The National Futuie Farmer Owned and Published by the Future Farmers of America Livestock Judging—Where skills are tested! October -November, 1960 In This issue: • Corner Your Fencing Problems • Mechanizing iVIanagement o A Farm Visit With Your Vice Presidents • How Would You Vote? ip X :>--f-"%.^<^' Doors are double-sealed against weather, cabs seat three passengers comfort- ably. Standard V-8 engines are true-truck designed . plenty of power for pulling, passing or any purpose. Specialized highway units transport any farm com- modity with dependable gas, diesel or LPG power. For family pleasure ...farm profit! International Trucks arc still ready to go, even when a full day's work is done. You'll find they're styled for easier, safer driving, across country and through town. Wide, fully-adjustable seat and more glass front and rear make this .so. These hard-working models range from INTERNATIONAE pickups with standard or Bonus-Load bodies to husky road haulers that handle big loads at least cost. So see your International Dealer TRUCKS or Internalional Harvester Co Branch now to learn how . ChicaRO International Motor Trucks • Crawler Tractors Construction • 5 Tnicks s i\ (' you money on every job. Equipment McCormick Farm Equipment ant] Farmall'i^ Tractors WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE LINE Raymond Hetherington. Ringtown, Pennsylvania Farmers you look to as leaders look to Firestone for farm tires Mountains and ridges in the heart of the Pennsylvania coal country are laced with level valleys. In Schuylkill County's Ringtown Valley, modern methods and irrigation help Raymond Hetherington wrest high yields of quality vegetables and other crops. The Hetherington farm — halfway between Wilkes-Barre and Harrisburg — has earned a name for progress. Mr. Hetherington walked away with first place in the Schuylkill County Potato Quality Improvement Contest three times in six years. And Pennsylvania State University has chosen the Hetherington farm for a "Ringtown Variety and Seedling Project." The farm is an efficiently run operation — thanks in part to the dependable performance of Firestone tires. Raymond Hetherington counts on Firestones to keep him rolling the year around. "I've got Firestones on all my wheels," says Mr. Hetherington. "We've found that they're by far the best tires — we wouldn't buy any other brand." You can get the same top quality in tires and fast dependable service by getting in touch with your local Firestone Dealer or Store. Builder of the first practical pneumatic farm tire SAVE AND BE SURE ' fireslone fires on all your wheels! f with S^####f r BETTER RUBBER FROM START TO FINISH Copyright 1960. The Firestone Tire & Rubber Company -CAR- TRACTOR Super All All Deluxe Firestone T.M. ll Tr„„.„«rt» All Traction L I Champion* .,. * T . * ransport _ , Traction Traction Champion October-November, 1960 . The National MAGAZINE STAFF EDITOR Wilson W. Games Mure Farmer ASSOCIATE EDITOR Uwiu'd aiul l*n !>li>lu-<l hv llic l-'iitiirt' I'armors of America \ Howard R. Carter EDITOR ASSISTANT OCTOBER-NOVEMBER, 1960 • Vol. 9, No. 1 Horace McQueen EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS Isabella M. Bugbee CONTENTS June Lawson EDITORIAL ART EDITOR John Prezioso CIRCULATION ASSISTANTS Hughes to West Germanv .... 12 Genetics on TV 12 Star Farmer Judges 16 Something New 14 Arlene C. Culp Visitors from the Philippines . 16 Your G«»Iden Opportunities ... 21 Norma Salvatore It's Convention Time 19 Mechanizing iVlanagement .... 28 Lucille Spence Here Bv the Owl 20 Corner ^ our Fencing Problems .HO Wilma F. Stewart A Shining Chapter 25 How Would You Vole? .... 32-.'53 PROMOTION ASSISTANT A Farm Visit With Vour Farm-City Week 34 Jim Hayhurst Vice Presidents 26-27 Saved By the Soil 42 BUSINESS MANAGER They Teamed for Success .... 29 First .\id Around the Farm ... 56 His Hogs Are Sending Him to .4 Horse Opera 60 V. Stanley Allen College 31 How to Make a Gun Case .... 62 ADVERTISING ASSISTANT The Collegiate FFA 35 Tips for Your Travels 64 Rosalind N. Pazzato He Sells Grass—In a Milk Tank 40 History of the Hampshire .... 67 Promoting Your Chapter 54 REGIONAL ADVERTISING FFA .Songsters 65 MANAGERS Vour Chapter Chaplain 66 Your Editors Say 6 John C. Foltz ^ oung Scientists 68 Looking Ahead 8 Lennie Gamage Reader Roundup 10 Len Richardson IloM to Punt 46 Photo Roundup 38 Last Chance 48 ^ oung Farmers Bookshelf .... 58 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONS Fishing Contest Results 62 Free for You 63 70 John Farrar Sportrail 69 Jokes EXECUTIVE SECRETARY ADVERTISERS INDEX Wm. Paul Gray • Vppar* ies Amerii'an Telephone and Telegraph Company 24 H. D. Lee Company 10 NATIONAL OFFICERS North Star Company 44 Wolverine Shoe & Tanning PRESIDENT nited States Air Force 47 Corporation 16 & 63 L United .States Steel Corporation Jim Thomas, Georgia Future Farmers Supply Service 44 .Agricultural Extension Di^. 