KCTION B. TtTLSA DAILY WORT.n. SUNDAY, MARCH 2L 1020 BOXERS FINISH WORK TODAY; TULSA WINS STATE TITLE Middleweights Arc Ready for TULSA BOUT ONE Hen 's Coach E. 11'. Rati and His Tulsa School Basketball Team EL RENO LOSES Tomorrow Night's Bout Here OF WEEK S BEST W hich Yesterday Won State Scholastic Title at Norman Tournament IN EINAL ROUND f Few (itoiij Scrapa Are Finals Beat Muskogee Boy Go Through Fast Cftfdea on Week's in Senti'FinataV- - Workouts Before Program. Guards Star. Big Crowd, i I., I'l Lrirrv J'rulev Bm elBl FM Wei hi rtant Boxing mhi man. ok la., Ma Mb so- ARE READY I J BANTAMS til Mr I H I II H la' , hi a html won t he state who Bought lO ihntis This Week bosket hall hlp una uftec- - cbsngg the aeor rhami ing ryetrni of i oon vi'nii 'hi o l i.tv lads Iteal March M ll.'lly V! , gpack ld Manila, Clcver foot- - Krii'.ii'r lleno iv io i j In ,, lean, hard tonnla and .'ink Reevra, ti Tulga. rounda, at tlKht ball1.' A time I'll L Hoys, to liall a f" weekl Ok la wis age to Itt'l In ul hU! a numhoi of times iaem have i, 11 Mnreli Jai Rharkei lh h Settle SttpfBinacjr, Mil H ll"il Whl duMni lame I'oa ItMr Hall will be woMpma ITank Is Hurna, eh: il 11 ulie Ii i.v only a Iwo n loiee point town to tin fol Jeraei ! t v margin Netthoi team mule a sub- during en l game UstWS, towere t,f both March ti, Capt Bob Iteper . stitution ti ire KrSHMI '""I Jack Mul In no wav COUld It lie Bald nud-I- , MPO'U. lllli Barry Orab, :o rounda, . lh.lt ti Iphla anil San Iranclsco iobvji n had a atiil s ii e r i.. walkawai with ttio lively. lm meet in ni March 14 .toe uaajamln II. no Hie Hpor'H have en Kduie Bhannare, :u rounda, a! urnw nightfl in ins is-ro- Joynd Portland, llolh teams hart pWd lit the wonderful Of. ii bin h.,,1 I, op of Um 'J'uImu Athletic popularity In lb March 14. in' eel. glVn an ivtnl Johnny Dundee nnrtunlty lo reel i o'oioca pant b' tada arel Micae) I'anley. lu mitii il .l"gtam. lo 1U1IVIUW rounds, at When 1.. f ee M. lei iu are now at tbl .efiilh of pop-- irol moll blew the Both their v for deciding KUlnn thlg afternoon. i""n arli v To have changed the en- the of March 2'.. Jack Rr'tton the I ggo ehamplonahlp lovrnamdnt tiirougti wwiww itvi tire atructure would lakmir imiiiih O'Keofe, iu rounda, ..i rl( ' ihe fives st.nle.1 mixing from the consisting; "J road work. 'itc rhami whirh would line Mnoha, wis second Opened up 'Villi ly n - Hist I'nlsa several round reault a Ioh of follow nn. Mat i li. HatfJ r,.- i j., inak) paaaoa, , uium wort ami va, in nutnbai of trick thtrtoi ciaj Turner, 10 111 ling Today' workout Will rounda, nt tl.llewed Iteno foul with rr. e Tin- Hat tf. rd, Conn, i Kramei propoaed change! in tennSa throw, the bnii i,,ii ihlng tha bi 1,1.iu bet M uuai. wi ra thai thr pre-- eat goorlng aya em h.iskel n.rtlng .u i o'clock " in Bhollahod in 111 will por-- , tavor of another Rno seemed exclle.l Ht firs'. luWl ,. linn i lutirmr. which givea each point one creJH v, ui both leama wart inking long , ung to attend tba By BDWARli COCIIKAN'K funs For Inrtanci , hnnca on r basebuil name ut aorver'a firm pilnl vvtlowlng in, till mtdflior shots shut, w ki ul and tilt would i" i in, in place of lent inoilltl for the during tnurna hue pUKll em n Ul ! ihet time McNUll) I'ai k. Tin- boi the w in ul men! flair) o work footbaii radical advocated that ihta win in- a o imparatlve qtiia win down lor a goal both mn howed their polnti he grirtn to a tram for ground Charter began dribbling, nil with lusterdai that "'. arc DOW "In ga W In tin- quun-,- ir.'le, aiilu.iiyli onlj nlng, I moderate auoe, pink icudy to atep 11 fast n.eie ar,- a Vera bnuts tnekvt in! Vhli th o( i tiling dna 10 lt no op. nd rwunda tomorrow night. Opinion uriou, cltle hat w Ji b of Inter With long nt llolh idees a wronK anil absurd to followara of paeaOl flisl half close, i,. , ,,h follower over th rlatlv the gam of risii.in.i s, ore Tulsa in ill t boys ;n the football rhangea In par loul&r, it On world' thampfon Reno