Early Morning Supplies fromCoven t Garden. Please note that the 4th Battalion was the Collingwood. The photograph comes fromR.N.D. Souvenir No. 2. Published by W.H. Smith. 1915. As this is the second souvenir, it seems very likely that one sees the new battalion, as formermembers were mostlyinterned in Holland, afterthe Antwerp Campaign. On Gallipoli, the Battalion was to fightit's last on the 4th June 1915, never to be reformed. Itis remembered annually on this day, at Blandfordin Dorset, when the Memorial Service 4th · Batta1ion at Collingwood Corner is held. ROYAL NA VAL DIVISION THER.N.D. INDEX NUMBER2. ISSUES 9 to 16 incl. Page Numbers. Issue Number 9 :- 727 --- 832. Issue Number 10 :- 833 --- 940. Issue Number 11 :- 941 --- 1042. Issue Number 12 :- 1043 --- 1140. Issue Number 13 :- 1141 --- 1248. Issue Number 14 :- 1249 --- 1354. Issue Number 15 :- 1355 --- 1462. Issue Number 16 :- 1463 --- 1569. Copyright© Leonard Sellers. 2001. ISSN. 1368-499X I would like to thank Bill Hinchcliffe of Suffolkfor providing me with the photographs. Abbeville. 1103. 1106.1483. Ablain St Nazaire. 1285. Ablainzeville 1124. Accident. 760. 762. Acheux. 1286. 1516. Achi Baba. 799. 835. 842. 806. 866.990.994. 1002. 1004. 1294. 1312. 1379.1383. 1384. 1389. 1390. 1394. 1395. 1440. 1449. Achi Baba Nullah. 780. 786. 1001.1085. Achi Baba Nullah. Battle of- l2th;13th July 1915. 799. Achiet-le-Grand. 1118. 1127. 1339. Achiet-le-Petit 1119.1124. Adam, J. R.Surgeon. Medical Unit. Field Ambulance. 770.977. 978. Adams. Hawke Bn. 1195. Adams, Adam Brown.(A. B.) Howe Bn. 819. Adams, G. A. (AB) Nelson Bn. 935. Adams, William. (AB) Howe Bn. 819. Addis, Percival Richard. (AB) Hawke Bn. 819. Addison Road. 743. Adjutant Generalof Royal Marines. 728. Admiralty. 728. 901.919. 922. Admiralty First Lord. 1426. Admiralty Library. 762.766. 805. Aegean. Sea 847.857. 862. 864. 953. 991. 1004. 1312. 1450. Agamemnon. HMS 1496. 1501. Agenville. 1527. A.I.F. 4 th Brigade. 1077. Aire. 906. Aitken, William. (AB) Nelson Bn. 819. Aix-Noulette. 1513. Aix-Noulette Wood. 1285. Ajax. S.S. 1494. 1495. Alaunia. S.S. 1493. 1495. Albatross Farm. 1289. Albert. 1102. 1118.1119. 1339. Albert- Bapaume Road. 1475. Albert. King ofBelgians. 1252. Albion. S.S. 1496. Albury. Lieutenant.R.M.L.I. 1126. Alcitepe. 1002. Aldershot. 1277. Alexander, Brigadier. 1457. Alexander, James.(AB) Nelson Bn. 819. Alexandria. 747. 759. 783. 906. 951. 954. 1074.1492. 1503. 1542. 1545. Algerian Coast. 1070.1491. Algerians 1186. Allard.Lieutenant. 1493. Allard. P. Lieutenant. Di v Train. 769. Allen.Bruce. Major. i11 Royal Scots. 806. Allen, John. (Private) Chatham Bn. 819. Allen, Surgeon. R.N. 1221.1223. Allkins, Wilfred Samson. (Lance Corporal) Plymouth Bn. 819. Allison, George Edwin. (Private) Chatham Bn. 819. Allison, J. AB. Drake Bo. 1242. Allowance - Field. 919. Allowance - Separation. 919. Alnwick Castle (Transport) 748. 749. 1038. 1494. Alwyne Carter. Sub Lieut. 1138. Alyey, Colin. Sgt. 2/RMLI. 1350. Ambrines. 1128. American. 1102. Amiens. 956. 1118. Ammonell. - for bombs. 1035. Ammunition. 1037. 1039. Amsterdam. 1202. Anafarta Sagir. 1206. 1211. Anapholes Mosquito. 1337. Anchor memorial Gavrelle. 926. Ancre :- Battle of. 917. 922. Article pages 1043 -1052. 1339 on. Royal Fusiliers. 1524- 1527. Ancre. River. 812. 1010. 1019. 1044. 1057. 1119. 1277. 1286. 1334. 1340. 1360. 1475. 1518. Ancre Trench. 1016. 