( 273 ) Archaeologia Cantiana Vol. 24 1900 GENERAL INDEX. A. Ambrosse, John, 186. Amherst, Eliz., 200 ; Ricd., 200. Abergavenny, see Neville. Andover, 100. Abingdon or Abindon, Alured, Ab- Andrewe, John, 187. bot of, 11, 45, 58: Awtiq. of, 167. Anglia tiaera, by Henry Wharton. 2, Aeon, St. Thomas's Church of, 197. 7, 45, 46, 49, 50, 55, 161. Act of Abjuration, Author of, 170. Annoote, Dr. Thomas, 188. Actis Curia Oonsistor., 165. Ansfrid the Sheriff, 55. Acts of the Bishops' Court, 162. Ansgot of Rochester, 5, 6. Acts of the Privy Council of England, Anthonye, Joh[a]nes, 132. by J. R. Dasent, 77. Antiquarian Jottings, by Mr. Clinch, Adams, Samuel, 187. 139. Addams, John, 198. Antiquities of Rich borough, Reculvur, Adey, Henrye, 186. ana I/tjmne, by C. Roach Smith, 201. Adrian. IV., 115. Arohcsoiogia Cantiana, references to, Aislabie, Mr., 143. 1, 3, 9, 15, 22,23,27,31,34, 36,45, 59, Akent, Thomas, 138. 60, 76, 93, 94, 97, 117, 120, 128, 129, Alan, son of Benedict the Cook, 139, 184, 185, 186, 187,195,196, 201, St. Andrew's endowed by, 55. 202, 203. 207, 208, 209, 227, 244, Alban Hall, 167. 263 ; resignation of Hon. Editor Albano, 9. and appointment of successors, xlv, Alderne, Edward, LL.D., Chancellor xlvii, xlviii. and Vicar-General of Bochester,! 68. Aralusologieal Journal. 12, 109. Aldey, Jeronomy, 131; Thomas, 131. Archer, Allen, 226. Aldham Common, 164. Archery practised on Shooting Com- Aldric, grant of land by, 119. mon, 141. Alexander, J. J., xxxix; Nicholas, 149. Archimedes, 213, 214. Alexander the Chanter, Librarian of Architecture, Early Norman period, Rochester Monastic Library, 54. duration of, 93; material used Alexander of Dorset, 13, 14. during, 93. Alkham, Thomas de, see Pyrie. Architecture, first use of chisel in, 178. Allen, Arms of, 197. " Arden of Faversham," historical Allen, Charles, 198,199. basis of, 241, 243. „ Sir Christopher, M.P. for Rom- Arderne, Thomas, 243. sey, 197, 198, 199. Argyll or Argall, Mr., G-orernor of ,, Sir John, Lord Mayor of Lon- Virginia, 101, 102. don, 197 ; Ightham Mote Armorer, Will[iel]mus, 138. purchased by, 197; Mercers' Arnold, A. A., P.S.A., xlv, 78 ; his Chapel built by, 197. Chancellors of the Diocese of Ro- „ Lady Margaret. 197,198,199. chester, 160 ; reference to his Paper „ .Richard, 197. in Arehceologia Ganiiana, 23, 27. Allfree, Rev. P. B., 1; Mrs., 1. Artcliffe, Fort, 183. Allington, William of, Eochester In- Ash, 210, 214, 218. firmary Chapel endowing, 55. Ashby, T., 272. AH Souls', see Oxford. Ashdowne, John, 198. Alured, Abbot of Abingdon, Prior of Asketill the Monk, 58. Rochester, 11,45, 58. Astley, Dr. E. F., xli. VOI. XXIV. T 274 GENERAL INDEX. Atkyns, Widow, 185. Beaulieu Abbey, book-closet of, 38. Attkins, Tho., 226. Beazeley, M., F.R.G.S., 247. Aucher, Anthonius, 130, 135. Beckenham, 164,171. Augustine, his Da Doctrina Christ- Beckwith, J., see History of Chisle- iana, 34 ; traditionary accounts of Jiwst. his landing, 216, 217. Bede's Ecclesiastical History, 115,264. Austen, Rev. B., Rector of Mongeham Beeby, Dr., his Paper on Bromley and Sutton, 1V9 ; Jane, 116; Na- Church and Manor, 139,144, 148. thaniel, 263. Beefsteak Club at Bromley, 151. Aveling, Stephen, 222, 223. Beggar's Bush, resort of highwaymen Aylesf ord, Manor of, 4, 5. to. 142. Ay ling the cricketer, 156. Belchester, 130. " Bell.The," Bromley,antiquity of, 146: Bench Club held at, 151 ; classical B allusions to, 146 ; landlords of, 154 ; Liberal electioneering headquarters, Bachyler, Jeames, 187. 