SCHOLASTIC May 3, 1968 I B'a'6"ro'a~o'o"o"(ro-BTnnrB o o o a a a 6im~t 7aM]^^^d|f ra"a"a'a'a'a'a'a'a'6'a'o'o a a a a'a a a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'a'ax From a most famous name t I o ?.-^^ o mm^...1^ Ta^Seaek .^fl - e ROYAL SUMMER WEIGHT with vest By all measure, the best summer suit buy of all. Impeccably tailored by Palm Beach in the latest Dacron® polyester-wool fabric blends to give you wrinkle-free, care-free t service. In natural shoulder and vest . in the latest plaids and solid colors. $70 USE THE EXCLUSIVE CAMPUS SHOP WAY TO BUY ONE-THIRD ONE-THIRD ONE-THIRD in June in July in August Never a service or carrying charge t tSUtSLa.9 9 9 9-9.P.P.9 9.9 9 9 91 ^EILBERT'S .>JUU> 9.9 9 9 lampu^^hop' ON THE CAMPUS . NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC May 3, 1968 / Notre Dame, Indiana / Vol. 109, No. 20 EDITORIAL NONSTOP I KNOW MY SHEEP / Tony IngrafFea FEATURES ROCK WEBSTER'S LAST WORD / Chuck Perrin 14 AN INTERVIEW WITH SENATOR McCARTHY 15 EUGENE MCCARTHY / Leonard Groszek 16 RICHARD NIXON / Terry Goodwin 18 ROBERT KENNEDY / John Walbeck 19 CONSERVATIVISM / Joseph G. Blake 20 MARTIN LUTHER KING IN MEMORIAM 22 HAMPTON COUNTY / Peter J. Mclnemey 24 ART FOR THE ARTISTS' SAKE / Robert J. Keefe 25 YAF: A NEW APPROACH / Dan Manion 26 A HIPPIE'S FANTASY / Bill Sweeney 27 ALLIGATOR ACROSS THE ATLANTIC / Raymond Serafin.. 28 ODE TO A PIGSKIN-COVERED VOID / Richard Moron... 29 DEPARTMENTS LETTERS 4 THE ALL NEW RICHARD ROSSIE / A Star of Hope 7 SOUND OF IN PASSING 10 BENEATH OTHER DOMES 12 JOEL GARREAU / Green Valley 34 TOPSY THOMAS PAYNE / Fiat 34 £d/(or-in-chief / WILLIAM CULLEN Managing Editor / TIMOTHY UNGER Associate Editors / JOEL GARREAU, THOMAS HENEHAN, TONY INGRAFFEA, MARTIN MdNAMARA layout Editor / DAVID HESKIN News Editor / JAMES BRITT Photography Editor / DENNIS MALLOY Art Editor / RICHARD RAYMOND ALASKO Copy Editor / JOHN DUDAS Sports Editor / WILLIAM SWEENEY Contributing Editors / FRANK BLUNDO, KATHLEEN CARBINE, THOMAS PAYNE Business / PETER MclNERNEY Circulation / TIMOTHY SCHLINDWEIN Public Relations / RICHARD LAVELY Faculty Advisor / FRANK O'MALLEY Contributors / JOSEPH BLAKE, STEVEN NOVAK, RICHARD ROSSIE, JOHN WALBECK Writers J Perry Aberii, George Arkedis, Edward Bocik, James Boland, Thomas Booker, Barry Breen, G. R. Bullock, Jam.es Coburn, David Finley, Burke Giblin, Terry Goodwin, Len Groszek, Robert Hoight, Robert Keefe, David Kennedy, Robert Mendes, Richard Moron, Larry Mulcahy, John O'Hara, Michael Schaffer, Roberr Search, Mark Seeberg, Raymond Serafin, Douglas Simon, Jody Tignai, Joseph Tynan, John Zipprich. Copy and Layout / Ellen Foye, Susan Janny, 3-5 p.m. David Hirschboeck, Steven Krchma, Timothy Manion, Andrea Magazzu, Charles Nelson, Kathleen Sheeran, Barbara Webber, Mel Welsey. Artists and Photographers / Douglas Allaire, Zack Brown, Terry Dwyer, Steve Kogge, James MacDonold, Fred Quiros, Ole Skarstein, Stephanie WEEKDAYS Stanitz, Richard Walsh. Business and Circulation / Thomas Dorsel, James Grady, Robert McGrath, James Paquette. Second class postage paid at Notre Dame, Ind. 46556. The magazine is represented for WSND 640 national advertising by iNotional Educational Advertising Services, 360 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York 10017. Published weekly during the school year, except during vacation and examination periods, the SCHOLASTIC is printed at Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, Ind. 46556. The subscription rate is $5.00 a year (including all issues and the FOOTBALL REVIEW). The special subscription rate for St. Mary's students and faculty is $3.00 a year. Please address all manuscripts to the SCHOLASTIC, Notre Dame, Indiana 46556. All unsolicited material becomes the property of the SCHOLASTIC. May 3, 1968 article has thoughts of immaturity kind of calumny all too often found and to call the La Fortune Center in today's Catholic press. "our" reveals the tender mind. This As for the Twin Circle story that Tile SCHOLASTIC welcomes letters building which once housed the brought your reaction, I would not from its readers on all topics of cur­ Science Department was put up have handled it as Frank Morriss rent concern. Letters should he ad­ through efforts of religious of the did. It was an adolescent thing you dressed to William Cullen^ Editor- Congregation of Holy Cross with aid did. If you do not realize this, if in-Chief; Scholastic; Notre Dame, from friends and alumni. In the you feel compelled to defend it, then Indiana, 4^556. mid-fifties the building became va­ that is a problem you have that cant and the need for a