' " \- <r-. * * 1a \ * % THE EVENING STAR # WITH SUNDAY MORNING EDITION. Before a Whole City. 11th Strut 111 Silliest OSct. FenaiyWiai* Atom. A store window is good Star The Evening Newspaper Company. so is a THEODORE W. &0YS8, Preildrnt . 7-20 Part 2" good sign oveeadvertising, Hew York O^ce: Trlbnce Building. Pages me aoor, out the best ol all is Chicago 03c?: Tritafit Building. The Evening Star, with the Sunday morninjr the display that goes before a 1* delivered by carriers, on their own account,edition, within the city at 50 cents per rronth: without the Jlfelf. whole news* Sunday niornlng edition ct 44 cents per month. ^Clltl!0 city every day.the i - Bv n.aiJ, postage proi»*! !: __ paper adv-t's^.timt. Daily. Sunday Included, one month, 60 cents. I>a!ly. Sunday excepted, one month, 50 cents. D. OCTOBER 1906-TWENTY PAGES. Saturday Star, one year, $1.00. WASHINGTON, C., MONDAY, 15, ®i'"(,8r one year. J1 W. ~. i :. i RAILROADS. RAILBOADS. OCEAN TRAVEL. RIOT ON RACE COURSE EXPLOSION ON COLONL Baltimore and Ohio R. R,i CUNARD LINE. FOR SALE. .LEAVE STATION. New Jeraey are. ar.d G ft FROM PIERS NORTH RIVER. 1 NEW PROPOSITION. ROYAL BLUE LINK 61-52. CROWDS BURN BETTING BOOTHS TWO ABE DEAD AND THRE' *'E\ ERY OTHER IIOITR ON THE ODD HODR* . TO LIVERPOOL, VIA QL'EENSTOWN. TO I'll ILA DELPHI A AND NEW YORK. Ftrurla.. .Oct. 20, 7 amiUmbrla... .Nov. 3, 7 am Northwest. 1 ;;; NEW TERMINAL. 23D ST.. NEW YORK. Carinaula..Oct. 23. 10 aiulCaronla Nov. C. 9 am AFTER 1BAD START. MORE MAT DIE. BRAND-NEW . "PMlgMll 7.00 a.m. Diner. Pullman Parlor. Lucanla. .Oct. 27, noonJCampanla.. Nov. 10. Doon | Only S3,850. | ;|: a.m. S HOUSES| JSJAD[LE@AI5> fO.OO liuffet. Parlor. Hr. Train. UlltltALTAU. GENOA. NAPLES. ADRIATIC a.m. Diner and I*ullmnn Parlor Car. Lot 20x1 OO. I Nos. 1313 to 1323 First -* f j New Modern Twin-screw Steamers. | fii. til.00 a.m. Diner ami Pullman Parlor Car. A special dispatch from Paris says: One A dispatch from New York says: 5$; The only up-to-date, new Home | | 3itaifloo ^Qirmier mini sum 1.00 p.m. Diner ami Pnllman Parlor Car. PANNONIA Oct. 30, nooi); Mar. 12. Apr. 30 || ?;jj S.00 Limited." All Pullmaa. CARPATIIIA Not. 27. 2 p.m.: SJar. 20. May 14 of the most extraordinary scenes probably Two men are dead and three morp ar c I JX itun uciii^ uill'ivu ill me v* Street N. W. p.m. *'Royal ^8 i, SI' northwest at such n reasonable -"t H.uu I».ill. u«'iciirs io iniiauripnia. SLAVOXIA Dee. 4, 10 a.m.; Apr. 9, May ever witnessed on a race track occurred at lying at the point of death as the resul'' & These compact brick dwelling*. now |A B Streets. Pullman CARONIA Jau. 5. Kel.. VJ price. 9 are ft.00 p.m. Diner and Parlor.* T r»rttrr>Vin rr»r>es ir» tho Rnic Ao ftnnlnPno this g & nearinj; completion, splendidly jC V«rnnt. Tl nrnnx ('.an' I A frnnt Ol OJ SJfnfp of \ Y of an explosion In the boiler room of Ih ® AND 5m>o p.m. Coaches to Philadelphia. k locat"d on 1st street Just above New T.BO A.M. daily. PITTSBURGH EXPRESS ll.oO p.m. S]eei»ers. Opposite tlis Battery. afternoon. A riot of wild proportions stpam vnoht fnlnnia in Ovster Rav In.' 1 DESCRIPTION. 1 York avenue. In ft central, conrenlent JL n.in. Mass. The fact that this house is full 30 and desirable CHICAGO SPECIAL.-Parlor and Dinlns Cars 2.57 STreprrs. Or 120 State St., Boston. the race course into a pandemoniumturnedand bor yesterday afternoon. The vess-' § 3 residential action. jr ATLANTIC CITY. *2.57. *7.00. 0.0ft. til 00 a.m. G st. feet wide means that at! the rooms They ooutaln sli rooms and reception G. W. MOSS, Agent, 1411 n.xv., Washington. ' jg Eg :J|: ;s" Ilarrisburg to Pittsburgh. Connects for Chicago, 1.00. *3.0n. tft.00 p.m. selt>-lyr.eSu,20 violence reigned unrestrained for over an which is ISO feet long, belongs to F. J- S{ are largo and well lighted. 0 rooms, S V hall, tllwl bath room: noroeiatn tub: Louisville and St. Ixuii. EVERY noun ON THE HOUR" hour and a half. Men and women were Bourne, the commodore of th e Sp tiled bath, furnace heat, water heat- stationary washstand; lot 75 ft. deep Cincinnati, Indianapolis, (Week days. 7.