HAPPY 4TH OF JULY BOOK YOUR POST IT Call Your Advertising Rep T IMES -F REE P RESS (781)485-0588 East BostonTuesday, July 3, 2018 HYM makes Walsh calls design changes lawsuit for Suffolk Downs Project against BPS ‘meritless’ By John Lynds Following a series of com- By John Lynds munity Impact Advisory Group (AIG) meetings HYM Mayor Martin Walsh is Investment Group’s Manag- calling the Lawyers’ Commit- ing Partner Thomas O’Brien tee for Civil Rights and Eco- said his group has made some nomic Justice’s lawsuit filed design changes to the Suffolk against the Boston Public Downs proposal as it pertains Schools (BPS) meritless. to the Waldemar Ave. corri- The Lawyers’ Committee dor. for Civil Rights and Eco- Originally HYM proposed nomic Justice and a coalition a row of townhouse-style of student rights groups filed homes that would line Walde- the suit against BPS to obtain mar. While it was a simple public records that they claim solution to make the 163-acre are being improperly withheld Suffolk Downs site part of the regarding sharing student in- community rather than an iso- formation with federal im- lated development, O’Brien migration officials, including thought his team could do U.S. Immigration and Cus- more. toms Enforcement (ICE) via At a recent community the Boston Regional Intelli- meeting O’Brien announced gence Center (BRIC). some of the changes HYM The lawsuit stems from an has come up with after a series incident at East Boston High of IAG meetings. School that involved two stu- “We always felt that Walde- dents trying to start a fight mar Avenue is our (HYM’s) at the high school, but were great connection to the neigh- unsuccessful in doing so. Ac- borhood,” said O’Brien. “So cording to the School Police we look at our original plan, report the matter was resolved met with the community and at the school level without James Morton, President and CEO of the YMCA of Greater Boston and East Boston YMCA Executive Director Ann-Margaret Guti- any physical altercation and tried to figure out ways to errez check out the garden at the East Boston YMCA’s Ashley Street branch. The Y recently celebrated their harvest of vegetables make this street a gateway “school administrators along grown at the branch’s outdoor garden as part of the Farm2Future program. Farm2Future is a partnership between the Y and with school police spoke into our site and connect it to PopCorners. the rest of the community.” with all the students involved The plan, according to and mediated this incident.” O’Brien is to create the row YMCA teams up with PopCorners for Farm2Future program However, while cooler heads of townhouses, but break up prevailed an incident report the series of homes mid-block was filed by school police By John Lynds “The company’s new ing hands-on and fun, it’s the products we produce. We advising that the incident re- with a park. Farm2Future program is a much more relatable to them,” ask our fans and consumers to “Having this beautiful com- port would be sent to BRIC, The young members of the social initiative to bridge the she said. “When kids are part Do One Better, inspiring and a network of local, state, munity open space in the mid- East Boston YMCA’s Ashley gap between family farmers of the soiling, planting and inviting each person to live dle of Waldemar Avenue we and federal law enforcement Street branch recently cele- and young people,” said Pop- watering of the garden, they their best and fullest life. As agencies including ICE. thought would really connect brated their harvest of vege- Corners spokesperson Jacque take pride of their work and described on the back of our the Suffolk Downs site to the While ICE maintains that the tables grown at the branch’s Shluger. “The company is are more likely to try the package, it may mean running agency does not have access neighborhood and be a wel- outdoor garden as part of the partnering with the YMCA of healthier options. You can farther, laughing louder or coming entrance into the site to student incident records ex- Farm2Future program. Farm- Greater Boston this summer give kids store bought vege- snacking healthier, whatever cept in extreme circumstances for neighborhood residents,” 2Future is a partnership be- to showcase healthy eating tables - but if you teach them it is that you can do to take one said O’Brien. such