Seneraf 3nbe' . AILWARDEROD family, 496 Baum, the, 321 Ainsworths of Spotland Gate, 516 „ rabbit, 537 „ „ Wicken Hall, 382 Beacon hills, 473, 537 Alcock, Sir Thomas, lord of the manor, 27 Beadelry of Rochdale, 18 Allerscholes, 456, 457 Beast gaits, 110 Alnager, the Queen's, 40 Beallrowde in Spotland, 331 Anchor Meadow, 335 Bear ward, 39 Ancient road from Rossendale to Sowerby, 81 Beile bridge, 353 Anglo-Saxon settlers, 12 Belfield, area of, 2 Amen Corner, chapel at, 25 1, 523, 5 2 4 Belfield of Clegg Hall, 339 -347 Apprentices in 1620, &c ., 532 „ Cleggswood, 348-350 Arable land converted into pasture, 36 „ Devonshire, 355 Archery in the 17th century, 53 Studham, 354 Archinbutt, 47 Belfield Hall, 339- 347 Area of the parish, 3 Bentleys of Woodhouse Lane, 518, 519 Arms of Chadwick family, 16 Berdeshall family, 71 „ Dearden family, 16 Bernshaw Tower, 109, 479 „ Rachdale [7 Ryshedall] family, 16 Bib Knowl, 357 „ Rochdale Borough, 16 Binns in Butterworth, 119, 121 „ Royds, 511 Birchinley, 295, 367 -370 Arrow heads of flint, 3, 4 Births, &c ., 1583-1883, 64 Ashworths of Cutler Green, 43, 5 1 3 Blackepughall, 9o Aspiwallesiche, 380 Blacklache, 15, 117 Assarts, 66 Blackstone Edge, 3, 43, 104 Assault in Market Place in 1595, 24 „ „ Defoe's journey ( 1 7 24), 9 Assessments in 1595 of Ashton, Oldham, „ „ fortifications on, 55 Middleton, and Rochdale, 39 „ groove in centre of Roman Assheton of Clegg Hall, 352, 353 road, theories about, 7, 8 Assize of bread and ale in Butterworth, I T 3 , „ intrenchments on, 7 Assize sermon in 1676, 234 journey across in 1695, 8, 9 „ road over in 1734, 104 BAGDEN, 83, 3 00 ,, „ Roman road, 6-1o „ right of water at, 297 „ „ stone quarries on top of, 8 Bagslate, 47, 91 „ turnpike road over, 8, To „ races, 91 Blackwater Street Chapel, 251 Bailiwick of Rochdale, 20, 21, 23, 25 „ „ „ ministers of, 252-256 Baillie Street Chapel, 259 Blackyate Top, 122 Baitings Inn, 6 Blakeclogh, 76 Baldeston family, 70, 3r7 Blatchinworth and Calderbrook, r04--T96 11 Hall, 317-321 „ area of, 2 Bank House, 429 copyholders, 105 „ Wesley at, 500 Rate Book, 105 Baptist Chapel (West Street), z6, Bleakedgate-cum-Roughbank, „ ministers of, 261, 262 area of, 2 Baptisms in the Roch in 1773, 261 Bloomeries, ancient, 44, 84, 112 PARISH OF ROCHDALE . 556 HISTORY OF THE Boarsgreave in Brandwood, 513 Butterworth Hall Green, 338 Booksellers in R'dale, r8th century, 212, 529 11 hamlet, 12o-122 Boon services, 418 „ tenants in (1626), 122 Boothhollins, 361 Lay Subsidy (1541), 38 Bottomley, 296, 457-460 oratory, 338 Boundaries of parish, 2, 47 „ Poll Tax in (1381), 35 Boundary stones on Buersill Moorin 1552, 12 „ priests at, 338 Bowdon Church Rectory, 352 „ reputed manor (1996), 120 Bradford family, 331 „ Subsidy Roll (1596), 46 „ Mary's will, 331 „ township, 113-126 Brandwood, 2, 43, 79 -81 Butterworths of Belfield, 342-347 „ coal mines in 17th century, So „ of Birchinley, 368 „ Moor, 3 „ of Coventry, 337 „ suit about lands there (1833), 80 „ of Crook, 433 Brown Wardle, 43 of Goodshaw, 337 Brearley of Norman Hill, 383 of Oakenrod, 494 Brearley's charity, 284 „ of The Holt, 377 Brentwood family, 80 „ of Turnough, 356 Brereley, R., founder of Grindletonians, 535 „ of Windy Bank, 437 Bretton, monks of, 119 Butts, the, 49 Bridle way between Scaitcliffe and Truckley- Byrchenholt, 527 hebble, 44 Byron family, 21 Briefs, collections under, 140, 141 „ lords of the manor, 25-31 Bright, the family, 56, 473 . 