Marlboro Assessor Cleared of Charges SEE STORY, PAGE 2 The Weather Sunny today, fair tonight. THEDAILY Partly cloudy tomorrow. FINAL I EDITION >f oninoutli County's Outstanding Home IVewspaper 3t PACES VOL.95 NO.223 RED BANK, N.J. WEDNESDAY, MAY 16,197.3 TEN CENTS iNHiiniiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iinnumiiiiMiimminiiiiiiiMiiiiiuiMtmiHiiMiiiiiitniiiiiiiMiimiiiMiiiiiiiiiiniH^ McCrane Expected to Answer Indictment TrtENTON (AP) - Former political contribution. Sher- handed up April 19 in which funds, which were under his 1970, the last date mentioned State Treasurer Joseph M. win, who has since resigned, McCrane was not named. direction as state treasurer, in the indictment. MeCrane Jr. is expected to is free on appeal under a 1-to- The three were each buy the securities. The funds According to State Criminal surrender today to answer an 2-year prison sentence. charged with .two counts of have assets of more than $2 5 Justice Director Evan W. indictment charging him with, wrongdoing. All were charged billion. Jahos, the investigation began In Newark, meanwhile, for- conspiring to funnel securities with conspiracy to have the early this year as a result of mer Republican State Chair- Colsey and Mahon were business from three banks state pension funds and the information received then by man Nelson G. Gross, man- charged with bribery by offer- and state pension funds to his three banks buy securities attorneys from his Organized ager of Cahill's 1969 cam-' ing to receive favors in return brother Kevin in a New York from the New York brokerage Crime and Special Prose- paign, appeared for about 10 for using their influence to brokerage house. house of Moore & Schle.y, cutions Section. minutes before a federal, have state funds deposited in Cameron & Co., which em- McCrane is the second grand jury investigating cam-4 the Broad Street National In a statement released to ployed Kevin McCrane, and member of Republican Gov. paign fund raising. Bank of Trenton. the press, Cahill said he was William T. Cahill's adminis- with conspiracy to have state Conviction on each count is aware of the investigation but tration to face criminal Indicted with1 McCrane funds deposited in the banks punishable by up to three had no personal knowledge charges. Former Secretary of were Republican fundraiser in return for certain other fa- years in prison and a $1,000 "of the allegations on which State Paul J. Sherwin was William B. Colsey HI and for- vors. fine. the indictment is based." convicted last fall of trying to mer Burlington County Free- McCrane was charged with According to the in- "I am, of course, saddened influence the award of a holder Bruce A. Mahon. The misconduct in office by using dictment, the conspiracy be- by these charges against a $600,000 state highway con- charges against them super- "the power and influence" of gan April 1, 1970. It apparent- friend and former associate." tract in return for a $10,004) Brace A. Mahon Joseph M. McCrane Jr. William B. Colsey III sede a similar indictment his office to have the pension ly continued until September See McCrane, Page 2 Sandman, Cahill Supporters Dispute Impact of Latest Corruption Charges TRENTON (AP) - Rep. Sen. Raymond H. Bateman, er worked in exchange for the news conference that his per- pointees of the Cahill Admin- Bateman claimed that Sand- Charles W. Sandman Jr. and R-Somerset, Cahill's cam- deposit of millions of dollars sonal worth was $302,000. istration. man was "being unfair" in paign manager, insisted that, in state funds. supporters of Gov. William T. Bateman disclosed that the "If I ever saw proof positive suggesting that Cahill must since the latest indictments in Cahill are engaging in a dis- McCrane is also considered Cahill campaign had collected of an anti-crime commitment have been aware of all the case came from state au- a central figure in state and pute over the impact and sig- over $22B,O00 from «00 cam- by the governor, it's this sto- wrongdoing in his adminis- thorities it was "proof posi- federal investigations into the nilicance of the latest charges paign contributors and had ry," Bateman said. He also tration. tive" that the governor was financing of Cahill's 1969 cam- of corruption against the Cah- spent $142,000 on trie, primary argued that the political im- Bateman contended that be- ill Administration. trying to ferret out corrup- paign for governor. pact of the indictment had cause of "the crisis to crisis tion. campaign. Bateman said he Sandman, who is challeng- Sandman said that Cahill hoped the campaign would been dissipated because of life that the governor leads" Former State Treasurer Jo- could be "the victim of what ing Cahill for the Republican raise ?4(W,000 before June 5. prior news stories about the it is reasonable to believe that gubernatorial nomination