at his home. his at worked in Ljubljana until he died in 1957 1957 in died he until Ljubljana in worked nia, in Croatia and in Serbia. He lived and and lived He Serbia. in and Croatia in nia, - 1 5 Rimski zid / Roman Wall 9 13 17 Gledališka stolba / Gledališka stolba staircase Slove of parts other in worked also He gave rise to the name Plečnik’s Ljubljana. Ljubljana. Plečnik’s name the to rise gave Plečnikova hiša / Plečnik House Ureditev Ulice na Grad / Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica / National and University Library umrl. tudi domu an ineradicable imprint on the city that that city the on imprint ineradicable an Arhitekt Jože Plečnik je med letoma 1921 in 1957 Plečnik je bil eden od zagovornikov ohranitve obzidja Layout of the Ulica na Grad street Knjižnica – tempelj učenosti – z notranjo opremo je bila Leta 1932 je bilo urejeno stopnišče – stolba z osrednje postavljeno svojem na 1957 leta je kjer Ljubljani, v a funerary complex) with which he left left he which with complex) funerary a rimskega mesta Emone. Po njegovih načrtih je bil med svetilko, ki povezuje nivo Kongresnega trga z rečnim prostorom delal in živel je smrti svoje Do Srbiji. v staro pritlično hišo z vrtom v Trnovskem predmestju Ureditev Ulice na Grad, ki je bila izvedena leta 1933, izvedena med letoma 1936 in 1941. Kubično zasnovan churches, palaces, markets, cemetery, cemetery, markets, palaces, churches, letoma 1928 in 1938 preurejen del južnega obzidja Emone, Ljubljanice. Preko stopnišča se odpira pogled na reko z mostovi in Hrvaškem na Slovenije, delih drugih preoblikoval v svoj dom. Dozidati je dal enonadstropni se prične ob stopnišču cerkve sv. Florijana in teče do objekt ima fasadni plašč sestavljen iz grobo obdelanih bridges, staircases, courtyards, stadium, stadium, courtyards, staircases, bridges, valjasti prizidek, verando, nadstrešek nad vhodom in ki vključuje lopo z lapidarijem v starih mestnih vratih in kamnov in opeke. Glavni vhod je poudarjen z balkonom, in na Ljubljanski grad. Z rečne smeri pa je pogled v osi svetilke v tudi je Ustvarjal Ljubljana. Plečnikova prvega ovinka, kjer se konča kot manjši trg s kamnito banks, river of arrangement the park, zimski vrt. Po njegovi zasnovi je urejen tudi vrt s številnimi dva nova prehoda v obzidju v oseh ulic. Enega je poudaril stranski pa s kipom Mojzesa. Fasadne stene so členjene usmerjen na trg z Uršulinsko cerkvijo v ozadju. ime in pečat neizbrisen mestu dal je rimi (squares, streets, parks, archaeological archaeological parks, streets, (squares, - preprogo. Os ulice je tlakovana s kamnito linijo, ki se s kate s objekti), poslovilnimi s kompleks grajenimi prvinami, ki ponazarjajo njegov način gradnje. s piramido, glavni vhod v rimsko mesto pa s stebri. Ob z izstopajočimi okni in velikima oknoma z osrednjima he created numerous and various works works various and numerous created he prečnim vzorcem širi do obstoječih hiš, kjer so pred vhodi In 1932 a staircase – stolba was laid out, with a centrally placed pokopališče, tržnice, palače, cerkve, on, Hiša je v lasti Mestne občine Ljubljana, urejena je kot obzidju je s potjo in drevesi urejen arheološki park, kjer so stebroma na obeh straneh čitalnice. Objekt je zaključen he was active in both cities. In Ljubljana Ljubljana In cities. both in active was he - oblikovana stopnišča. V tlaku so urejene odprtine za lamp connecting the level of the Kongresni trg square with the stadi dvorišča, stopnišča, mostove, žij, muzej z razstavo in zbirko Plečnikovih načrtov. postavljene antične izkopanine. z okrasnim vencem. Na zahodni strani objekta je urejena from 1920 to 1935, when he left Prague, Prague, left he when 1935, to 1920 from - drevesa, ki členijo ulični prostor in usmerjajo pogled na zeleno grajsko pobočje. river area of the Ljubljanica. The staircase offers a view of the river obre obrečnih ureditev park, arheološki razgledna terasa s klopmi in spomeniki. Ljubljana; of University the at fessorship Odprto: torek–nedelja 10.00–18.00, zaprto: 1. 1., 1. 11., 25. 12., 24. in 31. 12. 10.00–14.00. Plečnik was one of those who advocated the preservation of the Roman Emona town walls. with bridges and of the Ljubljana Castle. From the river direction, parke, ulice, (trge, dela raznolika in vilna The layout of the Ulica na Grad street, carried out in 1933, starts by the staircase of the - pro a accepted also he year same the In - Vodeni ogledi hiše potekajo vsako polno uro (zadnje vodstvo ob 17.00). Posamezno vodstvo je omejeno na Between 1928 and 1938, part of the southern walls of Emona was renovated according to his Odprto: delovniki 9.00–20.00, sobote 9.00–14.00 Voden ogled je the view in the lamp’s axis is directed towards the square with the šte ustvaril je Ljubljani V hkrati. mestih Church of St. Florian and extends to the first turn, where it ends as a smaller square with also constructed according to his design. design. his to according constructed also