' ChoHaL WINTERWAR The cold, forlorn misery of winter warfare has once again been ©шли imposed upon the fighting men of the United States Armed Forces. Short bleak daya, filled with long raw blasts of wifida and snow are щоденник UKRAINIAN DAILY buffeting the U. a Forces, • GJ. Joe may take some conso­ through but can't wash. What for? РІК ІЛШ. Ч. 210. Vol. LVm. No. 270. lation in the fact that winter You'd only freeze to death in the clothing is on its way. We here process. at home may feel much better So you roll out of your sack in when we read that our boys are the morning, stiff, cold and dis­ Щг Шкшшап Meekly well equipped for battle. It makes gusted. You move forward, after nice reading and we don't feel the biting into your cold ration, up Supplement bite of the frost The new equip­ to your post. Funny isn't it? You, 1 why you're supposed to be a fine ,'• •..•• 1 ment doesn't help much though clean cut American soldier, full of 6* m Зл. Д. Америка; 7# дтщЩЩ Tex .Хеободаґі IBrcea jJ^J - Теж, У. H Союзу: BErgcn 4-1019 5* In the United States;/!* Elsewhere when you have to sleep in a fox hole. It doesn't seem to make high ideals fighting for the United Nations. You don't even think WEEKLY: N©^47 JERSEY CITY and NEW YORK, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1950 VOL. XVIIL much difference while you're out about it or talk about it do you? on guard duty in the middle of the This is too personal a war night. No matter how you are for that sort of stuff. You leave dressed, it is cold, too cold and Ninth Convention of Ukrainian National Manifestation in New York City To Audition For Met that for the politicians. The new the snow mixed with sleet doesn't equipment is good too, but its ...... Women's League The United Ukrainian Organiza- services and promised to take an Opera help either. You shrivel up inside cold and you move forward on the tions of New York City and the active part in making this under­ from the daily "C" or "K" rations. thing that has pulled you through Henry Pritula, a Ukrainian On November 11, and 12, 1950, Officers reports and a discussion metropolitan area are proceeding taking an outstanding success. Red, floods the whiteness of your from one mess to another; guts. American whose American stake in Philadelphia the ninth annual upon the League's publication of with plans for the gigantic ral­ Featured on this massive pro­ eyes and your teeth beat a con­ Yes! It certainly must be nice name is Henry Lawrence, will be convention of 'the Ukrainian Na­ Lesya Ukrainka's works and life ly and manifestation in honor of gram will be the outstanding per­ stant chatter. Nothing can warm to sit in a warm meeting room and one of the young artist selected to tional Women's League ("Soyuz on the book "Spirit of Flame." the slain Taras Chuprynka-Shu- sonalities in Ukrainian American you, you freeze for hours on end. talk about whose supposed to be audition on the Metropolitan Opera Ukralnok") Was held. Over fifty Saturday evening featured a ban­ khevych, comander of the Ukrain­ life, men who have actually fought Your hands form human claws fighting this war. As for you, well, Auditions of the Air. The program delegates registered for this ninth quet at the Hotel Warwick at ian Insurgent Army. against the terror Of Red oppres­ from holding an Ml, a machine Hill No. 161 has to be taken and will be broadcast on Tuesday, convention which celebrated the which many prominent personali­ sion, and notable American speak­ gun or steering wheel. The stubble you take off, cold or no cold. To­ The manifestation will be held November 21, 1950, over a nation organisation's twenty fifth anni­ ties appeared. * ers. in your chin grows long and rough morrow there will be something in New York's Manhattan Center wide network. versary. Sunday morning further discus­ but it keeps your face warm at else to read about in the morning on 34th%Street near 8th Avenue on The well known "Dumka" Male Mr. Pritula-Lawrence is a bari­ Olena Lototska, head of the sions were carried on and in the November 26, 1950, at 1 P.M. A Chorus under its new director I. least. You're dirty through and paper. tone and has studied for many League officially opened the con­ evening a very fine program was whole list of organizations and in­ Sonevetsky will also perform. years with a well known teacher of vention on Saturday. Olena Kis- presented by the theatrical group dividuals from among the older From miles around the great city voice and star of the Metropolitan selevaka extended greetings from under the direction of Volodymir generation Ukrainians and from Ukrainians are making plans to ON CHANGING NAMES the World Federation of Ukrainian Blavatsky in honor of Lesya Uk- Opera, Madame Jane Freund- among the newly arrived displaced attend and insure the success of "Good name, in man or woman, is the immediate jewel of their rainka. Lube Holowaty and Ro­ Nauen of New York City. Women's Organizations. persons have volunteered their this important event. souls.