![THE OFFICIAL ORGAN of the B.B.C. " [ Reetabetel Mh Uli ] Vol](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Rani Tins Janwery 11 be ‘itesADEEM NEWCASTLE ertmomith hd THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE B.B.C. " [ Reetabetel mh Uli ] Vol. 2. No. 16. i, 2G eraper. EVERY FRIDAY. Two Pence. OFFICIAL WHAT'S IN THE Alk? ooES From America by Crystal. By J. C. W. REITH, Managing Director of the B.B.C. THE BRITISH a Reed tat the Christiias holidays. are (A Lhov a pichore mony mind as l write. Th pleasant memory amd the year’s work ttands out char und @istinek ax thonel, ‘Tirne beckons, it seena fitting time to conéider thie had: but served to brighten the colonrs instead BROADCASTING poesible developments which he ahead. Tech- of dill thee vigour, Covent: Gorden Theatre, wically, there is much achievement promised. peek! froin orchestra stalle to gallery ali pe, COMPANY. The re-radiation of American concerts to English the ourtain ap, anda great Ringer acre pling will listencre ia a developnent which will bring an ta papel a Frcvenk an Aloring fucker ie, baotieytie Ls intercating novelty into the ranwe of tha most and tte of every descripiien, and among them modest, crystal set. nh airange Jooking objeot—how the audiences : & a Cres Somat to 209 dotadiie lbomer ina "Fee the Week Commencing ef beautifal white Hower. with qicerdooking Our sceptical neighbours who dant beheve apparatus at cach end. _SUNDAY, _JANUARY ‘3th. in wireless, and view our jampot-and-wire Woiini-ik at? Half that Breat HOOT Oe abe al Te contrivances With disdain. have sorely bren jose, the other lal whispers excibediy, “Wire. converted now. Arnerieee! a worl to conjure loa.” “Then--the singerih DeaNelle with th witeless cirches, LONDON CARDIFF Melba herself—thanks the audiences for their a & = = appreciative reception, and hegs their in- ABERDEEN GLASGOW Another echiniieal ihewelopanesnt Will bigs: tives Hulgence while she speaks for 9 moment to BIRMINGHAM MANCHESTER portable transmission stations which are onder that sreater unscen andience for whom, sho conideration 23 a roeane of solving the difficulty understands, she has heen singing, and from BOURNEMOUTH NEWCASTLE of collecting ontaide maternal for our pro: whem this beantifol wireless tribute has come, orammes. Hitherfa we hare relic LL special jnetallatjions for “ outside hroadeasts,” it marked anepoci, | think, that microphope but with thege littl sub-stations the wirelesr link whieh proved 2 satisfactory im the © (ile speech fram the stage by Damo Melba. That SPECIAL CONTENTS: was a Yearago., What will another vear bring Vie.” transmission® can be aad. forth? ENCOURAGE BRITISH INVENTORS. = & we = By Sir William Bull, Bart., M.P. + Amin, abthention 1: bane given bo tn idle ov We ore making efforts to prove that wireless THE FARMER AND RADIO. iwo programmes on different wave-leneths from con te o svmpathetic median. for thramatin the aame station. With this plan thore with repreecntation., ail T an hopes that our a tavte for senous talks coull listen to them THE ENGINEER ROMANTIC. listeners will vive us the socessary assistance. undisturbed by the lighter fare previded for their P. P. Eckersley on Fairies and Flowers. In a theatre. for ingtance, the lights are turned neighbours. down and all alicn sounds are shut owt in onder WIRELESS AND HEALTH. a & wr to climinate as far as possible the conzcionsnese This week we are again to enjoy the British of outewke existence, National Opera Company's performance from te ** + THE STORY OF “THE¢OLD FOLKS AT HOME.” Covent (arden. ‘To-night we shall hear Mr. When a play ix to be broadcast, therefore, Rutland Boughton’s new Opera, “ Alkestis,” remember that, however we may try to repro- THE CHILDREN'S_CORNER, and ito-merrmw “Aida” is to be given. duce ihe right atmosphere by suggestion, ns Full particulars will be found in the detailed description, or music, our efforts will prove LETTERS FROM LISTENERS, prictamines for the week, (Continued otericaf in column 3.) nulEs —Ae TIMES -— Janu any Edvor; What's |in the Air ? ‘Wireless ne‘Health. (Continued pp oni the pres hones page.) abortive if vou cden't co-nperate, Make yo How Listening Affects Your Well-Being. self thoroughly comfartable and turn down the heh, ea that no outside distraction may septs tay MONGST those unexpectell things which htalthion colour, foel better and in higher interpose itself hetween you and the studin, bo Gfben happen, one ol the most reniark- spirits, and enjoy a more hopeful outlook onlife i or tobe ia that feeling of nena wellbeing mow ind what the future bolds-for them, we are mperieneed by large numbera of listeners clearly justified in assuming that all-conqueriny At the theatre ~we-koy “ * Huh t *eT ly. if O U F r ieithhours (writee o inedical correspondent), That