September 23, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 15 20183 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Dance, provides the highest quality training ginning the efforts of the United States to objection, it is so ordered. consistent with the professional standards of halt the slave trade; The resolution (S. Res. 490) was AAADT, including a Certificate Program, a Whereas, on May 10, 1800, Congress enacted agreed to. Fellowship Program, and a Bachelor of Fine a law that outlawed all participation by peo- The preamble was agreed to. Arts degree program in conjunction with ple in the United States in the international The resolution, with its preamble, Fordham University: Now, therefore, be it trafficking of slaves and authorized the Resolved, That the Senate— United States Navy to seize vessels flying reads as follows: (1) recognizes and commends the Alvin the flag of the United States engaged in the S. RES. 490 Ailey American Dance Theater (AAADT) for slave trade; Whereas the Alvin Ailey American Dance 50 years of service as a cultural ambassador Whereas, on March 2, 1807, President Theater (AAADT) is widely recognized as one of the United States to the world, by bring- Thomas Jefferson signed into law ‘‘An Act to of the world’s premier modern dance compa- ing world-class American modern dance to prohibit the importation of slaves into any nies; an estimated 21,000,000 people around the port or place within the jurisdiction of the Whereas AAADT is dedicated to promoting globe; United States, from and after the first of the uniqueness of the African-American cul- (2) recognizes that AAADT has been a true January, in the year of our Lord one thou- tural experience, to preserving the heritage pioneer in the world of dance by establishing sand eight hundred and eight’’ (2 Stat. 426); of modern dance, and to bringing modern an extended cultural community that pro- Whereas, on January 1, 1808, the prohibi- dance to people around the globe; vides dance performances, training, and com- tion on the importation of slaves into the Whereas, over its 50-year history, AAADT munity programs to all people while using United States took effect; has performed for an estimated 21,000,000 the beauty and humanity of the African- Whereas, on March 3, 1819, Congress au- people in 48 States and in 71 countries on 6 American heritage and other cultures to thorized the Navy to cruise the coast of Afri- continents; unite people of all ages, races, and back- ca to suppress the slave trade, declaring that Whereas AAADT tours more than any grounds; and Africans on captured ships be placed under other performing arts company in the world; (3) recognizes that Ailey II, the prestigious Federal jurisdiction and authorizing the Whereas AAADT’s signature work, ‘‘Rev- Ailey School, and the extensive and innova- President to appoint an agent in Africa to fa- elations’’, has been seen by more people tive Arts in Education and Community Pro- cilitate the return of captured Africans to around the globe than any other work of grams of AAADT train future generations of the continent; dance; dancers and choreographers while continuing Whereas, in 1819, the Royal Navy of Great Whereas AAADT performs works by both to expose young people from communities Britain established the West Coast of Africa emerging and established choreographers large and small to the arts. as a separate naval station and actively plied from throughout the United States and the the waters in pursuit of slave ships, and f world; Great Britain negotiated with many other Whereas AAADT’s home in New York City, RECOGNIZING THE HISTORICAL countries to obtain the right to search ves- The Joan Weill Center for Dance, is the larg- SIGNIFICANCE OF THE SLOOP- sels suspected of engaging in the slave trade; est facility dedicated exclusively to dance in OF-WAR USS ‘‘CONSTELLATION’’ Whereas, on May 15, 1820, Congress de- the United States; clared the trading of slaves to be an act of Whereas Alvin Ailey, founder of AAADT, Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. President, I ask piracy and that those convicted of trading received the United Nations Peace Medal in unanimous consent that the Senate slaves were subject to the death penalty; 1982; proceed to the immediate consider- Whereas the Webster-Ashburton Treaty be- Whereas President George W. Bush recog- ation of calendar No. 1030, S. Res. 540. tween Great Britain and the United States, nized AAADT and Artistic Director Judith The PRESIDING OFFICER. The signed August 9, 1842, provided that both Jamison with the National Medal of Arts in clerk will report the resolution by countries would maintain separate naval 2001, making AAADT the first dance com- squadrons on the coast of Africa to enforce pany to be so honored; title. their respective laws against the slave trade; Whereas AAADT has performed for United The assistant