147 ; old posting-house, 145. Bacon, Francis, 100. Belle, Thomas, 131. Bag-shaw. Rev. T. M., Rector of South Bemrose, Mr., 222. Fleet, 148. Bench Club, Bromley, 151. Baker, Elizabeth, 183 ; Sir John, 183 ; Benedict, Bishop of Rochester, 60. Stephen, 226 ; Tho., 187; —, the Benedict the Cook, 55. gamekeeper, 156. Benedictine Priory, Rochester, 1, 3. Ball, Joha, 184. Beneswell, 142. Barame, William, 24. Beney, G-abryell, 187. Banoks, Rev. G., xxxix, li. Bennett, Richarde, 187 ; Col., xlix; Banks' Baronage, 122. Mrs., xlix. Banstead, 169. Berens, Mr., 143. Barnard, Mr., 143. Beresford, Michael, 198. Barnes, Mr., 226. Bergwin, Archbishop of Canterbury, Barnet Wood, 142. 119. Barrett, F. A., xxxix ; J. P., xlix ; Berks, 169. Samuel, 237. Bermuda Co., 107. Barrey, Richarde, 187. Berry's Visitation of Rent, 122, 123. Barrow. Dr. Isaac, 231; his memoir Bertun (2 Breton), Radulfus, 57. of and friendship for Mr. Hill, 228. Berwick, 199, 200. Barrows :—" Giant's Grave," sepul- Besangarwood, 132. chral origin of, disproved, liii; in Betshanger (Bettshanger). 110, 116. Nurstead and Cossenden Wood, liii; Bewsborougfh, 116, 121. at Rmgwould, 110 ; at Shorne, 86, Bexley hunting pack, 153. 87, 88 ; Wickham Farm, see above Bicldey, 153. "Giant's Grave." Bing, Herbert, liv. Barry, Rycharde, M.P. and Lieutenant Birohfleld, Mary, 172 ; Maurice, 172. of Dover, 184. Birckett, Willm., 186. Barton, Roger, 226 ; Tho., 226. Bird, Catherine, 172 ; Robert, 172. Bartram, Canon H., xlix. Bishopsbourne, 196. Bassett, Thomas, 226. " Bishops' Temporalities," 74. Bate, Johannes, 57. "Black Boy," St. Mary Cray, Hunt Bateman, Elyas, endowment of Ro- Club held at, 151. chester Infirmary Chapel by, 55. "Black Doll," Bromley, 151. Bath, James, 149. Blackheath, 156, 174. Bath Abbey Church, Dr. Mason's Blades, A., xl. monument in, 168,169. Bland, William, Roman building dis- Bath Abbey, History of, 169. covered by, liv. Bathurst, Prances, 233 ; John, 226. Bligh, Hon. Arthur, 86. Battersbee, George. 150; Thomas, 150. Blodbeme, 130. Bawde, Mr., 198. Bloet, Robert, Chancellor of Ro- Bayeux, Bishop of, see Odo. chester, 4. Bayhall, Amherst of, 200. Blogg, Rev. P. B., xlviii. Bayhill, Brown of, 200. Blomberg, Dr. A., xliv. Baytes, Roger, 198, Bloxam, Mrs., xlii, xliii. -GENERAL INDEX. 275 Blucher boots, introduction of, 153. ' Bretun, Ralph, 45. Bodle, Anthonye, 186. Brewere, Richardus, 56. Boley Hill, 15. Bricestre, 4. Bolney, Ph., 131. Brinston and Robinson, Messrs., 101. Bologne Expedition, 122. British Barrows, by Canon G-reenwell, Bone-work, discovery of specimens of, 89. Ivii. British Museum, acquisition of Ro- Bonham, Charles, 193,199,200 ; Doro- chester Monastic Library by, 33 ; thy, 193, 199, 200. Hill Papers preserved in, 228, 230 ; Bonnd, Nip., 226. Sussex Collection in, 172. Bonner, Bishop, 163. Broadstaiw, discovery of graves at,lix. Bonyngton Manor, 135. Brodie, JR. H., see G-airdner, James. Boodle, Rev. J. A., xlv; Rev. J. F., Broke or Brooke, Sir George, K.G.. xliii, xliv. Lord Cobham, his connection with. Book of Sports, 168. Rochester Manor, 76, 77, 78, 79 ; Borchstellam, 8. Joh'nes, 130 ; William, Lord Cob- Borough Green, Roman cemetery dis- ham, 184. covered at, Ivii, Iviii. Brokeland, 130. Borstal, demesne of, 5. Brokell, Thomas, M.P., 196. Bossell, William, 237. Bromley, archery butts at, 141 ; as Boston, Joh'nes, 131. an eighteenth century town, 139, Bosworth Field, 197. 