as “gang-related homi- tween the Y and PopCorners, with the young members to why sustainable food practic- step forward, we celebrate.” cides or possible threats to O’Brien said there would a Framingham-based compa- inspire them to make healthy es are beneficial, you’ll instill Shluger said Farm2Future is be neighborhood paths that ny that makes healthy popped- food choices. Each summer, healthier choices options.” would run through the park corn chips. The children at the the YMCA of Greater Boston At the recent harvest event, See YMCA Page 3 See LAWSUIT Page 3 and connect to proposed bike Ashley Street branch started gives its young members more Gutierrez was joined by rep- paths and walkways on the vegetables from seed inside than 200,000 free snacks and resentatives from PopCorners Suffolk Downs site. then transplanted them ear- meals so this experience will and James Morton, President “We want to create a real lier this spring into special- also help grow fresh alterna- and CEO of the YMCA of neighborhood street that com- ly-made gardens created to tives too.” Greater Boston. THETHE OFFICEOFFICE WILLWILL BEBE CLOSEDCLOSED plements the existing homes teach youths about how fresh East Boston YMCA Exec- “PopCorners is commit- WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2018 on Waldemar, the new Orient vegetables are grown regard- utive Director Ann-Margaret ted to Do One Better,” said WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2018 Heights Housing develop- The East Boston Times Free Press will be less of living in an urban or Gutierrez said lessons like the Shluger. “It’s in how we The East Boston Times Free Press will be ment project and out proposed rural setting. importance of healthy eating choose to source our Non- published on TUESDAY, JULY 3 green space,” said O’Brien The boxes of seeds, tools, and sustainable practices ar- GMO corn -- from family Deadlinespublished will on beTUESDAY, Thursday, JULY June 283 It’s been O’Brien and instructions, and garden en’t easy concepts to teach farms in Nebraska, to our games were supplied by Pop- kids. air-popping, never friend pro- OFFICEDeadlines WILL REOPEN will be Thursday,ON THURSDAY, June 28JULY 5 See SUFFOLK DOWNS Page 4 Corners. “But when you make learn- cess and it’s in the quality of OFFICE WILL REOPEN ON THURSDAY, JULY 5 Ruggiero Family Memorial Home “Proud to welcome to our staff Mark Tauro, former owner and director of Rapino, Kirby-Rapino Funeral Homes” • Ample Off Street Parking • Complimentary Valet Parking • Nonsectarian Transportation To & From Visiting Hours For Family & Friends • Se Habla Espanol 971 Saratoga St., Orient Heights East Boston 617-569-0990 • Visit us at our website: www.RuggieroMH.com EAST BOSTON EAST BOSTON ORIENT HEIGHTS ORIENT HEIGHTS Brand new 5 rm, 3 br, 2½ bath Townhome! 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Very Convenient Priced to Sell #250C $279,900 market analysis! of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, #88W REDUCED one nation, under God, indivisible, WINTHROP CHELSEA WATERFRONT DISTRICT #1 in Sales In East Boston Since 1991 Location! Location! Spacious 2 Family 6-6 rms, Completely renovated, 2 Br 2 Bath Bi-level unit, H/W with liberty and justice for all." 2nd floor has 4 Brs 2 ½ Baths, Lots of work Floors, SS Appl., Crown Molding, You Must See This www.century21mario.com God Bless America! done, Gorgeous woodwork and staircase! 2 Unit! Minutes to Boston! $529,900 Si Parla Italiano • Se Habla Espanol Fireplaces, Lg Lot & 2 Car Garage! #137B $799K 7/3 EB Falo Portuguese• Chúng tôi nói tiếng Việt Page 2 THE EAST BOSTON TIMES-FREE PRESS Tuesday, July 3, 2018 EastTimes-Free Boston Press PRESIDENT: Stephen Quigley PUBLISHER: Debra DiGregorio Forum EDITOR:: Cary Shuman PUBLISHER EMERITUS: John A. Torrone ENJOY A SAFE AND SANE FOURTH The summer season's big holiday, the Fourth of July, soon will be upon us. Millions of Americans will be celebrating the holiday -- which will be a long and extended five-day weekend for many of us -- with friends and family in a multitude of ways. Boating, beaching, mountain hiking, and summer getaways of all kinds are the traditional means by which Americans of all ages will take advantage of the summer weather and the obser- vance of the founding of our nation.
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