AMESBURY SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING VIRTUAL* MONDAY JANUARY 4, 2021 7PM THE AMESBURY SCHOOL DISTRICT IS UNCONDITIONALLY COMMITTED TO EVERY CHILD, ENSURING THAT ALL STUDENTS EXPERIENCE SUCCESS THROUGH THE DEVELOPMENT OF ATTITUDES AND SKILLS NECESSARY FOR LIFELONG LEARNING BY PROVIDING THE HIGHEST QUALITY STAFF, MEANINGFUL LEARNING EXPERIENCES, AND A VITALLY INVOLVED COMMUNITY. 1. Call to Order/Moment of Silence/Mission Statement Maryann Welch 2. Vote to Suspend Policy BEDB-E (Agenda Format) 3. Organizational Meeting A. Election of Vice Chair & Secretary B. Meeting Days & Times C. Subcommittee Appointments D. Other Appointments 4. Executive Session A. Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A, Section 21(a)(3) to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation with the AFT-Amesbury if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares. 5. Comments by Visitors & Delegations Submit comments by using Facebook Live and beginning your comment with PUBLIC COMMENT if you would like your comment to be included in the public record for this meeting. Advance comments can be sent to [email protected]. 6. Communications & Reports A. Educational Leadership 1. Superintendent B. Student Advisory Council Tim Gilleo C. Liaisons 1. SEPAC Lindsay Pouliot 2. School Building Committee Peter Hoyt D. Subcommittees 1. Budget & Finance January 25 2. Personnel January 8 3. Buildings & Grounds TBD 4. Policy January 19 5. Teaching & Learning TBD 6. AES Implementation Committee TBD E. Other 7. Consent Agenda A. Minutes: December 7 | December 15 B. Warrants: December 4-$576,220.30| December 17-$668,327.70| December 17-$1010.88 | December 18-$568,790.11| December 31-$164,334.74 C. Gifts & Donations: Windrush - $2,000 8. New Business A. Approval of Evaluation MOU between Amesbury Public Schools and AFT Amesbury Vote Expected B. Policy DK-R Vote Expected C. Superintendent Search Firm Selection Vote Expected 9. Adjournment Next regular meeting of the School Committee will be held virtually on January 19, 2021 at 7pm. *This meeting will be conducted under the ‘Executive Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law G.L. c.30A, §20’, signed on March 12, 2020. BEDB-E - AGENDA FORMAT At regular meetings the following will be the customary order of business: I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance II. Comments by Visitors, Delegations III. Presentations and Administrative Reports IV. Communications A. Student Representative B. Other V. Items for Approval or Early Consideration A. Past Meeting Minutes B. Business C. Warrants VI. Informational Items A. Subcommittee Reports VII. Future Meetings and Agenda Items VIII. Executive Session, when needed IX. Adjournment Revised: 1995, 2011, 2013, 2016 Reviewed: 1999, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2010 Amesbury Public Schools School Warrant Printed On: 12/10/2020 Packet # Invoice # Invoice Date PO# Vendor Account Number Department Payment Type Amount 38296 8015 2020-11-12 AIR CONTROL PRODUCTS CO., INC. 100-317-4220-6440 ASCA Check $1,119.00 38296 0352003 2020-11-05 210615 AKJ WHOLESALE LLC 100-315-2410-6510 ASCA Check $1,570.80 38296 010121 2020-12-01 210927 ALL SAINTS ANGLICAN CHURCH 100-321-5350-6780 ASCA Check $8,000.00 38296 473 2020-12-08 ALL SAINTS ANGLICAN CHURCH 441-811-35-6200 ASCA Check $1,835.92 Vendor - ALL SAINTS ANGLICAN CHURCH Sub Total: $9,835.92 38296 888369 2020-10-31 AMESBURY INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO. 441-811-35-6200 ASCA Check $32.87 38296 888617 2020-10-31 AMESBURY INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO. 