cost of fixing place our Ceilings within the means of even the creasing trade routes ; of continuous insistence on Britain's naval traditions and eminence, proved pears capital and assets-ocsrons million pounds modest Homebuilder. sufficient distribution, disposition and strength of liable for the protection of clients' intereets. indisputably the supreme importance of sea-power Send today for our free Catalogue M. 2 Arrange an letsreiste or writs for explenstory fleets for the convoying of troops and protection Since that date a fairly comprehensive notion of WUNDERLICH LIMITE D of food avenues should the occasion arise ; and what sea-power means has been ingrained in the booklet, sent post free on request Baptist Street. Redfern. Sydney DIRECTORS : this again involved a standard of power that could minds of British people throughout the world ; and ALFRED G. MILSON F. N. YARWOOD (Chairman! WUNDERLICH more than cope with the sea-armaments of possible in place uf haphazard means and the 'Muitive JAMES MOIR O. E. FRIEND THUS. BUCK LAND Art Metal Ceilings enemies. knowledge and vision of the few, there hi.s sprung E. V. T. WHITTLE, J. W. BARNES, . The issue of the long-drawn-out Napoleonic up a collective consciousness of the meaning of Assistant Manager. Manager. y this creed. And that this may be nurtured and wars, though lasting until iSrj, was in reality decided by the defeat of the joint French and ever increased is the province and responsibility of 25 O'CONNELL STREET, SYDNEY. Spanish fleets off Trafalgar Oct. 21st, 1805. the world-wide Navy League. )X 2 THE NAVY LEAGUE JOURNAL. THE NAVY LEAGUE JOURNAL. 3 MERCANTILE MUTUAL INSURANCE Marooned on Penguin Island. COMPANY LIMITED The Doings of John Duce and the Saying of William Privett. AN AUSTRALIAN INSURANCE COMPANY. From Risdon Creek to the Island of Juan Fernandez. <HY THOMAS Dt'NBAHIN. M.A.) ESTABLISHED 1878 fpirectot:*: A. K. JAQUKS. CHAIRMAN. HEN that engaging rascal, Amasa Delano, DUCE WANTS TO TURN PIRATE. C. C. GAI.K THKO. J. MARKS. J. M. ATKINSON. L. J. I>AVIK8. W was caught in a storm off Juan Fer- When this had been done they sailed north FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT and WORKERS' COMPENSATION nandez, the island of Alexander Selkirk, in 1804, along the east coast of Tasmania. A quarrel over INSURANCE he consulted his boat's crew, but found little help the leadership arose between Duce and Smith, but PUBLIC RISK, BURGLARY, BOILER EXPLOSION, MOTOR CAR, PLATE GLASS, or counsel in them. The only one that retained it was patched up, and when Esum proposed to FIDELITY GUARANTEE, LOSS OF RENT, LOSS OF PROFITS, PLUVIL'S (RAINFALL) his presence of mind was a certain William Privett, shoot Smith the others took the gun from him. a prisoner of the Crown from Van Diemen's Land, INSURANCES, AGRICULTURAL INSURANCES, CROPS, STACKS AND FENCING. When they neared »he north-east corner of who coolly remarked that he had lived through a WOOL INSURED FROM SHEEP'S BACK TO WAREHOUSE. Tasmania they put into a harbor, probably the Bay worse storm on the night when he and his com- Be Patriotic. Insure Australian Property in an Australian Company of Fires or Anson's Bay, where they obtained fish panions crossed Banks Straits after taking the and some kind of greens. There they divided King's boat from the Derwent. HEAD OFFICE: 16 MARTIN PLACE, SYDNEY. into two messes, one consisting of Duce, Esum, KELSO KING. MANAGER. Behind this casual remark lies one of the Culver and Mullens, and the other of Harris, Privett and Smith. Agencies In all Suburban and Country Centres strangest of the many strange tales of the sea which stud the early history of Australia. We know but Duce, who seems to have lu d the makings of a little of John Duce, the man who commanded the very fine pirate, now suggested that they should go f % little crew that fought through the storm in Banks over to the islands of Bass Straits and seize the Straits, but he seems to have been a man of unusual first sailing vessel that they should meet with (for Interstate Steamship Sailings qualities. the islands of the Straits were still the great sealing ground of Australasia). At the end of 1803 the only settlement in what is now Tasmania was that at Risdon Creek on the He urged that if they did not see a vessel in the Straits they should go boldly 011 to Sydney and Modern Passenger Derwent, where John Bowen was the Commandant. Regular Passenger and Freight Services Bowen had a whaleboat, and one Saturday evening cut one out there. After all only five years later Steamers: this boat came in late. As the weather was bad Robert Stewart and his companions did seize the it was not brought up the creek, but was left at brig Harrington in Port Jackson and got clear KATOOMBA to all Australian Ports.
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