memory of her many good deeds for both FORFEITURE NOTICE. tribe and council, they presented her Central City,Colo., Mav. 13,1903. LOCAL ITEMS Carlson, Bundee, NEVADAVILLE. with a sterling silver tray To Oscar O. and Guss Hokon- on which was Hon, and to each of you. engraved her name and the name and You and each of you are hereby notified, that g ROLLINSVILLE jj the undersigned, your co-owners, have expended number of the council. The evening’s . during each of the years 1901 nnd 1902, one hund- X COMING CITY on th© Denver, Northwestern & Pacific Rail- ] [ red (ICOi dollars in labor and improvements up- “The Moffat Short Line.” “Rollinsville” forty Golden Globe: Central City will cel- John Callahan left for his home in festivities closed with a fine spread of pon each ol the following Lode Mining claims Z road, is only miles ] ! from Denver and has all the advantages it > % to insure a of . eqrate thin year n July sth, and will do Salida Tuesday. corn and venison and with maDy a God to w’it: population The Bryanito Lode Mining Claim the location + at least 5,000 people dnring the next two or three years. Choice lots { | <• those present journed the job up in ' shapo Golden will speed to Mrs. Furz certificate whereof is recoided iu Hook 138 at • are being ¦ » Several of the members of Osceola page 238 cf the records the office in this beautiful tovvnsite now offered for the first time, and to help own wigwams county iu of the doubtless send a big delegation council, Degree of Pocahantas, went to to their impressed with county clerk and recorder of Gilpin County, .at the very low price of only 8100 to 8500. Applications already re- O J for one-t hird of all the lots You * " make the occasion a success. Black Hawk Tuesday evening and at- the beauty and grandeur of this grand Colorado. T ceived over plotted. must act quick if The Auburn Lode Mining Claim, the location you want a lot in this growipg Present prices for short and noble order. certificate is recorded Hook X young city. a [ Robert Dave* has taken the job of tended the session of the Black Hawk whereof in 138 page only, they J 238 of the county records in the offico of the + time when will be advanced. Will double in price inside of J J & r re- Messrs. A. Tetron of the Tetron Iron county a Call driving for Philipps, Gundy Co. council. clerk and recorder of said Gilpin County. £ year. or write “not tomorrow,” but “today,” for descriptive .. Works, J. C. Benton, Thos The Fishkill Lode Minina Claim, the location folder and plan of lots. cently held by Larry McCarthy. Joseph Kramer came up from Denver Saunders, T. certificate whereof is recorded in Hook 138 page 4» 41 239 of the county records of said county, iu t*>e & painting the Welch laxt Monday. M. Fagan arrived this week and are Holmes Teats are office of the county clerk and recorder of said THE NORTHWESTERN COLORADO EXPLORATION COMPANY j j on sire making necesrary preliminaries for the Gilpin County. block Gregory t. The fire department met in regular The Isahell Lode Claim, the TJ OK, ROLLINSVJLEE, COLO. 010 MAJESTIC UUILOING. DENVER, erection of the new concentrator on Minina location j j Frank Ross, a young man about 28 session lasi Monday evening. certificate whereof is recorded in Hook 13M at King flats for the King mine. Work paae239of the county records of said Gilpin years of age, was brought in from Rol- The city council met in regular ses- county in the office of the county clerk and re- •+•+•+•+•+•+•+©+•+•+•+ •+•+•4 •+•+•+•+•+• +•+•+• will begin within a few days. They are corder of said County. linsville last Monday and taken before sion Tuesday evening nnd The Little Lode Claim, the among other at Mrs. Murphy's house during their Ida Minina locat- .fudge Ashbaueh, where h jury declared business transacted ordered the marshal ion certificate whereof is recorded in Hook 138 stay here. at page 210 of the county records of said county him insane, and Sheriff Cody took him to enforce the law in regard to gambling in the office of the county clerk and recorder of The home of Matt Cramer w’as made said Gilpin county. o+*+3+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+#+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+ to Pueblo on Tuesday. and he was also instructed to remove all The Newbura Loife Minina Claim, the location happy last Thursday by the advent of a certificate whereof is recorded in Hook lax at Several petitions have been presented slot machines. page 210 of the records of said County, inthe of- i little girl. • Rocky the citizens of Central the past week, j Dick Thomas and Frank Sparks have fice of the county clerk and recorder of said