Open Outdoor Restaurants Website Phone Number County Seating Applebee's https://www.applebees.com/en 301.729.4189 Allegany B&B Country Meats N/A (301) 689-6225 Allegany Baltimore Street Grill baltimorestreetgrill.com (301) 724-1711 Allegany Yes Basecamp Coffee Company www.basecampcoffees.com (240) 362-7022 Allegany Yes Bella Napoli bellanapolicumberland.com (240) 362-7593 Allegany B-Rad's Pizza N/A (301) 689-6225 Allegany Yes Cafe Mark N/A (301) 777-0037 Allegany Yes Charis Winery, Inc http://www.chariswinery.com/ 240.581.3875 Allegany Yes Chick-Fil-A Cumberland https://www.chick-fil-a.com/locations/md/queen-city-centre (301) 722-0086 Allegany Yes Chillin' Hot Grill and Deli https://chillinhotgrillanddeli.com/ (240) 284-2427 Allegany Yes City Lights American Grill & Bar https://www.citylightsamericangrill.com/ 301.722.9800 Allegany Yes Clatter Café https://www.clattercafe.com/ (240) 284-3131 Allegany Yes Coop's Bunns N/A (240) 362-7152 Allegany Corner Tavern & Cafe n/a (240) 362-7534 Allegany Yes Curtis' Coney Island Famous Weiners N/A 301-777-0380 Allegany D' Atri Subs https://www.datrisubs.com/ 301.724.4899 Allegany Da Vinci's Pizzeria http://davincispizzeria.com/menu.html (301) 729-8111 Allegany Yes D'Atri Restaurant http://datrislavale.com/ 301.729.2774 Allegany [email protected] Dig Deep Brewing Co www.digdeepbrewery.com om Allegany Yes 301.722.0022, Domino's Pizza https://www.dominos.com/ 301.689.8899 Allegany Eastern Express easternexpress99.com (301) 689-5370 Allegany El Jinete Mexican Restaurant N/A (301) 777-0847 Allegany El-Canelo Frostburg N/A (301) 687-0750 Allegany European Desserts and More N/A 301.777.0404 Allegany Yes Fat Boy's Pizza Shack fatboyspizzashack.com 301-689-2727 Allegany Yes Fratelli Italian Restaurant & Bar http://fratellis.co/ 301-722-1777 Allegany Frostburg Freeze N/A (301) 689-3020 Allegany Yes Gianni's Pizza & Wings Cumberland http://www.giannispizzacumberland.com/ 301.722.0840 Allegany Gianni's Pizza & Wings Frostburg http://www.giannisfrostburg.com/ (301) 687-1000 Allegany Ginger's Asian Kitchen N/A 301.722.8389 Allegany Giuseppe's Italian Restaurant https://www.giuseppes.net/ 301.689.2220 Allegany Yes Hartley's Pizza N/A (301) 759-3095 Allegany Henny's Grill & Bar http://www.hennys.net/ 301.729.1746 Allegany Yes Holy Grounds Coffee & Bagel Shop https://www.holygroundscoffeebagel.com/ 240.362.7549 Allegany Yes JJ's & Sons Pizzeria jjsandsons.com (301) 777-3994 Allegany Joe's Viaduct Restaurant N/A (301) 777-7500 Allegany K Bar N/A (301) 777-9748 Allegany Kline's Restaurant http://www.klines-restaurant.com/ (301) 777-5010 Allegany Lashbaugh's Bar & Grill https://www.lashbaughsbarandgrill.com/ 301-729-2328 Allegany Yes LG's Pizzeria and Pub N/A (301) 687-0210 Allegany Livvy's Soft Serve N/A (301) 707-6367 Allegany Yes Lorenzo's Frostburg Bakery https://www.lorenzosinc.com/LorenzosFrostburgBakery.htm (301) 689-6570 Allegany Mario's Italian Eatery N/A (301) 687-1035 Allegany McDonald's https://www.mcdonalds.com/ (301) 722-4071 Allegany Mezzos http://www.mezzosbar.com/ (301) 777-7750 Allegany Yes Mise En Place N/A 301-707-5086 Allegany Yes Oak Barrel Cafe oakbarrelcafe.com 301-478-2727 Allegany Yes Oscar's Restaurant