441-811-35-6200 ASCA Check $83.93 38296 889588 2020-10-31 AMESBURY INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO. 441-811-35-6200 ASCA Check $19.98 38296 890701 2020-11-30 AMESBURY INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO. 441-811-35-6200 ASCA Check $46.55 38296 889553 2020-11-30 AMESBURY INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO. 100-317-4220-6440 ASCA Check $159.26 38296 889867 2020-11-30 AMESBURY INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO. 100-317-4220-6440 ASCA Check $169.99 38296 890365 2020-11-30 AMESBURY INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO. 100-317-4220-6440 ASCA Check $195.13 Vendor - AMESBURY INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO. Sub Total: $707.71 38296 11106914 2020-11-30 AMESBURY TOWING INC 100-319-3300-6247 ASCA Check $87.93 38296 113020 2020-11-30 BENNETT, MATTHEW 259 4902 5001 17 ASCA Check $189.00 38296 120120 2020-12-01 210106 BENNETT, MATTHEW 100-317-4130-6340 ASCA Check $150.00 Vendor - BENNETT, MATTHEW Sub Total: $339.00 38296 12477 2020-12-01 210295 BIRCHTREE CENTER FOR CHILDREN 100-319-9200-6320 ASCA Check $1,938.44 38296 12478 2020-12-01 210296 BIRCHTREE CENTER FOR CHILDREN 100-319-9200-6320 ASCA Check $8,986.88 Vendor - BIRCHTREE CENTER FOR CHILDREN Sub Total: $10,925.32 38296 070120 2020-07-01 CAPE ANN LEAGUE 442-510-35-6200 ASCA Check $8,189.69 38296 120120 2020-12-01 210107 CATARIUS, LYNN 100-317-4130-6340 ASCA Check $150.00 38296 4417947 2020-11-19 210847 CDW GOVERNMENT 100-313-2430-6430 ASCA Check $342.13 38296 4389405 2020-11-18 211297 CDW GOVERNMENT 100-313-2450-6485 ASCA Check $460.80 Vendor - CDW GOVERNMENT Sub Total: $802.93 38296 110220 2020-12-01 CHAPPIE, ROSE 100-319-3300-6330 ASCA Check $504.00 38296 X109301220 2020-09-30 CHARTWELLS 454-400-30-6200 ASCA Check $25,746.45 38296 59019 2020-12-01 210448 CHILDREN'S CENTER FOR COMMUNICATION 441-820-30-6320 ASCA Check $8,299.23 38296 59076 2020-12-01 210449 CHILDREN'S CENTER FOR COMMUNICATION 441-820-30-6320 ASCA Check $8,299.23 Vendor - CHILDREN'S CENTER FOR COMMUNICATION Sub Total: $16,598.46 38296 4061842967 2020-09-17 210206 CINTAS CORPORATION 259 4902 5001 17 ASCA Check $62.00 38296 4066769076 2020-11-09 210206 CINTAS CORPORATION 259 4902 5001 17 ASCA Check $21.60 38296 4067419352 2020-11-16 210206 CINTAS CORPORATION 259 4902 5001 17 ASCA Check $35.00 38296 4067957243 2020-11-20 210206 CINTAS CORPORATION 259 4902 5001 17 ASCA Check $36.25 38296 4067957263 2020-11-20 210206 CINTAS CORPORATION 259 4902 5001 17 ASCA Check $27.00 Thu, 10 Dec 2020 10:03:53 -0500 Page: 1 of 11 Printed by: JBerube Packet # Invoice # Invoice Date PO# Vendor Account Number Department Payment Type Amount 38296 4068734170 2020-11-30 210206 CINTAS CORPORATION 259 4902 5001 17 ASCA Check $27.00 38296 4067419346 2020-11-16 210206 CINTAS CORPORATION 259 4902 5001 17 ASCA Check $35.00 38296 4067957291 2020-11-20 210206 CINTAS CORPORATION 259 4902 5001 17 ASCA Check $43.20 38296 4067419354 2020-11-16 210206 CINTAS CORPORATION 259 4902 5001 17 ASCA Check $43.20 38296 4068734344 2020-11-30 210206 CINTAS CORPORATION 259 4902 5001 17 ASCA Check $43.20 38296 4067419335 2020-11-16 210206 CINTAS CORPORATION 259 4902 5001 17 ASCA Check $43.20 38296 4067957289 2020-11-20 210206 CINTAS CORPORATION 259 4902 5001 17 ASCA Check $43.20 38296 4068734230 2020-11-30 210206 CINTAS CORPORATION 259 4902 5001 17 ASCA Check $43.20 Vendor - CINTAS CORPORATION Sub Total: $503.05 38296 21120004 2020-12-01 210311 COLLABORATIVE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL 100-319-9400-6320 ASCA Check $5,796.00 SERVICES 38296 21120032 2020-12-01 210312 