![释放无限可能 Unlocking Possibilities 年报 Annual Report 2018 / 2019 释放无限可能 目录 Unlocking Contents Possibilities](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
释放无限可能 UNLOCKING POSSIBILITIES 年报 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 / 2019 释放无限可能 目录 UNLOCKING CONTENTS POSSIBILITIES 主席献词 众志成城,释放无限可能!新加坡华族文化中 02 Chairman’s Message 心与本地艺术与文化团体携手,通过不同合作 关系,推广具有本土特色的华族文化。 总裁献词 04 CEO’s Message Through active collaborations with our partners, Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre aspires to 赞助人和董事会 unlock the limitless possibilities to promote 06 Patron and Board of Directors Singapore Chinese culture to our community. 董事委员会 10 Board Committees 捐款者 12 Our Donors 我们的团队 14 Our Team 亮点 16 Highlights 携手本地团体共同推动文化 18 Flourishing Partnerships with Local Groups 愿景 激发本地人才的无限可能 26 Inspiring Discoveries VISION of Local Talent 多元种族 . 和谐社会 . 华族文化 本土丰彩 我们的设施 A vibrant Singapore Chinese culture, 48 Our Facilities rooted in a cohesive, multi-racial society 财务摘要 52 Financial Highlights 54 机构信息 Corporate Information 宗旨 MISSION 发展本土华族文化,承先启后; 开展多元文化交流,促进社会和谐 Nurture Singapore Chinese culture and enhance social harmony 主席献词 CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE 自2017年5月正式开幕,新加坡华族文化 本地华族文化方面具有卓越贡献的个人 The 2018/2019 calendar for Singapore enjoyment of the public. The Artspace@ premiere, the Hakka short film Ke also 中心度过了极具意义的第一个年头。在我 及团体。除了肯定他们的默默耕耘与无 Chinese Cultural Centre was packed SCCC and Visual Arts Partnership aim to won the Best Asian Short at the 13th 们的努力之下,2018/2019年也不遑多 私奉献,我们更希望借此奖项鼓励更多 with many memorable highlights as we maximise the use of our public spaces by Sapporo International Short Film Festival. celebrated our first anniversary since the inviting local artists and arts groups to 让,充满了许多难忘的亮点。 人,特别是年轻一代,加入弘扬华族文 official opening in May 2017. hold regular exhibitions and showcase The Centre was also pleased to be invited 化的行列。 their art pieces here. to perform its first commissioned Chinese 作为一个文化地标,我们通过战略合作伙 As a Centre that promotes Singapore New Year (CNY) song, The Lo Hei Song, at 伴关系以及推陈出新的高质量项目,竭力 作为一个相当年轻的机构,中心也在这短 Chinese culture, we strive to add vibrancy We also continue to honour the Shanghai’s Crystal Galleria shopping mall 为本土华族文化注入一股新活力。 短的几年里推出数个原创作品,并且都深 to the local cultural scene through strategic contributions of individuals and during their Ren Ri celebration on the 获公众与业界人士的好评。我们的首部委 partnerships and high quality programmes. organisations that have been instrumental seventh day of CNY. 作为一个艺术场地,我们为本地艺术及文 约影片《回程667》不仅在釜山国际电影 in promoting Singapore Chinese culture As an arts venue, our Centre provides a through the Singapore Chinese Cultural The Centre will continue to work with 化团体提供了展示作品的平台。我们的大 节上映,其中的客语短片《客》,更在 platform for arts and cultural groups to Contribution Award. Into its second our partners to showcase modern 楼位于市中心,为民众前来参与活动提供 2018年“第13届札幌国际短片电影节” showcase their creations. Our strategic year in 2018, the Award recognises expressions of local Chinese arts and 了极大的交通便利。这一年来,我们与多 上荣获“最佳亚洲短片奖”。 location in the heart of CBD has given deserving individuals and organisations culture, and promote greater cross- 个艺术文化团体合作,举办了倍受欢迎、 us geographical advantage to host that dedicated their efforts tirelessly to cultural dialogue and understanding. 老少合宜的展览和表演项目,包括“天天 农历新年期间,我们受邀到上海晶品商 exhibitions and performances with our preserve and pass on our cultural heritage. 