An alert and vigorous newspaper TOWNSHIP Before you shop, itj^ll be wise to devoted to the activities, and inter- RAHRARITAT N study carefully the>"V$kies and ser- ests of the residents of this area. vices offered by our advertisers. Each Read it regularly each week to be eilition carries merchandise news of fully informed of every newsworthy utmost importance ..tjb'. the thrifty event in your home town.' buyer. You can trust out advertisers! VOL. XI—NO. 50 FORDS, N. J., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1949 CENTS +HW lit As 2, Pounds of Steel, Concrete were 'Rolled' into Place leen as Necessity Factional Splits Years' _ Asks for Talks Fire Co. ection On Problem at Once On Basis i*£ Report WOODBRIDGE — Preliminary To New Moiints ilks for the planning of a new igh school will begin shortly, it 'as indicated at a meeting of the oard of Education Monday. ition Ticket The subject came up when Board, Committee to upervising Principal Victor C. ficklas reported that within three Loses to Regulars; ears schools in Woodbridge Parley on 1950 Finances roper would be overcrowded and WOODBRIDGE—December 5 anticipated such a conference Eoard Stand Told ?ould be unable to accommodate has been set as a tentative date since last febiuary wlien. a mo- he school population. fQr a conference of the finance tion was put on our books. WOODBRIDGE — A delegation "The only sensible way out," committees of the Township "It is good sound business to of Township residents—particu- dr. Nicklas recommended, "is to Committee and the Board of discuss this matterr " lie routin- larly from, the Sewaren section- luild a new high • school and use Education to discuss cooperation ed, "and . I beSie\ e our initial is expected to attend a meeting he present high school for grade in budget planning'. Such a con- meeting; shoakl be devoted to a of the Board of Fire Commission- ichool classes." ference has been urged editorial- discussion of the future plans of ers Friday night to protest the ap- Continuing his report on the both the Board and the Town- pointment of Edward Van Tassel, ly by The Independent-Leader ship Committee. At.lster meet- mtlook for the coming year, the for years. 3 as a paid driver of Woodbridge ichool head said: "Next year we ings we can discuss figures.' Fire Company at the maximum rill face a dilemma in Colonia. The tentative date was set The tentative date was then salary of $3,600 a year. ;n Avenel, I believe we can Monday night at the Board set and tlie !*owns2ilp Commit- The appointment even had its veather the storm as far as the meeting, after a resolution ask- tee's finance coniKiittea will be ramifications in the recent fire ;chool population is concerned." ing for a conference from the invited to meet in the Board room. company elections where candi- Mr. Nicklas also indicated that Township Committee was read. dates, reputedly sponsored by t might be necessary to use No. Harold Van Ness, chairman of Tile Board must have its final Gearge Van Tassel, member of (i School. Fords, for departmen- the Board's finance committee, figures'ready in January for ad- the Board of Fire Commissioners. tal work next year and eventually who told The Independent- vertisement prior to the eJecton were beaten for the offices of first transport some of the Fords stu- Above was the over-all scene Sunday when the 2,960,000-pound was done with a minimum of interference in train operation. Leader last week/, that his com- on February 14. Tiie terms of assistant and second assistant The clearing of the right-of-way began at five o'clock in the mittee would be only too happy Maurice P. Duhigan, Joseph Mc- chief, and now the company is ients to Keasbey School -where steer and concrete bridge for the PRK mainline overpass of New Andrcws and Adoipli Quadt there are several empty rooms. Jersey first parkway, Route 4, was rolled into place at Iselin. morning and was completed in about eight hours. The bridge for to meet with the Township Com- divided into two hostile factions. the two westbound tracks is to be rolled off the piers' and abut- mittee, stated -."the: board has expire at that time. • Board members said they be- The engineering feat drew a crowd of several thousand persons ments, Sunday, December 4. As far as could be determined, lieved the proposed construction fire company members are object- }f a parochial school in Iselin ing to the Van Tassel appointment would relieve the situation in that on the claim there is no appro- area, and the possible addition to Thanksgiving Day Prospects are Extremely Dim \ 2 Local Men Hurt Proceeds^ Tag Day priation in the budget and the