https://www.oscarsrestaurantmd.com/#/ (301) 724-7827 Allegany Yes Patrick's Pub www.patspub.net (301) 722-1007 Allegany Yes Princess Restaurant https://princessrestaurant.com/ 301-689-1680 Allegany Puccini's Restaurant http://www.puccinirestaurant.com/ (301) 777-7822 Allegany Yes Queen City Creamery N/A (301) 777-0011 Allegany Yes Rio Grande Mexican Restaurant www.eatriogrande.com (240) 362-7311 Allegany Yes Ristorante Ottaviani http://ottavianis.com/ 301.722.0052 Allegany Yes Roy Rogers https://www.royrogersrestaurants.com/ 301.777.8299 Allegany Sandy Springs Saloon and Steakhouse http://www.sandspringssaloon.com/#2508 301-689-8085 Allegany Shooters Neighborhood Bar & Grill https://www.shootersmd.com/ 301.729.1637 Allegany Signatures Bar & Grill https://rockygapcasino.com/Dine-Drink (301) 784-8400 Allegany Yes Skewers Restaurant https://skewersfreshgrill.com/ (240) 362-7093 Allegany Yes Multiple locations, check Subway https://www.subway.com/en-US website Allegany Taco Bell https://www.tacobell.com/ 301.777.7021 Allegany Texas Grillhouse www.texasgrillhouse.com (301) 729-3344 Allegany Yes The Crabby Pig crabbypig.com (301) 724-7472 Allegany Yes The Fillin' Station Diner http://www.fillinstationdiner.com/ (843) 889-1965 Allegany The FroYo Factory N/A (240) 362-7452 Allegany Yes Toasted Goat Winery https://toastedgoatwinery.com/menu-2/ (240) 558-9463 Allegany Yes Uncle Jack's Pub & Pizzeria https://unclejackspizzeriapub.menufy.com/#/ (301) 724-1110 Allegany Yes Wasabi Steakhouse www.wasabilavale.com (301) 338-2786 Allegany Yes Wendy's https://www.wendys.com/home (301) 759-3414 Allegany Wholesome Harvest Co-op https://www.wholesomeharvestcoop.com/ (301) 689-3120 Allegany 1812 Brewery http://1812brewery.com/ (301) 338-2490 Allegany Yes 1747 Pub at Reynolds Tavern https://reynoldstavern.org/about/about-the-1747-pub/ (410) 295-9555 Anne Arundel Yes Alibi's Bar & Grill N/A (443) 637-7267 Anne Arundel All American Steakhouse https://theallamericansteakhouse.com/location/edgewater/ (410) 956-4494 Anne Arundel Yes Annapolis Ice Cream Company https://annapolisicecream.com/ (443) 714-8674 Anne Arundel Annapolis Market House https://annapolismarkethouse.com/ (443) 949-0024 Anne Arundel Yes Annapolis Smokehouse & Tavern http://www.annapolissmokehouse.com/ 410-571-5073 Anne Arundel Yes Annebeth's http://www.annebeths.biz/ 410-990-9700 Anne Arundel April's Table https://www.aprilstable.com/ 410-544-2660 Anne Arundel Armadillo's Bar and Grill https://armadillosannapolis.com/ (410) 280-0028 Anne Arundel Arturo's Trattoria https://www.arturostrattoria.com/ (410) 761-1500 Anne Arundel Baked by Mary Kate [email protected] (410) 353-6040 Anne Arundel Basmati Indian Restaurant https://basmatiofannapolis.com/ (410) 266-6355 Anne Arundel Bay Ridge Wine & Spirits https://www.bayridgewine.com/ (410) 268-1961 Anne Arundel Bayside Bull Bbq Pit https://baysidebull.com/ (410) 956-6009 Anne Arundel Bean Rush Cafe https://beanrushcafe.com/ 410-263-2592 Anne Arundel Bella Italia https://www.bellaitaliamd.com/ (410) 216-6061 Anne Arundel Blackwall Hitch Annapolis https://www.blackwallhitchannapolis.com/ (410) 263-3454 Anne Arundel Yes Blue Rooster Cafe https://www.gotoroosters.com/ 410-757-5232 Anne