E482 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 25, 2010 Congresswoman LYNN WOOLSEY, to recognize as president, and ultimately honored as the Several years ago, Madam Speaker, we and honor Hanna Boys Center, which has club’s Honorary Lifetime President. both joined Dr. Wayburn in a small redwood been providing a home and education to stu- Ed served four years in the Air Force during grove in the Presidio of San Francisco as it dents in Northern California for 60 years. World War II and returned to San Francisco in was being dedicated to honor Peggy and The school began as an experimental pro- 1946. There on the slopes of Mt. Tamalpais, Edgar Wayburn. The redwood is a survivor of gram for neglected and troubled boys in 1944 he met his future wife, the stylish Peggy Elliot, millions of years of evolution, fire, changing in Menlo Park, south of San Francisco. The 25 an ad agency staffer and a former Vogue edi- climate and the chainsaw. It is nature’s tallest original students were referred to the new tor. Together they formed a formidable team tree and can live for two thousand years. It is school by social service agencies and parish for conservation, Ed the persistent, quiet spo- fitting that Edgar Wayburn will be remembered priests. The demand quickly outweighed the ken persuader of the powerful; Peggy, the bril- among our planet’s natural wonders. physical resources of the small school and liant wordsmith and organizer. And together f they raised four children, William, Cynthia, after a very successful speaking tour, enough RECOGNITION OF LONNIE CARMON funds were raised to purchase 157 acres in Laurie and Diana—whose education included being packed into the family station wagon for FOR HIS CONTRIBUTIONS TO the Sonoma Valley, the school’s home today. AVIATION By 1949, classrooms, an administration summer rambles across the vast West. building, a chapel, gymnasium, swimming pool Mt. Tamalpais, one of the couple’s favorite and one residence hall had been completed. hiking spots, was also the inspiration for Ed’s HON. MARY JO KILROY The first students entered the Sonoma Valley first foray into conservation. With the Bay Area OF OHIO campus by the end of that year. Today 109 sprawling during the post-war boom, he won- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES boys ages 13 to 18 call the campus home. dered how much longer the signature peak of Thursday, March 25, 2010 Mann County could remain green and undis- Although Hanna students come to the Ms. KILROY. Madam Speaker, I rise today turbed. Joining with Sierra Club activists and school from throughout the country, most are to honor Lonnie Carmon, who in 1926 became local residents, he began buttonholing State from our combined Congressional districts. the first African American to fly a plane in cen- legislators and pressed for a series of acquisi- Many are from troubled homes. tral Ohio. Through his persistence, creativity, tions that expanded Mt. Tamalpais State Park There is a fully accredited high school on and ingenuity, Lonnie contributed to the evo- from 870 acres to 6,300 acres over a period campus and all students can participate in lution of aviation as well as the advancement of 24 years. woodshop, choir, soccer, baseball, track and of African Americans. The Ohio Historical So- In the early 60s developers set their sites on basketball. Football is provided at nearby ciety has honored Lonnie Carmon for his role the Marin Headlands, quiet hills and valleys Sonoma Valley High School. in the history of aviation in Ohio with a tribute along the Marin Coast, just 15 minutes from Thirty-four Hanna graduates are currently to aviators who lived and flew out of Colum- the Golden Gate Bridge, a perfect place for a serving in the military. Graduates include very bus. new suburb of the city, population 25,000. successful businessmen and civic leaders or Lonnie Carmon was affectionately referred While local conservationists rallied to stop this simply men who live quiet lives of contribution to as the ‘‘junk man’’ for his recycling busi- kind of development in Marin County, Dr. and contentment. ness, in which he would take discarded goods Wayburn headed a movement to make the Only three directors have piloted the school and sell them to people who could use them. Headlands, along with Alcatraz Island, Muir in its 60-year history, founder Monsignor Lonnie was a creative and inventive man who Woods, the Presidio and Ocean Beach into a O’Connor for 23 years, Father James built his aircraft himself with little guidance, new national Park. Through his alliance with using materials he came across in his recy- Pulskamp for 12 years and Father John Crews Congressman Phil Burton and his persuasive cling business. His ability to turn what others for the past 25 years, a testament