182 October 2019 Parkdale United Church 429 Parkdale Ave. Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 1H3 Telephone: (613) 728-8656 Fax: (613) 728-9686 E-mail: [email protected] Rev. Dr. Anthony Bailey: [email protected] Rev. Alcris Limongi: [email protected] Website: www.parkdaleunitedchurch.ca EDITORIAL BOARD Editor this issue: Danica Rogers Where to find it... Proofreader: Jaylyn Wong Contributors: Anthony Bailey, Kathryn Meerburg, Susan Mailer, Minister’s Message .......................... 3 Carolynn Halkett, Alcris Limongi, Camille Beaufort,Judy Hamley, Lectionary ......................................... 6 Photos from Hepsy Griffith, Peter Meerburg and Eliane West Birthdays .......................................... 7 Announcements ............................... 8 Many thanks and keep those contributions coming!! 20years of Service Celebration....... 12 Remembering Janet ...................... 16 We are always looking for new ideas, volunteers and submis- One Day Retreat ........................... 22 sions. We reserve the right to edit, Celebrating our Cultures ................ 25 condense or reject submissions, but will try to find space for all. Pastoral Care Week........................ 26 Next issue: November 2018 Young People Faith Formation ...... 30 Editor next issue: Habitat for Humanity ..................... 34 Elise Mennie Send submissions to: [email protected] or the church office by Oct 20th IMPORTANT: When submitting photos to the Messenger, please ensure you have asked permission of the individuals if their faces are clearly recognizable. They should know that an electronic PDF version of the Messenger is posted to the Parkdale website. See: http://www.united-church.ca/getinvolved/connections/photos/permissions2 FROM THE MINISTER’S DESK Thanksgiving and Gratitude Thanksgiving and gratitude belong together. In distinct and yet interre- lated ways they give expression to the most beautiful and wise ways of navigating life together. We must not make too fine a distinction be- tween these two words and what they may mean, but we can appreci- ate their relatedness and their dis- tinctiveness. Swiss philosopher and poet Henri Federic Amiel wrote: Thankfulness is the beginning of Gratitude “Resentment blocks action; grat- Gratitude is the completion of itude lets us move forward to- thankfulness. ward new possibilities. Resent- Thankfulness may consist only in ment makes us cling to negative words. feelings; gratitude allows us to Gratitude is shown in acts. let go. Resentment makes us pris- oners of our passions. Gratitude Some regard thankfulness as an helps us to transcend our com- expression for something received pulsions to follow our vocation. and/or appreciated, whereas grati- Resentment exhausts us by com- tude is a cultivated disposition; a plicated jealousies and ambigui- way of being. I believe they are ties, stirring up destructive de- intertwined partners in the discern- sires for revenge. Gratitude takes ment, acknowledgement and re- our fatigue away and gives us sponse to how we receive life. God new vitality and enthusiasm. Re- is the source of this life and offers sentment entangles us in endless us wisdom and instruction on how distractions, pulling us down to to steward this life with one another. banal preoccupations. Gratitude Gratitude and thanksgiving also anchors our deepest self beyond provide formidable resources to this world and allows us to be identify and deal with what is poi- involved without losing our- sonous and undermining of the life selves.” that God intends for us. On the topic of gratitude and some Our celebration of life, our thanks- of those things that threaten to un- giving and gratitude for life come dermine it, Christian monk and precisely from the acknowledgement scholar writes: that God is the Creator of life. We 3 are called to share together, in just program event on October 19 in Me- and holy ways, this abundant life. morial Hall, Since we are not the originators of • Make note particularly of our our own lives we are dependent on World Communion service October the One who has given us life. Fur- 6 and our Thanksgiving service Oc- ther, our gratitude for this life and tober 13, our love of others summon us to strive not so much for independ- • Spend time in the joyous fellow- ence, but rather for inter- ship of others over your favourite dependence. Interdependence beverage, sharing stories, life, laugh- acknowledges the web of giftedness ter, experiences, hurts and faith. that we receive from God’s Creation • There are so many opportunities and from others. The most appropri- here at Parkdale, for all ages, to ate response is gratitude and thanks- grow in faith, to pray, to serve, to giving, offered to God who is the worship, to reach out. Discover… ultimate source of our blessings. Step In….and Step Up. Just read on in this month’s Messenger and see This month at Parkdale there are a what is on offer. number of