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Subse- quently, what elevated the business jet from a luxury toy to what is increas- ingly seen as a vital corporate tool? In the US, hundreds of Fortune 500 com- panies now flaunt their own aircraft, with companies arguing that this vital conveyance saves time and boosts pro- ductivity.News A recentB CNNriefs report quoted offer luxurious comfort and Appointments : BUSINESS AVIATION outstanding performance. Besides, Embraer is committed M7 Aerospace names Jay W. Trees Director of Dassault Falcon jets to delivering to its customers Sales & Marketing for MRO in the Middle East the highest level of comfort and M7 Aerospace has named Jay W. Trees Director of Sales and premium service. Marketing for Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO), with responsibility for growing business and the customer base for the Twinjet Aviation opens company’s MRO operations. Jay Trees has previously held senior Middle East business positions with Avchem, Aerospace Products International, Inc. Twinjet Aviation, the execu- and ERIKS Aerospace, Inc. tive jet operator, is opening a ACI names new Director for Global Training Hub Middle East business with the Airports Council International (ACI) has appointed Victor de appointment of its first ever Barrena Director of the Global Training Hub at ACI World in representative in the region. Geneva. De Barrena joins ACI from IATA where he was Assistant During the last one year, Das- Neil Turnbull joined Twinjet on Director of Human Resources, Leadership and Learning. sault remained on target deliv- November 1 and will represent Alaska Air Group elects Vice President of Safety ering one new Falcon business the operator and its sister The Alaska Air Group, the parent company of Alaska Airlines and jet every month in the Middle firm, The Charter Company, Horizon Air, has announced the election of Thomas Nunn as Vice East. The current fleet size is 41. throughout the Middle East. He President of Safety. Nunn will oversee all aspects of the safety Deliveries included the first two will be based in the UAE. The programmes at Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air. of the largest and longest-range appointment comes as Twinjet TransPac appoints new Chief Executive Officer triple-engine Falcon 7X. World- marks a successful first nine TransPac Aviation Academy (formerly known as Pan Am Avia- wide, there are 18 Falcon 7Xs in months in the Middle East, tion Academy), has announced the appointment of Stephen God- service and over 100 in various having operated a Challenger dard as its new Chief Executive Officer and President. TransPac stages of production. The first C604 aircraft from the region Aviation Academy develops and provides education and training of the 20 Falcon 2000LX twin- since February 2008. to those with no prior aviation experience, using classroom, jets ordered by Saudi Arabia Turnbull was previously small airplane and simulator training to help students earn a in 2007, will be delivered in owner of Flight Management, an Commercial Pilot Certificate. the first quarter of 2009. These air charter broker which was re- Kevin McGarr appointed CATSA’s President airplanes will join the NetJets cently acquired by The Charter and Chief Executive Officer Middle East fractional aircraft Company and has over 20 years The Board of Directors of the Canadian Air Transport Security programme. experience in executive aviation. Authority has announced the appointment of Kevin McGarr to Keith McMann, Chief Executive the position of President and Chief Executive Officer. Falcon Aviation Services Officer of Twinjet, said: “The Jason Liao named Bombardier Business Aircraft orders Embraer executive jets Middle East is a key growth Director of Sales in China Embraer signed a contract with market for Twinjet and Neil’s ex- Jason Liao has been appointed Director of Sales for Bombardier Falcon Aviation Services of Abu tensive experience will be vital Business Aircraft. Liao is responsible for all Learjet, Challenger Dhabi to supply two Legacy 500 as we develop our operations in and Global aircraft sales in China. He is the Vice Chairman and jets. The total value of the order the region. We are currently in a founding member of the Asian Business Aviation
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