Gaucho Alumni Return for Homecoming Today() ; 1700 copies published every Friday by El Gaucho is published every Friday of ; the Associated Students. the school year. No issues are printed on - > l Subscription rates, fifty cents per year. holidays or during examinations. All-American award, 1939-40. All-Columbian “Medalist”, 1939-40. Vol. XX SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1941 No. 30 California Assembly Legislative Council Appropriates $650,000 Concentrates Efforts To Santa Barbara State Department of Science Building, Health On Budget Debate And Physical Education Units Gain Initial Entire Student Body Considers 1941-42 Attention from Newly Acquired Budget Financial Draft at Tuesday Assembly; An appropriation of $650,000 was made by the California State Richards Reveals Activity Survey Results Assembly to the extension of Santa Barbara State college last week, Annual budget bugaboos for the Associated students of Santa it was announced Wednesday by President Clarence L. Phelps. Land Barbara State college took the spotlight at last night’s executive nad new Buildings are included in this allotment. In addition, $693,* council meeting in room 81, pine hall, as council membeers carried 358 was budgeted for general operation, salaries, equipment, supplies and utilities. This was slashed from ^ Z — — on a four hour discussion to straighten out the $28,000 tangle and the original #738,255 request. finally accept the proposed budget, with a 7 to 3 vote. Discussion ----- :----------- --- ---;-------- MORE FUNDS NEEDED Newspapermen Southern California, that there Both allotments may still he amend* over the budget proposal centered ed, it was noted by President Phelps, State Assembly around the A.M.S., debate and foren­ who is working for an increase in Hold Annual sics, workshop plays, glee club, and budget. Additional funds are vital to administration allotments. take care of the added expenses Approves Bill Council member Syd Cohen open­ which accompany ^he 36.7 per cent Journalism Day ed the controversy over the seem­ increase in enrollment during the ingly small AMS allotment with his last year, it was emphasized by the Journalists, representing 18 high Typical of the 1941 Roadrunner Revue, "What’s members of Jane* Wood’s chorus going through some For University Cookin’?” is the action pictured above showing the hot numbers in the Devil’s chambers. motion to prohibit the sale of acti­ president. > schools and junior colleges in the vities cards among the men students Supporters of Assembly bill 1931, Department of science building tri-county area, are expected to attend next year. His motion was defeated. and the- health and physical educa­ proposing creation of the University the' annual Journalism day to be ARTIST SERIES tion unit will get fi&t attention from Roadrunner Revue Proves Hit of Caliornia at Santa Barbara, real­ held on this campus next Thursday. the #650,000 und. A start on the ized an additional advance toward Introduced into next year’s budget speech and music buildings may be Joint sponsors of the affair will be their objective Monday when mem­ by Finance Manager Gilbert McKeon possible, the president said. No fed­ Alpha Phi Gamma, honorary jour­ bers of the California State Assem­ was a combined group of' student ac­ tivities to be known as the Associated eral aid will be used in construction. nalism fraternity, and Fourth Estate, ‘What’s Cookin’?’ Receives Hot bly voted 43 to 28 to establish such Seniors Hold an institution. Artist series. This series included W.P.A. workers were employed in State college journalism club. Passage of the proposal by the drama, music and dance. the building of tKe industrial edu­ Invitations have been sent tp the Ovation in First Performance cation plant on Leadbetter Mesa, Final Breakfast Assembly marked the second advance "Under the 'combined program, ex­ various educational institutions and site of the proposed additions, to the made by the biff since its introduction penses for the various items 'will be Gaucho campuses. replies are being received this week, Closes Two-Day Run Tonight Jan u ary 25 by Assemblym an Jesse R. minimized and costs will be reduced,” BUDGET AMENDED according to Mary Lou Royal, chair­ In Cafeteria Kellams of Los Angeles and Alfred explained Graduate Manager Don man of the occasion. W. Robertson of Santa Barbara. Follett. "It will afford a combined Originally drawn up by the gover­ B y J im m e e V . F u l l e r t o n Supported by one hundred seniors, The measure was first referred to program comparable to any in any nor, the budget was amended by the Convening at 10 a.m. on the new El Gaucho Special Writer Ways and Means committee. At the campus for registration and a tour the last monthly senior breakfast the