UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA - BARCELONATECH ESCOLA TÈCNICA SUPERIOR D’ARQUITECTURA DE BARCELONA DEPARTAMENT DE TECNOLOGÍA DE LA ARQUITECTURA PhD thesis Augmented Valuation of Cultural Heritage through Digital Representation based upon Geographic Information Technologies The case study of Lisbon Aqueduct System within an Augmented Reality environment PhD Candidate: Luís Filipe do Espírito Santo Correia Marques Thesis Supervisor: Professor Josep Roca (upc/etsab/dta – Spain) Thesis Supervisor: Professor José António Tenedório (unl/fcsh/dgpr – Portugal) Doctoral Program (2017): Urban and Architectonic Management and Valuations (UPC/ETSAB/DTA – Spain) PhD thesis Augmented Valuation of Cultural Heritage through Digital Representation based upon Geographic Information Technologies The case study of Lisbon Aqueduct System within an Augmented Reality environment PhD Candidate: Luís Filipe do Espírito Santo Correia Marques Thesis Supervisor: Professor Josep Roca (upc/etsab/dta – Spain) Thesis Supervisor: Professor José António Tenedório (unl/fcsh/dgpr – Portugal) Doctoral Program (2017): Urban and Architectonic Management and Valuations (UPC/ETSAB/DTA – Spain) Host Institutions: Centre de Política de Sòl i Valoracions (CPSV), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain | Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais CICS.NOVA - Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas - Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (CICS.NOVA.FCSH/UNL), Portugal UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE CATALUNYA BARCELONATECH POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF CATALONIA – PhD THESIS Augmented Valuation of Cultural Heritage through Digital Representation based upon Geographic Information Technologies (GIT) Acknowledgments I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the following individuals and institutions: Professor Architect Josep Roca Cladera (ETSAB, UPC, Spain), supervisor of this thesis, for his availability, understanding, support, criticism, suggestions and huge enthusiasm and interest shown throughout the completion of this course of studies. Professor José António Tenedório (FCSH, UNL, Portugal), supervisor of this thesis, whom I have deeply admired since the early years of my undergraduate degree in Geography (1996-2001). Words cannot translate this deeply felt friendship, already some decades long, and the support I have received throughout my academic, professional and personal life. Malcolm Burns, previous supervisor of this thesis, for his criticism, suggestions and for his constant availability to help me correcting my English. The Centre for Land Policy and Valuation – CPSV, at ETSAB/UPC (Spain), for my integration and warm reception, for the interest, enthusiasm, politeness they have shown, as well as for their readiness to share knowledge, impressions and methodologies. To Professor Rolando Arenas for all his kindness, politeness, enthusiasm, and amazing support. The Secretaria de Postgrau from UPC- BarcelonaTECH, especially to Luz Soro for all her support. The Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences – CICS.NOVA, at FCSH/UNL (Portugal), particularly to the coordinator of the RG4 group - Socio-Spatial Modelling and Planning, Professor Rui Pedro Julião, for receiving me, and to the amazing Geographic Modelling, Remote Sensing and Data Infrastructures team within the RG4 group, for their support and friendship. To the General Inspection of Agriculture, Sea, Environment and Spatial Planning (IGAMAOT) within the Ministry of Environment and Agriculture, especially to the General Inspector Nuno Banza, Mario Grácio and Cássia Silva for their understanding at the professional level, while I was developing this thesis, and to my colleagues from the first floor (they know who they are!), essentially the Geographic Information Systems team, for all their support. To Conceição Nobre for all the warm words and lots of paper work. To the Architectural Heritage Information System (SIPA) team, currently at the Directorate General for Cultural Heritage. To his former coordinator João Vieira for letting me develop some research work at the professional level and to my colleagues and friends from the inventory and archives teams. Special thanks to Cláudia Morgado, Rita Valadares and Teresa Câmara, for their curiosity and enthusiasm while developing 3D models, GIS, web services, mobile Luís Marques, 2017 i POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF CATALONIA – PhD THESIS Augmented Valuation of Cultural Heritage through Digital Representation based upon Geographic Information Technologies (GIT) Apps (iGEO initiative1), georeferencing ancient cartography and methodologies testing while exchanging knowledge. To Paula Figueiredo, Teresa Ferreira and Margarida Conceição, for developing together the first experiments of recreation of ancient structures using GIS (within the Atlas SIPA project), including