Tribe Has Fine Slab Lacks Good Relief Man Jshif jspofte* Staff, Jhmday « WASHINGTON. D C APRIL 10 1SH9 H __ __ 4 Paige Is Too Slow ! Sports Seton Hall's Two-Run Obscure G. W. Rifleman Wins Warming Up; Zoldak Results Rally in 9th Inning U. S. Title; Cook Out of Top Ten An .or. *a* COLLEGE BASEBALL. unheralded rifleman Sopho- F ecmpietel? Richmond 10 Georg* Washington 9 more Wood* aid G Eicke of running IShOasUIlg ?OC the • American U 11- John* Hopkins 5 Boudreau's Defeats 4-3 V ft red a Jug UU# that ha* rludfst r Big Hope Seton HaJ 4 _ Georgetown 3 Hoyas, George Washington Catholic C. 4 _ Randolph-Mscon. 1 record acr e to capture tive na- a a* dear: .S*rd on thr » »* ly tH« A»»ociot*d Preei Maryland 11 Yale 0 Seton Halls baseba." team won Howard 17 w Va. Slate College 12 tional coi.es .ate champ Kinship a b-ndie of oer*** and <■ ■ — Marines 14 Eurmsn 12 :ta third OKLAHOMA CITY, April 9 Quantlco straight game yesterday a Harvard 6 Navy 5 yesterday Shooting on live l'r.. te-rd 3** h.»eh dropped The Cleveland Indians' pitching1 Navy Piebes 17. Charlotte Hal! 3 knocking off Georgetown. 4-S veisity of M airland i arise he of the fim nauo*;*. * Stevens 9 _ Pratt 8 ■ ■' afw staff, touted as perhaps the; Lebanon Valley 8_ Susquehanna 4 with a two-run ninth-mnlr.s rally marked up a 290 score out of a Cook did belt** m Dlckonson 8 _ Gettysburg 4 300 the former noon tram match** ft. a** * ** strongest in the major leagues, Tulane 12 Sprint H1U 4 on the Dental School field pasaib.e surpassing Florida State 10 ....... MUlaaps 8 record of ZM set last yea- by to .rac: SU -ai d to V-' e r» * Santa Clara » California 5 has cropped out with a weakness Pitcher Ken Oliver was the r. Wisconsin 10-6 -Washington <8. L.i 2-1 Thomas Moncure another G \v team rhiir.t'MutUp atilt a Army 10 Swarthmore O ■•* —a need for a good relief pitched. boy who did the most damage mar k.sman won of .«:* ’"hat «** ’» Queens 17 Adelphl 3 * With Bob Bob Washington College 18 Towson ft to the Hoyas He threw a four- Eicke »ho lue* at 4921 R..t- ter than the forme: tna * Feller, Lemon, Illinois Northern 2. Illinois Normal 1 1*0* set tltoUtrt Ma- via. Gene Bearden and Steve Gromek, Catawba 10 Appalachian ft hitter at them and then broke tertaortfc place N W beat near :y 6) Wake Forest 6 Duke 3 500 riflemen freer. t>. leant its **' Second tn the leant the world* champions are well Hofstra 10 St Francis (Bklyn ) 0 their backs with a ninth-utnmg co..estate Newport News 6 Va. Medical ft rare a a* Arm* atvh Ui-> f. fixed for starting hurlers. But j Appren. that started the schcxvi* a ho ft red at 12 range* Columbia 5 -- John Marshall 4 triple winning k*aed tn California. 1*0* winning ball clubs almost in- i Virginia Tech 4 Hampden-Sydney 3 rally. all over the country Then acore* Franklin Marshall 7_Pennsylvania 1 are able to in mere telegraphed for comparison Second tn the mdo.."..*. variably put a; Iowa State 10 _ Kansas 6 The setback was Georgetown s place call to the and get Mississippi State 9 Louisiana State 7 to National Rifle Association firms »er.t to Howard Heft*: r quick bullpen | Illinois 6_ Northwestern o second against four wins Single a no had .o a fireman who can save the game. Indiana 7 -Notre Dame ft runs in the third and seventh headquarters here Columbia t'ni*er*m Virginia 3 _ Trinity 2 Eicke i* considered Other* tn the ft' *: 10 aere Rohr As the preseason training goes Washington and Lee 6 Michigan 3 gave the Hoyas a lead that Seton generally Chicago ft North Central 4 as only the second or third best Ribak California 3SS> H L J“ *e Into its last 10 days, the Tribe s Iowa Teachers 4 Minnesota 3 Hall matched with a two-run on G \l team ahtch io ■ ;»* Pace 7 New York Maritime ft splurge in the eighth. The Htli- shooter the Ashland Or, College City College. N Y. 7 St. John s <BkI > 5 has been auc- tie:a.d IVr.n State Ik* Atlantic Christian 4 East Carolina 2 toppers climbed out in front again only moderately fhange Kentucky » Georgia Tech 2* Don Black Leaves 8 with a run in their half of the ceasful in com pel. hen hereabout J M ThOOUMkin Wisconsin Arkansas State 14 Southern Illinois 2 his shoot- H V Presbyterian 19 