committee on universities where college in the West.” present time, the budget is before the of the print shop, those attending was conducted yesterday morning in it was given due pass and sent to the Also introduced into next year’s Even Santa Barbara is cool in comparison to the hot reception the college cafeteria by Fred Baer, Legislature. will meet in the industrial education floor of the assembly for action by figures was an allotment for publicity president of the class. April 27 and 28 were the dates of auditorium for an assembly, featur­ the tenth annual Roadrunner Revue received last night in the College th at body. of #580.40 to take overjfhe removal the meetings in Sacramento at which ing a guest speaker active in the theatre on opening night. “What’s Cookin’ ” continuing tonight and Special speaker for the occasion Next step to be taken will send the of the present public relations man President Phelps attended. field of journalism. was Laurence E. Chenoweth; director bill to the Senate where it will be during the next year. tomorrow brought forth more surprizes that a night at Houdini’s of the placement bureau. Topic of referred once again to committee, Luncheon served on the Riviera During the debate and redebate and if you don’t think it’s good just ask Lawrence Chenoweth, place- his discussion was relative to place­ this time that on education. In the campus at 1 p.m. will be followed by on the varied sections of the budget ment of Students after graduation. event members of the committee fail section meetings. A tea dance from ment bureau head, he stood on the^> particular empliasis was placed* upon to halt further action on the propo­ Music Groitp 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in Ebbets hall is back of his seat after and yelled: exactly #12.30 cents—honest, I Announcement was made of a cap a recent student survey taken by sal^ it will then be sent to the floor scheduled to conclude the program "W hata helluva good show.” counted, them. I didn’t count the and gown day on the campus to be President Jack Richards wherein 185 of the Senate to be considered. o f '"activities Tor the*-day;* W ith' a scene setting reminiscent snickers either/* held May 27, last Tuesday of regular students numbered their preference Slates Eames Should the Senate pass the bill, it Discussion groups led by campus o registration day at college—it was Rego, Guerrero and Janie Woods classes. Seniors will wear this cos­ in Associated student body activities. will be sent to the Governor of the speakers will consist of a seminar staged in Hell—the show was stolen —another giggly threesome—entered tume if the apparel arrives by that State for his veto or approval. If ORDER OF PREFERENCE Piano Recital for editors, led by Willard May; by the antics of the three ghosts— in a little on the thunder but just time. In case of a tardy appearance, the Governor attaches his signature, Heading the list was the A.M.S., sports discussion, Ray Acevedo; edi­ Bedell, Kelly and Dorris-r-the sing­ made it tha much louder.’ That Rego cap and gown day will be on June the Board of Regents of the Univer­ closely followed by football, basket­ Dr. Henry Purmort Eames, pian-' torial and feature" writing, Syd Co­ ing of Charles Widener, Aleta de and Guerrero were slightly misplaced 3. sity of California must take affirma­ ball, assemblies and El Gaucho in ist, composer and musicologist, will hen; and yearbook, Jim Stanley. HoyaS; Marion McCormack, Toni in their basketball efforts you will According-,to |Jane Miller Abra­ tive action within 60 days in' order second, third, fourth, and fifth places present one of his world famous Bargetz—the dancing of the chor- agreé to, when you see their mach­ ham, senior advisor, the #5 alumni for the proposal to become an ac­ respectively. Concluding the list in piano-lecture recitals Thursday eve­ usesr—specialties by Rego, Guerrero, inations as secretaries to the Devi. fee is not compulsory. It is strongly order of their ranked importance ning at 8:30 in tne Industrial Edu­ Credit should be given where it is urged that seniors make the pay­ tuality. Saenz and Jane Wood. Wow! was it ! were A.W.S., La Cumbre, social com- cation auditorium on the Mesa cam­ most justly due to the splendiferous ment in orcjer to keep in touch with Speaking in defense^ of his bill, Chenoweth highlighted! I mittee, baseball, dramatics, * rally pus under the sponsorship of the dance numbers created in the inimi­ college affairs. Robertson insisted Monday that crea­ In leading roles of the pseudo? tion of a branch of the University committee, publicity, activities con­ local music department. conflict between the devil’s morals table style of Janey Woods with Senors.
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