f Q 4 THE: NEW YORK HERALE), SUNDAY, JUNE 12, 1921. O ' AT THIv CAM1>S OK rHE BICr BOXERS - ATHLETIC GAME! CARPENTIER'S [This Sicene Will Be Enacted Just Before Bell for Firist Round j!BRONX BOYS RETAIN IN. Y.A.C.Ath/efes in VIGORj P.S.A.L. TEAM TITLE\ Junior Championshiv TOBGTESTEDJULY2 <kr I Continued First i r .... I I..^im/iAccfnl Ii» HftfnnH ll iuwti'v ff from Page. New Junior Metropolitan Ability of Challenger to Games at the field carrying: before It a cloud of j Sur-j Championship of A. A. U. » rive Jolts Will Be dust that lasted all during the contests, Champions Heavy Brooklyn Field. This wind slowed up most of the races. 100 > «Rn IIASll-UrKini Prin<-rtnn 11.,I I Definitely Settled. vrrsily. surely handicapped their efforts. 220 1 V CI> Ht'N.Yonhass, r.lrnior A. / >$ Pupils of Public School No. 37 of Th< Y'AICD Itl N.Stesrnson, Prince Princeton took things right In hand I'nlt entity. Bronx successfully defended ihelr tearr by getting both first and second in the 880 Y'AICD itl N.Parker, St. < liristop DEMPSEY SUKE TO LAND the annual field ant 100 A. « titular honors In yards dash with McKIm and T-leber- Mil.I. Itl N .flrennu, New York A. C. track champlonelps of the P. S. A. L. ai man, who outclassed their competitors. THK/.r. Mil i: Itl V.Kick. Princeton. The I .'U Y Athletic Field Th< tlrne of 10 2-5 seconds into the wind Altl> III ItlH.KS.Zunter, N. Y. I Boxers of Brooklyn yesterday. was very fast running and stamps Mc- ?20 YAItl> III ltl>l.l>.Taylor, Prince; to Clever Slight Phy-, the total ol I Hi* ersltt. Bronx lads scored winning Klin as a sprinter of fine calibre. MII.K HAI.K.Fekete, Hungarian-Am*.! Not for 28 points despite the efforts of severa Brennan of New York A. C. won the siqne Conspicuous a It was TWRI.YK POI M» 9k < hundred of twenty-thref mile by good margin. thought HAMMER-Emeijr, Punishment, representatives that he would take this event, as ho has Princeton I niterslt.t. Assimilating schools to take away their cliarnpionshii been for and his JAVKI.IS-llruy. New York A. C. The of Public School No. 1( preparing specially it, |IIS( I s.Applcbaum, ( olnmblu I'niver title. boys running showed that he could do a lot Ity. of were second with 23 Manhattan point! faster were he pushed. TIVF.I.VK POIND SHOT.Hnl-ey, New By CHARLES F. MATHISOS. and Public School No. 62, also of In the 440 where Stevenson York A. ('. third with 22. yards, Itl VMM. Illi.II Jl'MP.Blgelow, New Boxers of the general build and Manhattan.made a new Junior record, he was car-! York A. ('. '-" Fine running by members of their flofl fny flr-ct "'Hi I- tw Hherrrvin of have in the Sfty ^^^)|BHES^jK^^HHfc> Sjj&KP''!$& and POI.F. YAl I.T.Frost, New York A. F. weight Carpentier past tenrne In the races for seventy relayof St. a negro runner, at a It! VMM. IlKOAD JI MP.Anderson. , Christopher, performed wonders in the roped square. eighty-five pound boys made the victor) fast This was what the Puiiiisi A. r. each very clip. Just Itl V MM. HOP. STEP AND ,11"MP. Jem the first world's of P. S. No. 37 possible. In rae« Princeton man wanted to make the time Mace, the Bronx lads off the unti l.ehrer. Pastime A. < «Uomy»i/\n i r\ rptirA linHpfoiltpfl lay pace he did, and aftPr taking Sherman's dust I II1Y six POI Ml HEIGHT.Kricsoo, heavynrotivKf where their * the last relay, fine sprints for the first half of tire race, he drew Swedish-American A. ( . weighed no more than the present carried the anchor men to the front. up and made his bid, which gave him v ^ of the European champion, although a bit Prior to the running relayl the place coming along the last 100 FIELD EVENTS. Public School No. 62 of Manhattan lecJ was much stockier In construction. ^Hk JHK^ \ yards. The early running too Throwing 12 Pound Hammer.Won by all opponents. Their failure to scort! for Sherman, and he had to give way to Bmw), Princeton, dletanc*; 174 Teet Tom Sayers, who won the more than one point In those event! Boettlcher, running unattached, ana inche.M. Hprond, Peteraon, Swedish-American heavyweight championship atEnglishICO killed their chances for the team title. Lally, of St. Anselm. who were second t4. C. 1111 fern Inch): third. Corell. C. Higglna, a brother to Walter Hlg- and third. \ A C. <107 feet Hi Inches); fourth.1'ae:ime pounds, was shorter than Carponticr ' Lyceum (102 feet). the famous long distance runner ol a Princeton freshman, was the vieLoughlln. LouglVln and more slender. Mace and Sayers sins, Rick, Trowing the Javelin.Won by Bray, N. Y. Columbia University, won the runningr winner of the three-mile and the young-i \ C.. distance !