Voice of Community-Minded People since 1976 May 24, 2012 Email: [email protected] www.southbeltleader.com Vol. 37, No. 16 Graduation issue planned The Leader’s high school special edition Where to vote will be published June 7. It will feature gradu- Primary elections set for May 29 Primary election polling locations ation information for Dobie, Clear Brook and Pct. # Location South Houston high schools and Lutheran 76 D Beverly Hills Community Center, 10201 Kingspoint South Academy. To honor a candidate with a The federal, state and county primary elec- Alanis (R) and Chris McDonald (R). Loreto, Daniel Vela, Danny Avalos and Victor L. 76 R Beverly Hills Intermediate School, 11111 Beamer personalized ad, call the Leader at 281-481- tions are set to take place Tuesday, May 29. Guinn became a deputy constable in 1996 and Archer, Sr. and Republicans Edward P. Rios and 289 D Freeman Elementary School, 2323 Theta 5656 or email [email protected]. In addition to the presidential race, voters will currently serves as sergeant of the local South Tom Boone. 289 R Milstead Middle School, 338 Gilpin The deadline is 3 p.m. Thursday, May 31. determine who will run in the general election Belt patrol. Alanis, a resident of Riverstone South Belt resident and Dobie graduate Phil 417 D Burnett Elementary School, 11825 Teaneck this November to fi ll congressional and legisla- Ranch and a member of St. Luke’s church, has Sandlin (R) is looking to maintain his position 417 R Parker Williams Library, 10851 Scarsdale Holiday closings set tive seats, judge benches, constable positions, served as a deputy for the Harris County Precinct as Harris County Precinct 8 constable. He is be- 418 D Beverly Hills Community Center, 10201 Scarsdale South Belt-Ellington Leader county commissioner spots and others. 6 Constable’s offi ce for more than 15 years. Mc- ing challenged by Republicans Richard Goff and 418 R Laura Welch Bush Elem. School, 9100 Blackhawk Several South Belt residents are among the Donald, a Dobie graduate, has 20 years of law Sonny Daughtry. The Leader office will be closed Monday, 475 D Clear Brook High School, 4607 FM 2351 candidates running for offi ce. enforcement experience and currently serves as South Belt resident Ruben Guerrero (D) is May 28, in observance of Memorial Day. 475 R Parker Williams Library, 10851 Scarsdale Clear Brook City MUD In the most hotly debated local race for the a police lieutenant for the City of Baytown. seeking to maintain his bench position on the 476 D Frazier Elementary School, 10503 Hughes Road position of Harris County Precinct 2 constable, Others running for the position include Demo- Harris County 174th Criminal District Court. The offices of Clear Brook City MUD will 476 R Frazier Elementary School, 10503 Hughes Road three area residents are among the 14 running for crats Lee Hernandez, Christopher Diaz, Joe Mar- Republicans running for the position include Joe be closed Monday, May 28, and will reopen 536 D Laura Welch Bush Elem, School, 9100 Blackhawk the spot. These include Zerick Guinn (D), Joe tinez, Jeffrey Freeman, Harry Zamora, Ruben Vinas and Robert Summerlin. Tuesday, May 29, at 8 a.m. For convenience, 536 R Laura Welch Bush Elem, School, 9100 Blackhawk Longtime state Sen. Mike Jackson is now run- payments may be left in the drop box on the 545 D Parker Williams Library, 10851 Scarsdale ning for a U.S. representative seat in the newly drive-through window side of the building. 545 R Parker Williams Library, 10851 Scarsdale Parker Williams Library created District 36. Running for Jackson’s cur- 755 D Genoa Staff Development Center, 12900 Almeda rent District 11 seat are Republicans Daniel Mc- Genoa Road The Parker Williams Library will be closed City, SWA make deal Cool, Dave Norman and Larry Taylor and Dem- 755 R Milstead Middle School, 338 Gilpin May 28 in observance of Memorial Day. 774 D Laura Welch Bush Elem. School, 9100 Blackhawk Bracewell Library ocrat Jacqueline Acquisapace. Voting hours are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. See accom- 774 R El Franco Lee Community Center, 9500 Hall Road The Bracewell Library will be closed panying chart on this page for local polling loca- 842 D Burnett Elementary School, 11825 Teaneck Sunday, May 27, through Monday, May 28, in tions. 