The Mountain Concern | Gilpin ( ounty. sa- asking the city council to close the quit and to mining. The public schools will have Ailcf said property situate in Hawkeye Min- gulchiug gone gradua- ing District, Colorado, in order re over Gilpin County. tration and MillingCo. loons on Sunday. Ilu have been Mrs. M. Warren is reported as being tion exercises nnd an entertainment at to nold said ciaims and each of them, under the t I Cannon’s ; provisions of section 2321 of the Kevised Statutes + (SUCCESSORS TO) 000 signatures. on the tick list. Hail this evening, consisting j| of the United States, and the amendment thereto 2 yesterday took James of sonbs, drills, tableaus nnd the presen approved January 22d. 18h0, concernig annual Mitch Griffith James Williams this week put in sev- jI labor upon Mining Claims; being the amount THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN MILLING CO. + Daily and Ed Weir out to Boulder park tation of certificates oy Co. Supt. Ida , j required to hold said lodes, and each of them. | j oral days seeding his uew farm land and ! for the periods ending 31st, and they will work some claims dur- Kruse. After the exercises are concluded December 1901 where says lie will furnish John Kloer with | December 31st 1902. You. the said Guss Hokon- • This mill haa recently been equipped with + ing They with them the evening’s entertainment will con- son, and O. Sumleen. are in default of payment the summer took potatoes for next winter. Jim expects I for noth of said years, and you the said Oscar new and modern machinery and concen- nsupply of provisions. elude with the laughable farce “Bibi” Cans >n are in default for the year 1902. JJ J to make quite a little off hi 3 garden And if within ninety (90) days from the per- + trators and is now doing first class work • - with the following cast of characters: sonal of this notice within George Henderson has moved his truk this summer. It is watered oy ir- service on you; or V and making a high saving of values. X Gluepott, the Toyman Arlo Kloer ninety <9O) days after the publication thereof, paint shop to th*» Welsh block. rigation. you fail or refuse to contribute your proportion Katie, the Toyman’s Daughter as above stated, of such expenditure ns a co- The ladies of the Catholic church will Henry Bolsinger returned from Den- owner, the interest of you and each of you so THIS PLANT IS OPERATED AS A CUSTOM MILL- V Lottie Davey failing to contribute, in said lode mining a fair and festival at Armory hall ver J give last Sunday. Bibi, a French Doll Lillie Curnow Claims and in each and every of them, will be- Saturday and Monday evenings, June 13 come the property of the subscribers your co- Alfred Hoskin who arrived here last Angelica, th# Rag Doll.. .Beryl Nicholls owners, who have made the requisite expendi- • Ore solicited in lots of 25 tons and up • and 15. week from Telluride, left on Monday for the Black Doll John Curnow ture. by the terms of said section. Topsy, for concentration, and 8 tons and up • / & A. C. Reckling 8. BLANKS. J m Quiller Gabardi and his former home in England. Prince Caramel, the Gentleman Doll JUSTUS BLANKS. amalgamation. Z received new awnings, JOHN A. CARLSON. this week two Frank Sparks is again able to walk Henry Trezise B. A. miinently. HENSON. which show up very p<* around without a cane. Captain Tillerope, the bailor Doll C. BENSON. JOHN JSHERG. EDGAR S. MOULTON, THOMAS CARVELL, Fidelity lodge, of Rebeccas, 2 Degree Martin Roberts left Saturday for Utah James Angwin AARON ANDERSON. TREAS. AND GEN. MGR. MILLSUP’T. + at their hall last evening. Sargeant Bonbon, Soldier D011.... First pub May 11—last pub Aug, 13, 1903. ifor gave a social where he will look into some mining a School closes to day for the summer propositions. Wm. Roberts SHERIFF’S SALE. a Retired vacat on. Sylvania, Fairy OF COLORADO, Soloman Warren arrived last Sunday STATE \ 8H Gladys Bolsinger County of Gilpin. ) Decoration Day was observed last Sat from the state of Idaho and will visit his The Doll’s Head Emily Warren Whereas, at the January term A. D. 1902, of the urday by the G. A. li. and,the Ladies of cousin, Thtmas H., James, and family i district court of the first judicial district of the The Sandman Richard Warren I State of Colorado, held in and for the County of Relief Corps holding services at the here for a short time. Gilpin, Frank M. Mayhew and James E. Light- the The Frog Sam Hambiy | CLARK HARDWARE CO. Armory hall. It is said that Marshal is an bourn, co-partners doing business under the ffrm Quintrall The Pussy Cat Walter Webber name of "Frank M.
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