1 .'•< Gets more scholarships Hagan follows tDean of Coaches' By TOMMY HEARRON Dodd at Georgia Tech, in the Hagan declined to specify the Thresher Sports Editor company of Ray Graves and exact number he would like to Bo Hagan, Jess Neely's newly 'Frank Broyles, both of whom give each year, but noted that appointed successor as Rice's have since become head coaches. the state schools in the con- head football coach, is a man Ending speculation that Rice ference were currently giving who should make subtle, but might be planning to de-empha- the legal maximum of fifty. noticeable, changes in the ap- size football, Hagan announced Rice would give, he said, a pearance of intercollegiate the University had consented to number "such as to compare athletics at Rice. an increase both in the coach- with the other private schools A dynamic, energetic person ing staff and in the number of in the conference." who still embodies the integrity athletic scholarships offered. When asked about his philo- long associated with Jess Neely, Concerning assistant coaches, sophy of football, Coach Hagan Hagan, a favorite of the players, Hagan said he had not yet answered that offense and de- should mix knowledge of the decided who he would like to fense are stereotyped in college game, ability to communicate bring in nor who among the football and offer few opportun- with his players, and dignity present staff he would ask to ities for variation. He prefers into a winning combination. remain. He emphasized, how- the "I" formation, however, Having come to Rice ten ever, that those currently on the with a passing attack to com- years ago from SMU, the staff would receive first con- plement the running game. "You popular backfield coach had sideration. can't win without throwing," formerly served under Bobby Concerning^ cholarships, Coach See HAGAN on page 7 THE RICE THRESHER AN ALL-STUDENT NEWSPAPER FOR 51 YEARS Thresher photo by Hill Hlanion BO HAG AX AND HIS PREDECESSOR Volume 54, Number 11 RICE UNIVERSITY, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 December 1, 1966 Long-awaited announcement came yesterday Minority problems probed Rice to hold first teach-in Monday Only two years behind the cussions, twenty-five indivi- ant to Mayor Louie Welch. other leading universities in duals will discuss the problems Speaking in the afternoon and this country, Rice will have its of Houston minority groups in also participating in the power the areas of housing, education, first teach-in next Monday af- structure panel will be Waring labor, and dealings with the Fincke, a California native who ternoon and evening. Under the "white power structure." has spent the last nine months auspices of the Forum, and working in the First Ward as planned and organized by a The afternoon session will feature five informal lectures a VISTA volunteer. In an in- group of unaffiliated Rice stu- and question and answer pe- terview with the Thresher dents, a ten-hour program on riods with such speakers as Fincke stated that he expected basic social issues will be pre- Chris Dixie, prominent labor some clashes over basic prin- ciples in each of the discussion Thresher photo by Bill Blanton sented in the Chemistry Lecture lawyer and president of the sessions. However, he added WARING FINCKE Hall, starting at 1:00 pm. In Texas Liberal Democrats, and that the most intense controver- VISTA volunteer to expound 'doctrine of implied power' informal lectures and panel dis- Judge Alfred Hernandez, na- tional pi-esident of LULAC and sy should be generated not over one of Texas's most influential principles, but over specific Cybernetics 'simplifies' system Latin - Americans. methods of approach to pro- blems which have already been The first panel discussion generally recognized and ac- will start at 4:45 pm with knowledged. Specifically he pre- Students to schedule final exams Professor Earl Rand of the dicted disagreement in the 'Students will schedule their nounced the procedure, stresses was transferred to punch tape TSU Education Department Labor panel between Fred own final examinations for the that the plan was adopted by in one hour using a reading ma- moderating a discussion of Wiener, Director of the Voca- first time during the next two the faculty last June on a trial chine at Texas Southern Uni- education in Houston. The panel tional Guidance Service, and weeks—by filling out a fistful basis only, and that the future versity. will feature such antithetical Walter Katz of the Crescent of forms. of the system will depend on Grade cards can be produced opinions as those of Mrs. How- Foundation over exactly at Self-scheduling will not ap- its success this January. from this tape in a few hours. ard Barnstone, minority mem- whom work programs should