največ 7 oseb. Rezervacije terminov: 01 241 25 06, [email protected] designs, including an arched vault with a lapidarium in the old city gate and two new passages mogoč zgolj po predhodnem dogovoru. T: 01 200 11 95, [email protected] Ursuline church in the background. obeh v deloval Prage, iz odšel je ko 1935, stone paving. The street’s axis is paved with a stone line that spreads transversely to the Sacred Heart of Our Lord in Prague was was Prague in Lord Our of Heart Sacred in the walls extending the axes of the streets. One is accentuated with a pyramid, while the leta do 1920 leta od tako in univerzi ski Between 1921 and 1957, the architect Jože Plečnik renovated an old ground floor house with existing houses with staircases in front of the entrances. The pavement includes holes for The library, a temple of learning, together with its interior decor and furnishings, was Most the of Church The gardens. castle - main entrance into the Roman city is emphasised with columns. Next to the walls, there is an 18 Filharmonija / Philharmonic building ljubljan na profesorja mesto tudi sprejel a garden in the Trnovo suburb and turned it into his home. The house was expanded with a trees, which divide the street space and screen the view towards the green castle slope. the designed and Masaryk President of constructed between 1936 and 1941. The façade of the cubic building consists of roughly je letu istem V Jezusovega. Srca svetega archaeological park, arranged with a path and trees and featuring antique diggings. and courtyards, arranged the residence residence the arranged courtyards, and single-storey cylindrical annex, a porch, a canopy above the entrance and a winter garden. squared stones and bricks. The main entrance is emphasised with a balcony and one side Plečnik je leta 1937 na obstoječi stavbi filharmonije ob rečni strani cerkev tudi zgrajena načrtih njegovih po notably redesigned the castle building building castle the redesigned notably He also designed the layout of the garden with numerous constructed elements, which bila je Pragi V vrtove. grajske oblikoval 6 10 Parkovna ureditev grajske planote in Šance / has a statue of Moses. The façade walls are divided with protruding windows and two large dozidal zaodrje in oblikoval novo fasado z arkadnim hodnikom. V Zoisova cesta / Zoisova cesta road He Hradčany. on Castle illustrate his building methods. The house is owned by the City Municipality of Ljubljana and windows with central columns on both sides of the reading room. The building ends with a osrednjih poljih vzvalovane fasade so postavljene vaze, na robnih ter Masaryka predsednika architect on the Prague Prague the on architect is arranged as a museum with permanent displays, including a collection of Plečnik’s plans. Cesta je bila leta 1927 urejena z dvema drevoredoma kot Park arrangement of the castle plateau and Šance decorative cornice. The western side of the building features a viewing terrace with benches pa so vzidana okna. Objekt s fasado je ob nabrežju Ljubljanice rezidenco uredil dvorišča, in opportunity to work as an an as work to opportunity Open: Tuesday–Sunday 10:00–18:00; closed: 1 January, 1 November, 25 December; 24 an d 31 December nadomestilo za posekani drevored. Stebrasti hrasti so Parkovna ureditev grajske planote, ki je bila izvedena leta and monuments. poudarjen s topoli, ki sledijo ritmu opornikov ob rečni strugi. poslopje grajsko oblikoval 1920, he was offered the the offered was he 1920, - 10:00–14:00. Guided tours for up to 7 visitors are arranged on the hour from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Reservations of posajeni ob zidovih na zunanjih straneh ceste, ob cestišču 1935, je nastala z obnovitvijo in preureditvijo ostankov Opening hours: weekdays 9:00–20:00, Saturdays 9:00–14:00. Guided tours are possible by prior In 1937, Plečnik added a backstage on the river side of the existing pre prepoznavno je lom ical work for ten years. In In years. ten for work ical - preferred dates: 00386 1 241 25 06, [email protected] pa kroglasti javorji. V peščeni površini je urejena tlakovana mestnega obrambnega nasipa, kar pomeni tudi ime Šance. arrangement only. Phone: +386 1 200 11 95, e-mail: [email protected] philharmonic building and designed a new façade with an arcade de svojim S Hradčanih. na - pedagog to solely himself hojnica. Na delu, kjer cesta spremeni smer, je kot poudarek Zasnova temelji na izvedbi stopnišč, mostovžev, prebojev gradu Praškega arhitekta hallway. The central fields of the curvaceous façade feature vases, devoted he where 1911, in 2 Trnovski most / Trnovo Bridge pred Zoisovo hišo postavljena Zoisova piramida. Pred v zidovju, umestitvijo balkona s stebriči, ureditvijo mesto ponujeno bilo je mu is why he went to Prague Prague to went he why is 14 Steber v spomin na Plečnikovo rojstno hišo / while windows are built in the edge fields.
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