/Icoeiucic! via n.s.p.s. Certmed Mall (Original + Tbree Copies Included) !&«?/»/ QVM^ ^October * V, ISno 2015 * "iw 10 fH -ibliS"- .• Federal Elections Commission Office of the General Goimsel 999 E. Street N.W. Washington DC 20463 RE: FEC Complaint Pursuant 52 V.S.C. § 30109 and 11 C.F.R. § 111.4. Moran for Kansas CFEC 000488315) Moran, Jerry CFEC SoXS00091> Dear Federal Elections Commission, Undersigned complainant ("Complainant") filed an FEC Complaint pursuant to 52 U.S.C. § 30109 and 11 C.F.R. § 111.4. on October 12 2015. Said complaint has been assigned FEC reference identifier ISEYJR'6978.. On October 26 2015, this Complainant received FEC correspondence requesting submission of any and all additional information regarding the matter. Enclosed herewith are copies of certain documents that were left at this Complainant's doorstep on October 16 2015. The source of documents noted as "Sender's Name"'on the FedEx US Airbm was: Timothy E. Gottschalk, Moran for Kansas; Gottschalk & Company, CPAs, LLC; 1903 N Street, Belleville, KS 66935. This Complainant has no other information or documentation to disclose at this time. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. Dated, this 6"^ day of November 2015. Respectfully, submitted, Debbie L. Nuss Manhattan KS 6668502 CERTIFICATIOir COMBS NQW Debbie L. Nuss, and states, under penalty of peijuiy, that the contents of this. FEC correspondence is true and accurate, to the best of her acknowledge and understanding. Debbie L. Niiss STATE OP KANSAS COUNTY OF RILEY On this ^ b day of Nwcjn^hc K , SOI 5, personally appeared Debbie L. Nuss, known to me to be the person whose name Is subscribed herein. WITNESS MY HAND AND I lIAii SEAL. NOTARY PUBLIC-State, of Kansas .Sli^atUEg^Bf Notary Public CHERYL K. SMITH MyAppr amw m My commission expires: <^AJt ^ [leceioec^ feJc (}unnry7'^s,c^ r REPORT OF RE FEC fo FORM 3 AND DISBURSE For An Authorized Committee Onico USQ- Only 1. NAME OF TYPE OR PRINT T Example: If typing, type j~lL2FE4MT"'^~"'~ COMMITTEE (In full) over the llnea. , MORAN FOR KANSAS 1 1 1' 1 1 1. i 1 J 1 11 1 1 1 T 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iPO BOX 1151 1 1 1 1 T 1 1 T 1 1' 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 !• '1 1 1 1 III 1 1 .1 i AWRESS (number and street) 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III .1 1 1 n Check if different U than previbusly 1 Hays |67e01-1151 I., , reported. (ACC) 1 1 1 1 1 1 T 1 1 1 1 II 1. 1 1 i U Li 1 I..I 2. FEC IDENTIFICATION NUMBER • CITY STATE ZIP CODE STATE • DISTRICT C004S831S IS THIS NEW AMENDED iE • REPORT (N) OR (A) LLJ Li 4. TYPE OF REPORT (Choose One) (b) 12-Day PRE-Electlon Report for the: (a) Quarterly Reports: n Primary (12P) . Q General (120) • Runoff (12R) n April 15 Quarterly Report (01) n Convention (12C) Q Special (12S) R July 15 Quarterly Report (Q2) n October 15 Quarterly Report (03) Election on CZl'CZl'CZn Sir. • Q January 31 Yber-End Report (YE) (c) 30-Day POST-Electlon Report for the: 0 General (30Q) 0 """o" PO") Q Special (30S) • Termination Report (TER) In the t"*""] Election on Q'O'CZZZ] State of I t ' tfrnifta—M iiTMi II y 79 y-W y my 5. Covering Period O'CZl 2015 . through S'caiisiz] I certify thatI have examined this Report and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is twe, correct and complete. Type or Print Name of Treasurer Timothy Gotlachelk Signature of Treasurer ^ Dt. ED'ED'ILaL NOTE: Submleslon of (else, erroneous, or Incomplete may sublecl the person signing this Report to the ponallles of 2 U.S.C. .§437g. Offlce Use FEC FORM 3 , L Only (Revised 02^003) _J FESANSIB r SUMMARY PAGE n FEC Form 3 (Revised 02/2003) of Receipts and Disbursements PAGE 2/409 Write or Type Committee Name MORAN FOR KANSAS ?• ,U M ' I> 0 / V V v" V • it !.l J • 0 M • / V Y * y • Report Covering the Period: From: 04 01 . 2015 To: 0® 30 2015 COLUMN A COLUMN B Tfiis Period Election Cycle-to-Date 6. Net Contributions (other than loans) ! (a) Total Contributions 863123.92 3703946.89 (other than loans) (from Line 11(e))... I 1 »• J .. (b) Total Contribution Refunds 13500.00 42000.00 (from Line 20(d)) r » .« I • (c) Net Contributions (other than loans) 849623.92 3661946.89 (subtract Line 6(b) from Line 6(a)).... 