ways to celebrate this web of giftedness in which we are In our personal lives, may I invite us privileged to participate. to spend time in prayer, silence and • Take time to behold and relish service to the ultimate source of our the change of seasons as the foliage giftedness – God. This time of inten- yields its greens to the reds, browns, tional “lingering” with God will yellows and oranges, bless our lives, our community, and the world, as it sponsors acts of gen- • Let us come together to worship erosity, the sharing of faith, and the regularly. This month there will be practice of justice, love and peace- an emphasis on our individual and making. communal life of stewardship. How do we responsibly and faithfully May we all experience deep blessing care for and use all the gifts of life from God as we offer thanks and that come our way? gratitude. • Please come out and enthusias- tically participate in our annual Cel- Anthony ebrating our Cultures supper-music- 4 A THANKSGIVING CONTEMPLATION May an abundance of gratitude burst forth as you reflect upon what you have received. May thanksgiving overflow in your heart, and often be proclaimed in your prayer. May you gather around the table of your heart the ardent faithfulness, kindness, and goodness of each person who is true to you. May your basket of blessings surprise you with its rich diversity of gifts and its opportunities for growth. May you always be open, willing and ready to share your blessings with others. May you never forget the Generous One who loves you lavishly and unconditionally. Joyce Rupp 5 LECTIONARY FOR OCTOBER Proper 22 (27) - October 6, 2019 - Lamentations 1:1-6 and Lamentations 3:19-26 or Psalm 137 - Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 and Psalm 37:1-9 - 2 Timothy 1:1-14 - Luke 17:5-10 Proper 23 (28) - October 13, 2019 - Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7 and Psalm 66:1-12 - 2 Kings 5:1-3, 7-15c and Psalm 111 - 2 Timothy 2:8-15 - Luke 17:11-19 Canadian Thanksgiving Day - October 14, 2019 - Deuteronomy 26:1-11 and Psalm 100 - Philippians 4:4-9 - John 6:25-35 Proper 24 (29) - October 20, 2019 - Jeremiah 31:27-34 and Psalm 119:97-104 - Genesis 32:22-31 and Psalm 121 - 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5 - Luke 18:1-8 Proper 25 (30) - October 27, 2019 - Joel 2:23-32 and Psalm 65 - Sirach 35:12-17 or Jeremiah 14:7-10, 19-22 and Psalm 84:1-7 - 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18 - Luke 18:9-14 6 Birthdays in October Our warmest greetings to: 1st Hannie Fitzgerald 2nd Alice Menzies 2nd Isaiah Duah Many thanks to the gardeners. Spring, 5th Cora McQuinn summer and fall for planting, weeding, 5th Jaylyn Wong and watering their respective gardens. 8th Carl-Henry Mercy This photo shows the work of Kathryn 8th Ruth Bush and Peter Meerburg as he pruned and 11th Delphine Ahmed-Robin shaped the hedge and trees. 11th Arianne Epale 16th Doreen Bullied 17th Maddy Crabtree 17th Mark Bradley 19th Alexis Bannoff 22nd Julianna Jeglic 23rd Jessica Ann Clark 25th Hannah Johnston 27th Tyrese Musenga 29th Isabelle Duncan 31st Chania Bailey 31st Camille Beaufort If you would like your birthday to be a secret and your name taken off the list, or if your name was not includ- ed and you would like it to be added, please let the office know. 7 Baby Congratulations Congratulations to Rev Rob Merritt and Rev Hilary Merritt on the birth of their first grandchild, a granddaughter whose name is Amelia Claire. Best wishes Congratulations to Lynne and Don Angus on the recent mar- riage of their daughter Kristin, to Riley Bond. The couple live in Barrhaven. Kristin's great grandmother, Mrs Hazel Stewart, wasMarried a long September time Parkdale 13th member.at Parkdale United Church, Beth Hamley & Nate Rodgers. Daughter of Judy & Richard Hamley. Left: sisters Joanna & Beth Hamley. Right: Beth & Nate at Parkdale. WEDDING BELLS Congratulations to Amelia Balsillie and Neil Mason who were married last month in Ottawa. Neil is the son of Diana and David Mason. Best wishes to Amelia and Neil. REMEMBERING Please remember the family of Ken Armstrong in your prayers. Ken was Judy’s husband and as well, brother of Chris King. 8 On September 1st, one of Park- dale’s former youth, Lorena (Mason) Thompson, and husband Matthew brought their daughter Erin Paige Thompson for baptism. Lorena is the daughter of David and Diana Mason. Erin is wear- ing the same gown for baptism that Lorena wore … just a few years ago. Congratulations to the family. 9 20th Anniversary Card for Rev. Dr. Anthony Bailey, by Vita, and presented by Garth McLeod September 15, 2019 10 11 20 Years of Service produced by card-maker extraor- The congregation honoured Dr. dinaire Vita Savelieva was circu- Bailey during the September 15 lated for signature by members of worship service, which marked the congregation following the his 20th year of service with Park- service.
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