Hooker riu u! the two dlvldjd. would take much of the out Jack itr,' lai d WI Mike pi lie, I llfty fifty. i"... point to hi thrill luti. kinK of tha wi itarwelghti -- who tavor Kruno' .if the game place It on a more will 'I'b.. large! trowd that inu. gear ami ii tend his tit .i 'I h,- (fhlt - ; generalship, ami graater nirn vet- w a H I Ill I. y c ni spd w mechanical laaii Lot woil enough the ii . thog ho Ilk eran is booked a en-- J ipi ni a whil alone Don't tear down he found for armori watched the final haul! tor chancel the besi beltev hi " jfagamenl with Dannla O'Kaef ml the ehamplonahlp - Heevea lion of thoae two groat oolleglat Ki after- hitting powr and ggrlven a noeha, is.. Thuradai e.irht n lit Iteno tnl ama sportn. ' .Y had practically etir U a i w.n bring him victory. Kai young Ohleago cr4fppi ringed Show for lh w.-e- end sad I I rat. Who has gained oonalderabl, t Kramer Work . ' fame brought in town band Norman. yen- - hope Promoter Bddle Math us ii- x Kramer VII I he flret to work of receniij knocking out some a Tills. i Is. taking tin- - ct.p homo to- - gymnaatum the Ttiisa Athletic ctuh can soon pit it . I4'J poui, ders it ia he night ,i After theauaual arrange to Mike and the boxi .1 lx rounds, two have o'Dowd ol his backer thai he m t ln he world a mtddlowelght ehamplont b'lx Ul daatlnad Tula lnu let Muskogee In tin with km Bpack, Young Wilcox ti. bcome champ, on or that etaaa nooning hi ., ore M to ir, .; si, no' fc'ood boy her". For In O'POWdi m of i ., u La Mortu'to Against He taking on Brlttoil raih'T earl) Item, wop r.ghl to t the n i dlvla on s ropreganted ihe play Tills jipa .. mar ''in si I. In Ills oaraar, however, Km allowed bj one ni gregteat flghtera ln and unless for ihe championship by dafggting II other the he iV up III every I whiii he roughed with the - respei to th Blaekwoll M to the ring today- one of the f 'w t ip- - praa utrent - notloea of hta prowaaa, Tha Itneup: W two notehera, who alwayi ready and Is t Kid Hlngey and ok hlte, he likely be a selliack. II lien .1 I'll al. i ( I x i or willing to fight, anyone at any time. l"l Tills uia lightwelghta, and Mr. taaaca 0'Kf in orodited with punching w allgjo ... If i lartor, it, i - I power, I - Coi ii n ompany workd with skin and k generalahlp, lv mi- 4 4 O'OoWd has been mnk Ink' good but If Vernon Ki ,ei All gave lite co it boy an It takee a craft) boxer to hold ii. rkr, U .,' .... Wleueeke, Ring-i- n money meetlng alt comere, hut when hi opportunity to eattend Mmaelf, own Willi the .on fox of the wel lunch ig . moiiIiI for a match with Mike Keese providing four laal lerwelghi seotton, Brit I I particular himself one nf the gregtegt) ton has been eeh rg .. .Hhaffur. of work. (Ignting s,, many that he Is Foubi I I T. round! last I'aii. readily agroad to the veals 'l Iii no Tulsn Free Banlama Dispute Victory. able to, hold his own with goals 2 ti matob. did to such Wallace nut of Curler KUi spa' k and Pranklg Manila. What the "harp" youngster with comparative eaa Job! of ii No score, tha "Phantom" ia ring history. anbatltute hu itip eight rounda In the aeml lie joes not knock man) of thorn out mi item. 1, ruigg i x n, Mc Blghegrt O'Powd is a real fighter in more I tar, windup, mat but because in content ol Upper row, ler! to forward, flerllo, center; OOOOII row, b ft to i h: in 'el moil. way than in the lie carried rlghtl I'nifkn. substltule sulistltiite Moritan. enhsllliite ,;iianl; Ran, Bottom H'ednaadat nigm ana are no rinc this sort he managei to finish ahead Val nun. I'm vv Welnecke, Shaffer, cap one of Uncle rifles; was in tha nil; Kei guard! center. nuaril, I'urtei, am and forward their tomorrow nlght'a argument Sam's of them on points amd thus Uphold Th Hii'-iip- ;lt thick of the mbtup in ESurppe, and d Manila dispute Bpaajk'g victory hi atandlhg as th.- beat Ifl Hi no 111 l'n-- l. Ml kwell II had has always bropgnt ortfdlt to the fighter In ton.
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