Nonsense," how a committee of skep- July 13 1976 tics (CSICOP) is challenging paranor- CSICOP establishes a Canadian sec- 1980 April 30-May 1 mal claims. tion. "Skeptical CSICOP founded at conference on "The Inquirer New Irrationalisms: Antiscience and Fall Pseudoscience," SUNY-Buffalo. 1978 SKEPTICAL INQUIRER increases publication c February frequency from semi-annual to quarterly. CSICOP calls NBC response to CSICOP complaints about "Exploring Fall the Unknown" "unacceptable," FCC reports preliminary decision reject- requests presentation of contrasting ing CSICOP complaint against NBC's viewpoint. "Exploring the Unknown": CSICOP appeals January Dec. 5 - 6 'Skeptical SKEPTICAL INQUIRER (Winter 1979-80) pub- CSICOP meets in Washington, D.C.. lishes four-part special report on meets with staff of House Science and claimed "Mars Effect," addressing a Technology Committee, praises ABC-TV controversy that began before CSICOP Fall for network special "The Supernatural: was founded and will continue for sev- Vol. 1 No. 1 of The Zetetic the SKEPTICAL Fact, Fiction, or Fantasy?" in which eral years more. INQUIRER) published. CSICOP members participated. 1981 1977 1979 May Aug. 9 April January CSlCOP's fifth anniversary. Paul Kurtz The Zetetic renamed the SKEPTICAL First meeting of CSICOP Executive CSICOP lodges complaints against NBC- notes progress and challenges. Council, New York City. It calls upon INQUIRER starting with Vol. 2 No. 2. TV for program "The Amazing World of NBC television for balance in its treat- Spring/Summer 1978. Psychic Phenomena." May ment of paranormal, files complaint CSICOP statement urges police against April April 27 against Reader's Digest for distortions accepting claims of so-called "police Chairman Paul Kurtz announces that on alleged psychic phenomena, files CSICOP files appeal in U.S. Court of psychics." complaint with FCC against NBC CSICOP has generated "tremendous Appeals against the FCC's rejection of for total bias in 90-minute quasi- enthusiasm" among scientists, schol- committee's complaint against NBC October 22-24 ars, media, and the public. CBS and documentary "Exploring the Unknown." under the Fairness Doctrine for CSICOP Executive Council approves ABC have produced programs present- "Exploring the Unknown." policy statement on sponsoring Dec. 12 ing committee's viewpoints. research, testing individual claims, and Time publishes 'Attacking the New SKEPTICAL INQUIRER May/June 2001 55 conducting investigations, pointing out University of Colorado. Boulder. Theme: that organizations, as such, rarely con- 1984 "Science and Pseudoscience." Keynote 1988 duct research. The first two of seven address: Stephen Jay Gould. March 21-April 3 Nov. 9 points: "1. CSICOP. as a body, does not CSICOP delegation visits China, lectures directly engage in the testing of psy- CSICOP. in news conference at in Beijing, Xian, Shanghai, tests Qigong chics, research on paranormal phe- California Academy of Sciences, calls masters plus children and others nomena, or investigations on related on newspapers to carry a disclaimer on alleged to have psychic powers. matters. 2. But CSICOP does encourage their astrology columns. Mails state- such research by its individual mem- ment, material to 1.200 U.S. newspa- Sept. 1 bers and qualified others." pers two weeks later. CSICOP wins first (and till-then only) court case brought against it. In U.S. District Court in Hawaii plaintiff Gharith 1982 Pendragon loses on all contentions and is ordered to pay the CSICOP defen- Spring SCIENTIFIC dants fees, costs, and earlier-imposed AMERICAN CSICOP celebrates 10th anniversary. SI sanctions. marks it with special essays by CSICOP Fellows such as Isaac Asimov and Carl Sagan. Fall Nov. 9 - 1 0 SKEPTICAL INQUIRER announces it is CSICOP Conference "Paranormal expanding scope to include topics not SI Beliefs: Scientific Facts and Fictions" necessarily related directly to the para- February held at Stanford University. Sessions on normal and pseudoscience. Scientific American publishes Meta- "Space-Age Paranormal Claims," "The magical Themas article by Douglas Psychic Arms Race," and "Psychic Claims." Keynoter: Sidney Hook. 1987 Hofstadter about SKEPTICAL INQUIRER, con- Nov. 3 - 4 trasting its type of inquiry with that of Feb. 1 December CSICOP 1988 Conference "The New National Enquirer, SI circulation subse- Carl Sagan publishes "The Fine Art of Age: A Scientific Evaluation," held at SKEPTICAL INOUIRER expands pages to quently leaps. Baloney Detection," in Parade maga- Hyatt Regency O'Hare, Chicago. include 20 percent more editorial mate- zine, with a laudatory sidebar about Keynote speaker: Douglas Hofstadter. June rial; circulation about 17,000. CSICOP and SKEPTICAL INQUIRER. SI circu- Three simultaneous sessions at times. First approved local