in seph M. McCrane Jr. was in- his people did to him." But, he investigation. Cahill was not aware of all "the JuneS primary, said yes- dicted with two others ycs> added, "any cnndidate in the He contended that the in- The attorney general's of- the activities of his subordi- terday, "it is increasingly dif- terday by a state grand jury statewide election has to dictment of MeCrane demon- fice, which supervised the nates. ficult for me to believe that on charges he attempted to know to a large degree what's strated Cahill's personal hon- state investigation, has been He also challenged Sand- Cahill the candidate did not convince banks to purchase going on." esty because the law enforce- accused of trying to cover up man to disclose his campaign know what happened" in the securities from a brokerage The congressman made the ment officials who in- the probe into the financing of contributions promptly. Sand- 1969 campaign. firm where McCrane's broth- remarks in announcing at a vestigated the case were ap- Cahill's 1969 campaign. man has said he would re- lease the names of contrib- utors, within seven to 10 days before the primary election. Bateman estimated that Expect Senate Watergate HearingsSandman has spent over $300,000 on "visible media" such as road side billboards. "Knowing the difficulty of AP Wlrepfiol* raising money this year, I just SANDMAN DISCLOSES FINANCES — U.S. Rep. A Town Meeting-Show Biz Blend want to know where it's com- Charles W. Sandman, Jr., discloses his personal ing from," Bateman said. "1 finances yesterday at the State House in Trenton. WASHINGTON (AP) - For the public they'll offer eventually cracked the White 1972 campaign. Next will be tappers and the Nixon cam- think we have the right to He made, the statement in front of Governor Cah- Hearings that are likely'to an open airing of the Water- House power elite. Sgt. Paul W. Leeper, one of paign committee. McCord know where it's coming ill's office. Sandman and the Governor are candi- shape the public's final ver- gate affair that has been fes- Later it will take up dirty three Washington policemen was employed as chief of from." dates for the Republican nomination for Gover- dict on the Watergate scandal tering intermittently since the campaign tricks, secret cam- who answered a night- campaign security and his nor. Sandman's personal net worth, he said, is open tomorrow. The Senate June break-in at Democratic paign funds and misuse of watchman's call and arrested name showed up on public-re- Bateman said it was more slightly over $300,000. has promised the most thor- national headquarters. For government power for politi- five men inside Democratic ports filed by the Nixon cam- difficult to raise funds this cal ends. The hearings could paign. year because of a new cam- ough look Americans ever historians they'll provide ma- offices at the Watergate build- plied the 1973 rules to past was a close personal friend of last, off and on, until late No- After McCord and six other paign disclosure law that re- have taken at the way they terial on campaign finagling ing in the early morning hours campaigns," Bateman said. Cahill. vember. men had been convicted early quires candidates to list all elect a president. for years to come. of June 17. The leading contributor to Leadoff witness will be Rob- this year in the wiretapping, contributors who give over Cahill received IK.OOO from The hearings of tlie Select Then will come star witness Cahill's campaign was Leon Tomorrow and Friday, and ert C. Odle, director of admin- he furnished another key to jioo. Albert F. Gordon, the chair- Committee on Presidential James W. McCord Jr., who Hess, head of the Hess Oil Co. possibly into next week, the istration for the Committee the case by telling prose- man of the New York State Campaign Activities will be was among those caught. The campaign manager also and a son • in • law of David Senate committee will begin for the Reelection of the cutors and Senate in- Republican Finance Com- part town meeting, part show It was McCord's name that argued that it was unfair to T. Wilentz, the powerful methodically reconstructing President. He is to outline the vestigators what he knew mittee and an official of Kid- business as television cam- furnished the first publicly judge candidates' conduct of Democratic leader from Mid- the bungled burglary that structure of President Nixon's about the affair. der Peab'ody & Co. eras move in on witnesses. known link between the wire- four years ago by today's dlesex County. Hess gave McCord gave hearsay evi- more stringent standards. $10,000. dence that high adminis- Cahill raised over $140,000 "You could probably indict Bateman explained the do- at a $250 aplate fundraising tration and White House offi- any candidate ..
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