Clemson ft same frame, with Pitcher Dick Commenting on record Am,w MaUrea* Arm* Si3 Farm Bloomsburg 8 _ Port Meade 3 Tribe's Camp Diebold to score Dick ing Eicke said It a as as b.g Ohormie' Nat* 3*7 Oro Colorado 9 _. Colorado Mines ft singling •y Hi* Auociat*d Pr*» Denver 20 Colorado A & M 4 Falvey. That lead evaporated with a surprise to me as it a as to any Martin Ohio Stale 26* »: d Newberry 7 _ Erskine 0 bod* > Ho*and Tepprt Ne* York l* ;*e CLEVELAND, April 9 — Davidson 7_ The Citadel 4 Seton Halls two-run spree in the Rutger* 9 Fordham 6 final frame Another surprise a as that Mary Esckr credit* hi* i if to: * larger Don Black, the Cleveland Princeton 10 Williams o Kings Point 6-8_New York 1-3 land* Arthur Cook the National to O W V Rtfte Coach Iftars a Aggies S H».! AB H O A O «n AB H O A Indians pitcher trying for Mississippi 8 Alabama 6 D G r. 3b 4 o C no *.y ;b * : and Olympic .small bore chan; Parson »,m> of Washington *od was en route home ; Lenoir Rhyne 6- High Point O PllCh* 15 A i) b 1 Ct.r:f> b .* 1 1 comeback, Louisville 12 Cincinnati 3 Knotts vt S 1 1 0 R»t * cf A l ; > a membe: of the United States today from the Tribes farm Bradley 12 _ Iowa ft Lepjno.s* 4 2*; N»pe»w 304 Pitt 6 IS*** : .ftr tram Pa: *<•:.» ! Waynesburg 0 Pteruh.lt A 1 4 0 H rd an r! 4 «» Olympic ffise at Marianna, Fla. Bradley 12 Iowa ft Leddtn 2b 3 1 d 0 i• %ry u 3 o t» A one of the crest poattion shooter* San Francisco 10 _ Stanford 7 •» Dixon of Ties O «» Uclans President Bill Veeck said he Pm yon rf 4 i M..its It 3 Southern tn t.'.ee California 10 C. C L A. 8 81 John C .4 1 h V Mika V -04 0 of -all time specialise* knew that Black was Friends 20 McPherson ll only Oliver p 3-04 Steboid p 3 t* * ah«'e 1 use Wichita 5 Emporia 4 kneel.!H position returning to his home here C»rro«. p 4' (> o 0 COLLEGE TRACK. World Hurdle Mark sa.ned hi* margin of victor* by plane, and did not know Catholic U. 73'» Washington College 67*i Toiels lo 27 # Touu w 4 :* 14 the circumstances. Loyola 66 American U. 60 Srmton Hnli 4*oo mm 1 4 Md Fresh. 7ft1 Salisbury Teachers 11*4 Georgetown g-; th»o jig It Aimift'wi Officials of the training base Navy 72 Duke 5H Rung—-Connolly *2 Pti»»y Knoth California Poly 84 St. Mary s 47 Leptio. Ledden. Oliver Error*—Cor lev LOS ANGELES April 9 said In Florida that Black left Davidson 86‘a South Carolina 401* LeddoR Three-be-M* hit*—Oily#r Lotiz.g Illinois Hurdler Craig Dixon of U C L A because his health was “not Northern 88 Milwaukee 43 pitcher—Carroll Bridgewater 73*« Randolph-Macon 58*:, equalled the world record in ihe too good." Richmond 67*4 Newport News 63*4 Va. Tech 96 Washington and Lee 30 .220-yard low hurdles with time Black, who underwent sur- Adelphl 76 Upsala 55 I of 22 5 seconds today in a Stan- gery late last season for an North Carolina 79 ..Princeton 62 Virginia Military 69 Virginia 62 Rieder of Md. Loses ford U -U C L A meet injury to an* artery at the California 76’4 Olympic Club 54'a Southern California 76 _Compton 55 Stanford won 74-57 back of the brain, started the Sanford 74 UGLA 57 2E5BAASBIS Dixon s time equalled the maik spring season at the club's Vanderbilt 65 Tennessee 64 Nebraska 62 Colorado 43 In NCAA Ring Final set by Fred Wolcott and tn 1946 regular training base, Tucson, COLLEGE LACROSSE • y tto# Auoooftd by Harrison Dillard Ariz. When the Tribe moved Maryland 12. Washington & Lee 5 KNOWS YOIMT Navy 111. Virginia 2 EAST 0 There was little or no a uid at out on an exhibition tour, he Navy JV 11, Forest Park 3 LANSING. Mich, April Navy Plebes 13. Catonsville 4 UCLA acene of the meet but transferred to Marianna for —Eddie Rieder s bid for a national Western Maryland 10, Balnbrldge 4 officials neglected to have wind further efforts to build up his Rensselaer Poly 19, CCNY 0 Baltimore Loyola 21, VMI 1 collegiate boxing title fell short gauges set up general physical condition. Yale 14. Penn. 8 Johns IT WAS CLOSE—Happy over his 67 yesterday in the Masters golf tournament at Augusta. Ga.. here the Dixon's feat may have to go The Indians train most of Hopkins 24, Swarthmore 3 tonight when University Duke 13.
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