In- ply, however, to 100 and 200 "That's getting 'em out pretty ber of the Houston School Morehead expressed enthusi- directed. level (freshman and sophomore) astic approval of the plan. "I fast," Morehead observed. Board, and C. O. Mann, Director courses, or to the 20 upper level just want the thing to work so The new procedure will be of the Houston Chapter of the How If Started courses with enrollments of 50 badly," he said, "that I want applied to semester grades in John Birch Society. The basic idea for this week's February. The tape will be or more, or which will use slides the students to realize how Evening Battles teach-in germinated in a Fresh- as part of the examination. used to print gummed labels much is up to them. I will do After a one hour recess for man Week discusion vroup at containing the course names and Deadline Dec. 15 everything possible in this of- supper, Rice Professor William Jones College. Since then it descriptions, as well as the Students must complete their fice to see that it works McCord will open the housing has been planned and urbanized grades, to be pasted directly schedule for examinations by smoothly." panel at 7:00 pm. This session by a small independent group on transcripts. Morehead stated December 15, turning in a com- The plan follows substantially should be highlighted by some of Rice students led by Peter that this procedure will elimi- plete schedule and separate cards a SCEP proposal first submitted disagreement between Dr. HoHings, Le Anne Schreiber nate errors in transferring and envelopes for each course. in 1964, and worked out last Stewart Wilber, Chairman of and Pat Bryan. According t.> grades. All undergraduates, both resi- winter. the Housing Committee of the Hollings, the group has made a dent and non-resident, will ob- The tape will also produce the conscious effort to present Computer Check Houston Council on Human tain and return these forms in multiple copies of grade reports grass-roots speakers who are The procedure in the Registr- Relations and a strong suppor- their colleges. (Class I gradu- which are distributed to several themselves actively involved in ar's Office will be simplified by ter of open housing, and* God- ates will schedule through the parties. seeking solutions to the key the use of IBM-size cards (filled don Nielson, Executive Director Registrar's Office.) Disti'ibution of semester problems which confront Hous- out by the students) and the of the Houston Apartment The Registrar's Office will grades has formerly taken a ton minority groups. They fear envelopes. The Registrar will Owners Association. assign a room to each student month or more. Morehead esti- that Rice's lack of activism and punch the information onto the The labor panel will start for each examination, and will mated that, if the new procedure activists reflects a basic general cards and use a sorting machine at 8:15 and will be moderated prepare and post lists of these runs smoothly, it will take no disinterest in social conditions. to sort the cax-ds by time (to by Professor Allen Matusow. room assignments. longer than 2 days for grades They hope the teach-in will at assign the rooms) and then to Here the status quo will prob- Exam Committee to be processed. Jeast inform the Rice student sort by course (to submit to ably be defended by Henry Carr, A student committee, which body about these conditions professors to ensure that all regional public relations repre- has yet to be selected, will dis- Perhaps it may even stimulate students have indeed scheduled 'New Mutants' sentative for the Department of tribute examinations in the as- some involvement in the social all of their exams.) Labor. The most interesting- signed rooms 20 minutes before Dr. Leslie A. Fiedler will problems which it will consider. representative of the minority the beginning of each examina- The envelopes will contain conclude the Hanszen Fall viewpoint is Hai-tzell Gray, an Hollings also emphasized the tion period, and will collect the the unwritten exams, will be Symposium tonight by par- Episcopal priest turned pipe- informal, fluid structure of the examinations at the end of the distributed to the exam rooms ticipating in a panel dis- fitter and union organizer who program. Both the afternoon period. These students will re- at the proper time, and will cussion on "The New recently served as George and evening sessions have been turn the examinations to the later hold the completed exams, Mutants." Bush's campaign manager. geared to a mobile audience. Registrar's Office, where facul- to be sorted by course by the Other members of the Since discussion will be con- ty members may pick them up. Registrar and held for profes- panel will be Dr.
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