1020. Andania. S.S. 1494 Anderson, Archibald Walter. (PettyOfficer) Collingwood Bn. 819. Anderson, Charles Coventry. Lieutenant. Anson Bn. 819. Anderson. Eric. Benbow Bn. Drake Bn. 783. 803. Anderson, G. (AB) Anson Bn. 1344. Anderson, L. Sub-Lieut. 1138. Anderson. Private. 7th RF. 1517. Andrew, William Nesbit. (AB) Nelson Bn. 819. Andrews. Benbow & Drake Bo. 790. 952. 968. Andrews, C. B. Captain. Plymouth Bn. 820. Andrews, CharlesWilliam. (AB) Nelson Bn. 820. Andrews, Joshua John. (Stoker 1st Class) Hood Bn. 820. Andrews, S. H. (GNR) 223/RFA. 935. Anglo-Egyptian. S.S. 1495. Angre. 1128. Angres. 1285. 1513. Angres Sector. 932. Annand. Wallace Moir. Lieutenant Commander. Collingwood Bo. 820. 1371. Anneaux. 1126. 1127. Anns Bridge, Antwerp. 1431. Ansell. Alfred. (Stoker 151 Class) Hood Bn. 820. Anslow, Harold Victor. (AB) Anson Bn. 820. Anson Battalion. 798. 810. 812. 814. 931. 961. 1003. 1012. 1030. 1038. 1116. 1140. 1206. 1320. 1331. 1332. 1335. 1374 on. 1403. 1406. 1407. 1437. 1470. Anson,R. Captain the Hon. 7th RF. 1513. Anson Square. 1563. Anthony. R.N.D. Signals. 1170. 1175. 1180. Anthony, William Thomas. (Stoker 1 st Class) Howe Bn. 820. Antwerp :- Articles - Bentham. John Henry:- Groningen. 1189 -1205. Mellanby. H. Ordinary Seaman. Collingwood Bn. 1251 -1254. Moerbeke Affair Part 1. 727 - 741. 762. Moerbeke Affair Part 2. 878 - 900. Paris. Major General examination of his actions:- 1423 -1436. Royal Engineers Detachment Attached to R.N.D. 1093 -1098. Trefusis, Walter. C.O. Collingwood Bn. 1477 -1480. Anzac. 852. 853. 1075. 1539. Anzac Cove. 996. 1316. Apthorp, R J. Sub-Lieut. 1138. Arcadia. S.S. 1496. Aragon. 1501. 1503. Archer, Raymond. (Private) Portsmouth Bn. 820. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. 839. 1286. Arleux. 926. Armoured Car Detachment. 1493. Arnold, Joshua. (AB) Nelson Bn. 820. Arnold, Thomas Richard. (Private) Plymouth Bn. 820. Arnold, William. (Stoker 1st Class) Hood Bn. 820. Armentieres. 813. Armitage, G. G. A. Sub-Lieut. 1138. Army 1 1149. Army 3rdSt . 1150. Army 5th. 1328. Aron. E. M. Sub Lieutenant. Machine Gun Co. 767. Arqueves. 1121. 1123. Arras. 926. 930. 1125. 1128. 1150. 1239. 1265. Arras-Fresnes Road. 1152. Arras Road. 1154. 1264. Arras Memorial. 926. 930. 933. 1240. Artillery. 1419. Artillery. Belgium. 878. 5 Artists Rifles1 \ 1412. 1415. 1416. 1470. SS Arundel. 1288. Asbury, C.P. Lieutenant. Hood Bn. 1237. 1240. Ashby, E. S. Sub-Lieut. 1138. Ascania. SMO. 915. 1494. Ascanius. S.S. 1489. Ash, John Buckley. (Private) Plymouth Bn. 820. Asher, Edwin. (AB) Drake Bn. 820. Ashington, Northumberland. 1283. 1291. Ashman, Charles Edward. (Sergeant) Portsmouth Bn. 820. Ashmead Bartlett. 1178. Ashworth, R. E. (AB) Drake Bn. 1344. Askew, George William. (AB) Collingwood Bn. 820. Asiatic Annie. 780. 858. 1307. 1369. 1376. 1377. 1380. 1383. 1384. Askold. Russian Cruiser. 1 OOO. Aslett, G. H. (Pte) 2/RMLI. 935. Asquith. (Prime Minister.) 845. 1005. Asquith, Arthur. Hood Bn. 1005. 1056. 1107. 1146. 1147. 1152. 1153. 1155. 1158. 1239.1263. 1270. 1273. 1274. 1279. 1280. 1341.1358. 1458. 1497. 1498. 1499. 1505. 1506. 1507. 1508. Assaye. (Hospital Ship.) 906. 1496. Assen. 1201. Asturias. Hospital Ship. 1483. Arblaster. Lieutenant. Hood Bn. 1118. Artillery. Royal Field. 813. Artillery. 241 Royal Field. 814. Assistant Provosth Marshall of 63rd Div. Article 760 - 762. Astra. 