7 GOLDEN RETIREMENT MISTAKES | CAPPUCCINO CRUISERS | DINE: PIGGYBACK RIBS S TY L E FOL S OM E L DOR ADO HI L LS FOLSOM EL DORADO HILLS FE JOHNNY BRUAR Y 2 0 CASH 16 RETURNS TO FOOD FOLSOM | HOME | CO MMUN 50+ ITY Hot Home | EV E Design NTS | Trends for ARTS 2016 | L IFE ST YLEFE ALSO... DH .C education OM guide PG. 34 FEBRUARY 2016 STYLEFEDH.COM Statue rendering for the Johnny Cash Trail Art Experience FEDH-0216-PAGES 01 COVER.indd 2 1/18/16 4:40 PM as seen in FOLSOM EL DORADO HILLS million will be raised through community thearts events, corporate sponsorships and social media contacts. All of the art pieces are johnny inspired by Cash and the Folsom Prison concerts, and at each end of the trail there will be a seven-foot tall guitar pick; as with the first note of a song, the pick will mark the beginning of the trail. Between, cash trail art many more opportunities to be immersed in Cash’s life and music will abound. “The trail is designed to be interactive,” Goss explains. “The more you read and reflect, experience the deeper the storyline goes, and with it Learn, Listen and Reflect your experience.” by LeeAnn Dickson Along with the art, the three-acre ership with the vision to help make this Johnny Cash Legacy Park is planned. ot every city in the U.S. is rec- happen,” Goss says. “I work with some This intimate outdoor amphitheater—with ognized around the world, but very creative people.” grounds reminiscent of a guitar and a 50- foot tall Man in Black sculpture—will Nas the saying goes: Folsom is on Their plan is to honor and celebrate the map. Nearly 50 years ago, an electrify- Cash for his place in Fol- ing combination of a country singing star som history—all while and a maximum-security prison brought advancing public art the city into the limelight of international and recreational trails. stardom. “This is significant for When Johnny Cash performed to in- the city,” Goss says. mates in the Folsom State Prison cafeteria “The art experience on January 13, 1968, the artist, his career, tells a story about Future site ofCash’s Pick the city of Folsom and the prison would the impact Cash has never be the same again: The Man in Black had, and continues had made an impact on the music world to have, on our com- munity and prison...and how the hold between 100-200 that still resonates today.Robert Goss, di- Folsom Prison concert impacted his life people. It’s designed for impromptu con- rector of Folsom’s and career.” certs or just a place for Cash fans and Guitar image rendering Parks and Recre- In late 2014, the first phase of the trail users to rest, relax and reflect. The ation Department project—which includes a 1.2-mile trail grounds will include a series of interpre- had an idea. He and a pedestrian/bike bridge that spans tive spaces and features designed to tell wanted to con- Folsom Lake Crossing and East Natoma the story of the famous concerts held at nect the American Street—opened to the public. Phase two the prison. River Bike Trail The Johnny Cash Trail Art Experience of the endeavor, slated to break ground and the Folsom this summer, will finish up the trail with will be a first-class destination for the mil- Lake Trail with a 2.5-mile a 1.25-mile segment on prison property. lions of Cash fans around the nation and After the completion, there will be a the globe—a place to learn, listen and re- swath through Folsom. Goss, a lifelong flect on one of the greatest musical artists Cash fan, took the concept of the Johnny huge fund-raising effort to bring the “art • and entertainers in history. Cash Trail Art Experience to the city coun- experience” to the trail. The estimated $8 cil, and it was unanimously approved. “I’m More discussion on the public artwork lucky to have a great staff and city lead- that’s slated to be installed will continue next month in this two-part series. Trail map folsomcasharttrail.com artbeat Through March 10 – Through the Trees. Taking place at The Gallery at 48 Natoma, this exhibit will feature both fiber art by Marjan Kluepfel as well as glass sculptures by Demetra Theofanous and Dean Bensen. facebook.com/thegalleryat48natoma Recreation. & Parks Folsom of courtesy Images 28 stylefedh.com - February 2016 1/19/16 2:47 PM FEDH-0216-PAGES 