-—Who steals my purse steals trash; but he that- filches from me During the Course of discussions man Sawicky appeared as featured my good name, robs me of that which not enriches him, and makes me on Saturday, many other notable soloists. NEW JERSEY CHORUS TO poor indeed." Shakespeare. • '• representatives of leading Ukrain­ The executive board of the Uk­ UCCA Warns of Soviet Tactics SING CAROLS Reading these words by Shakes­ then let us make them regret that ian- American organizations ex­ rainian National Women's League peare we cannot help but wonder prejudice. If there are people who tended greetings and felicitations includes: Olena Lototska, president, On October 31, I960 the Uk­ would bar from the Genocide Con­ The Ukrainian Choral Society of about so many people who think cant pronounce our name* proper­ to the asaebled delegates and Antonina Kulchycka, Katherine rainian Congress Committee of vention any nation' that did not New Jersey under the direction of nothing of depriving themselves of ly; then let us teach them. If there guests of the "Soyuz Ukralnok." Paleshok, P. Prbkopovich, Helen America, ever mindful of the de­ approve it in full detail. Since the George Kirichenko, Jr. has been their rightful names. Because of are some who would mock our Roman Slobodian, treasurer of the Mural, Mrs. Biletska-Sedoniak and vious moves and strategeme of the Americsn position on the conven­ requested to present a program of a slight bit of difficulty in pronun­ names, then they will mock all Helen Douglas, vice presidents, Ukrainian National Association Soviets, urged Prerident Truman tion contains- several reservations, Ukrainian Christmas carols In ciation, spelling or actual meaning, men and all names. spoke on the role of the Ukrain­ Stephanie Pushkar, financial sec- Kresge's Newark Department Store. to help balk a Soviet parliament­ the resolution would thus bar the hundreds of people change their Changing one's name, shortening ian women in 'the development of reary, and Maria Babiak, treasur­ ary maneuver which would keep The program will be held on de- names from Ukrainian to what United States. The Committee it beyond recognition, these are the U.N.A. er. the United States from condemning cember 6, 1950, between the hours they consider to be proper, Ameri­ asked President Tntoan to help ways chosen by ignorant people. genocide at the U. N. of 6 and 7 P.M. Several outstand­ can. gain a postponement of the ef­ The so called "easy way," which in The Committee, which repre­ ing Ukrainian carols will be sung Why is it such men as Eisen­ fective date of the*'resolution so the long run, is usually the. most Church ^oup Gives Party For Ukrainian sents over 1,000,000 Americans of by the group. hower, Impellitteri, Mltropolous, difficult. that it would not affect American Ukrainian descent, pointed out that ФЯ*4Р^+ ' or Rosenman have not changed or A change in spelling so that the D.P.R*mily a Soviet-backed UN resolution ratification of the convention. DETROIT BULLETIN simplified their names? A name• name may be more easily pro- is given to us at birth. It may be nounced, will often suffice for most PUBLISHED A special reception was held in ing and jobs for these worthy peo­ a challenge, a cross or a blessing, people. Those who change tbeh* New Bnmjewick, New Jersey for ple. We have tried to give them .op­ "No Atomic Bombs for Kiev or Odessa' Certalnly It is not always a simple names entirely from Ukrainian be- the Usenko family, ten Ukrain­ portunity to start a new life, and п и и already they ."are^ entirely; <m their Mr,M«r.s^fcj-a«A*,d~c. c «» PJ^^S-pS^SlfiStWSI^*" Г*Г *.°" Ч^ ttdr.-yk—• Nothtn,> ians who were patted in this, city to nave KI«r СЯПвр -Ецгаеагегиуеч, і £>;;; ; іщ|2 ІЩ'ІМІШ Biffl|fifrjr9i^Mtoisvifftr iiii own, even though they have been Scottish League for European have tfteir cities -amtewtevyw* £г с;і be even more difScult. But; if we/gree of strife. Keeping one's true when members of the First Baptist : Now the Ukrainians are 'ready to Freedom,—writes in a letter to presses. This months issue bpw- ^^ of the name of our name and making others aware of ChUrch sponsored their entry into With us leas than two months." cooperate with the West in order i i attractive due to some w "The Scotchman": ticu ar y the United States reports the The Usenkos have official docu­ father, then we should bear it with it, of knowing it, of honoring It, "I never believed in the effective­ to challenge the Russian menace very fine art- work and the lay "Daily Home News" in New Bruns­ ments indicating that the com­ honor.
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