140 ; balls held at, 146 ; celebrities Botfleld, Beriah, his Notes on the Cathe- connected with, 139, 140, 148, 156, dral Libraries of England, 41. 235 ; Church and Manor of, 139, Botterell, Edward, 186. 140, 144,149; Churchwardens'pro - Boughton Bleane Highway, repair of, olamation on Sunday trading, 144, 241. 145 ; clubs originated at, 143, 151 ; Boughton Monchelsea, discovery of coaching traditions of, 145; com- Amphorte at, li, lii. mon adjacent to, 141, 142, 143 ; Boulter, Mr., xlix. cricket matches played at, 142,146 ; Bourghchier, Edward, bequest to, 246, draught dogs prohibited in, 146 ; 252 ; Henry, Earl of Essex. 246,251; Election days at, 147 ; Episcopal Sir Thomas, sen., 246,261 ;' Sir Tho- Palace at, 140. 159 ; fairs and mar- mas, jun., 246, 247, 251, 252 ; Wil- kets held at, 139 ; fish supply by liam, Earl of Eu, 244. coach, 145; game preservation at, Bourghchier, Cardinal, ancestry and 154,155,156 ; "Hangman's" corner education of, 244, 246; benefices at, 140; highway robbery and road- held by, 245 ; death and funeral of, side execution at, 140,141 ; inns at, 245,247,248 j will, transcript of.247. 145; mills formerly existing at, 149; Boutell, Charles, 162. mill ponds still extant, 149 ; Minis- Boxley, Abbot of, 246, 252 ; see also ters of, 148, 153 ; population statis- Phillippes. tics for, 158,159 ; " Procession Oak " Boxted, antiquarian relies discovered at, 140 ; regulation of drunkenness at, be. in, 145; road-making at, 140; schools, Boyett, Tho., 1R7. scholars, and schoolmasters of, 147, Boys, Thomas, tablet in Deal Church 148 ; social and domestic customs to, 114 ; William, antiquarian re- peculiar to, 152;" The Rookery " at, searches of, 113, 201, 204. 206, 207, 139, 142 ; token coinage of, 145 ; 208, 211, 212, 213, 214, 218. bygone tradesmen at, 149, 150,151; Brabourne Church, 183. volunteer enrolment at, 150. Brackenbury, Sir Robert, Lieutenant Bromlf-y and Neighbourhood, Notes on, of the Tower of London, 197. by Philip Norman, 139. Braddon, 132. Bromley, Description of, by Mr. "Wil- Bradford, Fran., 226. son, 148. Brakenden, Will'mus, 133. Bromley-by-Bow, 229. Branxton Manor, 199. Bronton, Christopher, 185. Bratts, Thomas, 185. Bronze-work, discovery of, Ivi. Bredgge, Exchequer Entry, etc., 130. Brooke, Frances, 263 ; Eobert, 263 ; Bremen Conference, 167. see also Broke. Brent, John, F.S.A., xlix. Broughton, Anne, 123,124 ; Sir John, Bieton, Archdeacon, 171. Kt., 123, 124 ; John, 123. T 2 276 GENERAL INDEX. Browne, Dorothy, 200 ; John, 200; and St. Nicholas, 246, 252; St. Lewes, 187 ; Thorns., 187. John's, 168,171,174; Students' bor- Browne alias Selby, John, 200. rowing chest at, 246, 251 ; Trinity, Brummpston, John, 2-17, 252. 97. Brymston, John. 246, 252. Camden, William, 201. Bryon, Lady, 173. Camden Place, 157. Buckingham, Duke of, 105, 169 ; Camden Society, Proceeding* in Kent, Willm., 185. 168. Buckland, 121; antiquities discovered Candos or Chandos, Thomas, LL.D., at, Hi, liv. Chancellor of Rochester, 101. Buckle, Sir Christopher, 1G9 ; Judith, Canterbury, 7,16,131; Christ Church, 169.
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