向上”特展以及“落地生根,开拓新家 场,演出我们中心委约制作的《捞鱼生》 arts and cultural partners, which had It also aims to inspire more Singaporeans, 园”展览。 原创新年歌曲,并介绍捞鱼生习俗,作为 been well-received by people of all especially the younger generation, to ages. Among the popular exhibitions come forward and contribute to the growth 该商场人日庆祝活动的主题。 included Tian Tian @ SCCC and the highly of our Chinese culture. 为进一步支持本地的艺术及文化生态,新 interactive New World, New Life. 加坡华族文化中心推出了“艺术支持框 新加坡华族文化中心将继续以创新的方 Though a fairly young organisation, we 架”项目。旗下的“艺术之家计划”,已 式,与合作伙伴携手推广新加坡华族文 To further support the local arts and have already created several original 迎来三个艺术团体入驻文化中心,与我们 化、促进民族融合、加强文化传承与交流。 culture ecosystem, the Centre launched productions that have received rave 合作推出多个新颖的活动;而“艺•有空” the Arts Support Framework, which reviews from our audiences and 和“视觉艺术伙伴计划”的目标,则是充 comprises several initiatives including industry practitioners. the Arts Housing Programme, Artspace@ 分利用我们的公共空间,帮助艺术家及团 SCCC and Visual Arts Partnership. Our first commissioned omnibus film and 体克服寻找合适展览空间的挑战。 蔡天宝 Through the Arts Housing Programme, Singapore’s first dialect film anthology, Chua Thian Poh we welcomed three arts tenants to 667, received international acclaim 2018年,通过举办“第二届新加坡华族 新加坡华族文化中心 base in the Centre and work with us to in 2018. Besides being screened at Chairman 文化贡献奖”,中心也持续表扬在促进 董事会主席 deliver interesting programmes for the the Busan International Film Festival Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre 年报 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT 年报 02 2018 / 2019 2018 / 2019 03 总裁献词 CEO’S MESSAGE 转眼间,我加入新加坡华族文化中心这大 适逢新加坡开埠200周年,我们首次委约 It has been one year since I joined Singapore the collaborative work of local illustrator has developed through our language, 家庭已满一年。这一年的工作非常充实, 制作了原创舞剧“龙牙门重现”,结合华 Chinese Cultural Centre in April 2018 and Ah-Guo and composer-pianist Peng food and practices. Since the time our 也很有满足感。 族与马来歌舞元素,为大家述说新加坡历 the journey has been fulfilling. Chi Sheng based on our local CNY dish forefathers brought their culture from yusheng. For the first time, the Centre China, it has synergised with other ethnic 史发展的故事。 During this period, it is heartening to see has its own song! cultures in this region to form what we 这段期间,看着我们的标志性项目不断地 our signature programmes grow in scale know today as our distinctive Chinese 扩大与成长,更是倍感振奋。 展望未来,我们将与更多本地人才以及艺 and reach. In conjunction with Singapore Bicentennial, Singaporean culture. We hope that this 术文化团体合作,为公众呈献更多有趣的 we commissioned the dance musical exhibition will be both interesting and 我们的年度文化节“华彩2018”吸引约 节目内容。 Our visitorship for Cultural Extravaganza Whispers from the Dragon’s Teeth enlightening for our visitors. 14,000人参与,出席人数比上一年增长 has increased almost 60% to nearly 14,000 Gate, which is a fusion of Chinese and 近6成。除了表演项目,我们还举办了工 我们希望大家从我们的节目中能发现文化 in 2018. We have expanded the variety of Malay music and dance, to tell history of our offerings to include performances, Singapore’s development. 作坊、展览和团队游戏等,让活动更丰富 其实就在我们的日常生活中。 workshops, exhibitions and team games. 多元。 Going forward, we will work with more 有鉴于此,我们正在筹办一个常设展, We have also held family-friendly events local talents as well as arts and cultural 我们也在农历新年和中秋节等华人节庆期 通过语言、食物和习俗探讨新加坡华族 for the public to celebrate key Chinese groups to develop meaningful content for 间举办合适全家大小的活动,把大家凝聚 文如何形成及发展。随先辈们流传下来 festivals such as Chinese New Year and the public. 