There’s something growing on the roof ROOFTOP GREENHOUSES Idea Planning Implementation Rooftop Greenhouse, Manhattan School for Children, New York City, USA Urban agriculture of the future – on inner-city buildings Urban agriculture is a major trend throughout the world at One product of the ZFarm project is this practical guide for realising rooftop present – also in Germany. greenhouses in the city. The aim of this manual is to provide support to stakeholders, experts, decision-makers and citizens in the practical implemen- Within the “ZFarm” research project, researchers from the Leibniz Centre for tation of such concepts in the form of recommendations for action. Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) joined forces with its partners Institute for Urban and Regional Planning (ISR) of Technische Universität Berlin and inter3 Institute for Resource Management to investigate the conditions re- quired to grow fruit and vegetables on inner-city buildings. Using the example of Berlin, the project involved teaming up with Berlin’s stakeholders to identify the potential, obstacles and necessary framework conditions surrounding the implementation and spread of rooftop greenhouses. 2 Content Foreword 5 Introduction – Approaching building-integrated agriculture 6 I Rooftop greenhouses in Berlin – Potentials and recommendations for action 8 II Manual 12 1 | Project aims 12 Developing ideas and preliminary planning 2 | Operator models 16 3 | Use concepts 18 4 | Site analysis 20 Analysis and decision-making 5 | Construction and planning law 24 6 | Strategic marketing planning 28 Marketing and public relations 7 | Press and public relations activities 30 8 | Products 32 P roduction planning 9 | Production methods 34 10 | Greenhouse parts 36 11 | Energy optimisation and resource efficiency 38 12 | Quality assurance and certification 40 13 | Economic feasibility 42 F inancial planning 14 | Forms of financing and funding opportunities 44 15 | Involving the public 46 Project support 16 | Networking 50 Glossary 52 Publishing information 54 S uccessful implementation 3 Eagle Street Farm, New York City 4 EForewordinführung EBuilding-integratedinführung – headline agriculture folgt – a social, technical and creative challenge for urban development DieserBuilding-integrated Leitfaden gibt Hinweise agriculture und Handlungsempfehlungen offers a chance for climate für den Um pro-- ErläuterungenThis project zumis integrated Planungsablauf into higher-level strategies. Against the Projekt- gangtection mit andgebäudegebundener a large variety Landwirtschaft of opportunities und insbesondere for self-development Dachge- iuntbackground fugit occae of climate nulla vendisprotection et andulparchit adaptation aut volorand reaction sinciat to emquias climate begleitend wächshäusernfor big-city residents. in Städten. However,Darüber hinaus it also dient poses er den new Betreibenden challenges und for change, Berlin has created the “Urban Landscape Strategy” and the “Berlin Interessiertenthe experts. alsProductive eine Anleitung “gardening” und Entscheidungsunterstützung in and on buildings undmust gibt be IdeenentwicklungBiological Diversity Strategy”. These strategiesZielsetzung meet the current Betreiber-challenges Nutzungs- einenmade Überblick, viable technically, welche Herausforderungen constructively bei and,der Planung last but und not dem least, Betrieb facingund urbanVorplanung development politically and technically; they formulatemodelle konzepte vonfrom Dachgewächshäusern a design point of zu view. beachten The oderpractical zu erwarten guide sind. you Allerdings are now approaches to solving these problems and provide perspectives for the future. verfolgtreading dieser makes Leitfaden this topic nicht manageabledie Absicht, eine for Konzeption users and oder planners, den Betrieb Within the framework of the “Berlin Urban Development Plan for the Area of einesmaking Dachgewächshauses implementation ohne possible die Zuhilfenahme immediately. von fachlichen Experten Climate”, innovative processes and technologies are described for the further Standort- Bau- und aus dem Gewächshausbau, Architektur, Gärtnerei usw. anzuleiten. Er soll developmentAnalyse of undbuildings. One of Berlin’s goals is to test innovative concepts Entscheidung analyse Planungsrecht demThis practicalLeser einen guide Überblick for “rooftop über das greenhouses” Thema verschaffen is the result und ihn of ain research die Lage related to climate protection. Resource-conserving and environment-friendly versetzen,project in Berlin.zu entscheiden, It was kindly welche sponsored Punkte fürby thedie UmsetzungFederal Ministry eines ofbestimm Educa-- building methods will also be kept in mind for the large number of flats being tention Dachgewächshaustyps and Research. My administration