Mr.Ba Ed Conlin will replace coach Bach by George Thomas Johnny Bach will step down as Fordham's basketball coach at [h- end of this season, it was announced yesterday. ' Former Fordham great Ed Conlin has been named as Bach's iccessor. and will serve as an assistant coach for the coming season. The move for Bach, who will start his eighteenth campaign as urdham's coach in December, was explained by Vice-President and America n Age lectures tiw ol Students Martin Meade, who also serves as chairman of Profs to pay [he University's Athletic Board. "Our athletic program has grown to the point where 500 stu- equal fee? •nt athletes participate in intercollegiate athletics each year," Dkk Gregory to speak ..wide stated. "Administering existing programs, planning new ones, by Tom Huertas mil helping develop new athletic facilities will demand all of Bach's by Steve Crimmins Student Spokesman Kathy imt and efforts," said Meade. Dick Gregory will initiate the 1967 American Age Lec- Gerardi recommended Wednes- Meade, commenting further on the move, said: ture Series with comments on the black power movement day -morning that faculty and "We realize that we are losing a gifted basketball coach, but student parking foes be equal: Lc know we are gaining an experienced and dedicated Athletic Di- on October 20 in the Campus Center Ballroom. The parking report stated: iictor who has already had extensive experience on the job." The announcement was made this week by Gail Wein- "Those who use the parking fa- . Bach's coaching record for seventeen seasons stands at 244 heimer, who is the coordinator of the series this year. cilities should pay for them. On bins and 186 losses, for a winning percentage of .567. His teams have Poet Alan Ginsberg wili lecture on December 5, fol- the other hand, if one segment c to two NCAA tournaments, and have received five NIT bids. lowed closely by novelist John of the community excludes itself He became athletic director in 1958, when the late Jack Coffey policy for speakers. The only re- Barth on December 13. The lec- from this responsibility, the rest ictirtd as Graduate Manager of Athletics. striction imposed by the policy should not be asked to bear it." Ed Conlin returns to Rose Hill where he played four years of ture bureau also obtained defi- involves cases where the educa- Last year the parking system arsity ball under Bach. After graduation from the School of Busi- nite commitments from Richard tional value of the speaker's ran a deficit of $11,000 or 2% of es in 1955, he went on to a pro career with the Syracuse Nationals Coldstein of the Village Voice presence would not offset pos- the total deficit. The new lot for mil the Philadelphia Warriors. and Nat Ilentof of Downbeat, the faculty cost the University He is generally considered the most famous of recent Fordham sible "danger to peace and civil who will give a joint presenta- .$40,000 to construct and will •asketball stars. His college statistics bear this out. In four seasons order"; even in these cases an cost $10,000 a year to police the, •n Rose Hill, Conlin set five all-time Fordham records. tion on popular music. appeal could be made to a com- faculty lots. At present the fa- The records he holds are: points in career, 1,886; points single Since 1963 is a major election mittee of seven faculty members culty uses a disproportionate amount of parking space. Their 'iiscm, 075; and most rebounds in a career, single game, and season. and seven students. In addition he was the leading rebounder in the nation in the lJo2- year, the orientation of the sec- three fields equal •'!i of the stu- 953 season. ond semester's lectures will shift Georgetown Univei'sity liber- dent lot between Keating and The naniinK of Bach as full-time Athletic Director and the to politics with a talk by Repub- alized its speaker policy this Belmont. "ling of Conlin as coach for the 1968-69 season follow the Univer- month by eliminating the option lican Senator Jacob Javits. Miss The unequal fees of $7" per 'ty's new policy of obtaining adequate personnel for the Athletic Weinheimer hopes to lure sev- of a moderator's veto which had year for faculty and 20 a year donation. eral of the '68 presidential hope- previously haunted lectures for students further compound Other recent appointments include Keith Fleer as aquatic direc- sponsored by their student or- these inequities. ' r find James Wilson as trainer. fuls to Fordham in the Spring. She is negotiating for appear- ganizations. In a Ram interview The recommendation to equal- The new basketball appointments will allow Bach to develop ize fees is on Father McLaugh- h last Wednesday Georgetown's 's Mar's promising Fordhara hoop squad. Richard Tarrant will ances by, among others, Martin lin's desk. The USG will consider win handle the frosh team, and Tom llanlon is expected to become Luther King and