legislative clerk read Whereas, in 1843, the newly formed United States Presidents and foreign leaders as follows: States African Squadron sailed for Africa throughout the company’s 50-year history, A resolution (S. Res. 540) recognizing the and remained in operation until the Civil including performances in 1968 for President historical significance of the sloop-of-war War erupted in 1861; Johnson, in 1977 at the inaugural gala for USS Constellation as a reminder of the par- Whereas, in 1859, the USS Constellation, President Carter, in 1993 at the inaugural ticipation of the United States in the trans- the last all-sail vessel designed and built by gala for President Clinton, and in 2003 at a atlantic slave trade and of the efforts of the the United States Navy, sailed to West Afri- state dinner honoring President Mwai Kibaki United States to end the slave trade. ca as the flagship of the United States Afri- of Kenya; There being no objection, the Senate can Squadron, which consisted of 8 ships, in- Whereas, over the years, AAADT has cluding 4 steam-powered vessels suitable for brought the culture of the United States to proceeded to consider the resolution. chasing down and capturing slave ships; audiences around the world with perform- Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. President, I ask Whereas, on December 21, 1859, the USS ances at such historic events as the Rio de unanimous consent that the resolution Constellation captured the brig Delicia after Janeiro International Arts Festival in 1963, be agreed to, the preamble be agreed a 10-hour chase, and although the Delicia the first Negro Arts Festival in Dakar, Sen- to, the motions to reconsider be laid had no human cargo on board upon capture, egal, in 1966, the fabled New Year’s Eve per- upon the table, with no intervening ac- the crew had been preparing the ship to take formance for the Crown Prince of Morocco in tion or debate, and that statements re- on slaves; 1978, the Paris Centennial performance at lating to the resolution be printed in Whereas, on the night of September 25, the Grand Palais Theatre in 1989, 2 unprece- 1860, the USS Constellation spotted the dented engagements in South Africa in 1997 the RECORD. barque Cora near the mouth of the Congo and 1998, the 1996 and 2002 Olympic Games, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without River and, after a dramatic moonlit chase, the 2005 Stars of the White Nights festival in objection, it is so ordered. captured the slave ship with 705 Africans St. Petersburg, Russia, and the 2006 Les e´te´s The resolution (S. Res. 540) was crammed into her permanent ‘‘slave deck’’; de la danse de Paris festival in Paris, France; agreed to. Whereas after capturing the Cora, a de- Whereas AAADT annually provides more The preamble was agreed to. tachment of the Constellation’s crew sailed than 100,000 young people from diverse cul- The resolution, with its preamble, the surviving Africans to Monrovia, Liberia, tural, social, and economic backgrounds reads as follows: a colony founded for the settlement of free with the opportunity to explore their cre- African-Americans, which became the des- ative potential and build their self-esteem S. RES. 540 tination for all Africans freed on slave ships through its Arts in Education and Commu- Whereas, on September 17, 1787, the Con- captured by the United States Navy; nity Programs, which includes 9 Ailey Camps stitution of the United States was adopted, Whereas, on May 21, 1861, the USS Con- in cities across the United States; and article I, section 9 declared that Con- stellation captured the brig Triton, and al- Whereas Ailey II, the junior company to gress could prohibit the importation of though the Triton did not have Africans cap- AAADT, reaches more than 69,000 people slaves into the United States in the year tured for slavery on board when intercepted each year through its inspiring performances 1808; by the Constellation, a search confirmed and outreach activities while touring to Whereas, in 1794, the United States Con- that the ship had been prepared to take on smaller communities in more than 50 North gress passed ‘‘An Act to prohibit the car- slaves; American cities; and rying on the Slave Trade from the United Whereas the Triton, registered in Charles- Whereas the Ailey School, accredited by States to any foreign place or country’’, ap- ton, South Carolina, was one of the first the National Association of Schools of proved March 22, 1794 (1 Stat. 347), thus be- Union naval captures of the Civil War; VerDate Mar 15 2010 10:58 Apr 05, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00129 Fmt 0685 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\S23SE8.004 S23SE8 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 20184 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol.
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