842 R Parker Williams Library, 10851 Scarsdale observance of Memorial Day, and will return to its regular hours on Tuesday, May 29. Tree waste pickup set Deputies arrest bomb suspect Tree waste only will be picked up Thursday, On Thursday, May 17, at approximately 8:55 was going to “look like the Fourth of July.” May 24, for city of Houston residents living p.m., deputies with the Harris County Precinct 2 Deputies then learned that Precinct 8 was in- south of Beltway 8. For information, call 3-1-1. Constable’s offi ce were called to a family distur- volved in a pursuit with the suspect in the Heri- bance in the 11400 block of Sleepy Hollow Trail tage Park area. The pursuit continued on the Gulf CBC MUD trash service in the Riverstone Ranch subdivision. Freeway feeder road and ended with the suspect Residents living in the Clear Brook City The complainant stated that her husband was vehicle rolling over on the feeder road, just north MUD District will have regular trash service beating on the front door and refusing to leave. of FM 2351. The suspect was taken into custody, pickup on Memorial Day, Monday, May 28, Upon arrival, the deputies found the 38-year-old and the children safely returned to their mother. 2012. All trash should be at curbside no later suspect, Joseph Bostick, sitting in his vehicle Five guns were recovered from the vehicle, than 7 a.m. to ensure pickup this day. Residents parked at the street corner with his two children, including one semi-automatic handgun. More missing this regular trash pickup date will be a 3-year-old daughter and 6-year-old son. than 7 grams of a white powdery substance was serviced on the next regularly scheduled pick- When the deputies attempted to speak with recovered from the suspect and turned over to up date of Thursday, May 31, 2012. Bostick, he drove away at a high rate of speed. the medical examiner’s offi ce for testing. ATF The suspect made an immediate U-turn, driving and the Houston Police Department bomb squad directly at the offi cers. were called to the scene following the discovery Kirkwood South meets The suspect fi red four to fi ve rounds at the of two homemade explosive devices in the ve- The Kirkwood South Homeowners Asso- deputies as he fl ed the scene. hicle. ciation will meet Thursday, May 24, 2012, The deputies lost sight of the vehicle and re- Sgt. Zerick Guinn, who also responded to the from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Judge Jo Ann turned to the original scene. While there, the sus- incident, turned the explosive devices over to the Delgado’s courtroom, 10851 Scarsdale. All pect returned, saw the patrol units and sped away HPD bomb squad for further analysis. residents are invited. again. The deputies followed the fl eeing suspect At press time, Bostick had been charged with through several neighborhoods but were unable one count of evading arrest, one count of aggra- Cowgirls’ garage sale to effect a stop. The deputies again returned to vated assault on a peace offi cer and two counts of The Sagemont Cowgirl Drill Team will the original scene to interview the complainant. child endangerment. hold a team garage sale Saturday, May 26, At press time Wednesday, May 23, Houston Mayor Annise Parker (right) announced At this time, Bostick called his wife and told her Upon further analysis of the evidence, addi- from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Sagemeadow Southwest Airlines would pay the estimated $100 million cost for the fi ve-gate expan- that he was on his way back to the scene, and it tional charges may be fi led. MUD building located at 10755 Hall Road. sion at Hobby Airport needed for the international fl ights. Under the proposal, the city The proceeds will help raise funds for the would own the expanded facilities without taking on any debt. In return for its invest- girls’ uniforms and competition costs. ment, Southwest would pay no rent for its use of four of the fi ve new international gates. Southwest would also use the customs facility rent-free. The fi fth gate and customs space City tours South Belt area AFJROTC sets car wash would be available for use by all other airlines, but they would be required to pay a fee. Houston City Council must still approve the agreement. Council is scheduled to formally The Dobie High School Air Force JROTC vote on the proposal on Wednesday, May 30. If approved, international fl ights could begin unit will host a car wash Saturday, June 2, at as early as 2015. Shown above with Parker are Houston At-Large Position 3 Councilmem- the Food Town at Beamer and Scarsdale from ber Melissa Noriega and Southwest Airlines CEO Gary Kelly. The announcement came 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Funds are being raised for just one week after a meeting to discuss the proposal drew roughly 500 area residents. See the military ball and to help cadets with costs related story on this page. Photo by Marie Flickinger of attending summer leadership school. Dobie cheer holds car wash The Dobie cheerleaders will hold a car wash 500 attend Hobby meeting at Snowie’s at 10902 Scarsdale on Saturday, June 2, from 9 a.m.
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