·. I ( LOREl'O . AVSTRALIA / .. / . / ,,./ Loreto Jubilee Magazine 1875-1925 L ( \ Special Apostolic Blessing. Letter of His Eminence Cardinal van Rossum lo His Lordship Dr. Foley, Bishop of Ballarat, conveying the message of a special Apostolic Ble<sing granted on the occasion of the Celebration of the Golden Jubilee of the foundation of the I.B.Y.M. in Australia. Sacra Congregatio De Propaganda Fide. Romae, 21 , J ulii, 1925. Illme et Revme Domine, Redittae mihi su1~t litterae Amplitudinis T uae, quibus petis ut "specialis Apostolica Benedictio imperti atur Sororibus Instituti B. V. Mariae in Australia, quae die 24ta Septembris anni currentis quinquagesimum annum a cor;dita Congregatione in urbe Ballaratensi solemni ratione celebrant." Et cum rem SSmo Domino Nostro Pio, Div Prov. Papae XI retulissem. in Audientia diei 9. Junii, Sanctitas Sua libentissime :'.:ororibus ex lnstituto . B. Virginls Mariae, occaswne antedicta, Benedictionem Apostolica:n, coelestium charismatum auspicem peramanter impertitur. Interim Tibi a Dea. O.M. faustissima quaeque ex corde adprecor. Amplitudinis T uae addictissimus servus G. M. Card. van Rossum Praef. Franciscus Marchetti Seliggiani Archiep. Seleucien. Secret. Sacred Congregation TRANSLATION. of the Propaganda. Rome, 21st July, 1925. Most Rev. Lord Bishop, I have received your Lordship"s letter, in which you ask that a special Apostolic Blessing be sent to the Sisters of the Institute of the B.V. Mary in Australia, who, on the 24th September of the present year, solemnly celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the foundation of their Congregation in the Cit y of Ballarat. When I submitted your request to our Most Holy Father Pius XI, by Divine Providence Pope, in an audience given to me on the 9th June, His Holinsss, very willingly and very lovingly, granted for the occasion above mentioned, to the Institute of the B.V. Mary his Apostolic Benediction, a token of heavenly favours. Mennwhile, I cordially wish God's choicest blessings. Your Lordship's devoted servant, G. M. Card. Van Rossum, Praef. Franciscus Marchetti Seleggiani. Archiep. !:'eleucien. Secretarius .. / CONTENTS S11ecial Apostolic Blessing Mo ther General Mnr!J J. Gonzaga Bnrr!J Memoir of Mother M. Gonzaga Barry . 9 Loreto in Australia Loreto Conveut, Mnrryatville, Adelafrle, S.A. Loreto Abbey, Rathfarnham .. 20 Illustration Correspondence from Spain . 22 Illustrcition Devotion to Our Lady in Spain . 24 Piiy Indian Pilgrimage . 26 Loreto in England Impressions of East Africa 29 Visit of Mother General . 32 I'ortkind I'1111ils ., Loreto, Portland .. 3u The Passing of the Ferry Pu71ils of Loreto, Kirribilli Views of Kirribilli Nata est Maria ..... 35 Correspondence Classes . 36 Loreto Com•ent, Normari liirrst, N.S. W. Pu71ils, Loreto Com:ent, Normanlmrst, N.S. W. Poems, Loreto Convent, Normanhurst, N.S.W. 37 Uncorrected V crses . 38 Loreto Convent, Adelaide T errcwe, Perth S::me Notes on the Latest Loreto Foundation in South Africa ;39 L'.>rnto Convent, Osborne, Western Australia 40 V iew of School Buildinrt cind Pu71il.~ Tennis Pour Mother G2ner al in Sydney . 41 Loreto, M·andeville, H all Loreto, Mcindeville, H all, Pupils, Orchestni, and Riding Class Loreto, Mandeville, Hall 43 MOTHER GENERAL Lcreto Abbey, Mary's Mount, Ballarn.t MOTHER M. RAPHAEL DEASY Jubilantes . 45 Three Pionee1·s Mrs. C. Wcitson- Gr01i71 of Co1mnittee Leidy Coghlan Gron}J of Angefa and Lybian Sybil. Loreto Abbey, Mary's Mount, Pupils T ennis Fonr.~ Mary's Mount Tennis Jottings .. 55 Results of Music Examinations .. 56 Memoir of Mother M. Gonzaga Barry. "Kno11 ye 11·hat it j, to be a child: ..•. Mistress of K 01·ices and these earh· proofs. It i" to believe in lo1c, of trust in the nun showed -that her To belien· in lowlinc,,;; to bclieYe in belief; you1~g To see the world in a grain of sand, unusual ]>O\\ crs \\'ere already apparent to And heaven in a wild flo1Yer; those in authunty. Though retiring. she had Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, exercised, during her .