HUNT’S MERCHANTS’ MAGAZINE, REPRESENTING THE INDUSTRIALI AND COMMERCIAL INTERESTS OP THE UNITED STATES VOL 44_____________ NEW YORK, JUNE 18, 1887. NO. 1,147 fin an cia l. If tua tue tal. Ifitmucial. Da n ik l m an n in g . f . Blan kk n h o rn . AMERICAN _ . President. Cashier C. N. Jo r d a n , h . A. Sm ith , Vice-Pres’t. Aagmtant Cashier Bank N ote Company,1 DIAMONDS. 78 TO 86 TRINITY PLACE, THE NEW YORK. Bnalness Founded 1795. Alfred H. Smith & Co., Western National Bank Incorporated under Lari of State of New York, 1858. IMPORTERS, Reorganized 1879. O F T H E | Engravers and Printers op 182 Broadway, Cor. John Street. BONDS, POSTAGE & REVENUE STAMPS, CITY OF NEW YORK. LEGAL TENDER AND NATIONAL BANK NOTES of the UNITED STATES; and for Foreign Governments. C A P I T A L ,...................................... $ 3 ,5 0 0 ,0 0 0 ENGRAVING AND PRINTING, New Yo r k . May 14, 1887. BANE NOTES, SHARE CERTIFICATES, RONDS This Bank is now opened for business. Accounts Fo r governments a n d corporations , respectfully solicited. The usual banking facilities DRAFTS, CHECKS, BILLS OF EXCHANGE, SOLID SILVER. STAMPS, Ac., in the finest and most artistic style extended to customers. FROM STEEL PLATES, Orders for purchase or sale of securities will With SPECIAL SAFEGUARDS t o PREVENT COUNTERFEITING. GORHAM M’t’g Co., receive careful attention. Special paper, manufactured exeliulvcly for Sterling Exchange bought and sold. Facilities for use o f th e Company. Broadway and Nineteenth Street, keeping accounts in Sterling Exchange, subjeot to SAFETY COLORS. SAFETY PAPERS. draft in kind, will be afforded. The methods of re­ Work Ezeented In Fireproof Buildings. AND 9 MAIDEN LANE. ceiving such deposits and making payment against LITHOGRAPHIC AND TYPE PRINTING. them will be subject to arrangement. RAILWAY TICKETS OF IMPROVED STYLES. Show Cards, Label!, Calendars. F. RLAN KEN HORN, Cashier. BLANK BOOK8 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION JAMES MACDONOUGH, President Floyd-Jones & Robison, m T ow nsend, La n sin g C. W a sh b u r n * A. D. SHEPARD, 1 Member N.Y. Stock Exchange. W. M. SM ILLIE, > Vice-Presidents. BANKERS AND BROKERS, Jno. P. Tow nsend, Special Partner. TOURO ROBERTSON, J N o. 2 Exchange Court, New York. THEO. H. FREELAND, Sec’y and Treat. Townsend & Washburn, 3t?'k s, Bonds and U. 8. Government Securities Bought and Sold on Commission. BANKERS AND BROKERS, Maverick National Bank C. Flo yd -jones, w il l ia m Robison No. 6 Wall Street, New York. Members New York Stock Rxchange. Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold on Commission, BOSTON, MASS. for cash or on margin. Special attention given to Unlisted Securities. CAPITAL, - $ 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 Deposits receivsd, subjeot to Check at Sight. SURPLUS, - $ 6 0 0 ,0 0 0 J. A. Kohn & Co., Correspondence solicited. BANKERS AND BROKERS, Accounts of Banks, Bankers and Corporations solicited. (M il l s B u il d in g ), 1 9 B R O A D ST., N. Y. Members of the New York Stock Exchange. Onr facilities for COLLECTIONS are excellent F. E. Trowbridge, Execute orders ou commission for Bonds, Stocks and we re-dlsconnt for banks when balances war­ and Foreign Exchange. BANKER AND BROKER, rant it. Dealers in first-class Investment Hecnrltles, Nob. 3 & 5 Broad or 29 W all Streetfl. Boston Is a reserve city, and balances with us from Particular attention given to investments for Cap­ banks (not located In other reserve cities) count as a italists, Trust Funds and Institutions. (Br a n ch Office, 990 Br o a d w a y .) reserve. We draw onr own exchange on London and the Member of the New York Stock Exchange. Di­ Continent, and make Cable transfers and place William T. Meredith, rector of Merchants’ Exohange National Bank ' money by telegraph throughout the United States American Savings Bank, American Safe Deposit and Canada. 4 8 WALL STREET, Company. Ac., Ac. Government Bonds bought and sold, and exchanges (Bank of New York Building). Securities bought and sold on commission, for In Washington made for banks without extra charge. Bonds and Htocks bought and sold at the New cash or on margin. Ail inquiries gratuitously res­ We have a market for prime first-class Investment York Stock Exchange. ponded to. Correspondence solicited. Securities, and invite proposals from States, Coun­ BONDS AND INVESTMENT SECURITIES FOB ties and Cities, when issuing bonds. SALE We do a general banking business, and invite cor­ respondence. Henry S. Ives & C o ., ASA P. POTTER, President. E. H. Harriman & Co. BANKERS, WM. M. h a r r im a n , ) JOS. W . W ORK, Cashier. Nicholas f is h , > No. 25 NASSAU ST., NEW YORV, Ejjwd h . H a r r im a n , Special.) P. 0 . BOX 1,422. W. P. Wight & Co., BANKERS AND BROKERS, EQUITABLE BUILDING, Transact a general banking business. Including the 7 2 B ro a d w a y , purchase and sale o f securities listed at the New STOCK BROKERS. 