place for hopefully maturity will solve. EDITOR: parents, friends, faculty and em­ It is unimportant, but I was never I doubt that anyone is concerned ployed to be able to visit with stu­ director of public information at with my genealogy (certainly I am dents incited the desire in making Notre Dame. I was director of publi­ not), and therefore I trouble myself this a social center. With the gen­ cations, I started the University of and you only because your writers erous help of Mr. Joseph La Fortune Notre Dame Press. As director of evidently intended to make a politi­ this was done. I am sure this money publications I served as faculty mod­ cal point of some kind or ano her was not intended to make rooms erator for SCHOLASTIC. It was a good when they introduced me (SCHO­ available for prostitution or must publication and there were good men LASTIC, April 5, p. 23), as "the result there be a red light, nor was the on the staff. One thing I contributed of two centuries of aristocratic New money given for private study rooms that has apparently lasted — Walt England inbreeding." I think the if you are a member of the "elite." Collins needed a name for his column writers intended to suggest that a) As in the past, if the clique gets on the final page. "Let's call it my politics are aristocratic, and control of this building, the majority The Last Word," I said. We did. quite naturally so inasmuch as b) of students will be left out. So do you. my background is New England- Bro. Francis J. Gorch, C.S.C. Dale Francis aristocratic, . and c) endogamous. Aristocrats shouldn't take linchpins EDITOR: EDITOR: out of commonly cherished sorites, Someone sent me a copy of your The Notre Dame Mock Conven­ but I must inform you that I am column on Twin Circle (SCHOLASTIC, tion meant many things to many the product of a (lovely) Louisianan March 1, 1968). You weren't quite people. To some it was an expres­ who married a (gallant) Texan, and honest and, while I do not want to sion of an antiwar sentiment — a who came together to New England get into an argument with you, I sentiment that was to alert the na­ for the first time in the year 1925, think I should tell you so. tion, if not the world, that Notre just in time to celebrate my birth. It would be humorous if William Dame was disgusted with the Viet­ Wm. F. Buckley, Jr. Buckley were our "liberal" colum­ namese war. To others it was a nist, but it should be obvious that a forum where the students of Notre EDITOR: column subtitled "From the Right," Dame could express their opinion There are questions which come is not intended to be liberal. of the man that they thought could to one's mind in regard to the ir­ Your quotation from my writing be the best President of the United responsible news medium called The did not, I am certain you know, in­ States. Observe?: Is the Board of Trustees dicate either the substance or the Around these two views centered of the University of Notre Dame the intent of what that particular col­ the campaigns of Mark Hatfield and legal wards of the Observer? Does umn was about. If you had really Nelson Rockefeller. Obviously Mr. the paper have funds to protect it's been interested in showing the di­ Payne realized, probably because he writers from legal monetary action? rection of my writing the accom­ was one of the "Who's Who" work­ If the answer is no to both ques­ panying column on the need for con­ ing in the Hatfield group, that there tions, then I suggest the Board of cern for social reform in Latin was a strong antiwar sentiment Trustees force closure of this publi­ America would have been far more which wanted to use the convention cation. The injustices, the unchari- pertinent. But then, that wasn't as an expression of that sentiment. tableness, ethic failures and un­ your purpose, was it? Mr. Payne, however, was oblivious scrupulous statements leave one to I suppose it was misinformation to a campaign centered around Mr. wonder what kind of education is that led you to say Father Lyons Rockefeller, which had begun in given in universities lacking in disci­ had left Our Sunday Visitor, because October with the recruitment of pline. The Center Office hasn't lost it was too progressive — this is not delegates from St. Mary's and Notre any money in the three years of my so. Dame. They set up hall and delega­ management, so the Observer mis­ Father Reedy is hardly an author­ tion representatives and had the quotes and gives public injury to the ity on Twin Circle. His column, most extensive speaker organiza­ employed.
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