\'m·itiatc, a marked in­ And Eternity in an hour." fluence 01·cr others, and her spiritual gifts () \\. typical are these words of Mother IYLTc combined \vith a marked talent for ;\l. c;onzaga Barry, the subject of government. "Suiwiter in modo, fortiter in H this brief memoir! Her beautiful re"' 1vas her characteristic as ruler. nature retained to the end of a long life Like her beloved St. Teresa, she sho\\·ed a mall\ ()f the ch<ffacteristics of childhood and combination of heavenlv wisdom, \\·ith to tl;o:-;e of t~s 11· ho knew and loved he;, the sound. earthlv, common -sense. line,; quoted abo\T bring a vivid and living "Let us l;e supernatural, but not un­ picture of her per:-;onality. natural," she "·as wont to say. \\'e shall sec \\'e cannot here and no\1· attempt anv­ later ho"· the supernatural -became her na­ thing like a liie of thi,; remarkable \Vuma~1, tural clement, and Hea\"en her homeliest pioneer and first I'ro1·incial of Loreto in Home. Zeal for soub and a gift of winning Australia; yet \\T cannot permit the Colden them to Cod were more and more evident in J uhilee of its foundation to pass without re­ her capacity of Superior. \\·e read she was vi' ing, e1·en though in outline, the memory the life and soul of every religious move­ of her brave endeavours an(\ of her gracious ment in the old town of Gorey. Confrater­ deeds. nities and Sodalities throw u~der her guid­ Born in historic \\·cxford in 18:34, her <~nce, and the interests of the poor were her early days \\Tre blessed with happi­ interest::: then. as alway~. So, loving and nes,; in a home trulv Catholic, and filled with beloved. the current of her life flowed cultured inAuence. - Half a centun· later she peacefully on. \\Tote in tlie ''Loreto Eucalyptus -Blossoms" In 1875 events occurred, changing the of the innocent pleasure,; of those days, no­ even tenor of her way. The Gorey Loreto tabh of the Mav Dav celebrations in Our Convent, endeared by so many tender asso­ Lad)·'s honor, pieceded by delightful wilcl­ ciations, was to be left behind, and Mother fto\\·er hunb, when hawthorn and blue-bells, JVl. Gonzaga was to know henceforth the primroses and 1u>od violets were gathered strenuous life of a missioner-a p10neer to deck the nursery Mav altar. Llffe of religious at the far Antipodes. fto\\·ers and of all f;ir thi~gs of earth held a lasting place in the life of this great woman. Under the Providence used as instru­ ~ad memories of the Irish famine of '48 tiit Southern Cross ment in bringing our Lady's like ,;hadO\v,; across this time, when so manv Institute to Australia a zeal­ hundreds died of the famine fever. Sh-c ous priest at this time raised to the Episcop­ could recall scenes oi the doling out of meal ate-Right l\.eL Dr. O'Connor, Bishop of to the stricken people. and of their gratitude the newly-formed diocese of Ballarat. As for a childish alms. A practical compassion chaplain at the Loreto Convent, Stephen's for the \\·ant,; of the pom· JWHT left her Green, Dublin, he had learned to know and generous heart. appreciate the work of Loreto nuns, and at his urgent request Mother M. Scholastica Call to As a pupil at Loreto, Gorey, Somers, Superior at Loreto Abbey, con­ Religion. and at Loreto Abbev, Rath- sented to send a contingent to aid in his farnham, Dublin, Marv Barry Apostolate at the ends of the earth! Mother tasted convcntual life, and sa\v that it wa-s M. Gonzaga was chosen to the honorable good. She put aside her first longings for post of leader of the band of seven :-Sis­ the contemplative life of Carmel, and decided ters M. Aloysius Macken, M. Gertrude on sen·ing Goel in an e(lucational Order. Ouinn, M. Xavier Yourelle, M. Boniface August, 185:3, ·was the memorable elate of \'-c.ilcher, NI. Berchmans Stafford, and M. her entrance into the l'\ovitiate at Loreto Dorothea Frizelle-names that should live Com·ent, Corey, l:nion \\·ith the .Mother foreYer in the gratitude of Australian hearts. House at Dubl~n was not effected till 1866, There was also in the party Miss Helen in \vhich year Mother Gonzaga \Vas ap­ Hugh cs, now celebrating the Golden J ubilce pointed Superior at Gorey. She had for of her entrance into religion as Mother M. :oe\Tn vear:- previously held the office of l\largarct Mary; like\Yise an excellent Sister, 10 LORETO JUBILEE MAGAZINE. Si,.;ter Bruno McCabe. and a pro,.;pecti,·e The fir,.;t t\1-c h ·e years uf :\} oth er l;Lm­ postulant, .Mary O'Brien, known later as zaga's ruk- 1875-'Si - \\TIT full of g rowth Si,.; ter J oseph. and of interest. It \1·a,.; the ,;pring-time of ·'If Australia remains true to the thing,.; her clear .-\ustralian Lllretn. l f sho,,·er ,.; that matter supremely in this lift:, as in som etimes dimmed th e ,.;unshine, yet rapid eternity," wrote <t n eminent ecclesia,.;ti c, ''the expan.-;icm and th 1: blossoming of many g<l<>d littk band of L oreto nuns \\·ho first came to \1·ork,.; 1\·ere the cha1·acteri,.;tic feature,.; <lf Ball arat, \1·ill, in Hean:n\; records, count for these '. Tars. much of Australia's fidelity.'' l n tlll',.;e I\lenwir,.; \1·e can hut indicate th ·..: The good old steamship "Somer. etshire," Ii nes of prog;-c s,.; . with it,.; precious freight, rounded the Cape in due time and anchored off \\"illi amstown Works in '.\l ary's i\I ount had opened its on July 19th, 1875.
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