itself to the touch with Nixon administration officials, in- considered trash into a working airplane has loyalty the school inspires. cluding the President himself, Dr. Wayburn made him a pioneer in the field and for this Madam Speaker, Hanna Boys Center was instrumental in establishing a whole new reason he is celebrated during National Avia- changes lives. It has been a stabilizing influ- entity, the Golden Gate National Recreational ence on hundreds of young men who have tion Month every November. Area, an ‘‘urban’’ national park. Lonnie Carmon was recognized in 2004 by passed through its doors. It is therefore, ap- During much of the time period, he worked the Columbus Regional Airport Authority, propriate that we honor the school for 60 tirelessly to establish the GGNRA’s spectac- which dedicated its 2003 Annual Report to the years of dedicated service to our community. ular neighbor, the Pt. Reyes National Sea- celebration of the History of Aviation in Central f shore. Together these two jewels have Ohio during the 75th anniversary of Port Co- brought into public ownership lands rich in for- HONORING DR. EDGAR WAYBURN lumbus International Airport. The Annual Re- ests, meadows, marshes and rocky shores, port included a photograph of Lonnie and the bursting with wildlife on the urban edge of 12 HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY aircraft he built and flew. million people. Lonnie Carmon was honored by his grand- OF CALIFORNIA In 1968, despite the opposition of much of daughter and other members of the Columbus IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the timber industry and the angry buzzing of community on February 20, 2010, at the Ohio chainsaw vigilantes, he convinced Congress to Thursday, March 25, 2010 Historical Center where he received a Citation establish Redwood National Park in Humboldt of Achievement from Mayor Michael Coleman. Ms. WOOLSEY. Madam Speaker, I rise County and to double its size ten years later. State Representative and House Majority today to honor our mutual friend and advocate He continued his quiet and persistent lead- Floor Leader Tracy Maxwell Heard also issued emeritus for the environment, Dr. Edgar ership of the Sierra Club, even while con- a resolution of recognition in celebration of Wayburn, who died March 5th in San Fran- ducting a full-time medical practice and teach- Lonnie’s accomplishments. Lonnie Carmon, cisco after more than a century walking this ing at Stanford University and UC San Fran- along with all those who contributed to the his- Earth that he so loved. cisco. Then in 1980 after thirteen years of an tory of flight in Ohio, will continue to be hon- ‘‘He has saved more of the wilderness than intense lobbying campaign led by Dr. ored and recognized for his impact on avia- anyone alive,’’ said President Clinton in 1999 Wayburn, and aided by Peggy Wayburn’s two tion. I am proud to honor Lonnie Carmon, for when he awarded Dr. Wayburn the Presi- books on Alaska wilderness, Congress passed his drive, innovation, and ability as a pioneer dential Medal of Freedom, the Nation’s highest the Alaska National Interest Lands Conserva- in Ohio aviation history. civilian honor. tion Act. The legislation added 104 million Born in Macon, Georgia, in 1906, at the age acres to our national parks and refuge sys- f of 21 he trekked to California where he fol- tems and effectively doubled our nation’s park- I STAND IN HONOR OF A REAL lowed in John Muir’s steps and was awed by land. AMERICAN HERO, SSG JAMES S. the magnificence of Yosemite and the Sierra ‘‘I have loved medicine and conservation,’’ CLARK, U.S. ARMY Nevada. He returned east to earn a medical he is quoted in the Journal of the San Fran- degree at Harvard, and then in 1933 he cisco Medical Society. ‘‘In one sense, my in- HON. CHARLES A. GONZALEZ moved to San Francisco to practice medicine volvement with both might be summed up in OF TEXAS and to fall in love with the sparkling waters of a single word: survival. Medicine is concerned IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the bay and the golden hills surrounding it. In with the short term survival of the human spe- 1939 Ed joined the Sierra Club—in order to go cies, conservation with the long term survival Thursday, March 25, 2010 on a burro trip, he claimed in his memoirs. He of the human and other species as well. We Mr. GONZALEZ. Madam Speaker, I rise never left the organization, serving five terms are all related.’’ today in honor of a real American hero, SSG VerDate Nov 24 2008 06:07 Mar 26, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A25MR8.003 E25MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS March 25, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E483 James S.
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