I Free I Issue 28 ~ May 1987 I I I I I j ,k~11 THE 2 AIR STREET O~ _0 t-~ t-~ c:::(~ BRIGHTON -770841 ~\ II / MADCAP ~ * * 21 PRINCE ALBERT STREET· BRIGHTON· 23808 I'elephone -- .'.on 69III1 / rJNTER Issue 28 May 1987 Editorial May? festival? what...? The May Punter - as usual - is unashamedly biased Punter Goes for Balance towardsthe BrightonFestival. Wehaveincludedlotsof the smaller events and many of the FREE entertainments in the streets,parks and other venues News 4 around town.Wehope you will get out and about and see some of the stuff that thousands of local people Music 5 havebusttheirbitstoorganiseforyou.Preaching over. Round about May 15th we will be producing a ZapClub 8 supplement with reviews, last minute programme changes and Brightonlistings for the end of May. The copydateforthe supplement isMay 8th -we will try to Performance 9 reviewas much as possible but no guarantees... Visual Arts 10 Apology ofthe month Jazz 12 This months Punter apology concerns the quality of the Aprilissuevis-a-vis print and trim qualityon some Theatre 14 copies, ifyou recieveda naffone - sorry Dance 16 Wanna (badly paid) job? If you think you could provide usable reviews or photographs you could try persuadingTony Miller on Listings 17 Brighton694036. CheckStopPresson page 26 This month's cover Key to Venue Codesison Page26 The Scaffolding Art Project See page 10 Art - a new arena Copydate forthe June issueisMay 15th Copydate forthe SupplementisMay 8th .. , WE tryvery hard tobeaccurate but sometimes aminute error ortwo sneaks inand due to i circumstances (sometimes beyond our control) they donot get corrected before we go topress­ for this sincere apologies. Ifyou know ofavenue that we donot cover why not show them acopy ofThe Punter and explain that theListings Section isfree tothem, all they have todoiscall us, with details and we will give them AVAST AMOUNT OF FREE PUBLICITY Ot seems abit silly not toreally...) ""..' THANKS... We aregrateful for theresearch carried outbytheBrighton Arts Unit Team for theCounty listings. USTINGS: , EDI1ORIAL: Bill Smith Tony Miller 18 Stanley Road 33 Canning Street Brighton Brighton BN14NJ BN22EF (0273) 692960 (0273) 694036 ADVEImSING: Michael Uvingston Richard Paul Jones (0273) 723587 (0273) 556134 Wild Wigglers - Pavilion 10May "_ Send all ADVERf COPY to 48 Stanford Road Brighton BNl 5DR (CabaretSubversions2 - see page9) Printed by East End Offset Ltd (TU all depts), Unit 7, Empson St, London E3 3L T News Hanover's first fringe. Bank Holiday Weekend seesa major development IntIIiS years Festival with a three-day all·star event InHanover. We Interviewed o~aniser MIKE LANCE of TheGreys drInklng emporium, onwhat, where, when andhow. MIKE: Ithink it's the first real fringe festival actually on the fringe oltown, this is a very densely populated area, young and trendy -you know, the champagne socialist belt. There's asort of natural arena just by the pub, weve got achildren's playground, permission toclose 30 yards of the road, and the local residents are right behind us. Not only that, but there's a bar extension till 4.30 inthe afternoon onSaturday and Sunday, and 3.00 on Monday. PUNTER: What's the billing, and how did you organise such aproject? MIKE: Most of the time I've been going crazy and wetting my pants! No, I've had alot of help fromArtists Unlimited, particularly Mandy Holland, and also from Russ Haworth. Weve got an amazingbill- One Drop, Simon Fanshawe, Cha Cha Bar, Bleeding Obelisk, Sue Bradley, JJ Waller, Bottle Orchestra, Lynn Thomas, the Texans, TIm Batt, Attacco and dozens more. There's aroom over the pub if anyone gets sunstroke, and the Hanover Centre will be open asanalternative venue should itpour down. We've had donations from Brighton Festival, Whitbread and NALGO (Sussex Water Branch), and so the whole event's FREE. Next year were planning asatellite linkup From Brunswick to Whitehawk This year's Brighton Festival contains more neighbourhood and cOmmunity events than ever before. In addition to the town plans and the Hanover extravaganza, therearearangeofevents Involving ATTACCO DECENTE, LYNN THOMAS, OPEN SECRET, ZIZ ZIZ KABOOM andTHE LONG TALL TEXANS at venues allover Brighton. With the help of ARTISTS UNLIMITED, communities from Brunswick to Whitehawk have organised Children's festivals, variety shows, music and cabaret events throughout May. See Brighton Festival . Artists Unlimited 'Community Events' brochure forfull details. THE SLEEP. The ubiquitous Sarah.Jane Morris returns to Brighton in an unusual role·anopera developed outofcontemporary theatre andminimalist music·The Sleep, at THE GARDNER CENTRE, Thursday 14th toSaturday 16th May, 7.45 pm. TRIMMO in the Punter! The chief Journalist on The Aryus joins Observer Editor Donald Telford, The Foreign Editor of The &ston Globe • Steven