DIRECTORY.] SUFFOLK. WESTLETON • 1251 . industriaM poor not in receipt of parochial relief. The I PosT 0FFICE.-George Howard, receiver. Letters through po<)r's houses are let for £1 yearly, which sum is applied in Ipswich arrive at 7a.m. ; dispatchedat6.3op.m. Postal educating poor children, together with £xo loft in land for orders are issued here, but not paid. Ipswich is the the same purpose by Mrs. Bridget Collett. Capt. Mileson nearest money order & telegraph office. PILLAR LETTER Edgar 1. P. who is lord of the manor, Capt. Valence and Box at the railway station cleared at 6.30 p.m the trustees of the late Jeremiah Goading esq. are the prin­ Board School (Ipswich Board) (mixed), erected in :z879, for cipallandowers. The soil is of a mixed nature, producing 140 children; average attendance, s6: Miss Helena Little, u:cellenlo crops of wheat and barley. The area is I,OJO mistress acres; rateable value, £2,827; the population in 1891 was 367. Railway Station, Albert James Bradstreet, station master Cape] Lady Emily, Westerfield cottage BerryWm.markt.grdnr. Tuddenha.m rd HardingRobert,farmer,Swan'sNest frm Cautley Rev. Rd. Hutton M.A. Rectory BirdFdk.farmr.Westerfield Green farm Harrison George, Railway hotel Fraser Alexander.. Westerfield house Cage George, blacksmith & saddler Howard George, shopkpr. Post office Tayler William\ W esterfield hall Davey Philip, dealet 1 Moy Thomas Limited, eoal, c~ke & East Anglian Horse Training Establish- I general merchants; & at Ipswich COMMERCIAL, ment (John Bird,proprietor),Wester- Norman Charles, carpenter . Bird John, brewer & corn & coal mer- field brewery ; horses bought & sold 1 Payne George. farmer chant, Westerfield brewery; daily on commission IWright William Thomas, farmer delivery in Ipswich Fuller Charles, Swan P.H WESTHALL is a village and parish 3t miles north-east the residence of Edmund Bohun, the celebrated political from Halesworth station on the Ipswich and Lowestoft sec- writer and antiquary in the times of James II. ·william Ill. tion of the Great Eastern railway, in the Northern division and QueenAnne, and descended from Humphrey de Bohun, of the county, Blything union, petty sessional division and Earl of Hereford, Essex and Northampton : the Hall was hundred, Halesworth county .court district, rural deanery rebuilt about 186o and now belongs to the Earl of Strad­ of North Dunwich, a.rchdeaconry of Suffolk and diocese of broke. Sir Hngh Edward Adair bart. D. L., J. P. of Flixton Norwich. The church of St. Andrew is a structure of flint Hall, who is lord of the manor, and the Earl of Stradbroke in the Gothic style, and consists of Decorated chancel, Early are the principal landowners. The soil is principally clay: English nave, south aisle, in which are two fine Norman subsoil, the same. The chief crops are wheat, barley and arches, south porch and a Perpendicular embattled tower beans. The area is 2,316 acres; rateable value, £3,1go; at the west end of the aisle, with s bells: the church is u1 the population in 1881 was 431. feet long, the chancel measming so feet by 22 feet and the Parish Clerk, Henry Burgess. nave 61 feet by 40 feet z the font is an octagon and has the Letters through Wangford R.S.O. arrive at s. 45 a. m. Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church and the Baptism WALL LETTER Box near the church : collected 6.30 p. m. of our Lord carved on the sides: the chancel was restored PILLAR Box, near the wind mill, collected at s. 4s a. m. in x882: there are 300 sittings. The register dates from the week days only. The nearest money order .& telegraph year x66o. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent- offices are at Halesworth & Wangford ' charge £ 1r4, net yearly value £166, with 82 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter or Nor­ Police Station, John Brand, resident officer wich, and held since 1887 by the Rev. George Girling. Here National School, erected in x8s6, for go children average is a chapel for Primitive .Methodists. The old Hall here was attendance, 46 i Mrs. Self, mistress Girling Rev. George, Vicarage Davy John, farmer Meadows George, farmer COMMERCIAL. Davy Thomas, farmer :Meadows John, farmer Aldous Henry, farmer Debney Henry, farmer Miller Arthur, Race Horse P.H. Aldous William, farmer Dugdale George, shoe maker Miller Edmund, wheelwright Aldred Charles, farmer Ebbs William, farmer Neave William, farmer, Manor farm Bedingfield Joscph, shopkeeper Felgate Thomas, blacksmith & farmer Roberts Stephen, Greyhound