THE FORDHAM RAM I). 47, No. 11 Fordham University, Bronx, N.Y. 10458—September 23, 1965 401 Twelve Pages jordham Gets Lay Y.P. Former Rose Hill Dean Returns [or 'University Relations' Robert A. Kidera, newly appointed vice presi- As Father O'Keefe Goes to Rome lt for university relations, views Pordham as :ing on the threshold of leadership among the thollc universities in the United States. The is that this position can be attained within ;ee to five years." Right now," Mr. Kidera explained, "Fordham certainly one of the four top Catholic univer- es in the nation. In the world only the Sor- me in Paris might be included with this select Foriner Cornell Director 'he possibilities which Mr. Kidera sees in store Fordham were important factors attracting I to the University from Cornell University at aca, New York. At Cornell he was the assistant the President for development and University itions. He coordinated and supervised the total •nell program aimed' to develop understanding I support for the University. t Fordham, Mr. Kidera, a native of Illinois, "the location of the University in New York Rev. Leo P. McLaughlin Fr. O'Keefe Is Appointed i its tradition of consistentlygood performances :wo of the school's many advantages in an ef- New University President Superior General's Aide ; to leap to the forefront as an outstanding ed- The Very Rev. Leo P. McLaughlin has been ap- Rome, Italy will be the new residence of Rev. ltional institution." pointed President and Rector of Fordham Univer- Vincent T. O'Keefe when he leaves as President Professor at Marquette sity. Fr. McLaughlin, former dean and president of Fordham. Father O'Keefe is now Assistant to Irior to his association with Cornell, Mr. Kidera of St. Peter's College in Jersey City, was the Dean the-Very Rev. Peter Arrupe, S.J., newly elected of Fordham College from 1953 to 1959. At both Superior General of the Society of Jesus. a professor of journalism at Marquette Uni- colleges he was known as a progresisve and an in- |sity for 12 years. He also served two years as novator. Father O'Keefe was elected to his new post on University's public relations director. June 30 while in Rome as a delegate to the gen- I holder of a bachelor of philosophy degree and Fr. McLaughlin indicated in an interview with eral conclave of Jesuits convened to select a new ! M.A. from Marquette, he has also had experi- the RAM Monday that he fully intends to continue Superior General of the Society. in public relations with the Carnation Com- being a progressive and an innovator as President here. Following the selection, the conclave went on |y in Los Angeles and served from 1942 to 1946 to create a new board of four men who would , public relations officer in the Air Force. Fr. McLaughlin's appointment, made by Very Rev. Peter Arrupe, new Superior General of the So- function as advisors and aides to the general. "Prestige and Stature" ciety of Jesus in Rome, was announced here last Two Fordhamites laving just been appointed to his new post ef- month by the New York Provincial, Very Rev. John One of the four, "Ft. O'Keefe will serve witn. live as of Sept. 1, Mr, Kidera is still in the proc- J. McGlnty, and becomes effective Oct. u. a second member of the Fordham family, Rev. |of assessing his role within the University. As Ordained in 1945 Andrew Varga. Fr. Varga served on Rose Hill fees eit, that role is "to develop for Fordham through last year as an assistant professor of Phil- Iprestige and stature which it deserves and the The President-designate is 53 years old. He was born in New York City on July 30, 1912, entered osophy while doubling as the Provincial in exile of port which it needs." the Jesuit province of Hungary. nong Mr. Kidera's observations to date is "the the Jesuits in 1933, was ordained to the priesthood for women's residences." He notes that the in 1945, and studied in Europe several years there- Vast expansion programs on the Rose Hill and. isn't far away when we should have 2,000 after, receiving a Docteur desrLettres degree from Lincoln Square campuses of Fordham marked Fa- jien enrolled at the uptown campus. The suc- the University of Paris. Earlier, in the United ther O'Keefe's term as president. 