chapter of CSICOP lation rises as a result. established. Bay Area Skeptics. December 1985 April 3 - 4 Dec. 9-10 June 28-29 CSICOP publishes statement "CSICOP, CSICOP Annual Conference, Pasadena, Groups, and Spokespersons" about CSICOP International Conference. CSICOP Executive Council meets in California. Symposia on extraterrestrial relationships with groups listed in SI "Investigation and Belief," held at intelligence, animal language, medical Atlanta. Gives Martin Gardner "In and who may or may not speak for Praise of Reason Award." holds news University College. London. CSICOP controversies. Simultaneous sessions. CSICOP. conference on psychics and "psychic Executive Council holds joint meeting with Keynote speaker: Carl Sagan, "The detectives." sets initial guidelines on French group in Paris, presents news con- Burden of Skepticism." local groups. ference with Science et Vie magazine. 1989 Oct. 20-23 Fall First in a series of CSICOP Seminars 1983 CSICOP announces 20th Anniversary April "Skeptical Inquiry: A Critical Fund, a major capital fund-raising cam- Examination of Parapsychology." held at George Abell, Paul Kurtz, and Marvin paign, B.F. Skinner, honorary chairman. SUNY-Buffalo, with James Alcock and Zelen publish a reappraisal of the "Mars Ray Hyman as faculty; 3-credit certifi- Effect" experiments (SI Spring 1983). cate of achievement awarded upon completion. Oct. 28-29 CSICOP holds first international con- December MFall ference since its founding, returning to SKEPTICAL INQUIRER announces a perma- SKEPTICAL INQUIRER announces new, the SUNY-Buffalo campus. Theme: nent expansion lo 112 digest-size pages expanded effort to give more attention "Science, Skepticism, and the per quarterly issue. Ten-year index pub- to science, critical inquiry, and science Paranormal." Seven symposia. Com- lished. education in addition to investigations mentator Piet Hein Hoebens calls it of paranormal claims. New graphic CSICOP's "coming of age." design implemented. April 25-27 CSICOP 1986 conference held at 5 6 May/June 200! SKEPTICAL INQUIRER April 17-19 settlement and first payment by Geller to 1990 CSICOP holds "Magic for Skeptics" 1993 CSICOP of $40,000 of up $120,000. March 30-April 1 seminar, in Lexington. Kentucky, taught April Payment is part of settlement agreement 1990 CSICOP Conference, Washington. by Joe Nickell and Robert A. Baker. CSICOP announces plans for creation of to a court-described "frivolous complaint" D.C.. -Critical Thinking. Public Policy, a Center for Inquiry research library. made by Geller against CSICOP. The set- and Science Education" Keynote April tlement ends five-year legal battle. June speaker: Gerard Piel Banquet speaker: SI reports that forty-two daily news- Richard Berendzen. papers are now running CSICOP- In "Our Wide and Fertile Field" (SI. recommended disclaimers with their Summer 1993), Editor discusses recent December astrology columns. addition to CSICOP's s t a t e m e n t of mis- CSICOP announces construction has sion: 'It also promotes science and sci- started on a building, the Center for April entific inquiry, critical thinking, science Inquiry, to house CSICOP and SKEPTICAL CSICOP announces establishment of education, and the use of reason in INQUIRER (as well as Free Inquiry on a legal defense fund to help battle harass- examining important issues." site adjacent to SUNY-Buffalo Amherst ing lawsuts filed against skeptics. campus June 14 June 9 June CSICOP wins lawsuit in Maryland. In "Freedom of Scientific Inquiry Under Federal jury in Baltimore finds CSICOP New CSICOP headquarters — 15.000- 1991 Siege" (SI Summer 1992), Paul Kurtz is not liable for statements made by square-foot Center for Inquiry educa- May 3-5 reports on another Geller lawsuit. James Randi about Eldon Byrd. tional and administrative center — is dedicated adjacent to SUNY-Buffalo 1991 CSICOP Conference at Claremont June Amherst, NY, campus. Steve Allen. Hotel, Berkeley/Oakland Hills. Nobel laureate Herbert Hauptman, Time's California. Sessions on controversies in U.S. District Court in Washington. D.C., 1994 hypnosis, subliminal pseudoscience. throws out Uri Geller lawsuit against Leon Jaroff. many others participate. Spring pop psychology, catastrophism and evo- CSICOP, imposes sanctions against July 7 lution, urban legends, and teaching crit- Geller for prosecuting the case. Construction begins on Phase II of head- ical thinking. Keynote speaker: Donald quarters campus for CSICOP and Center for Inquiry-West, CSICOP's West C. Johanson, I n Search of Our Origins." Aug. 20-24 SKEPTICAL INQUIRER in Amherst, N.Y. Coast branch office, opens in rented CSICOP-sponsored "The Skeptics quarters in Los Angeles. June Toolbox" annual workshop series initi- June 24-26 CSICOP announces newly
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