P.H. Burgess Henry, shoe maker Gibson George, farmer Rumsby James, farmer Clarke John, bricklayer Hammond Charles, farmer Smith George Self, farmer Croft Charles Winter, farmer & land- Howes Christmas, miller (wind) Wilds John, wheelwright owner, Westhall farm Howlett Rushmer, farmer • • WESTHORPE is a parish and small village It miles VII. King of England, was married in I•S14 to Louis XII. west from Finningham station on the Ipswich and Norwich I King of France; and afterwards, in ISI71 to Charles Brandon, l'lection of Great Eastern railway and 8 north from titow- Duke of Suffolk, who resided at the manor house here; she market, in the North Eastern division of the county, Hartis- died in 1533, and was interred in the monastery of Bury St. mere ·nnion, petty sessional division and hundred, Stow- Edmunds ; but her remains were removed into St. Mary's market county court district, Hartismere rural deanery, church there after the dissolution of the abbey. Captain Suffolk archdeaconry and Norwich diocese. The church of Pretyman J.P. of Orwell Park, John Tudor Frere esq. J.P. of St.Margaret is a large and ancient flint structure, in the Early Roydon Hall, Norfolk, the trustees of the late Elijah Crozier English style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, embattled B~iley esq. and Richard Payne esq. are the chief landowners. south porch and a fine square embattled tower containing s The soil is principally heavy, with some mixed; subsoil,clay bells: it contains a marble monument to Maurice Barrow and brick earth. The chief crops are wheat, barley, beans, esq. and others to the Shelton family, who formerly resided oats and clover. The area is 1,3og acres ; rateable value, here~ there are 200 sittings. The register dates from the £r,S22; the population inx8gx was 216. , year 1S38. The living is a discharged rectory, average Sexton, George Sharman Weavers. ~ithe rer;tt-charge £266;~ith 16 acres of glebe and residen~e, Letters thro~gh Stowmarket by foot post from Finningham, m the g"lft of and held Sl~ce 1858 by the .Rev. Alfre~ Kmg which is the nearest post, money order & telegraph office, I_larlock M. A. of St. Peters College, Cam1_Jr1d;_e, who lS Eng- arrive at .30 a. m. LETTER Box cleared at S p.m. week hsh chaplam at Brussels; the Rev. Edwm W mdsor Sandys- days only9 Reed M. A, of St. John's College, Cambridge, has been curate . in charge since x88J. The Primitive Methodists have an iron A School Board of 5 members was established I4 July, 187Si chapel here, built in 1891. The charities amount to about G • L. Barber, clerk to the board £12 yearly, which are applied to the use of the church Board School, opened in 1877, will hold so children; average school and the poor. Mary Tudor, third daughter of Henry attendance, 42 ; Mrs. J ane Bendall, mistress Sandys-Reed Rev. Edwin Windsor M.A. Barber George Lee, farmer, poor's rate Finbow Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer [curate in chargeJ collector & clerk to school board Offord Robert, farmer & landowner Bird Ad am, farmer Punt Nathaniel,Crown P.H.& blacksmth COMMERCIAL. Davey Wm. farmer & road surveyor Read J obn, shopkeeper Baker George, farmer Denny George, farmer Shave Emma (Mrs.), poulterer Bailey Elijah Crozier (exors. of), far- Ellis George, farmer Sparrow Ephi:aim, pork butcher mers, Lodge & Hall farms Farrow l''rancis, dress maker Sykes William, cattle dealer & farmer WESTLETON is a parish and village on the river I eel, nave, south porch and a western tower with low sp Minsmere, 6 miles north-east from Saxmundham and 3 containing one bell: the old tower fell down in 1770 : ther south-east from Darsqam station on the Ipswich and Lowes- is an Early English piseina in the chancel, also several toft section of the Great Eastern railway; in the ~orth monuments to the Woods family: the font is very ancient, Eastern division of the county, Blything hundred, petty and has sculptured figures on its sides : the church was sessional division and union, Halesworth county court dis- restored in ti!S7 at an expense of about £3oo, and in 1866 trict, :rural deanery of South Dunwich, 8l'Chdeaconry of again 1"epaired, at a cost or a. bout £130: in I8gx the nave Suffolk and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. Peter is was repaired and renovated :and the chancel reseated with an old Perpendicular building of flint, and ~onsists of chan- new oak stalls, at a total cost of about £400 : there are 300 -.
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