the Lisbon Aqueduct System. The fantastic team from the Informatics Department (Computer Science) of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the UNL (Portugal), especially to Professors Teresa Romão and Fernando Birra for all their ideas, knowledge, support and enthusiasm in the programming of the App. To Antero Pires for all his enthusiasm and support while sharing data and knowledge for the development of the AqueductAR and AqueductGPS Apps. To the GEODRONE, especially to its founder and CEO João Marques, for his expertise, friendship and enthusiasm while conducting and supporting the development of the 3D models. To Empresa Publica das Águas Livres from the group Águas de Portugal, especially to the historian Barbara Bruno for providing all the access to the underground galleries of the Lisbon Aqueduct System and providing the contact for the approval of the UAV flight to conduct the 3D model of the Mãe de Água reservoir. To all my friends, especially: Ricardo Santos, Rafael Reis and Pedro Soares for all their friendship and support. Thanks to Ricardo for helping me to film the videos near the aqueduct structure elements and for the thesis cover. To my friends Paulo Morgado, Filipa Ramalhete and Jorge Rocha for sharing articles, classes, criticism and suggestions. To all the invited experts present in the workshop held on 29th of July 2016 and to the host Belarmino, always ready to help in his pleasant restaurant Fábulas in Chiado. To my wonderful family, my father Luís Manuel Correia Marques, my mother Maria Olímpia do Espírito Santo Marques, my sister Sandra Marques, my niece Beatriz Mello and my nephew Bruno Mello, you are always in my mind and heart. To my new family in Latvia, my wife Santa Klavina Marques and my newborn son Rafael Austris Klavins Marques, you are just amazing. 1 The IGEO (internet portal of geographic information for Portugal) is based in Web Services (WMS/WFS) served from the official institutions directly through internet. These services (constantly actualized from the producer to the user in near real time) are available through online resources (via portal igeo.pt), feeding online geographical viewers and three main mobile Apps. One of these App’s was the SIPA iGeo-Património (Heritage), available for Android and IOS, which was based in the SIPA inventory and archives (texts, pictures and cartography) where the author worked from the year 2002 until 2014. Luís Marques, 2017 ii POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF CATALONIA – PhD THESIS Augmented Valuation of Cultural Heritage through Digital Representation based upon Geographic Information Technologies (GIT) Acronyms and Abbreviations 2D/3D/4D – 2/3/4 Dimensions AdP – Grupo Águas de Portugal AGNSS – Assisted Global Navigation Satellite Systems App – Mobile Application AR – Augmented Reality AV – Augmented Virtuality BOOM – Binocular Omni-Orientation Monitor CAVE – Cave Automatic Virtual Environment CCD – Charge-Coupled Devices CH – Cultural Heritage CICS.NOVA – Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais CIPA – International Committee for Heritage Documentation CPSV – Centre de Política de Sòl i Valoracions CS – Catalogue Service DEM – Digital Elevation Model DGPC – Direção Geral do Património Cultural DGT – Direção Geral do Território DK/NO – Don’t Know / No opinion DR – Digital Representations DSM – Digital Surface Model DTM – Digital Terrain Model EC – European Commission EGNOS – European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service EPAL – Empresa Portuguesa de Águas Livres ESA – European Space Agency ESRI – Environmental Systems Research Institute ETSAB – Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona FCSH – Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas FCT – Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia GIS – Geographical Information Systems GIT – Geographic Information Technologies GLONASS – GLObalnaya NAvigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema GML – Geography Markup Language GNSS – Global Navigation Satellite Systems GPRS – General Packet Radio Service GPS – Global Positioning System GTIDA – Grupo de Trabalho para a Iniciativa Dados Abertos Luís Marques, 2017 iii POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF CATALONIA – PhD THESIS Augmented Valuation of Cultural Heritage through Digital Representation based upon Geographic Information Technologies (GIT) HMD – Head-Mounted Displays HSPA - High-Speed Packet Access ICNF – Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e Florestas ICCROM – International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property ICOM – International Council of Museums ICOMOS – International Council on Monuments and Sites ICT – Information and Communication Technologies IHRU – Instituto da Habitação e Reabilitação Urbana IM – Image Matching INSPIRE – Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community IRNSS – Indian
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