745. Atkin, Jack Gordon. (AB) Howe Bn. 820. Atkins, Albert Edward Victor. (Private) Plymouth Bn. 821. Atkinson, H. (AB) Howe Bn. 1344. Atkinson, Jones. (AB) Hawke Bn. 821. Atkinson, Peter. (AB) Collingwood Bn. 821. Atkinson, Thomas William. (Leading Seaman) Howe Bn. 821. Atlantic City. S.S. 1496. Attesley. Private. 7th RF. 1518. Aubigny. 1127. 1485. Aubigny Communal Cemetery Extension. 1240. Aubrey Camp. 1288. Auchonvillers. 1286. Auckland Battalion. 1003. Audas, ErnestSeptimus. (Stoker 1 st Class) Hood Bn. 821. Audregnies. 1128. Augers - earth. 1035. Auld, George. (AB) Nelson Bn. 821. Aulnoy. 1128. Austin, C.N. (AB) 1/RMLI. 1344. Austin, F. (AB) Anson Bn. 1344. Australians. 1372. 1492. 1533. Australian Artillery. 13 91. Australian Battery. 13 70. Australian Brigade. 1536. Australian Hospital No 1 on Lemnos. 1284. Australian Light Horse. 1077. Australian Line No. 2. 998. Australian Relief. 1076. Austria. 13 72. Authie Wood. 1123. Authieule 1124. Aveling. T. C. Major. Engineers. 767. Aveluy. 813. Aveluy Wood. 813. 932. 1120. 1339. 1465. Avonmouth. 743. 829. 1038. 1562. Awbray. Captain. 1502. 1503. Aylott. H. T. Lieutenant. Signal Company. 771. Ayres, Frederick. (Private) Portsmouth Bn. 821. Ayrshire (Transport) 748. 1038. B. Baby Drafts. 845. Backhouse Post. (Gallipoli) 780. 782. 786. 1001. Article-806. 1088. 1305. 1308. 1418. 1447. Backhouse Post, burial ground. 1001. Backhouse. Oliver. Commodore. 806. 1001. 1392. 1393. 1531. 1538. Bacon, R. C. Private. 1/RMLI. 1344. Badajos Barracks, Aldershot. 1277. Badham, Francis Molyneaux. Lieutenant. Collingwood Bn. 821. 1371. Bagshawe, Adair Grey. Sub Lieutenant. Collingwood Bn. 821. Bailey, Donald Frank. Sub Lieutenant. Hood Bn. 1239. Bailey, .John. Article on A.P. Herbert. 1357 -1362. Bailey. Lieutenant. 1/RMLI. 1116. Baileulval. 1416. Baileumont. 1416. Baillescourt Farm. 1319. 1320. 1325. 1339. 1341. Baillescourt Farm Cemetery. 1342. 1348. Bailleul. 926. 1101. 1516. Baillful-Aux-Comailles. 1516. Bailloud. French Divisional Commander. 1087. Bainbridge, Thomas. (AB) Collingwood Bn. 821. Baker, A.B. Hood Bn. 1239. Baker, A. E. Driver. Amo Col. 1341. 1344. Baker, Ephraim. (AB) Collingwood Bn. 821. Baker, M.S. Sub Lieutenant. Howe Bn. 1242. Baker, Thomas Henry. 829. Bakewell, W. (AB) Hood Bn. 935. Balbirnie, William. (Petty Officer) Collingwood Bn. 821. Balcombe, Thomas James. (Stoker l st Class) Hood Bn. 821. Baldie, J. H. L/Smn. Hood Bn. 1238. Baldwin.Mr C.O. 1456. Balfour. Arthur. 1437. Balfour. A. E. Captain. Div Train. 769. Balfour-Murphy. W. J. Lieutenant. Div Train. 769. Ball, A. Private. 4/Beds. 1242. Ball, J. D. L/Smn. Hood Bn. 1238. Balloon, observation. 1383. Bamford. H. M. Lieutenant. Signal Company. 771. Bamford, William John. (Quartermaster) Plymouth Bn. 821. Band. Hood Bn. Piper. 1382. Bangalore Shell. 1158. Banks, Robert. (Leading Seaman) Anson Bn. 821. Banning, A. H. Sub Lieutenant. Drake Bn. 935. Bapaume. 933. 1044. 1115. 1118. Bapaume -Albert Road. 1124. 1475. Bapaume -Cambrai Road. 1408. Bapaume- Havrincourt Road. 809. Barastre. 810. 811. 1290. 1470. Barbed Wire. 1035. Barber. L. W. Sub Lieutenant. Machine Gun Co. 767. Barclay, William. (Leading Seaman) Anson Bn. 821. Bare. Captain. Loyal North Lanes. 1101. Barker, Ernest.(Leading Seaman) Collingwood Bn. 821. th Barker, H. W. Major. 6 W. Yorks. 1101. Barker, N. W. (T/Major), 6 West Yorks Regt, att Nelson Bn. 1332. Barlow, Fred. (Private) Portsmouth1h Bn. 822. Barlow. Lieutenant. 1504. Barlow, William Joseph. (AB) Howe Bn.
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