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.) formerly to 10-ft. nlley. A special feature <>f it Bnffet Parlor Car to TO KAl.TIMOKE. WITH PULLMAN SERVICE. FRENCH LINE. and injured, shots were fired and New York Tacht Club. ers connected with furnace as well as ij§y: these houses is the chestnut Ilarrisburg. assaulted ^ gas. Hard-wood pretty LINE Week days 2.ST. ft.00. C.30. 7.00. 7.20. 8.00. *.30 COMPAGME GENEKALE TIIANSATLANTIQUE. the mob in the excess of its fiiry resorted With Commodore his famil y finish, elaborate jr trimming which is used throughout 10.50 A.M. <XalIy. MAIN fr.00. 9.30. 10.00, ll.00 a.m.. 12.00 noon. 12.03 Direct Line to Havre.Paris France). Bourne, S decorations. $ 3C the house.except in kitchen, which 3£ Buffet I'arlor Cur to Ilarrisburg.EXPRESS..PullmanParlor 1.00. 2.00. 3.0O. 4.00. 4.4ft. ft.00. 5l«. ft.SO. 0.00 Sailing every Thursday at 10 a.m. to Incendiarism, joyfully burning the and a party of friends on board, the Ccj Is finished in Georgia pine. 3|J 6.30. 7.00. 8.00. 10.00, 10.33, 11.30. ll.Sft p.m. rrom Pier No. 42. North River, foot Morton it.N.T. to WELL JL Car to Pennsylvania Lorraine Nov. 8 booths and twice attempting bettingset lonla anchored off the Seawanhaka Yacr I BUILT, I: g Without <louht these are the IjOW- Ji Ilarrisburg Pittsburgh. Sundays. 2.07. 7.00. 7.20. 8.30. 3.0O. 10.00. 11.WJ *L» Savoie Oct. 2.^j*La : S AVirr r r nrATcn S *n* EST PRICED NEW ON Altoona. a.m.. LOO. 1.15. 3.00. 3.30. ft.00, 6.30. tt.30. 8.00 La fiaswwmp ..Oct. 27!*L* Lnrralne Nov. M fire to the grand stand. Club shortly before noon. Mr. Bourne an j a. »» xJi.i, /"V I HOUSB8 St Railroad Dining Car IIarr!sl<urg to 11.3ft La Provence No*. Bret Nov. 10 THE MARKET IN SUCH A I»E- il 10.00. 10.35. 11.30. p.m. l|La ague The cause of the rioting was the crowd's tlie members of his left at once f<. r SIRABLE LOCATION" IN THE 12.01 P.M. dallr. THE hiNXStLViXIA LIM- WESTWARD. TttlB-screw steamers. party | REASONABLE PRICE. S $ NORTHWEST. JE and CHICAGO & NORTHWEST. 11.00 a.m.. *5.3( ) GEORGE W. MOSS. belief that there had been a false atart. Oakdale, L. I., Mr. Bourne's country plnc<s. EASY TERMS. =& 3! « ITED..Pullman Sleeping, Dining, Smoking p.m. 1411 G ST. N.W. |p )k COZY HOME OR EXCELLENT 3C When this belief spread, which it did like The yacht was left in of the crew Just the Home you should buy. #| INVESTMENT. CINCINNATI. ST. LOUIS LOUISVILLE , rwM-SWSt charge ; Observation Car3 from Ilarrlsburg. For Chicago. and j _ j? 10.0: n.m.. *4.Oft p.m.. *12.45 nljfnt. an electric shock, the people seemed to go who were to begin the work of laying hp ' Cleveland, Toledo, Detroit, Cincinnati. P1TTSHURO. *11.00 a.m.. ft.lO p.m.. *12.40 nut loan companies. mad. but with a clear and definite purpose, up for the winter. t Louis. Parlor Car to CLEVELAND. *9.10 p.m. COLUMBUS. 0.30 p.iu ' to wreak on the ISHANNON&LUCHSj and St. Buffet namely, vengeance IndianapolisW 10.0ft a.m.. ft.30 4 trn»». It. «»)< 8t.»l.a0. lwt.,C.M I mo . »T.W. Shortly after Commodore Bourne In * HEELING. p.:n. of the races and the of the 704 1 3th St. N.W. WINCHESTER. 8.3ft a.m.. t4.05. tft.OC p.m. operators managersgone ashore and the engine root 1 James F. Ilarrlsburg. offices. wjjile §S week 8.00 a.m.. 12.03 noon Side entrance on 9th st. Private betting system, the pari inutuel. force were at wen i It 'Phone Main 23«S. H Shea, ANNAPOLIS, days. dinner something ^ /" i ^ I A « 2.00 P.M. daily. ST. LOUIS 8.30 a.m. and Ik.* » | 4.4ft and G OO p.m. Sundays. 5.3(' with from A False Start. wrong the feed pipe of one of thI gwggaaggg6 u4d La. IN. W. Cars T AAnnxJ " Ave. ft and Observation p.m. hnilorcw. WncrinOQf Dining, Smoking LIMITED..Sleeping, FOR wy.v. ^IIQIIlVbi uvflill JJCUIiai u w cut uc and St. LI"IIAY AND ELKTON. *4.03 p.m. -2QL The trouble started at 3 when the low ool5-w..'i0 A Ilarrlsburg. For Indianapolis, Louisville FREDERICK. t8.33. |9.13. §10.03. tll.00 ein. o'clock, at once and ordered the fires draw*, Louis. Buffet Parlor Car to Ilarrlsburg. il.lft t4.03. t0.3ii p.m. <3J>7U MONEY third race was called. There were probably but before this could be done a connect') HAGERSTOWN. '.10 0ft a.m. and tft.00 p.m. * blejv out, boiler roam wit 8.4o P.M.
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