1 1 » s » 7. Net Operating Expenditures (a) Total Operating Expenditures 289062.39 1647276.32 (from Line 17) J » • 1 1 (b) Total Offsets to Operating 0.00 Expenditures (from Line 14) 16841.27 J » « • * . • (c) Net Operating Expenditures 289062.39 1630435.05 (subtract Line 7(b) from Line 7(a)) I . » . ' • f .1 , . • 8. Cash on Hand at Close of 2349899.21 Reporting Period (from Line 27) .. J y 9. Debts and Obligations Owed TO the Committee (itemize alt on 0.00 Schedule C and/or Schedule D) > 1 10. Debts and Obligations Owed BY the Committee (Itemize ail on 52462.42 Schedule C and/or Schedule D) » 1 • For further information contact: Federal Election Commission 999 E Street, NW Washington. DC 20463 Toll Free 800-424-9530 Local 202-694-1100 L J FESANOie r DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE n FEC Form 3 (Revised 12/2003)- of Receipts PAGE 3/409 Write or Type Committee Name MORAN FOR KANSAS t> 11 II II 1 1 1 1 »• » M 0 ' Y V "li V Report Covering the Period: From: 04 01 2015 To: 06 30 2015 1. RECEIPTS COLUMN A COLUMN B Total This Period Election Cycle-to-Date 11. CONTRIBUTIONS {other than loans) FROM: (a) Individuals/Persons Other Than Political Committees 434674.67 1761826.77 (I) Itemized (use Schedule A) J, . • (II) Unltemlzed 31449.25 126039.30 i (III) TOTAL of contributions from' individuals ^ 466123.92 1887666.07 (b) Political Party Committees 0.00 0.00 (c) Other Political Committees 397000.00 1616080.82 (such as PACs) J- .fc ' fc •» (d) The Candidate 0.00 0.00 (e) TOTAL CONTRiBUTIONS (other than loans) 663123.92 (add Lines 11(a)(lii). (b), (c), and (d)).. 3703946.89« 12. TRANSFERS FROM OTHER AUTHORIZED COMMITTEES 50903.74 55734.55 13. LOANS: (a) Made or Guaranteed by the Candidate 0.00 9.00 0.00 6.00 (b) All Other Loans .* . V .(c) TOTAL LOANS I (add Lines 13(a) and (b)) 0.00 0.00 14. OFFSETS TO OPERATING EXPENDITURES 0.00 16841.27 (Refunds, Rebates, etc.) .....,.;. •r 15. OTHER RECEIPTS 155.81 (Dividends, Interest, etc.) 1826.99_ • • 16. TOTAL RECEIPTS (add Lines «• 11(e). 12, 13(c), 14, and 15) w (Carry Total to Line 24, page 4) 914183.47 3778349.70 L J r DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE n FEC Form 3 (Revised 02/2003) of Disbursements PAGE 4/409 II. DISBURSEMENTS COLUMN A COLUMN B Total This Period Election Cycle-to-Date 289062.39 1647276.32 17. OPERATING EXPENDITURES., . .r-. 18. TRANSFERS TO OTHER 0.00 32400.00 AUTHORIZED COMMITTEES. * . • 19. LOAN REPAYMENTS; (a) Of Loans Made or Guaranteed 0.00 0.00 by the Candidate (b) Of All Other Loans q.oo p.oo (c) TOTAL LOAN REPAYMENTS (add Lines 19(a) and (b)) q.oo 0.00 20. REFUNDS OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO: (a) Individuals/Persons Other Q 7500.00 27500.00 ^ Than Political Committees * - q.oo 0.00 •! (b) Political Party Committees.. • I (c) Other Political Committees 6000.00 14500.00 (such as PACs) (d) TOTAL CONTRIBUTION REFUNDS (add Lines 20(a), (b), and (c)) i3soq.oo 42000.00 0.00 72566.00 21. OTHER DISBURSEMENTS. 22. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 302562.39 (add Lines 17, 18,19(c), 20(d), and 21) ^ 1794242.32 III. CASH SUMMARY 1736278.13 23. CASH ON HAND AT BEGINNING OF REPORTING PERIOD.. 914163.47 24 TOTAL RECEIPTS THIS PERIOD (from Line 16, page 3).. 2652461.60 25. SUBTOTAL (add Line 23 and Line 24) 302562.39 26. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS THIS PERIOD (from Une 22)... 27. CASH ON HAND AT CLOSE OF REPORTING PERIOD 2349699.21 (subtract Line 26 from Line 25) » L J FOR LINE NUMBER: PAGE 5 .OF. 409 SCHEDULE A (PEG Form 3) Use separate 5chedule(s) (check only one) for each category of the 11a _ lib lie lid ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Detailed Summary Page 12 i3a" 13b. 14 •is Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than .using the name and address of -.any ppilu'caJ committee to solicit contributions from such committee. \. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) ) MORAN FOR KANSAS Full Name (Last. First. Middle Initial) Date of Receipt Mailing Address 7040 Belinder Ave M «i .-I n / V V Y V • 05 19 * 2015 City Slato Zip Code Transaction ID: A7F6A2FA9980A464890C. Mission Hills KS 66208-2762 FEC ID number of contributing Amount of Each Receipt this Period federal political committee.
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