this is wireless ja it itasth-an important factor in this seem reabive; At home ve nates afact there enn be no reasonable doubtin the physical mm mental bebberment. Pes: YEChae tactinl: but it should not be d i f f i c u l t bo fet real ‘pied for a Quarter ofan hour unde of thoge who. bave-listened to-or nad the And there are many reasous why this-should The ‘pelt thing hd eek an atmosphere cimlciye eat husiaatio peainndnies Of ioe thousands cf be so, The reaction of the tind to the VIOUS to mental concentration aod: the exencise of the wliad We Day well call “homferrle” wibo stimuli reaching 1 through the medium of rea es faouibies, re hi 1, ieee WW it 1A. sea to the: truth of it, fudlbo vilinakions if-imirrored in the various subtle Life-giving Wave-lengths. changes that GAME in thie tlands of intermel secretion, and, consequently, in the blood and Seah Thesday vendo there will bean oppor: We lieve Jong been tamiliar with Cle wetfeeis obhor- tiseuas, Tte combaeh with the outside bunmty tor put there Alpeatione bo tho test, aa of those vibrations mm the ether which bavi a world is, by meang of broadcasting, immensely Mr. Nigel Playfair is then going io produce « short wave-longth—the ultra-violet rays, the facthitabed, so. heed ihe necessary mental patna. a#onies of concise cranmatic repre se tiation, soft and hard A-raevs, and the gamma rays. of a lum—without which to.dl cam: for lone radjium—all of whieh exercise profound effects The. first isa. pocm, set to mune by the if theirown on the various tissnes of our bodies. remain quite healthy and balanoetl—ixted to it, Bo BI ak, w let ever the want of it & ox peri- COT LCT who Cae Le those favourites, The [Hite only ahi he rena liek wes th these rave ancl the enced. By this simple means, melancholy, Beggar's Cher amd Petey Por thin: 1 sugmest radio or Hertzian raye—which are our ie anxiety, and joweliness can be banished for that thie: lights bir fired: Of ainicl thie Lewd - famuhiar witelessn under noother iamne—ia one phones put on. Bit for the nest item, the of wave-length, All alike are vibratjonsa of the all tine. Colds and Coughs Avoided. propecal scene from Pride and Prejudice, turn edhor thir ye" Urebee having t lye bonereat and the mp the lights so that von can watch the delight tanireveradium fhe shortest. It iz, They listener henetite in health more than he in each ot her's eyes. The more there are in the therefore, onby reasonable to assume that bong knows, Ute nesttulness ag comma with” the secret, the greater the fun will he. ware-lengths muat-oxert some physical inthmenco excitement of other-amusements it very greatly similar in kind, howeyer vastly differtidt in in ite favour He aafoes those climatic raka doegrec, to these of shorter longth. hea would have te ron in anoking entertained; Elnew here this ieee you will find a descrip Ee that as if may, when we consider whiat at thenires, coneort-halle, dances, ebe,, in all tm of the thir pei. aia will ay: bithte & happens in these countless individuals who tap weathers, a& well a4 the fatigue and physical ham that. it. his Teen Ray wrilten for the wireless waves by means of acrials and trans- ditturbance of tedious journeys: by tram, tram, Whee PurpoEes, And needs no epecial ** prepa nuit their magic direct to them central nervous or bus, and the return, often in the emall hours, ah your end but darkness and quict, for which a system through their head-phones, we conelude cold, hungry, tuul depressed, -Apain, he wi apecial request will be Iroadeast. that ooriain very definite elfevts enaue, Whe depends largely on broadcasting for his reenen. & i i experienecd listeners aver that their health has tion at: this time of your avoids contact with these [make these Spestions Leibetively, az improved, that they take their food better, have vietims of infootive colds, coughs, amd eatarrhs expect that tach of wou has: lian ova. ideas eames in weight, obviously howls neher have a who congregate in places of public entertaimment, fibacreat Vy irelese plasye, any how ! Stophen(Colling Foster was barn in ?iitahurg Negro.Melody. on uly 24th, 1826, aad-although moat of his AFamous conga ire of the Southland, he knew it nainly by making pleagure-tripa down there, The Story of “The Old Folks a t Home.” By A, B. Cooper. it eH duringthe|abbey pr tnt: of lin « hcp 1a rew fe in surpriving bow sektom peninue aud busines beat. of all, rising like a-snow-capped peak in i life that the author and composer of“ The OM LOM appear to ram in harness, In EM range of lower hills, “‘ The Old Folks at Home.” Folks at Home“ strayed inte a shop on Broad- cases, of course, such & happy conikbination hag Can it be bolisved that that beautifully way—for he had been long in New York—and.
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