notwendig sind.contributed to the discussion process newly built or refurbished in Berlin this legislative period. Urban agriculture with its important project experience and findings from the “Pilot projects touchesMarketing on concepts und of social urban development,Strategische too. In social Presse-hot-spots und in Einbindung der Bevölkerung Inin sechzehnurban ecology”, Kapiteln as sind well die as wichtigsten offering expert Themen, advice die during bei der the Planung guide und Öffentlichkeitsarbeitparticular, urban gardening can provideMarketingplanung important stimuli. Öffentlichkeitsarbeit demcompilation Betrieb process.von Dachgewächshäusern zu beachten sind, zusammengefasst. Vernetzung Das Schaubild (vgl. Schaubild Seite XX) vermittelt in Form eines Planungsab- For the first time, a manual for implementation. Urban development laufsThe guide einen clearly Überblick shows über the alle complexity Themen. of the topics, which require inter- is notProduktions- only theory; rather, its success canProdukte be measured by its built projects. Gewächshaus- disciplinary cooperation. It is thus a great achievement that this collabora- With thisplanung guide, owner-builders, investors, planners, construction firms and komponenten Dietion Kapitel between sind the so relevant konzipiert, Berlin dass stakeholders sie in das jeweilige was so Themasuccessful einführen, and that public administrations are being given the chance to convert experience from Besonderheitentheir knowledge aufführen, and their Verweiserequirements zu gesetzlichen became part Vorgaben of this documentation. oder auch planned concepts into new projects.Qualitätssicherung It shows how much isEnergieoptimierung possible on the und Zertifizierung + Ressourceneffizienz Beispielprojekten liefern, aber auch besondere Hinweise für den Umgang mit way to an ecological city, and how high the bar for measuring future projects HürdenNew property oder Herausforderungen resources for inself-sufficiency bestimmten Planungsschritten in the big city. oder beim has been set. BetriebThe Senate geben. Department Die verwendeten for Urban Fachbegriffe Development sind and in einem the Environment Glossar erklärt. has Entstandenbeen receiving ist dera growing Leitfaden number mit Unterstützung of queries regarding von Fachpersonen “building-integrated und I look forwardFinanz- to further good, innovativeZielsetzung ideas for our city andBetreiber- wish us Akteurinnen/Akteurenagriculture”. There is interest aus Berlin in both im Rahmentemporary einer use Workshopreihe and long-term buildingim Projekt all the planunggreatest success in implementing new projects in the fieldmodelle of urban „ZFarmconcepts. – TheStädtische concepts Landwirtschaft are complex, der and Zukunft“. they bring Die into Praxisempfehlungen correlation the agriculture. wurdenbuilding durchservices-related den Senat topicsfür Stadtentwicklung of supply and disposal, und Umwelt greening, der Stadt the closingBerlin fachlichof building unterstützt. material cyclesGefördert and wurdethe use das of Projektreclaimed durch nutrients das Bundesministeri to produce food.- umUrban für agricultureBildung und is Forschungnot dependent im Rahmen on natural der ground,Innovations- it offers und advantages Technikana -in Erfolgreiches Dachgewächshaus lysethe competitiondes Programms for urban für Forschung land use undand nachhaltigeit reduces food Entwicklungen transport distances. (FONA). It can be practiced on rooftops, on facades, in tubs and inside buildings. Besides promoting food self-sufficiency, it also has other advantages for urban society: Andreas Geisel increasing the amount of neighbourhood green and enhancing biological Senator for Urban Development and the Environment diversity in the urban space. siehe pfeilvariante in grafik [gestürzte zeilen möglichst vermeiden (lesbarkeit)] „Erläuterungen zum Planungsablauf“: ist dies eine komplette neue doppelseite oder gehört der text mit in diese einführungsseite? 55 Introduction Approaching building-integrated agriculture Information and recommendations for action in approaching DETAILS ABOUT THE PLANNING PROCESS building-integrated agriculture (ZFarming), particularly rooftop greenhouses in cities, were elaborated within a “Roadmapping Developing ideas and preliminary planning Process“ in Berlin. Project planning starts with the phase of conceptual preliminary planning, in which the project initiative is initially outlined and the objective defined. Due As yet, rooftop greenhouses are not very common in Berlin and the rest to the complexity of rooftop greenhouses, it may make sense to work within a of Germany. Hence there is a lack of robust past experience and reliable team of different experts at this stage of the project.
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