120 Broadway. fork Stock Exchange, or in the open market. Stocks, Bonds and Miscellaneous Securities bought and sold for cash or on margin. Receive deposits subject to check at sight an Jam bs T . Closson. John b. Dumont Mw -P --W ig h t, J. B. Cre igh ton . a'low interest on daily balances. Memb. N.Y. Stock Exch. A. B. Cl a p u n , Spec’l H uman Cl a r k , Special Partner. Government, State, County, City and Railroad Closson & Dumont, Bond- constantly on hand for sale or exchange, and STOCK BROKER. particular attention given to the subjeot of invest- BANKERS AND BROKERS, ments for institutions and trust funds. Lansdale Boardman, No. 40 Wall Street, New York. N E W Y O R K , 80 BROADWAY A 5 NEW ST. All stocks and securities dealt la at the New fork R. T. Wilson & Co., T R O Y , N .Y ., No. 17 FIRST STREET. Stock Exchange bought and sold on commission, for cash or on margin. Deposits received and Interest BANKERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS* Stock Exch. membership; private wire; all faculties. allowed on balances. 2 Exchange Court, New Yore. \ Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis THE CHRONICLE. [Vol. XLIV. fBatvktrß and &xnxozx$ of Wovjeifltx llsctawöpe. THE Drexel, Morgan & Co., August Belmont 6c C o ., BANKERS, INVESTMENT C O . WALL BTKEET, CORNER OF BROAD. N o . 3 6 WALL S T R E E T . N E W Y O R K . (8SCE TRAVELERS’ CREDITS, available in all parts of the World, through of Philadelphia. Drexel & Co., Drexel,Harjes & Co Hessrs. N. M, Rothschild ft Sons, Loudon. 3 1 0 CHESTNUT STREET. “ de Rothschild Bros., Paris. Cor.' of 5th ft Chestnut Sts. SI Boulevard Haussmanr, “ M. A . de Rothschild ft Sons, Frank­ Capital, $4,000,000. fort o\m. CONDUCT* A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS PHIL. A DELPHIA PARIS. 4. 01. de Rothschild, Esq., Vienna. Allows interest on cash deposits, subject to check AND THEIR CORRESPONDENTS. or on Certificates. DOME8110 AND FOREIGN BANKERS. Draw Bills o f Exchange on, and make Cable Trans- Buys ana sells Bills of Exchange, drawing on Deposits received subject to Draft. Securities 'ers to, England, France and Germany. Baring Bros, ft Co., London; Perier F reresetCle, ought and sold on commission. Interest allowed or Paris; Mendelssohn ft Co., Berlin, and on Paul Deposits. Foreign Exchange. Commercial Credits. Mendelssohn Bartnoldy, Hamburg. Negotiates Securities, Railroad, State, Municipa Cable Transfers. Circular Letters for Travelers, Kidder, Peabody & Co., etc. available 1 n all parts o f the world. Offers for sale first-class Investment Securities. ATTORNEYS AND AGENTS OF Particulars and terms on application. FOREIGN BANKERS, w i l l i a m BuoGKlE, President. Heurs. J. S. MORGAN Sc C O .. WHARTON BARKER, Vice-President. 1 Nassau Street, New York, HKNKY M. HOYT. JR., Treasurer. Vo. 22 OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON. ETHELBERT WATTS, Secretary. 113 Devonshire Street, Boston. Board of Directors—William Brockie, George 8. Pepper, Morton McMichael, Wharton Barker, Henry C. Gibson, T. Wistar Brown, Isaac H. Clothier. Brown Brothers & Co., ATTORNEYS AND AGENTS OF Advisory Committee of Stockholders.—William Potter, George M Troutman, Gustavus English, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, William Pepper, M. D., Thomas Dolan, John G. AND Messrs. BARING BROS. & CO., London Reading, Joseph E. Gillingham, John Wanamaker, ALEXANDER BROWN & SONS, --ry E. Smith, Craige Lippincott, Hamilton COMMERCIAL CREDITS. Bis. v, Clayton French. Francis Rawle, William BALTIMORE. Wood. Walter Garrett. Members of New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore Circular Credits for Travelers. Stock Exchanges. Execute orders fur all Investment securities. Buy Canadian Bank of Commerce. and sell Bills o f Exchange on Great Britain and Ca b l e T r a n sf e r s a n d B il l s o f E x c h a n g e on CAPITAL, 10,000,000. SURPLUS, $1,600,000. Ireland, France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, G r e a t Br it a in a n d t h e Con tin en t. J. H. G0ADBY & ALEX. LAIRD, Australia, St. Thomas, St. Croix and British West Indies. J. & W . Seligman Co. AGENTS, Issue Commercial A Travelers’ Credits 6c 16 EXCHANGE PLACE, NEW YORK IN STERLING. 8UY AND SELL STERLING EXCHANGE, CABLE BANKERS, TRANSFERS, ETC. Available In any part of the world, in Fra n cs for No. 23 BROAD STREET, use In Martinique and Guadeloupe, and in dollars for 'SSUES COMMERCIAL CREDITS, AVAILABLE Use in this country, Canada, Mexico and West Indies. N ew Y o r k .
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