<>(( fret I inches; aecond, were bpth clever boxers, and Mace was broad Jump for boys weighing eighty* ster is a coming star for Koene Fit*pat- j lowman, N. V A. O. (135 feet S inches,; ' N. V I 10 a hard hiter. five pounds and under. His winning rick. He ran a very heady race and did Hrd, Edgar, (1">2 fe»'t Inches): from the field until 'ourlh. (lon«, Mottiwk A. C. (14. feet 10 Charlie Mitchell, one of the test leap was 14 feet 1% inches. The sum* not try to go away itched. maries: the last lap when he steadily gained the Disc's.Won boxers in never Throwing by Applchaum. England's history, FIELD EVENTS. until at the finish he had a good thirty (folumbiH, distance 113 teet 3t4 Inches; more than 165 pounds. He t MoLoughtin. Loughlln Lyceum (112 secind,feet weighed ;::^Vxv ABB I® Running High Jump for Boys Weighing yards. 1V> Inches); third, Arneth. Pauliat A. C. was a well proportioned athlete, and MBUm luO Pounds and Under.-J. Catherwood, 100 feet B'i Inches) fourth. Cornell. School No. 5 of Manhattan and Public Glencoe Sprinter l,eads. , A C. (103 feet (is, inches). Paaime In his contests showed speed, skill and Public School No. <12 of Manhattan,Jankowitz, Putting 12-Pound Shot.Won by Halsey. tied for first place; each cleared the bar at Yonhass of the Glencoe A. C. turned ts". V A C.. distance 40 feet 0't Inches; hitting power. 4 9 on the off feet Inches; jump tables on the Princeton sprinters in lecond, Arneth, Paullst A. C. (4tl feet « To move along to consideration of won first prize; A. Campbell,CatherwoodPublic the nches) third. Sinclair, N. V. A. C. (4'i School No. 3 of The Bronx, with a Jump the 220 yard dash and won this race ) et fl»i inches) fourth, Taggart, Qlencoe modern specimens of the genus. of 4 feet 7 Indies, third; A. Raupues. after being beaten in the 100. This was \ C. (44 feet (I*, Inches), while more than School No. <1 cf Queens, with a JumpF'ublieoi a and threw unnlng High Jump.Won by Rlgelow. weighing Corbett, 4 fl surprise practically sec feet inches, fourth. ' A C.. height 5 feet 10 Inches; resembled the Frenchman In Jump for Boys of Unlimited out of the championship. The field Glencoc ft. feet 9 Carpentier, Running High Princeton . Jaffe, A. (.'> Inches) construction. Weight.Won by Port, Public School No. 1C events were not as good, on the whole, j:fi I, Rosenberg. fllencoe A. C. (." feet * physical Of Manhattan, with a Jump of 5 f«*et 8M as the performances on the track and n| s); fourth, Lauder, Alpha P. C. C. 15 also a member of h School No. <12 ol N >. Kid McCoy, light lies; Isaacson, Public the men had better conditions to work fe*. Inches WStBtmBmBI Manhattan, with a jump of 5 feet 3 Inches, Pole Vault.Won by Frost. N. V, A. C.. the heavyweight clan, was a fine boxer wHwhBBsh cotid; (». Brandeth, Public School No. 1 Of under. The wind acted as an aid in oelght 11 feet 4 inches; aecond, Blundell, of Manhattan, with a jump of 5 feet 2 weights, as it was blowing with <Columbia <11 feet 2 Inches); third, Plana". and heavy hitter. the N. car i=£NTIER AND HANDLERS At> they wiul. appear in the h?ing July 2 Indies, third; M. Spieglcr, Public Sehoo them, while on the track it met the men N". Y. A. C. (11 feet); fourth. Sherrlll, Philadelphia Jack 0'Brie.n, constructed No. M7 of Brooklyn, with a. Jump of 5 feet Y. A. C. (10 feet 0 Inches). The. Eur opean Champion is Shakiin;g hands with manager de scamps as his at the finish. Emery's work in the Rronrt Anderson. much on the order of the Frenchman, J'i inches, fourth. Running Jump.Won by_ Gloves ARE BEING ADJUSTED BY Tlrainer Wilson . Putting the Eight Pound Shot; for Boy* mer was the only good throwing of the Pounds and ofhamj i Paitlme A. V (21 feet 2>,» was a clever boxer with much force In - Weighing 115 Under.Won by bunch. The second man, Peterson the second, I.ehrer, S PHOTO BY ROBtS? t50n coufc C Public School No. 9 of Brooklyn Ir.ches) third, Mr I,ran. Jersey Harriers <21 his Rellly, Swedish-American A. C., could only do punches. with a put of 38 feet 5 Inches: M.
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