COLLABORATIVE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL 100-319-9400-6320 ASCA Check $3,513.17 SERVICES 38296 21120044 2020-12-01 210313 COLLABORATIVE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL 100-319-9400-6320 ASCA Check $5,796.00 SERVICES 38296 21120045 2020-12-01 210314 COLLABORATIVE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL 100-319-9400-6320 ASCA Check $6,166.59 SERVICES 38296 21120058 2020-12-01 210315 COLLABORATIVE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL 100-319-9400-6320 ASCA Check $4,417.41 SERVICES 38296 21120058 2020-12-01 210315 COLLABORATIVE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL 100-319-9400-6320 ASCA Check $3,616.94 SERVICES 38296 2100000256 2020-09-01 210316 COLLABORATIVE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL 100-319-9400-6320 ASCA Check $1,202.82 SERVICES 38296 2110085 2020-10-10 210316 COLLABORATIVE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL 100-319-9400-6320 ASCA Check $3,157.41 SERVICES 38296 21110085X 2020-11-01 210316 COLLABORATIVE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL 100-319-9400-6320 ASCA Check $2,556.00 SERVICES 38296 21120085 2020-12-01 210316 COLLABORATIVE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL 100-319-9400-6320 ASCA Check $3,562.59 SERVICES 38296 2100000343 2020-10-01 210863 COLLABORATIVE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL 100-319-3300-6330 ASCA Check $1,050.00 SERVICES 38296 2100000301 2020-10-01 210743 COLLABORATIVE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL 100-319-2320-6305 ASCA Check $204.00 SERVICES 38296 2100000299 2020-10-01 210743 COLLABORATIVE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL 100-319-2320-6305 ASCA Check $476.00 SERVICES 38296 2100000300 2020-10-01 210743 COLLABORATIVE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL 100-319-2320-6305 ASCA Check $1,904.00 SERVICES 38296 21090241 2020-09-01 211469 COLLABORATIVE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL 100-319-9400-6320 ASCA Check $3,011.29 SERVICES 38296 21100241 2020-10-01 211469 COLLABORATIVE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL 100-319-9400-6320 ASCA Check $5,269.76 SERVICES Vendor - COLLABORATIVE FOR REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Sub Total: $51,699.98 38296 027 2020-11-24 COLLISION NORTH 100-319-3300-6247 ASCA Check $200.00 38296 1123200 2020-11-23 COMCAST 441-850-30-6200 ASCA Check $63.52 38296 1123200 2020-11-23 COMCAST 640 0000 5001 00 ASCA Check $209.38 Vendor - COMCAST Sub Total: $272.90 38296 116195 2020-11-30 210949 COMMONWEALTH LEARNING CENTER 414-240-21-6300 ASCA Check $826.00 38296 3202 2020-11-24 210903 COMPLETE CLEANING CO, LLC 100-317-4220-6240 ASCA Check $37,323.27 Thu, 10 Dec 2020 10:03:53 -0500 Page: 2 of 11 Printed by: JBerube Packet # Invoice # Invoice Date PO# Vendor Account Number Department Payment Type Amount 38296 3203 2020-11-24 210903 COMPLETE CLEANING CO, LLC 100-317-4220-6240 ASCA Check $37,323.27 38296 3204 2020-11-24 210903 COMPLETE CLEANING CO, LLC 100-317-4220-6240 ASCA Check $37,323.27 Vendor - COMPLETE CLEANING CO, LLC Sub Total: $111,969.81 38296 1175434 2020-11-18 210972 CUSTODIAL PARTNERS 259 4902 5001 17 ASCA Check $202.50 38296 1175792 2020-11-30 211365 CUSTODIAL PARTNERS 259 4902 5001 17 ASCA Check $230.65 Vendor - CUSTODIAL PARTNERS Sub Total: $433.15 38296 20201159 2020-11-19 211186 DBQ COMPANY 100-314-2430-6430 ASCA Check $397.50 38296 AM202000002 2020-11-21 210928 DECASTRO, ENID 100-319-2320-6305 ASCA Check $620.00 38296 913883 2020-11-28 211163 DEMOULAS SUPERMARKETS, INC.
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