28-29 ARTS.indd 28 FA VORITE LOCAL BREWS | 6 ECO-FRIENDLY GARDENI S NG TIPS | FREE WILL FOUNDATION TY L E F OL SOM E L D L ORADO HILL ORADO S FOLSOM EL DORADO HILLS MA R CH 20 CH flavor 16 town F OOD | | HOME | | COMM U N ITY | EVENTS | | EVENTS | A R T S S | LIFE | 25+ LOCAL EATS S thearts TYLEF & DRINKS ED H.COM FOLSOM EL DORADO HILLS ALSO as seen in Distinctive ... Dentists Taste Town FOR PG. YOUR HEALTH 32 PG. 48 PG. MARCH 2016 51 STYLEFEDH.COM Honey Wa lnut Prawns FEDH at Fat’s Asia Bistro -0316-PAGES 01 COVER.indd 2 2/16/16 1:02 PM johnny cash trail art experience: part 2 Stories Told by Sculpture // by LeeAnn Dickson nly in Folsom could the Johnny Romo studied extensively in Italy—after Greystone Chapel Cash Trail Art Experience hap- being named a Rotary Ambassadorial Open. Because of two Folsom Scholar—and worked under marble arti- prison concerts nearly san Mirio Viviani. After, Man in Black 50 years ago, the city he attended the Acad- became famous and emy of Art in Rome; on Cash’s professional life his return to the states, changed forever. he received an MFA in The linear public art sculpture and instal- Cash’s Pick project is inspired by lation art from the San Cash’s performances Francisco Art Institute. within Folsom Prison— Romo settled in Mid- shows that not only pro- town and renovated an pelled the musician’s old barn in his backyard career to new heights into an art studio where, but also humanized the along with working on prisoners and brought his art, he offers classes Folsom Prison Blues awareness to their plight. in sculpture, drawing Cindy Cash, one of and mosaics. Johnny’s five children, Romo is excited to was an integral part of create this art experi- choosing the artwork ence. “I knew of Cash’s that will represent the music,” he explains, “but Man in Black and his music. Her insights it was the essence of the man I was going Hello, I’m Johnny Cash on the personal loves and preferences for...pieces to move beyond the music and of her father were invaluable. “She knew reflect on him.” what pieces would mean something to her Gary Tillery, who works through the dad,” Robert Goss, director of Folsom’s Fine Art Studio of Rotblatt-Amrany, de- Parks and Recreation Department, says. signed the centerpiece that was chosen “It’s ironic that after a national call for to be the focal point of the guitar-shaped artists, Romo Studios of Sacramento was plaza in Legacy Park. The multi-talented Rusty Cage chosen for the project,” Goss explains. Tillery, based out of Chicago, created “Adan Romo clearly won...but the park and a unique image of a 40-foot-tall Cash, legacy sculpture proposal from the Fine which will stand on a 10-foot granite base. Art Studio of Rotblatt-Amrany begged to In his long and varied career, Tillery be added to the project too, completing served in the U.S. Air Force in the late the art trail ‘experience.’” Romo, lead artist ’60s, worked on an oil rig in Indonesia, and designer of the trail artworks, contin- co-owned a Chicago-based advertising ues: “The trail is like a song...the notes are agency for 20 years, and is also a pub- unified and so are the works of art.” lished author and poet. He started sculpt- Romo was born and raised in Sac- ing in his early 40s and has many pieces artbeat ramento. It was his father Jesus, a city in public settings throughout the U.S. “I March 18-May 5 – Fine Craftsmanship: firefighter and artist, who inspired him to took up art later in life,” Tillery admits. “I Sierra Nevada Fine Furniture Makers embrace art. “I followed in my dad’s foot- prefer to minimize details,” he explains, “... Guild. Taking place at The Gallery at 48 Natoma, this exhibit will feature beautiful steps,” the artist says. “I started drawing to suggest and imply rather than show.” • furniture crafted by 18 guild members. and sculpting as a child.” After receiv- facebook.com/thegalleryat48natoma ing a BA in art history from UC Berkeley, folsomcasharttrail.com Studios. of Romo courtesy Inc. All other renderings Creations, Amrany/Timeless of Rotblatt Fine Art Studio © The Gary Tillery by Man in Black rendering 28 stylefedh.com - March 2016 FEDH-0316-PAGES 28-29 ARTS.indd 28 2/12/16 12:37 PM.
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