St. James' School, Woodbridge, money will have to be, taken out might take some of the students of surplus—money which has been out of No. 1, No. 11' and Straw- In Many Homes—But Fuletide Hopes are Bright In Plant Accident To AidWerehral Palsy saved to buy needed fire equip- berry Hill Schools. ment. The .new appointee is a Experiences of Rotella brother of the Board member. Dunigan Urges Action You May. Help Needy by Flash Fire at Chemical Fire Co. Honor Guest I The Van Tassel backers on the Maurice P. Dunigan, board Works Sends Quartel Family Shows Urgency | Board declare the appointment member, then suggested the Board Your Contributions to was made in order to equalize the get together with the architect i Our Fund for Destitute To Amlioy Hospital Of Plea for Assistance day and night shifts. Before Van for preliminary talks on a high Tassel was put on, there were school because "if. we will need Addresses Lions For Lerioe Office PERTH AMBOY—Four persons WOOPBRIDGE—-Mayor August WOODBRIDGE — As you sit F. Greiner has designated Satur- four men on nights and ''but three one in three years we had better down to your Thanksgiving dinner including two Woodbridge resi- on during the day time when it get started. That is a building you RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Rob- day, November 26, as tag day for tomorrow and give thanks to God Local Post Endorsement dents, were injured yesterday is difficult to get volunteers," a can't erect over night." ert Allen, director of a sY.M.C.A. the Middlesex County Cerebral camp was guest speaker at-a meet- for blessings received during the ifternoon following an explosion Palsy League and urges all resi- spokesman said. The same spokes- past year, it might be well to give For County Head Given man stated that the working hour At the request of a Fords dele- ing of the Raritan Township Lions and flash fire at the Witco Chem- dents to «tonate generously. t gation, the Board decided to a few minutes of your time to i law for firemen was changed re- Club Monday at The Pines. To Ex-Commander ical Co., plant, Convery Boulevard, In making the announcement, transport 45 youngsters from Allen, a resident of Somervilwls, think of others less fortunate—of the mayor also told the story of p cently lowering the number of Fords No.' 7 School to No. 14 those who cannot afford Turkey WOODBRIDGE — Edward S, iust over the Township line. Rotella family, Fords, who urged hours a fireman has to work each is director of Camp Yomenca near and all the fixin's. week. This, he claimed, will mean School. The children originally Brookfield, past commander of .The blast wrecked an asphalt that the story be given to this 1 Dingman's Ferry, Pa., to which six Woodbridge Post, American Legion, tb» appointment of additional attended No. 7 School but were Township underprivileged children There are a number of folks tank on the company's grounds newspaper, as. they wrote it, to transferred to No. 14 due to the who will not have. a spread on was endorsed as candidate for men. were sent last summer by the club. and. the...billows...of. thidfc, black, interest all residents of the Town- overcrowded conditions. The par-, They were selected by school'prin- Thanksgiving Day and won't even County Comander at a meeting of- ship- itrthis ipost'important' vork. Objectors* Position ents were willing for the pupils to cipals and the school nurse. Funds have a decent Christmas dinner the local post held at the new smoke brought crowds from miles The Rotella story follows: In answer, fire company mem- (Continued on Page 6) unless those of us who have been headquarters at the foot of Berry around, creating a traffic problem. "When Ralph Rotella, 62 Hamil- bers contend that a'J other ap- to aid in sending the children were Street. ' ' ' . raised by the club through the blessed with good health and a Woodbridge police aided Perth ton Avenue, Fords, N. J., was told pointments were made after the livelihood have the Christmas "Spring Frolics," staged at the Mr. Brookfield served Wood- Amboy police in unsnarling- the that his child was a victim of people approved the necessary ap- Clara Barton School and well pa- spirit. These folks in need do not bridge post as adjutant from 1946 Cerebral Palsy, he was shocked. propriation at the annual Feb- County Seat Man tronized by Township residents. live in China or even in the moun- to 1948 and as commander during traffic jam. In the first place,he did not know ruary elections. tains of Kentucky. They live right 1948-1949. At present he is Post Those injured, but said to be in what Cerebral Palsy was.
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