Erlanger, and Arkady Masters ofwar Maslennikov· London correspondent .of Pravda, in a discussion on BUFF stuff Not wanting tomiss out on the Festival Fun, journalism and responsibility. the Metropole Hotel's exhibition hall will 'EconomicalwiththeTruth?'will beat Organisers arewanted. It'sa chance be hosting Top Brass from some 01 the theBedfordHotel, 7.30pmon 7thMay to run anddirect oneof the town's world's most celebrated military juntas for andchairedbyJulia Cumberledge. major events. It requlres ingenuity, the umpteanth Brighton Arms Fair from tolerance, discretion, assertiveness 12th ·14th May. Since Ms. Cumberledge also chairs and a 6 monthly commitment. You II you find the trade inweapons of death a theBrighton Area Health Authority, will nee(l to work with local pretty sickening affair, then join the Bread who have been positively frugal with government, thepolice, hundreds of not Bombs counter exhibition on thetruth ontheproposed closure of perfonnersandallthelocal venues. If Beach. Deck opposite the Brighton General Hospital, itshould youcanseeit through don't hesitate· Brighton Centre from 11th-14th beinterestingtodiscover herposition callDerekBurns at TheUnemployed Mayor the March against the on thisissue. Centre now. Arms Fair on Saturday 9th May THOMAS('TheWhiteH~tel,an~­ (assemble 10.45 Peace Statue on ---------IlM. seafront opp, Waterloo St)and/or NICKI JACKOWSKA are thIS years Attacco, Women with Beards, Open writers-in.residence, and will be Festival Radio Secret, the Pier Rotters, Q-Dance and the available for consultations / Wild Wigglers busking against the Fair on workshops onMay 5th,10.00·12.30, Brighton Ubrary (Nkki only); May You can follow the Festival each Wednesday 13th opposite the Metropole. 6th 10.00· 12.30, The Nightingale; weekday evening with Southern May 7th and 8th, 10.00 • 12.30, Sound Festival Radio from 5.00 to Brighton Ubrary; May 9th, (change 6.00 pm. Presented byClair Martyn, from adVertised programme) 10.30 . the programme includes Interviews 12.30, 14 Fowis Square; and finally and performances by visiting ant One step May 10th, 10.30 • 12.30, The resident performers, details ofticket Nightingale • a workshop for Y?uth availability and beblnd-the-seenes (14 • 16 year olds); the organISers gossip. forward would particularly liketohearfrom It's the second year running TSB schools and literature teachers for Trustcard hassponsored theventure, BOWIEtoBauhaus, T. Rextoyazoo· these .. are the sounds onBACKTRACK nights at . thislastdate. which last year broke exclusive details of a rival 'Hove Festival' Brighton dub, COlYS; (IS King's Road, by . courtesy ofPete McCarthy. Queen's Hotel). DJIan Bsays: "Music ofthe ' Nicki Jackowska andIl M. Thomas Given the theme of this year's mid·seventies and early eighties isstill very . willalsobegivingajointpublicpoetry Festival, producer Andy Ivy is toying popular but seldom played in clubs. We reading at The Bedford Hotel on with the idea of doing a course of now have 'The Cure' for Monday night : 4 Friday 8thMayat 7.30 pm. Swedish forbeginners. Festival Radio boredom (as well asmany others) - and is onI03.5FM.Skol. there's nocharge for admission': • Bigger .gigs Alotofmegastars willbepassing through Brighton during the Festival: The Brighton Centre has AIlSON MOYFf on Sunday 10th, SUZANNE VEGA on Sunday 17th, THE PRETENDERS on Sunday 24th and RUN DMC plus The BEASTIE BOYS on Wednesday 27th. The Dome has RUBY TURNER on Thursday 21st. Worthing lbvilion has THE BOYS OF THE WUGH on Saturday 16th; and THE THREE DEGREESappear on Thursday 28th, in The Assembly Hall. Other music around the county includes GEORGIE FAME in 'Swingin on 10th Avenue' (A Tribute toGeorge Gershwin) atHorsham Arts Centre on Tuesday 12th May. Over in Eastbourne, the Borough Council islaunching aseries ofgigs featuring local bands, beginning with two open-air concerts atThe Redoubt Fortress on May 4th and May. 7th. ~m~~~/ Resident band will be THE MORTIUAN5, and supports include MANDRAGORA, WHlTEFOOT, MO BWES BAND and VULCAN DEATH GRIP. HI":TEC & GENERAL INSTRUMENTS Roland.Vamaha.Korg. Fender. Ibanez.Aria. Fostex. PearLSimmons•. AkatBoss.Westone. And lots 'more! !!! NOW OPEN ! 46 PRESTON RO BRIGHTON 675983 ·llaBOM ~~ the espresso bar ~ in Brighton .'. Upper North St. - Daytime - C~~4 Mond~y '., , FEATURES, (/1r1t11es-v-TewfJt1~ , EyesyouCQuldjust loseyourselfin...SIMONFANSHAWE, fresh from his brilliant setatTheDomeon 15thApril,presentsaspecialshowwith aspecialguestat THE PAVlUONTHEATRE onSaturday9thMay, from 11.00pm. 33 Kensington Gardens, Brighton, ~t1""'e=- ~.. t.<#'-::.--. EXILE / ~J:t ._.,.,;..-::'~;;-r:;;:!P~11 lW.Iiii..•..• ....... Cf~6~ ' ~ , '" ~...... ...~""''''.. .. ~\ A?':iif;1I-.. '. .. sound studios B16_WAVETERM-FULLFX aomor ~\rc.s
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