Arundel Boatyard Bar and Grill boatyardbarandgrill.com 410-216-6206 Anne Arundel Yes Bonefish Grill Glen Burnie https://www.bonefishgrill.com/locations/md/glen-burnie (410) 553-0299 Anne Arundel Yes Botanas Fajardo N/A (843) 568-3848 Anne Arundel Bowl of Cherries Catering https://www.bowlofcherriescatering.com/ 443.336.6526 Anne Arundel Bread and Butter Kitchen https://breadandbutterkitchen.com/contact/ 410-202-8680 Anne Arundel Brian Boru Irish Restaurant https://www.brianborupub.com/ (410) 975-2678 Anne Arundel Broadneck Grill & Cantina https://www.broadneckgrill.com/Home (410) 757-0002 Anne Arundel Yes Broken Oar Bar & Grill https://brokenoarbarandgrill.com/ (443) 818-9070 Anne Arundel Yes Buddy's Crabs & Ribs N/A 410-626-1100 Anne Arundel Yes Cafe Bretton https://cafebretton.com/ (410) 647-8222 Anne Arundel Yes Cafe Mezzanotte https://www.cafemezzanotte.com 410.647.1100 Anne Arundel Yes Café Normandie https://www.cafenormandie.com/ (410) 263-3382 Anne Arundel Caliente Grill www.calientegrillannapolis.com 410-626-1444 Anne Arundel Yes Cantina Mamma Lucia https://www.cantinamammalucia.com/ 410-684-2900 Anne Arundel Cantler's Riverside https://www.cantlers.com/ 410-757-1311 Anne Arundel Yes Canton Kitchen http://www.thecantononline.com/ 410-280-8658 Anne Arundel Carpaccio Tuscan Kitchen N/A (410) 268-6569 Anne Arundel Yes Carrol's Creek Cafe https://carrolscreek.com/ (410) 263-8102 Anne Arundel Yes Chad's BBQ https://www.chadsbbq.com 410-956-7774 Anne Arundel Chart House www.chart-house.com/location/chart-house-annapolis-md/ (410) 268-7166 Anne Arundel Chesepiooc Brewing http://www.brewcrab.com/ (410) 630-1579 Anne Arundel Yes Chevys Fresh Mex Annapolis https://chevysmd.com/locations/annapolis-chevys-location/ (410) 573-4932 Anne Arundel Yes Chick - n - Ruth's https://www.chickandruths.com/ (410) 269-6737 Anne Arundel Chop't Creative Salad https://www.choptsalad.com/ (443) 924-6222 Anne Arundel Chris's Charcoal Pit House http://www.chrischarcoalpit.com/website/ (410) 266-5200 Anne Arundel Cooper's Hawk Winery & Restaurant https://chwinery.com/ (443) 837-9989 Anne Arundel Crofton Cantina N/A (410) 923-2804 Anne Arundel Yes Crooked Crab Brewing https://www.crookedcrabbrewing.com/ 443-569-9187 Anne Arundel Yes Davis' Pub www.facebook.com/DavisPub21403/ 410-268-7432 Anne Arundel Yes Diehl's Produce of Annapolis https://www.facebook.com/DiehlsProduceAnnapolis/ N/A Anne Arundel Dock Street Bar & Grill http://www.dockstreetbar.net/ (410) 268-7278 Anne Arundel Donut Shack N/A (410) 544-0278 Anne Arundel Dutch Market Bakery & Cheese https://www.padutchfarmmarket.com/ 410-5723-0778 Anne Arundel Eastport Kitchen http://www.eastportkitchen.com/ (410) 990-0000 Anne Arundel Edgewater Liquors https://www.edgewaterliquorsmaryland.com/ (410) 956-3117 Anne Arundel Edgewater Restaurant http://edgewaterrestaurant.blogspot.com/ 410-956-3202 Anne Arundel Eggcellence Cafe http://www.eggcellencebrunchery.com/ (410) 573-9503 Anne Arundel El Cabrito Mexican Grill https://www.facebook.com/cabritomexicanGrill/ 443-714-8513 Anne Arundel El Cabrito Mexican Grill https://www.facebook.com/cabritomexicanGrill/ 410-858-2742 Anne Arundel
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