CENSUS 1991 PARTS XII A & B VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY SERIES - 7 VILLAGE & TOWNWISE GUJ:\'RAT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT VALSAD DISTRICT DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK N. R. VARSANI of the Indian Administrative Service, Director of Census Operations, Gujarat CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 LIST OF PROPOSED PUBLICATIONS Central Govcnunellt Publications - Ct~IlSUS of India 1991, Series -7 Gujarat arc being puhlished in the f01lo\Ving parts: Part No. Subject Covered I-A Administration Report - Enumeratiou I-B Administration RqJOrt - Tahulation II-A General Population Tahles - ASeries IJ-B General Population Tahles-Primary Censlls Ahstract III-A General Economic Tables - B Series (Ta hies B-1 to B-IO) lII-B General Economic Tahles - B Series (Ta bles B-l1 to B-22) IV-A Social and Cultural Tables - C Series (Ta bles C-l to C-6) IV-B Social and Cullural Tables - C Series (Tables C-7 to C-IO) V-A Migration Tables - D Series (Tables D-l to D-4) V-B Migration Tables - D Series (Tables D-5 to D-13) VI Fertility Tables - F Series VII Tahles on Houses and Household Amenities VIII Special Tables on Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes IX-A Town Directory IX-B Survey Reports on Selected Towns IX-C Survey Reports on Selected Villages X Ethnographic Notes and Special Studies on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes XI Censlls Atlas State Government Publica tions: District Census Hand Book XII-A Village and Town Directory XIJ-B Village and Townwise Primary Census Ahstnll·t Note: All the maps induded in this publication die b<lsed upon survey ofIndia llIap with.the permission of the Surveyor General of India. .~ S 2 © Govenunent of India Copyright 19 3 The territorLI walers of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured [rom the appropriate base line. ERRATA DISTRICT: VALSAD Page No. Particulars Col. No. For Read 37 1sl Half, 1s~ara 8th line after table 0 - 9 22.13 22.14 143 L.C.No.92 17 Not Clear 4.20 144 L.C.No.96 17 Not Clear C 374 Navsari City 30 Not Clear 22,049 415 L.C.No.72 23 Not Clear 27 415 L.C.No.73 21 Not Clear 3 415 L.C.No.73 22 Not Clear 205 415 L.C.No.73 23 Not Clear 66 415 L.C.No.74 20 Not Clear 68 415 L.C.No.76 18 Not Clear 187 415 L.C.No.77 18 Not Clear 158 The hreaking of the nefarious Salt Law at Dandi in J930 by Mahatma Gandhiji is a glorious episode in our freedom struggle. It changed the course of Indian history. It was, there/ore, necessary to erect a memorial at this holy place so that the present especially younger generation is reminded ofthis heroic episode which shook the British Raj. Keeping in view the full essence of Mahatma Gandhi's ideals, the Dandi Yatra 1988 was planned on the celebration of fourtieth anniversary of country's in~dependence and the Birth cenLenaJY ofPandit Jawaharlalji. The day and time of the departure, the route, number of participants and villages covered were same as they were for Mahatma '5 Dandi March. "Ex". Prime Minister, Late Shri Rajiv Gandhi gave send off to these Dandi Yatras. SO selected young yatri's began their yatra on 12th March 1988, from Saharmati Ashram and ended at Dandi on 6th April 1988. The main objeatives of these yatras are to revive the Gandhian principles like patriotism, communal harmony, national integrity, national unity, non-violence etc. During these yatra Hindus and Muslims have turned out in large number to greet them from wherever they passe~. Various ·Welfare aetillities were also undertaken during the course oJ the whole yatra: It is worthwhile to note that quite a good number 0/ people were seen w~aring old Gandhian white caps. According to the Ex. Prime Minister, Late Shri Rajiv Gandhi's observation Dandi yatra-1988 seems to have once agqjn awakened us to rededicate ourselves to the Gandhian ideas and ideals/or national reconstruction {e. to remove tears from the eyes of every Indian people. Drawing by Shri AA.Saiyad Sr. Draftsman) CONTENTS Pages Foreword 5 2 Prcflll':c and Al'kllmvlcdgcment 7 3 Map of Dislricl Facing page II 4 Imporlall! Statislics 12 5 Analytical Note ilnd Tahks J 5 .' (i) Census l~(lIll'Cp\S and uefiniti(ln~ 15 lli) Srid history uf distriC'! aud the Distril·t Census Handhook 19 (iii) Scope of Village Dircctory, TuwII Dircl'Iury and Primary Census Abstract 20 (iv) Physical aspects - Highlights on the changes in the jurisdiction of the district 22 during tbe decade and any important event on geogmphic and geophysical aspect (V) 'M>Uor cbaracteristil's of the district partkularly in relation to the cnmomic 22 reSllllr('t"~ (vi) Major social and l'urturaj.evcllts, natural, economic and administrative 29 