1 of the Football Club he notes is the envy o£ States, he had received A.B. (Georgetown), Ph.L. On Rose Hill he chartered and opened Thomas ly other colleges and universities. (Continued on Page 2) (Continued on Page 4) wsl in Tuition No Labor Trouble, But. I Soph John Ellis nnounced for Named to Head September Lightning Strike Delays Belmont SG News Service ie year from now, Fordham John Ellis, College Sophomore, Ms will have to dig a little has been appointed director of the •r into their pockets when newly-created Office of Student [tration time comes. Communication (O.S.C.) by the ,v. Vincent T. O'Keefe, re- College Student Government. ly announced n tuition boost Ellis resigned his post as sopho- ie\en schools of the Unlver- more member erf the student Court which will become effective to accept the position. i, September. The purpose of the new com- ' This Is the first overall Increase mittee is to make maximum use of a tuition at Pordham since 19G1. the information available from the wfl • is in keeping with Father various campus authorities by rKSde's promise to the students "structuralizing reciprocal com- hat they would be notified a munication." **a£ in advance of any such Ellis staled that the primary concern of the O.S.C. would be Tip tuition chanses for the into r n a 1 communication. Tin1 'wl^ffjio. Thomas Moore, and the committee would accomplish this lost Hill School of Business in- purpose by keepim-. the Col I eye rensed $135, from the present Student Government informed of R?0 per semester to $700. l-'ees at Artist conception ol Hchmmt Buildm;; .ihcr i(uo\.i(ion all relevant activity on campus. W'doKiitown school of business It will also channel this infor- iiiot reach this fii'.ure until Huninf. a 'full month behind orizontul obstruction!; w h i c 1\ i window oponlntis were cut. into the mation to the cUibr. uuder iu, j«r- oitiil) there will In: an schedule, renovation of Belmont mlake if necessary to revise room wall. i.sdlction, to the College admin- next September, Hall is still in progress. The dimension;;." Subcontractors Cause Delay istration, to the Office of the Di- hei O'Keefe explained that Iniildin,"., originally scheduled for Additional difficulty resulted rector of Student Personnel, to the lew tuition rates were nec"s- completion in ii'lr August, is now IK-tuoNtiou ami Ht'iKiit- Campus Center Director's Office 1 from I he inability of various sub- 1 by sharply risiu: , opera- especfrd lo hr ivady for occu- Major repairs within the bi lld- contractors to do their jobs on and, to the University Public Re- rosl-s, includim; ..alaries. pancy by (lie middle of Novem- nil. some not originally seei time. The mechanical contractors lations Office. rship cost;;, and library <•:*:• ber. eces.'isry, hicluded rcinforci-o were delayed in the installation of This organization, designed to The ddny i;; attributei! lo the f the street floor, rt'conslrik la-afini! and ventilation by struc- facilitate communications within emphasized I In- furl Ihaf iiiil.nre of Hie work involved in f delecli\T joint;; mid in;; tural difficulties resultlui: from the University, will work closely lludenl of demon..tniti'd abil- Ihi;; project ;u:d 111'' iiiH-rjirnec >n of a new (•oncrelc slab i the a;:!' of the buiklbu:. Tin- roof- with the Student Public Relatons Jlould lie ohlli'.eil Ui dl-n-im-- ul uiifnresci\ible dif [tculliw,. As semen!,. In iuldi(it>n, suj ers were delayed in seeurhv,; Oftlcc. Working together In this studies ni, (.lie Univrisilv Mleliai-1 Vc: iill-, superintendent, of •re constructed for eorrido needed materials, cuusini; a set- fashion the two bureaus will, It is because of lucre,i .c in lid- flu- niii.'ifniction job explained. levatui' door npeiiiu!>.-; and back In that area of the project. hoped, effectively and widely dis- •To tlil.'i end, Knidham v, ill ".A 11 iioVid iiui job lias special ills and .stairs and remov al of IJ/;litiiiui; Striken seminate Information both within |se thii $1,000,1)1)11 already : liroblems wlileli are difficult, to elevator sluil't. Kxtensiv re- A final problem arose from nnt- the University community and •ted for student aid " foresee, especially vertical and irs were necessary on tli IC'oiitimied on l'agc 3) outside its academic walls. THE FORDHAM RAM September 23, 19{ Page 2 Fr. McLaughlin Back Home (Continued {torn Page 1) pointed a layman to the majoi Interview: Fr. (Woodstock, Maryland', M.A. post of assistant to the president (Catholic University) and S.T.L. While dean at St. Peter's, Fa- 15y Joe Kennedy students from schools like Ford- permit the final exams belon degrees. ther McLaughlin began what h "A minimum of at least 100 ham Prep, Regis High School Christmas holidays, he mciit called the "task force" program more rooms for 200 additional and Xuvier High School is con- considerable interest and In 1950, he came to Fordham a joint administration-faculty for the first time, as director of on-campus boarders" will be templated.
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