49 VICE PRESIDENTS Levi Strauss & i^lompany 50 Chap Slick 50 Peters Cartridge Divisi<»n 55 Dean HofFer, Pennsylvania Sims iS Company 64 Richard Poor. Missouri O. F. Mossbcrg & Sons. Inc. 60 Lincoln Technical Institute . 64 Remington ,4rnis Company . 62 L. G. "Jack" Crews. Wyoming (iold Medal Products Company 65 Fisher Body Division Joe H. Hughes. Jr.. South Carolina Solar Electric Company 67 General Motors Corporation 6.5 Dean Studios 68 STUDENT SECRETARY Tandy Leather Company 66 Bob Jones I'nivcrsily 71 Kenney Earl Gray, Mississippi Chief Drowning Bear 66 • Frank A. Hop]>e. Inc 68 Stock .Animal Trap Company of BOARD OF DIRECTORS America 69 .American Hereford .Association 53 CHAIRMAN American Guernsey Cattle Club 58 American Hampshire Sheep W. T. Spanton New Holland 5 Association 61 MEMBERS McCulIoch Corporation 8 American Cheviot Sheep Society 66 H. F. Duis E. J. Johnson International Har>esler Farm American Angus Association . 69 W. E. Gore R. E. E<|uipnient 17 Naugher i'UUitiiii H. N. Hunsicker Bob E. Taylor -Sheffiehl Division—Ariiico Steel Corporation 39 Walter Jacoby Ha) old B, Taylor International Trucks 2 Butler Manufacturing (^omi>an-\" 40 Fire^lmic Tire & Rubber Co. -3 Mid-States Steel & W ire Co. 61 ADDRESS ALL COKKESPOND- Texac 9 EXCE TO: The ynfioiinl Bucknir Manufacturing Co. 64 FI'TrjiE Santa Fe Railroad 12 FMHIFH. P,iix 2VI. AIcxMiHlria. Vir- Allis-Chalniers 72 AC Spark Plug Division ginia. Othces arc Icic-iI^imI in rlip Fu- ture Farmers Ruildin^ cu 1". S. Rmitt' General Motors Corporation. 13 15 <)llP.('i};llt lllilos siMilh iif .\li'X:illdl-i:l. Funk Bros. Seed (Company ... 6 Harley-Davidson Motor Co. ... "N'ir^^ini.-i. Ralston Purina Company .... 7 Chrysler Corporation 18 The Sationul FUTURE FARMER is Elanco Products Company .... 41 Champion Spark Plug Co. 22-23 iniblistled bimonthly by the Future Farm- Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. 36-37 er;s of America. Inc.. at 810 Rhode Island MoorMan's 51 4,3 ."Avenue. N. E.. Washington. D. C. Second General Mills 63 Ford Motor Company class postage paid at . 45 Washington, D. C. Pennsalt Chemicals Corporation 66 Perfect (Circle Corporation Cotjyright U'GO by the Future Farmers of Alotors Corporation . 57 America. Oyster Shell F'roducis Company 68 General Triumph Corporation 58 Single subscriiUion is -^Oc per year in Reasor-Hill Corporation 68 U. S. and possessions. Foreign sul)sci'ip- Union Pacific Railroad 59 tions .?1.00 per year. Single copies IDc in Hotel Morrison 67 U. S. Lnited .Slates Army 11 Hotel Maryland 68 ADDRESS: Send CHANGE OF both old Brotherhood Mutual Life Hotel Paramount 68 and new addresses to Circulation Depart- ment, The National FUTURE FARMER, Insurance Company 14 Columbus Cycle Company ... 69 Box 29, Alexandria. Virginia. Cover Photo l)y Ralph J. Woodiii The National FUTCRE FARMER ! r~^j Young farmers: End backbreaking work ^t^4i ^-z^. with New Holland Farmstead Mechanization Just push a button mMmBnd '^dinner is served!" New Holland's improved Silo Unloader plays an important role in a modern silage-handling system. New Holland's Silo Unloader-Bunk Feeder team Is an important part of a silage mechanization program From standing crop to dished-out silage, just one 3. Automatic silo unloading is made possible with a this case. Holland's new, man stars— you! Because that's all the manpower push of a button— in New improved Unloader. Non-suspended, it sets right it takes these days to make the rich, nutritious on the silage; cuts through frozen silage with ease. silage your cows need to thrive on Fits large or small silos . easy to move, too, from Let's start from the beginning... silo to silo. 1. First comes the chopper— pick either New Hol- 4. With a bunk feeder, you serve up silage fast . land's "616" or "818" and end still another backbreaking chore. New Hol- Forage Harvester. Both ma- land's "540" Auger Bunk Feeder (see picture at chines fine-chop the stand- left) has the capacity you need, yet requires low- ing crop quick and clean, cost minimum power. fine enough for mechanized See the New Holland dealer nearest you for all handling and feeding. the details. Or write New Holland ^Machine Com- 2. The fine-chopped silage is pany Division of Sperry Rand Corporation, New blown into a side- or rear- unloading wagon — the Holland, Pennsylvania. Model 3 Crop-Carrier is a good example. A wagon like this makes short work of un- loading into a New Holland nH NSIV HOLLAND blower, which whisks forage ^'Fitst in GtasslQhc/ rat-ming" into the silo for storage. October-November, 1960 . tfcu/' C^itctJ ^aif . c_ Joins Advertising Staff—Len Richardson, former presi- dent of the Arizona FFA Association, has joined The It's what's National FUTURE FARMER staff as a regional adver- tising manager. Len will be calling on advertisers and advertising agencies in New IN the seed ^ork. Philadelphia, and other major cities in the East.
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