developments during the decade (vii) Brief description of places of religious, hjstorj(·al. Qr an;hacological impor­ 30 tann' and places of tourist interest ill the towns of thc district '-., (viii) Brid' alia lysis of dala of Primary Census Abstract, Village Dirc(.'tory and 32 Town Directory based on inset tables PART - A VILLAGE AND l ... .JV/r~ D1R, nmy 53 - 286 'ECTlON - I VILLAGE DIRECTORY 53 - 251 Explana tory note a nd list of abbreviations used in the Village Directory 54 \'tilmd Ta/ukll/C.D. Block (i) Taluka/C.D.Block map Fadng pllgc 57 (ii) Alphahetical list uf villages 5R (iii) Vtllagc Directory 62 Pardi Tall/ka/C.D. Block (i) Talukll/C.D Block Ill'll' Facing page 79 :.) Alphabetical list of villages ~o (iii) Village Directory 82 Umbergaon Tallika/C.D.B/ock . i) Taluka/C.D. Blod map Facing pllgc 9<) (ij) Alphahctinillist of villages tOO :ji) Village Directory 102 pages 10 Gandevi TalllkalC.D. Block (i) Ta luka/C.D BI()('k map Facing page 111 (ii) Alphabetic<t I list (If villages 112 (iii) Village Directory 114 11 Navsari Tliluka/C.D.Block (i) Taluka/C.D. Block map Fadng page 125 (ii) Alpbabetir<tllist of villages 126 (iii) Village Directory 130 12 Chikhli Ta/uka/C.D. Block (i) Taluka/C.D. Block map Facing page 155 (ii) Alpbabetkallist ofviIJages 156 (iii) Village Directory 160 13 Bansda Ta/uka/C.D. Block (i) Taluka/C.D. Block map Facing page 177 (ii) Alphabetic<tllist of villages 178 (iii) Village Directory 182 14 Dlwrampur TalukaIC.D. Block (i)' Taluka/C.D. Block map Facing page 197 (ii) Alphabetic<tllist of villages 198 (iii) Village Directory 204 15 Appendix 1 Taluka/C.D. Block wise abstract of educational, medical and 236 other amenities 16 Appendix II Land utilisation data in respect of Census towns 240 17 Appendix III Taluka/C.D. Blockwise list of villages where no amenities viz. 240 educational, medical, post and telegraph, marketlhat, com­ munication and power supply are available 18 Appendix IV List of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Cas­ 241 tes and Scheduled Tribes to total population by ntnges SECTION - D TOWN DIRECTORY 255 - 286 19 Explanatory note and list of abbreviations used in the Town Directory 256 20 Town Directory Statements (1 to VI and IV - A) Statement I Status and growth history 258 Physica I aspects and location of towns, 1989 262 MUllicip;t! Finance 266 ·,.~lIllV CIVIC aud oth~r ~,: "ities, 1989 270 • Statement IV-A Civic and other amenities in notified slums, 1989 274 Statement V Medic<tl, educational, recreational and cultural facilities, 1989 276 Statement VI Trade, commerce, industry and banking, 1989 282 21 Appendix Towns showing their outgrowths with population, 1991 286 2 Pages PART - B PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT 2137 - 477 22 Explanatory note and list of abbreviations used in Primary Census Abstract 288 23 District, Taluka/C.D. Block, Town Primary Census Abstract 294 24 URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT (i) Valsad TalU'ka/C.O.Block 308 (ii) Pardi Tallika/C.D. Block 326 (iii) Umhergaon Taluka/C.D. Block 340 (iv) Gandevi Taluka/C.D.Block 350 (v) Navsari Taluka/C.D. Block 360 (vi) Chikhli Taluka/C.D.Block 382 (vii) Bansda Taluk<l/C.D. Block 396 (viii) Dharampur Tcllllka/C.D. Block 410 25 Appendix Tt1ta I, Scheduled Cclstes and Scheduled Tribes Popula iOIl­ 436 Urban Blockwisc 26 District, Taluka/C.D. Block, TowlI -Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Trihes, Primary Cen"us Abstract . (i) Scbedu1ed Castes Primary Census Abstra(·t 452 (ii) Scheduled Tribes Primary Census Abstract 466 FOREWORD Publication of the Distril"t Census Handbooks to mcet some or the re4"i"Clllellh of the RevisC'd Mini­ (DCHs) was initiated after the 1951 Census and is con­ mum Necds Programmc. Si!nilarly, information 011 ap­ tinuing since then with some innovations/ modiliciltions proach to the village was also I,wvided [or the first timl' after cach dccennial Ccnsus. This is the lIlllSt valuahle in the Village Dircrtory ~(l as to givc an idea about the district level puhlieation hrought out by the Census Or­ numt)(~r or imlt'cessible villages in each distrkt. Incase of ganisation on hdlillf of each State Govt./UniuH Territory Town Directories a Iso keeping in view the requirements administration. It inler-alia provides data/information on nfthe Minimulll Need:: Programllle, a Statement IV-Aon SOlllC (lUhe hask demographic and slldo-economic ChH­ SIUlll" wa" I.-,;-nvidcd so as to enahle the planners to chalk aderistit's and on the availability of certain importa]]1 (Iut the progranlilles for providing hetter civic and other civic amenities/I-'Icilities in each village and town of the allll'lliti.
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