474 „ Sir John, suit as to boundary, 72 Brimrod, 66, 67, 330 „ versus Dearden, 28 Britons, early settlers, 5 versus Holt, 22-77 Broad Field, 145 Byron's accounts (1589), 26 Broadhalgh, 477, 500, 503 „ daughter, divorce of (1565), 360 „ Mill, 5°3 „ Lord, letters to J . Dearden, 29, 3 0 Brotherod, 76, 92, 497 Brownhill in Heights Lane, 5 0 5 CALDERBROOK, 2, 105 11 Woodhouse Lane, 5ig Caldermoor, 105 Brown House, 434 Calder, the rise of, 105 Brown Wardle, io2 Canal, Rochdale, 59 „ Hill, 3 Cant Hill, 335 Bryerley, 126 Carrier to London, 40 Buckley, 390 -395 Castle in Castleton, 65-67 „ Chapel, 395 Castle near Littleborough, io „ Mill, 393, 414 Castlemere, 323 „ of Buckley, 390 -395 Castleton, 6o „ of Orchard Meadow, 394 „ area of, i „ of Quickwood, 394 „ Hall, 306-311 hamlets in, i Buersill, 1, 3, 71, 73 „ „ Moor, 72 11 Lay Subsidy (1541), 38 „ „ dispute as to, 73 Moor, 71 „ tenants in (1626), 73 Poll Tax (1 377), 34 Burial of dead without coffin, 192 „ Subsidy Roll (1596), 46 Burials in the parish in 16th century, 45 the church of, 31 Burnage, 72 „ township, 65-74 Bury Grammar School, 489 „ village (Blue Pits), 74 Both, the, 67 Catcloghgate, 92 Butterworth, ancient charters, Irs-r19 Catholics, Roman, in 1641, 541 „ area of, 2 Catches, 91 freehold and lordship side, 120 Catley Lane, z, 91, 298, 300 constables in, 123 „ tenants in, (1626) 92 Causeway House, 81 „ gallows in, 113 Celt (polished) found at Wardle, 4 „ Hall, 2, 337, 339 11 11 Ch. Croft superstition, 534 Celtic place names, 5 l GENERAL INDEX. 557 Celtic torque found at Mowroad, 5 Clegg Hall, 350 1 -355 Centenarians, 483, 539 „ boggart, 354 Centre Hill (Todmorden), 493 „ hamlet, 122-124 Chadewykford, 485 • Little, 389 Chadwick, 90-91 „ of Clegg, 319, 350 „ area of, 2 „ of Steanor Bottom, 452-454 association, 505 • of Stonehouse, 455-456 n family, arms of, 16 Cleggswood, 348-350 „ freeholders in 1626, 91 Clitheroe Castle, 31 of Chadwick, 485, 488 Cloth, action about sale of in 1568, 40 of Ellenrod, 496, 497 Cloth Hall, the, 538 of Fernhill, 505 Cloth house, a, 41 of Hades, 43 2 Clothiers in the 17th century, 5r „ of Healey, 483-485 Coughs of Brotherod, 498 „ Sir Andrew, of London, 505 Clough Foot School (Todmorden), 28o „ Spotland Gate, 515, S16 „ Hall Mill, 112 „ of Tonge End, 532 „ House, 435 Chadworth duel, 28 Coal mines, action about in 157 6, 43 Chantry lands at Milnrow, 204 'in 15 8 5, 24 Chapel Croft, Milnrow, tradition about, 534 „ in 1623, 102 Charities-Butterworth, Alexander, 279, 283 ; in Butterworth, 122 . Brearley, John, 284 ; Cheetham, Elizabeth, 11 in Cheesden, 25 285 ; Clegg, Rev. Richard, 278 ; Fielden, „ in 17th century, 8o. John, 280 ; Fildes, Jonathan, 276, 285 ; „ under manor lands, 29 Gartside, Josiah, 281 ; Gartside, Mary, Coal Pits near Cronkeyshaw in 1581, 43 281 ; Granthan, Mrs . 