在一起共度佳节,并借机向大众介绍这些 的传统习俗是如何与其他的文化在潜移 Mid-Autumn, using the opportunity to 节庆背后的意义。 默化之中互相影响,形成今日我们熟悉 introduce the festivals and get families We also hope to highlight that culture and friends to come together. is what we do and how we live our 和具有特色的新加坡华族文化。我们期 everyday lives. 我鼓励我的团队以更具创意的方式来推广 待这展览能让每位访客都感到既有趣又 I encouraged our team to be creative in 华族文化,而他们也没令我失望。 有启发性。 the way we present culture to the public. To better illustrate this, we are preparing Low Sze Wee to put up a Permanent Exhibition at the 比如今年春节,我们推出“会唱歌的红 During Chinese New Year, we did an Centre. It will explore the distinctive ways Chief Executive Officer 包”向大家拜年。我们邀得本地插画家阿 interesting Singing Red Packet that is in which Chinese Singaporean culture Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre 果与音乐人冯启胜携手合作,以本地年菜 刘思伟 鱼生为题,发挥创意;新加坡华族文化中 心的第一首原创歌曲,也因此而诞生! 新加坡华族文化中心总裁 年报 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT 年报 04 2018 / 2019 2018 / 2019 05 赞助人和董事会 PATRON AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS 主席 Chairman 副主席 Vice Chairman 副主席 Vice Chairman 蔡天宝 何侨生 钟声坚 Chua Thian Poh Ho Kiau Seng Zhong Sheng Jian 和美置地有限公司主席兼总裁 隆英私人有限公司集团董事主席 仁恒置地集团主席兼总裁 Chairman & CEO, Ho Bee Land Limited Group Chairman, Leong Jin Corporation Pte Ltd Chairman & CEO, Yanlord Land Group Limited Appointed on 10 Apr 2013 Appointed on 10 Apr 2013 Appointed on 10 Apr 2013 赞助人 Patron 李显龙总理 Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong 名誉秘书 Honorary Secretary 名誉财政 Honorary Treasurer 吴绍均 李国基 Ng Siew Quan Patrick Lee Kwok Kie 普华永道新加坡 星纶集团主席 亚太区私营及初创企业服务部主管合伙人 Chairman, Sing Lun Group Asia Pacific Entrepreneurial & Appointed on 18 Jul 2013 Private Business Leader PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Appointed on 18 Jul 2013 年报 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT 年报 06 2018 / 2019 2018 / 2019 07 董事 Director 曾宪民 陈怀亮 许廷芳 方百成 萧作鸣 陈精毅 Chan Sen Meng Chen Hwai Liang Hee Theng Fong Perng Peck Seng Seow Choke Meng Tan Cheng Gay 新加坡永定会馆会长 新加坡报业控股 安睿雅士律师事务所顾问 新加坡福建会馆文化学院执行董事 新加坡报业控股华文媒体集团和 昂国企业有限公司主席兼总裁 President 华文媒体集团统筹总编辑(特别项目) Consultant Executive Director 时代地产业务顾问 Chairman & CEO Eng Teng Association in Singapore Supervising Editor (Special Project), Eversheds Harry Elias LLP Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan Business Consultant, EnGro Corporation Ltd Cultural Academy Appointed on 18 Jul 2013 Chinese Media Group Appointed on 1 May 2015 Chinese Media Group and Appointed on 1 May 2015 Singapore Press Holdings Limited Appointed on 18 Jul 2013 Times Properties Singapore Press Holdings Limited Appointed on 1 May 2015 Appointed on 18 Jul 2013 陈子宇 陈国明 林颂雅 刘荣忠 Alvin Tan Tze Ee Desmond Tan Kok Ming Lim Shung Yar Low Eng Teong 新加坡国家文物局副局长(政策与社区) 人民协会总执行理事长 Deputy Chief Executive, Chief Executive Director 文化、社区及青年部社区关系与联系司高级司长 国家艺术理事会艺术拓展助理理事长 Policy & Community People’s Association Senior Director, Community Relations & Assistant Chief Executive, National Heritage Board Engagement Division Sector Development Group Appointed on 2 Mar 2018 Ministry of Culture, Community & Youth National Arts Council Appointed on 1 Oct 2016 Appointed on 15 Aug 2014 Appointed on 2 Mar 2018 年报 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT 年报 08 2018 / 2019 2018 / 2019 09 董事委员会 BOARD COMMITTEES 审计与风险委员会 财政与投资委员会 媒体与宣传委员会 产业委员会 节目委员会 筹款委员会 Audit and Risk Finance and Investment
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