Michael Har- Office of Public Information in- a resolution on the subject at ita < full-time super-scout. rington, author of The Other dicated that the move was next meeting. On the events leading up to the announcement, Dr. Meade said, America. geared to "insure the student's This i-ecommendation resulted tin aiininiiiidiiont today is the culmination of discussions aiming exposure to a broad spectrum from a survey of colleges in the •'•mliers of the Athletic GoverninR Hoard, Mr. Conlin, and other Freedom in selecting speakers East to determine- their parking of ideas." •'••'amiMrutive officers of the University." was guaranteed by an explicit policies. In colleges where com- According to Meade. these discussions were initiated in the statement of the University's United Student Government muting Ls a factor the faculty '"'r- "1 this year. Mr. Colin was elected as the lies! of all can- made the expanded series pos- usually pays more- than the stu- dent. Such is the case at George- nes who were considered for the position. sible when it increased the lec- town and the University of Mi- ture bureau's financial allotment chigan. In schools which are from one to five thousand dol- boarder oriented the student lars. li.SG hopes that the pro- must pay more for the luxury of gram will induce a greater num- a car on campus than the com- muting faculty. Motown, tilt' city of w her-Is ber of students to become "cam- Miss Gerardi further indicated and the soul is a ciiy oi' con- pus oriented." that she has a commitment from trast, (liilwiirdly <;i!m. resi- Fordham College students in- Father McLaughlin to publish a dential and tree lini'd its complete audit of University hl:tck jrlu-tlo M'l'tlis with ilis- augurated the American Age finances. In her role as Student ronlcnl. II was Iliis disron- .Series in 1959 to provide a Rose Spokesman she will consider le.il which liU'vv flic lid off I lill forum for presidential can- other defielty areas in the Uni- Detroit tins pii.t Mimiincr. didates in the '60 elections; both versity such as the cafeteria and 'I he riot arcs ii; the Imnte Kennedy and Nixon presented security forces, In relation to of "iiard boy:," liSu1 the nn<- their views here. The current the tuition raise she will be in- *m f he k'M. i"lUsjHcious and volved in discussions on ita 1 .•.cries will focus on such themes an l;i ;>miis! ir Hu-v apprai:.* necessity, amount, nnd extent tit" while inl i oiider:; <,f their' as social work, education, nnd specifically in relation to tha h!;iek world. the talc of the Catholic Unlvers- Class of '68. The proposed Stu- ;•'.!•(• pint's I am! '.I (or I In' iiy in a drive to make Fordhnm dent Activities Fee will ulso re- :;! m v <»l ;i iinji fit v. "cjii'ti up and be aware." ceive consideration. Si THE FORDHAM RAM Friday, September 27,19J Page 2 Will Compleet Works reopen? A nicely illuminated Congressman's office with retaining complete autonomy from USG in policy. ROUNDUP • a polished floor of linoleum occupies the premises USG president Dennis Ruppel is reported to have given the coffee house project his strong backing. at 450 E. Fordham Road where "The Compleat t» Deadline, for all applications in this year's Miss Fordid Works" of Charles Dickens," Fordliam's first This arrangement would hopefully preclude a coffee house once flourished. repetition of last year's financial chaos, when contest is niMniivlit tonight. All female students in Fordham's imdel Dimly lit, wild of color and tingling of spirit, "The Compleat Works" could meet several month- graduate schools are eligible. To enter, the contestant must subnl •with some huge paintings and posters and many ly bills only with donations from The Ram, the her name, address, telephone number, school arid year, to Box ; Boarder Council and the student governments, rough wooden shingles over its, walls, "The Com- Campus Mail. A recent photograph is requested, but not requir<| and would also lend it University-wide uppeal and pleat Works" had to close last April because of Entry blanks are available in this issue of The Rum, and in ' a dearth of funds to pay rent during the sum-. a basis for continuity from year to year. 1 mer and waning student interest. According to Hajjar, the coffee house "stands Maroon Key office, Collins 302. as a necessary alternative to the Killarney Rose Several students comprising a skeleton staff • The Office of Graduate Opportunities, designed to provi| • headed by College junior Anton Hajjar, who as- and the Ramskeller," which do not lend them- • sumed responsibility for the coffee house, expect selves to the entertainment, and serious discus- information concerning graduate study for seniors in each of ' to reopen another sometime around the end of sion and presentation of ideas which an off-campus schools on the Rose Hill campus, is now open.
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