282 ; Guest, Thomas, Cock Fighting on Shrove Tuesday, 537 284 ; Halliwell, Theophilus, 277 ; Hard- Coldgreave, 122 a man, Jane, 275 ; Hardman, John, 275 ; Coldwale-shutte [Coldwall Brow], 9o Holt, Dorothy, 282 ; Hill, John, 281 ; Collinge of Birchinley, 370 n Jacques, Robert, 276 ; Kenion, John, 283 ; Communicants in r561, 45 Lea, John, 276 ; Shepherd, Mary, 284 ; Commissioners of Rochdale, 62 Starkey, James, 2 77 ; Taylor, Ann, 276 ; Compoti df Earl of Lincoln, 18 Watson, Thomas, 215 ; Whitworth, Betty ; Constables in 1607, 123 276 ; Woolfenden, James, 283 11 of Rochdale (1591), 24 Charm against witchcraft, 534, 535 Coptrod, 299, 486, 49 8, 499 Charterers and freeholders in 1585, 23 Copyholders in Wolstenholme, 93 t Cheesden Brook, 526 Corn grown in the parish in 1340, 33 Cheesden and Wolstenholme, 3, 48, 93 „ mill in Brandwood, 1626, 8o 1 „ coal mines in, 25 „ mill on the Beal in 13th century, 122 Chelburn, 406 Cottons, action about, 41, 42 Cheetham's charity, 285 Cottons-coatings, 39, 40 „ of Castleton Hall, 309 Cotton Mill, the first, in Rochdale, 56 Christenings in the Parish Church in the „ spinning and weaving, 17th cent ., 56 sixteenth century, 45 „ yarns spun in 1828, 109 Church and parsonage of R'dale in 1751, 57 County Court established, 30 Churches built since 1850, 222 Court Leet held by the King, 22 Church living (Parish Church) in 1523, 229 „ of Request established, 3o „ steps, the, 48 „ Leet of Spotland, 77, 78 „ the Parish, advowson, 17 records, 27 I [See Parish Church.] Crowclough, 12 Churchwarden's accounts, 48, 138 Cow Heys, 3 Civil War, 55 Cowpe, 47 „ and the Byrons, 27 Cowpe Head, 79 Clapgate, 512 Cracknell Friday, 537 Clay Lane, 2, 91 Cratford, Christopher, lord of the manor, 28 Claytons of Schofield Hall, 361 Crofthead, 315 Clegg, 2, 120 Cronkeyshaw, 5, 23, 100, 297, 300 „ family -f Spotland, 453 Crook, 300, 433 -435 „ freehoh ers in, 123 11 dispute as to water at, 434 558 HISTORY OF THE PARISH OF ROCIIDALE. Crompton, manor of, 7z Eland family, 16, z9-2i Crossfield, 325, 329 Eland chapel, 212 Cross at Stubley (near Portsmouth), 423 Elisclough, 5oo Crosses, old roadside, 537 Ellenrod, 496 Crossleys of Scaiteliffe, 475-479 Edning, 88, 229 „ of Smallshaw, 50 8 Engines, steam, in the parish, 1832 and 1867, Cross used at baptism, 232 6o, 61 Crownest, 494 Entwisle of Foxholes, 408-413 11 Lower, 373, 374 Equitable Pioneers' Society, 61, 62 Crow Knoll, 3 Extent of parish, 3 Crye, the, toe Eyfield, dispute as to road in 1562, 593 Culvert Clough, 3 Cumba, the great, 82 FACrr, 44, 54, 6o, 84, 300, 508 Cutgate, 92 „ dispute as to lands there (1566), 85 Cut Lane, 293, 331 Factory, at Clough in Walsden, 56 Cutler's Green, 44 Fairwell (in Brandwood), 513 Cutlers in 1588, 24 Fairs in Rochdale, 21 „ in Rochdale, 16th century, 43 „ at Todmorden, 1og Cutlery from Flanders, 43 Fairy Chapel in Healey, 88 Falinge family, 88, 89 DANEGELD, 14 „ freeholders in 1626, 89 Davit, John, farmer of the manor, 23 „ walk mill, 89 Danish place names, 12 Falingesik, 87 „ settlers, 12 Female constables, 124 Dawsons of Turnough, 357 Fernhill, 504 Deane, De la, family, ro7 Fielden, 316 Deans Greave Tradition, 538 Fieldens of Bottomley, 457-460 A Dean Head, ro5 „ of Hades, 431 Dearden family, 449-452 „ of Inchfield, 466 „ monuments, 149, 157 „ of Todmorden Hall, 471 „ of Handle Hall, 449-452 „ of Warland,
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